
  • Episode 49 – Abnormal Repetitive Behaviours in Dogs – What You Need To Know!

    Abnormal Repetitive Behaviours in dogs are challenging to diagnose and treat. Their genetic and heritable nature, the large number of physical medical differential diagnoses and their ritualistic and invariant nature can make them difficult to live with and their treatment really requires the help and support of an expert!

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. The definition of Abnormal Repetitive Behaviours

    2. The big 5 groups of ARBs

    3. What we need to think about when it comes to physical medical rule outs

    4. What breeds are predisposed

    5. How to treat these patients

    Here are some of the resources Dr Katrin mentions in this episode:

    1. Moon-Fanelli, A. A., Dodman, N. H., & Cottam, N. (2007). Blanket and flank sucking in Doberman Pinschers. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 231(6), 907–912. https://doi.org/10.2460/javma.231.6.907

    2. Dodman, N. H., Karlsson, E. K., Moon-Fanelli, A., Galdzicka, M., Perloski, M., Shuster, L., Lindblad-Toh, K., & Ginns, E. I. (2010). A canine chromosome 7 locus confers compulsive disorder susceptibility. Molecular Psychiatry, 15(1), 8–10. https://doi.org/10.1038/mp.2009.111

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 48 – Cat Resources – What You Need To Know!

    This is such a fun episode and a must listen if you are either a cat caregiver or a veterinary professional working with cats in the clinic.

    Dr Katrin and Nora chat about all the things that are considered important resources in a cat’s life, how many of them a cat ideally needs in the home or clinic and how you can design your home to best accommodate both your cat’s needs as well as your own aesthetic.

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. All about the essential feline resources

    2. How to provide resources in the most optimal way for your cat

    3. Why resources are an important part of preventative feline behavioural medicine

    4. How resources can be a fun part of your home- or clinic life

    5. How Nora has created a new job title for herself – “Feline Interior Designer”

    If you would like to book an in-person or virtual “Feline Home Design” session with Nora, please email us at:

    [email protected] OR

    [email protected]

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

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  • Episode 47 – Overgrooming and Pica in Cats – What You Need To Know!

    Does your cat overgroom to the point where they have thinning hair in one or more areas of their bodies?

    Does your cat chew and swallow non-food items?

    Do you have a pet or patient that has had numerous foreign body surgeries to remove ingested items?

    Would you like to know what you can do to help and treat these cats?

    Then this episode is for you!

    Dr Katrin chats through the main causes of both Feline Psychogenic Alopecia and Pica and how she navigates a work up and designs a treatment plan for these patients.

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. The normal grooming pattern of cats

    2. Why a physical medical work up is SO important in these cases

    3. Why cats eat rubber items and chew and eat wool blankets

    4. How to treat Abnormal Repetitive Behaviours in Cats

    5. How to avoid expensive and risky foreign body surgeries

    Learn more about Feline Idiopathic Cystitis in Episode 30 HERE

    Here are the resources Dr Katrin mentions in this episode:

    1. Waisglass, S.E., Landsberg, G. (2006). Underlying medical conditions in cats with presumptive psychogenic alopecia. JAVMA, 228:11, 1705-1709.


    2. Borns-Weil, S., Emmanuel, C., Longo, J., Kini, N., Barton, B., Smith, A., & Dodman, N. H. (2015). A case-control study of compulsive wool-sucking in Siamese and Birman cats (n = 204). Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 10(6), 543–548. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2015.07.038

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

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  • Episode 46 – Muzzles and Muzzle Training

    Muzzles are an essential part of any dog’s toolkit, whether they have ever shown aggressive behaviours or not.

    Whether for safety or in emergencies, muzzles can be extremely valuable and sometimes life-saving pieces of equipment for your dog.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin and Ilse chat through real life scenarios, discuss the right kind of muzzle and perfect muzzle fit for your dog and chat you through the basics of teaching your dog to wear a muzzle comfortably and with confidence.

    You will also learn how Dr Katrin and Ilse use muzzles with their Behaviour Patients and why, in Dr Katrin’s opinion, muzzles should NEVER be used for cats.

    Get access to your FREE MUZZLE FITTING VIDEO HERE:


    Get access to our 3-part MUZZLE UP MUZZLE TRAINING COURSE HERE:


    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

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    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Facebook: Join us on Trinity Veterinary Behaviour's Facebook page

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  • Episode 45 – Feline House Soiling – What You Need To Know!

    This is a topic we are SO passionate about.

    In a study by Salman et. al. (see below), 28% of cats who were relinquished to shelters were relinquished for behavioural reasons, and of those 28%, 43% were relinquished for house soiling.

    While this is a distressing situation for cats and caregivers alike, we actually have a really good chance of successfully treating these cases, as long as we take the path to getting to the correct diagnosis.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin gives you her approach to categorizing the different causes of feline house soiling and how we can differentiate between the different presentations to find the correct diagnosis and treatment plan.

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. The normal stages of kitten development and elimination

    2. Possible physical health contributions to Feline House Soiling

    3. How to differentiate between Urine Marking and Elimination presentations

    4. Where FIC (Feline Idiopathic Cystitis) fits into the puzzle

    5. Why addressing stress is vital in all cases of Feline House Soiling

    Here are the resources Dr Katrin mentions in this episode:

    1. Salman, M. D., Hutchison, J., Ruch-Gallie, R., Kogan, L., New, J. C., Kass, P. H., & Scarlett, J. M. (2000). Behavioral Reasons for Relinquishment of Dogs and Cats to 12 Shelters. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 3(2), 93–106. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327604jaws0302_2

    2. Sung, W., Crowell-Davis, S. (2006). Elimination behavior patterns of domestic cats (Felis catus) with and without elimination behavior problems. JAVMA, 67(9), DOI: https://doi.org/10.2460/ajvr.67.9.1500

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

    Website: Visit my website

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  • Episode 44 – Canine House Soiling – What You Need To Know!

    Getting to the bottom of Canine House Soiling problems can take a little detective work and a really solid understanding of normal canine elimination - both physiologically and developmentally -, learning theory, and medical disease processes that can contribute to house soiling.
    In this episode, Dr Katrin explains her approach to solving Canine Elimination Problems and how she organizes the information provided to her to create a treatment plan that works!

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. The normal stages of puppy development and elimination

    2. What to be able to expect when from puppies during house training

    3. Possible physical health contributors to house soiling in dogs of all ages

    4. Why learning is so important

    5. Why NEVER to punish a dog for soiling in the house

    Here are the resources Dr Katrin mentions in this episode:



    2. Learn, A., Radosta, L., & Pike, A. (2020). Preliminary assessment of differences in completeness of house-training between dogs based on size. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 35, 19–26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2019.08.003

    3. Yeon, S. C., Erb, H. N., & Houpt, K. A. (1999). A retrospective study of canine house soiling: Diagnosis and treatment. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 35(2), 101–106. https://doi.org/10.5326/15473317-35-2-101

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

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    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour YouTube: Subscribe to Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on YouTube

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    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 43 – A Veterinary Nurse’s Role in Behaviour Medicine – with Nikki McLeod

    Are you a veterinary nurse with a love for Behaviour Medicine?

    Are you a veterinary nurse who would like to know a bit more about the opportunities that Behaviour Medicine can bring with it?

    Or are you a pet caregiver who would like to know more about how you can make your pet’s experience at the veterinary clinic even better?

    Then this episode is for you!

    Dr Katrin chats to UK based Veterinary Nurse, Nikki McLeod, who is doing amazing things in her general practice in Scotland and teaching both peers as well as pet caregivers about the small things they can do to improve their pet or patient’s experience both at home as well as at the veterinary clinic.

    Learn about the continuing education opportunities available for Veterinary Nurses and how they can make a HUGE impact to animal wellbeing and welfare!

    A really great episode with a truly passionate pet care professional!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

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  • Episode 42 – Fear Free Tips for Cats

    Following on from last week’s episode on Fear Free tips for dogs, Dr Katrin and Nora discuss their 5 Top Tips for Fear Free Veterinary Practice for cats.

    This episode is intended to provide feline-based quick wins for all veterinary- and pet care professionals who want to provide a better experience for their feline patients as well as giving cat caregivers an insight into what they can and should expect from their veterinary practice.

    These tips are so easy to implement and absolutely won’t break the bank and will make an IMMEDIATE difference to kitty cats in veterinary practices everywhere.

    Dr Katrin and Nora end up by giving you their “one thing they couldn’t live without” when it comes to Fear Free, Cat-Friendly Practice.

    This is an episode you won’t want to miss if you are a veterinary professional or cat-lover!

    We really hope you enjoy the episode!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

    Website: Visit my website

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    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Facebook: Join us on Trinity Veterinary Behaviour's Facebook page

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  • Episode 41 – Fear Free Tips for Dogs

    As a Fear Free Certified Veterinary Practice, we look at new and innovative ways of delivering patient- and client care literally all the time.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin and Ilse share their 5 Top Tips for improving your canine patient or pet’s veterinary experience as well as the one thing they couldn’t live without when it comes to Fear Free Veterinary Care!

    We specifically wanted to share “Quick Win”, easy to implement and very affordable ways of improving your own Fear Free approach, things the whole team can get behind.

    This episode is a must listen if you are a veterinarian, veterinary nurse, veterinary receptionist, pet care professional or pet caregiver that wants to improve every patient- and pet experience in the veterinary clinic!

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

    Website: Visit my website

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    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Facebook: Join us on Trinity Veterinary Behaviour's Facebook page

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour YouTube: Subscribe to Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on YouTube

    LinkedIn Profile: Connect with me on LinkedIn

    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 40– Noise Fear and Phobias – What you need to know!

    Did you know that up to 50% of our pet dogs suffer from noise sensitivity, fear of noises or even noise phobias?

    That is a HUGE amount and most of them go undiagnosed and untreated. And that means that many of our pets suffer, either on a daily basis or during specific noise events such as fireworks and thunderstorms.

    Cats are likely also affected by noises, but because they tend to hide in these circumstances, pet caregivers might not notice this, and they are even less likely to get the help they might need.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin chats about:

    · The different diagnoses when it comes to noises - is it a phobia, fear or sensitivity?

    · The signs your dog might show if they are fearful of noises

    · Why household electrical appliances are important

    · How dogs hear differently from humans and what that means for them

    · How we can manage the environment to help

    · Counter-conditioning to noises

    · Supplements, pheromones and medications

    Here are some of the papers Dr Katrin mentioned in this episode:

    1. An open-label prospective study of the use of l-theanine (Anxitane) in storm-sensitive client-owned dogs, Amy L. Pike, Debra F. Horwitz, Heidi Lobprise, JVB, 2015, Vol 10:4, pp324-331, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2015.04.001

    2. Dexmedetomidine oromucosal gel for noise associated acute anxiety and fear in dogs—a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study, Vet Record, 2017, M. Korpivaara, K. Laapas, M. Huhtinen, B. Schöning, K. Overall

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

    Facebook Group: Join The Pet Behaviour Community on Facebook

    You can CONNECT with me:

    Website: Visit my website

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Instagram: Follow Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on Instagram

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Facebook: Join us on Trinity Veterinary Behaviour's Facebook page

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour YouTube: Subscribe to Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on YouTube

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    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 39 - Brain Health and Behaviour

    This episode is all about how brain health affects behaviour.

    Our brain does not exist in isolation from the rest of our body and so changes in the rest of our body can affect brain health, and therefore behaviour.

    Physical health, but also genetics, epigenetics, early life development and learning can all affect the brain, the brain’s health and, ultimately, behaviour.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    · How genetics and epigenetics affect behaviour

    · How small details such as where a puppy is located in their mom’s womb can affect behaviour

    · Why Neurotransmitters are EVERYTHING 😊

    · What happens if communication in the brain is disrupted

    · How neurological, gastro-intestinal and dermatological disease as well as pain can affect behaviour

    Some of the research papers Dr Katrin talks about in this episode:

    1. Amadei, E., Cantile, C., Gazzano, A., Pierantoni, L., & Mariti, C. (2021). The link between neurology and behavior in veterinary medicine: A review. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 46, 40–53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2021.07.003

    2. Watson, F., Rusbridge, C., Packer, R. M. A., Casey, R. A., Heath, S., & Volk, H. A. (2018). A review of treatment options for behavioural manifestations of clinical anxiety as a comorbidity in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. Veterinary Journal, 238, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2018.06.001

    3. McAuliffe, L. R., Koch, C. S., Serpell, J., & Campbell, K. L. (2022). Associations Between Atopic Dermatitis and Anxiety, Aggression, and Fear-Based Behaviors in Dogs. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 58(4), 161–167. https://doi.org/10.5326/JAAHA-MS-7210

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

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    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour YouTube: Subscribe to Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on YouTube

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    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 38 – Behaviour Problems in Rabbits

    In this week’s episode, we are talking to the amazing Dr Isabelle Resch all about rabbit behaviour.

    Dr Isabelle is not only a fellow resident of Dr Katrin’s, but also a member of the Australia and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in both Behaviour Medicine and Internal Medicine and has vast experience in treating small mammals such as rabbits.

    Dr Katrin chats to Dr Isabelle about the complexities of rabbit behaviour, the most common rabbit behaviour problems and what both veterinarians as well as rabbit caregivers can do to optimize rabbit environment, both in the veterinary clinic and at home.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    1. Rabbits are social creatures and should never be housed alone.

    2. The 3 most common behaviour problems in rabbits.

    3. How to optimize rabbit environment in the veterinary clinic and at home.

    4. How to handle rabbits gently to maximize their welfare.

    We really hope you enjoyed this episode!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 37 – How we became a Fear Free Certified Veterinary Practice

    Ahhhh, this is such an exciting episode!

    Dr Katrin chats to Nora and Ilse about becoming a Fear Free Certified Veterinary Practice, about what motivated this step, what they all learned in the process and how this accolade has massively impacted the team, the clients and, of course, the patients.

    They chat about the challenging creation of the SOPs, the practical implementation of a Fear Free approach, the day of the assessment and what the big wins have been on the back of this.

    But, even more importantly, the conversation includes so much about the ethos of working in a Fear Free way and the impact this has on the experience, welfare and clinical outcomes of the patients.

    This is SUCH a great episode, and whether you are a vet, vet nurse, pet parent or pet care professional, we hope you will be inspired!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    Website: Visit my website

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  • Episode 36 – Shelter Puppies – Carol & Marley’s Story

    How do you know what to expect when you adopt a puppy from a shelter?

    Puppies born in or taken to shelters at an early age probably face quite a few different challenges to other puppies.

    Don’t get me wrong, puppies bred in large scale breeding facilities and sold via pet shops also face challenges, as do puppies that have altered genetics or are challenged epigenetically, however, shelters bring their own set of circumstances with them and, if you are considering getting a puppy from a shelter, I would advise that you do some research and go into the puppy adventure with eyes wide open!

    In this episode, Dr Katrin chats to Carol, who, together with her husband Paul, adopted the lovely Marley from a shelter in Abu Dhabi as a puppy.

    Have a listen as they chat about Marley’s unique behavioural challenges, how these affected Carol and Paul and how Dr Katrin and Ilse helped them understand Marley better and put a treatment plan in place to help Marley become a happier, healthier individual, one that the whole family can now enjoy!

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 35 – Cat-Cat Introductions…What You Need To Know!

    We see A LOT of Feline Behaviour Cases here in the UAE and, unlike other areas in the world, we see an over-representation of Inter-Cat Aggression cases, which means 2 or more cats living in the same household showing signs of hostility towards each other or even actively fighting with each other.

    This is a really stressful situation for everyone involved, including the cats involved in the hostility or fights, cats and other pets who are not involved in the fights and, of course, the caregivers.

    But why do we see this so commonly in cats, why much more so than in other species?

    Well, this is all down to cats’ unique sociability spectrums and Dr Katrin delves deep into this at the beginning of the episode.

    What you will learn from this episode:

    1. Whether you should add a second (or third or fourth) cat to the home.

    2. Which cats are more likely to form good relationships with each other.

    3. How resources influence the social dynamic.

    4. How to practically begin an introduction process.

    5. When to ask for help!

    This is a complex and often frustrating scenario and impacts everyone’s wellbeing and welfare so we really hope you enjoy this episode!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

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    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 34 – Veterinary Behaviour Medicine in Singapore – A chat with Dr Daphne Ang

    This is SUCH a great episode packed with information for vets, vet nurses, pet care professionals and pet caregivers alike.

    Dr Katrin gets to chat to her fellow resident and good friend, Dr Daphne Ang, about her individual residency journey (because all journeys are different and individual) and how Dr Daphne is bringing Behavioural Medicine to the wonderful country of Singapore.

    Dr Katrin chat about her challenges in setting up this brand-new service in the Middle East and the parallels between this in the expat hubs of the UAE and Singapore.

    Both Drs reflect on how Behavioural Medicine has made them better practitioners and how they view their patients quite differently, even after 25 year in General Practice.

    They talk about the families behind the pet and providing a safe space for them to share their frustrations and challenges of living with pets with Behaviour Problems.

    This is such as cool and global episode and you won’t want to miss this, especially if you are a vet considering a residency in Veterinary Behaviour Medicine yourself!

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much reflection, soul searching and great information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 33 – Separation Anxiety – What you need to know!

    This is a big topic and certainly one that can’t be covered in just a single episode.

    In this first dive into Separation Related Behaviours (find out why this is a much better definition!), we look at causes and underlying motivations for Separation Related Behaviours, how to recognize if your dog is suffering from this (videos will be your best friend) and how you can get help to address this important behavioural problem.

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. How genetics, learning and the environment contribute to the development of Separation Related Behaviours.

    2. Why pandemic puppies may be predisposed.

    3. The classic presenting signs of Separation Related Behaviours.

    4. How a multi-modal treatment approach.

    5. Why you should be contacting a Veterinary Behaviourist to help!

    We also chat about the strain that Separation Related Behaviours can put on caregivers and how this may affect their lives in so many ways, this is definitely not an easy Behavioural Challenge to live with. We understand that and we are here to help!

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 32 – Scaredy Cats – Natasha and Spokie’s Story

    Following on from episode 31, where Dr Katrin chats about the basic principles of fear, anxiety and phobias, here is a practical case of a cat that is definitely anxious and possibly also fearful in her everyday life.

    Dr Katrin chats through her multi-modal approach to improving Spokie’s behavioural health and Natasha tells us which environmental change she thought worked best in helping to alleviate Spokie’s fear and anxiety.

    Natasha also lets us in to a few secrets about what worked for her regarding Spokie’s daily medication administration!

    If you are a cat lover or if you are living with a fearful kitty cat, then this episode is a must listen for you!

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 31 – Fears, Phobias and Anxiety

    So many of our pets struggle with anxiety or specific fears and phobias.

    But how can we tell if this is just a normal and adaptive response to the pet’s environment or if they are “abnormal” or maladaptive responses that need treatment?

    What you will learn in this episode:

    1. The definitions, differences and similarities between fear, phobia, and anxiety.

    2. How to tell if this is an adaptive or maladaptive response to the pet’s internal or external environment.

    3. What causes and contributes to these presentations?

    4. How you can help your pet or patient if you suspect they may have an anxiety disorder or are suffering form fears and phobias.

    There is so much in this episode and will set listeners up for following episodes that diver deeper into specific presentations such as separation anxiety and noise phobias.

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

    Facebook Group: Join The Pet Behaviour Community on Facebook

    You can CONNECT with me:

    Website: Visit my website

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Instagram: Follow Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on Instagram

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Facebook: Join us on Trinity Veterinary Behaviour's Facebook page

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour YouTube: Subscribe to Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on YouTube

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    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 30 – Stress and Disease with Dr Gaelle Joanny

    This is SUCH a great episode packed with information for vets, vet nurses, pet care professionals and pet caregivers alike.

    Listen as Dr Katrin chats with Dr Gaelle about 2 of the most common physical diseases caused or precipitated by stress - gastro-intestinal disease in dogs and cats and FIC (feline idiopathic cystitis) in cats.

    We can see time and time again how physical and mental/emotional health are intertwined and these two presentations are perfect examples of this.

    Dr Gaelle chats about some of the diets the Hill’s Pet Food has developed to help support both stress-related gastro-intestinal disease as well as FIC.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    1. How stress affects physical health and vice versa.

    2. What you can do to treat or prevent stress-related GI disease with diets and probiotics.

    3. The pathophysiology of FIC in cats and how stress is a contributor in 75% of cases under the age of 10 years.

    4. How diets can contribute to the treatment and long-term management of FIC in cats.

    Here are the links to the scientific studies mentioned by Dr Katrin and Dr Gaelle in this episode:

    1. Marion, M., Lecoindre, P., Marlois, N., Mège, C., Béata, C., Sarcey, G., & Muller, G. (2017). Link between gastric chronic diseases and anxiety in dogs. Dog Behavior, 3(3), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.4454/DB.V3I3.63

    2. Beata, C., Beaumont-Graff, E., Coll, V., Cordel, J., Marion, M., Massal, N., Marlois, N., & Tauzin, J. (2007). Effect of alpha-casozepine (Zylkene) on anxiety in cats. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 2(2), 40–46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2007.02.002

    3. Beata, C., Beaumont-Graff, E., Diaz, C., Marion, M., Massal, N., Marlois, N., Muller, G., & Lefranc, C. (2007). Effects of alpha-casozepine (Zylkene) versus selegiline hydrochloride (Selgian, Anipryl) on anxiety disorders in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 2(5), 175–183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2007.08.001

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    You can CONNECT with me:

    Website: Visit my website

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Instagram: Follow Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on Instagram

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Facebook: Join us on Trinity Veterinary Behaviour's Facebook page

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour YouTube: Subscribe to Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on YouTube

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    Thank you for tuning in!