Self pity is what I label as an indulgent emotion. But I want to discuss today why it's so important to become aware of and how it's different than pity you feel for others. Join me to learn more about it so you can start taking control of it in your life!
Click here to join the waitlist to be the first to know when the next Couples Course cohort launches! If you want to have a Porn Free Marriage and want to work together with your spouse to make that happen, this is for you!
You could be cheating on yourself and not even know it. That's what I'm talking about today. If you are not where you want to be in any area- your body, your marriage, your relationships-this episode is for you. I'm diving into why you might not be where you want to be yet and the key that will actually get you there. Let's go!
Ready to stop cheating on yourself and commit to the version of you you want to become? Come join my LIFETIME access coaching program and start moving forward today.
Want to work 1-1 with me? I have opened a few limited spots for private coaching and one is waiting for you! Click here for full details and secure your spot today!
Puuttuva jakso?
The thoughts you think about yourself MATTER. And today I'm diving into why AND the 3 main ways that we subconsciously keep ourselves in a negative thought loop. Let's change that right now.
Click here to join the waitlist for the next Porn Free Marriage couples course enrollment!
Ready to work with me one on one? Click here for full details and to sign up today!
If you're feeling stuck, it's not your fault. You've been lied to. And those lies are what are keeping you stuck in the betrayal and pain of your husband's pornography problem. But, you don't have to stay there. And, today, I'm going to identify what those lies are, how they're keeping you stuck, and what you can do about it!
Click here to get full access to the FREE replay of this webinar!
Are you worried about trusting or believing your husband because you did that in the past and you were naive? This is for you! Today I'm talking about the difference between naivete and ignorance and why they are so important to recognize and distinguish!
Did you miss this round of the Porn Free Marriage Couples Course? Don't worry! Click here to sign up for the waitlist to be the first to know when the next round begins!
Ready to create the transformation you're looking for and STOP feeling so anxious about your husband's behavior all the time? Now is the perfect time to join my coaching program! Click here to sign up! And be sure to add one on one coaching to skyrocket your progress!
Do you want to just make SURE that where you are is where you THINK you are? That what you believe is actually correct? If you find yourself wanting to check his phone or ask him just to have him reassure you that where you are is where you think you are, this is for you!
Ready to move forward and have a Porn Free Marriage? Click here to get full details and sign up for the couples course that is now live! This course will run from the week of February 24-April 4 and you can find full details on last week's podcast episode!
Click here to enroll in the "How To Trust" Master Class for just $49! Learn what trust is, what it isn't, the roadblocks to trust, and join me as I walk you through learning how to rebuild trust in yourself and your spouse!
Want to know how to have a porn free marriage? This is it. I'm sharing the outline for the brand new Porn Free Marriage Couples Course that is launching this Friday, February 14! This is a 6 week, interactive course with live group coaching calls that is designed to not only help you prevent pornography from entering your home again but also help you become free from the affects of pornography!
Click here to join the waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment in this course opens on February 14!
Want to join this week's Sex And Intimacy Master Class? Click here to save your seat!
This week is a replay of my MOST downloaded episode of all time. And it's one of the most important because it breaks down the lie that your husband's pornography problem has anything to do with you OR your sexual relationship. If you've listened to it before, it's time to refresh!
Want help breaking up with the lie that porn is about you or your sex life? Sign up for next week's "Sex and Intimacy" Master Class! joining gives you access to all 4 days of live coaching and content plus lifetime access to the replays! Click here to save your seat!
Want more info on the "Porn Free Marriage Couples Course"? Click here to join the waitlist and you'll be the first to know when enrollment opens on February 14!
Can you have sex without intimacy? What's the difference between the two? Today we're diving into it so you can start to create both on purpose.
Come join me for my Sex and Intimacy Master Class Feb 10-13! Click here for full details and save your seat today!
Ready to transform your relationship with your body and your sexuality for the better? Click here to take advantage of a special Valentine's Day Master Class Bundle! This gives you access to 4 Master Classes for just $199-saving you money and getting you on your way to actually enjoying your valentine's day!
Ready to create a Porn Free Marriage? Sign up to be the first to know when my first ever Couples Course is launched in February!
Do you think things like "I used to think of my husband as..... but now I only see him as...". This is for you. When we have two versions of our spouse, it can cause A LOT of unnecesary negative emotion and keep us stuck. Today I'm going to discuss what reconciling is, why it's so important, and what the biggest problems are with keeping two versions of your husband in your mind.
Click here to join my email list and be the first to know when you can sign up for February's "Sex and Intimacy" Master Class!
Come follow my NEW Instagram acount for Porn Free World! @prnfreeworld This is where I will be launching my first ever course for COUPLES on how to have a Porn Free Marriage! Click here to join the waitlist to be the FIRST to know when it launches!
Click here to see the FULL online roster of master classes!
Click here to sign up for coaching at the lowest price ever of $167/month!!!
Do you want to have more compassion for your spouse but you're struggling with that? Maybe you don't like that you are judging him-especially if he's trying to change...This is for you. I'm diving into why we do this, why it's not a problem, and how to work through it.
Are you worried that you are enabling the behavior of someone in your life? Maybe you think you are enabling your husband in his pornography addiction or a child in their behvior? Today I'm diving into what enabling truly is, why we do it, and when it's not a bad thing!
Stay up to date on all the latest by joining my email list! Head to my website and sign up and I'll send tools and tips right to you!
Just like physical habits like reading a book or scrolling your phone, we also have emotional habits. Today I'm diving into what those are, what they look like and why it's so important to start becoming aware of what those habits are in your life.
If you're ready to take control and chance some emotional habits in your life, come join me at next week's "A Year For You" Master Class! This will be January 6-9 @ 12pm est and is just $99 when you use the code "email50" at checkout. Click here for full details and save your seat today!
Today I'm sharing the #1 tool share with my clients when they're going through something hard. If you want to know how to get through hard times, this is it.
How do you move on when you don't have the full Truth? And, is there such a thing? Today I'm diving into all of it and showing you that YES! You can!
Not interested in repeating this year in 2025? Click here to save your seat at my brand new master class called "A Year For You". In this class held Jan6-9 I'm going to teach you how to change from the inside out so that you stop living the same year over and over again! Use code "email50" for $50 off when you register!
Don't miss out on the chance to get private coaching from me! For 2025 I am offering private 1-1 coaching and I only have 2 spots left! Click here to get full details and schedule a free consultation call with me today!
Ready to see what coaching can do for you? Join today for just $249 and get full access to twice weekly coaching AND all my online content for an entire year! Click here for full details and sign up today!
Or any other time of year...:) It can be difficult to set boundaries...especially with the ones we love most. So, in this episode I'm going to walk you through 6 simple steps to help you set boundaries so that you can actually enjoy your holiday season!
Want to submit a topic for the podcast? Simply message me on IG @jolenewinncoaching! Shoot me a direct message and I'll do an episode for you!
I transformed this year in a way I didn't even think was possible. And as I looked at what created that transformation, I wanted to offer the same opportunity to you. This year I am opening up 3 private coaching spots for those who are 100% committed to going after what you've previously believed is impossible...it isn't. That version of you is waiting. And I can help you get there.
Click here for full 1-1 coaching details and to sign up for a free consultation call today.
Offer expires Jan 1st so sign up today!
Why does that thing still hurt when it happened 18 years ago? Why does it still feel so fresh? Today I'm diving into the relationship between healing and time...and why it's the best news I could ever give you!
Don't miss out on the limited time chance to coach with me one on one! I am opening 3 private coaching spots for 2025 and if you know you want one, click here to schedule a FREE consultation call with me today!
If you are ready to make this the best year yet and join at the LOWEST PRICE ever- now is the time! Join today for 12 months of coaching at just $249/month! Click here for full details!
Curious about working with me but unsure what is the best option for you? Or just want to make sure it's the right fit before investing? Click here to schedule a FREE consultation call with me today!
Do you find it hard to feel gratitiude when your husband is still struggling with porn? Or maybe he's getting better but you are disappointed that YOU'RE not? This week I'm sharing a personal (and very recent) disappointing experience and what I've learned through it.
If you're ready to take this to the next level and start transforming your life, I want to invite you to join my coaching program. With a new lower pricing option and a limited time private coaching offer, there has never been a better time to sign up! Click here to schedule your free consultation call with me today!
How do you feel more attractive? Does it come from your spouse? What if he's watching porn? How are you supposed to feel more attractive if you can't change what he's doing? If you want to feel more attractive, this episode is for you! I'm diving into what creates attractiveness and leading you through an exercise that will help you identify why you don't feel attractive so that you can then change it!
Want to dive into this on a deeper level with my help? Come join us for this week's Attraction Master Class! Click here to sign up to get access to all 4 days of live coaching PLUS lifetime access to all the replays!
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