
  • In Part 2 of Addressing Mind and Body with Gary Ward, we continue to look at how lack of movement from emotional or traumatic experiences, translates into physical pathologies. We then look at different strategies that help to resolve these imbalances becoming locked unconsciously into the body. 

    ✅ Taking ownership of your body 
    ✅ How practitioners facilitate a process 
    ✅ Going to the doctor instead of learning about your body 
    ✅ How postural collapse can negatively impact you breathing and digestion  
    ✅ Identifying how your body can and can’t move 
    ✅ Why a considered approach to movement around pain is necessary 
    ✅ Other contributing factors to consider 
    ✅ Why understanding how movement is binary can be the key to finding balance 
    ✅ Why all potential movement the body is capable of is necessary 
    ✅ What your body can’t do and how it will impact yoga, sport and any other movement

    SUMMARY KEYWORDS movement, body, people, ribcage, jaw, pelvis, shoulder, move, teach, compromised, spine, joints, stuck, yoga, feet, clients, yoga teacher, learn, practitioner, find

    Website www.ixcheltherapies.co.uk 

    Get Into Your Body Methodology

    Book a discovery call

    More Info on Gary Ward

    Gary is known for breaking the mould of anatomical thinking in the realm of human movement and for his creation of the Flow Motion Model. A model which breaks down the movement of every single bone and joint in the human body during a single footstep which can be used for therapeutic purposes.

    #flowmotionmodel #garywardsanatomyinmotion #whatthefoot #wakeyourbodyup #wakeyourfeetup #anatomyinmotion #garyward

    If you want to guide people to Wake Your Body Up : https://findingcentre.co.uk/wake-your-body-up/

    AiM Education online courses: https://online.findingcentre.co.uk/bundles/lower-limb-and-upper-body-bundle

    The website itself: www.findingcentre.co.uk

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  • Introduction
    I started learning from Gary Ward about 9 years ago. I was very interested in what he had to say about the foot and how it could impact the whole body. Even though I had a degree in Clinical Massage, I was still fascinated by the effectiveness of Reflexology and how working with the feet could make a difference to the entire body.
    I found that Gary's Flow Motion Model provided a way to understand and experience how the body's joints can connect and disconnect the mind and body. I have seen this in hundreds of my clients, where the story of their body or the alignment of their feet often has a much deeper impact than just physical pain or restricted movement.
    In the Podcast Transcript read about:

    The experience of how Gary Wards Flow Motion Model helped me find the keys to unlocking years of unconscious emotional holding.

    How feeling the connection with your bones and joints can be key to finding safety and resolving trauma.

    Alignment equals movement, whether emotional pain or physical performance

    Why Mind and Body should be one word

    How fight or flight and freeze state distort your movement

    Why creating safety is the key to realignment

  • In this episode, we welcome Jenny Lynne Sessions to The Positive Power Of Pain Podcast.

    Listen to your Heart, Turn Trauma to Treasure for the Benefit of All is our conversation about unseen magic in the air that conspires to help us.

    We have recorded this episode to honor Jen-ix on her 60th Revolution around the sun.

    You will hear part of Jenny's story of being 'A Pearl from the Wreckage', a message about how to listen to your heart and surrender to higher guidance, rather than force things to be a certain way.

    We discuss how Jen-ix felt guided by spirit to share the last days and ceremonial closure of her soul friend Roxy, The Jedi Frog Princess.  She felt guided to share it on Facebook in the moment, with the intention of communicating to people that within a tragedy there can also be incredible, beauty and honoring through presence and ceremony. It was heartwrenching and beautiful to see the rawness of reality of what she exposed.

    roxy's last message that she communicated for all was 'To always let love be your guiding star'.

    Jen-ix is a truly unique expression of life, a creative catalyst for change and transformation.

    Widely recognized as a natural-born, song-led shaman, spiritual teacher, visionary, healer, and transpersonal therapist.  She runs international workshops, one-to-one, and bespoke group sessions.

    She is an author presenter, poet, artist, singer-songwriter and intuitive channel, a transformational speaker, and fire-walk instructor.

    Honoring the interconnectedness of all life, the profound healing power of nature, and the glorious gift of humor, she uses drum, voice and sacred song to harmonize discordant energies.  Jen-ix opens multi-dimensional doorways through which to journey and heal.

    She has walked with many spiritual leaders and shamans.  The wisdom of the elders underpins her work.

    Facing death in 2009, with a severely fractured spine, Jen-ix re-committed to life with a new frequency, becoming her own medicine, turning trauma into treasure.  This is what she teaches with passion, compassion, and gratitude.  Magic always surrounds her.

    For more information on The Ixchel System, a program for Trauma and Pain Relief, go to www.ixcheltherapies.co.uk

  • Sometimes you develop pain in your body for no obvious reason.  

    However, if you look a little closer and tune into 'your self' there may well be a memory or current situation in your life where its impact is literally physically hurting you.  

    This is your body's way of trying to tell you something is wrong and needs to be changed or released. 

    The mind-body connection is so powerful because it is not necessarily a conscious process.  

    Instead, our subconscious is filing away experiences and then they bubble up in your life in a completely disconnected way.  This can inhibit you from doing important things in your life, but it can also show up physically as pain. 

    On this Podcast Alexia Leachman and myself discuss this connection, and how you can access your Head Trash to release pain.  

    We delve into the complexity of how something that could have happened when you were a child, could still be running you today.  

    We also look at how back pain can manifest due to needing to give too much support or not being supported enough.  Or how shoulder pain can show up when you are literally shouldering too much responsibility.

    It can be helpful to become curious and consider whether any health challenge you may be dealing with, has a voice that wants you to listen....... 

    Alexia is a mindset coach, marketing mentor, author and trainer. She is also the creator of Head Trash Clearance, a potent clearance tool for getting rid of fears, anxieties, self-doubts and sabotage.   

    As a coach Alexia works with business leaders to get rid of the head trash that is standing in the way of their power, visibility and confidence so that they can increase their impact and scale rapidly. 

    Alexia is also sought out by those who want to clear the head trash that’s affecting their personal lives and has worked with many women who want to improve their relationships and have families. 

    Over the years, Alexia has been hired by people from all over the world including A-listers and TV personalities to help them lose their fears and find calmness, clarity and confidence in their lives. 

    As a trainer, Alexia trains coaches and therapists, doulas and midwives in Head Trash Clearance so that they too can help their clients to achieve rapid changes in mindset and behaviours. 

    Alexia the author of Clear Your Head Trash: How to Create Clarity, Confidence and Peace in your Life and Work which teaches how to use the Head Trash Clearance Method tool. 

    Her book Fearless Birthing shares how this tool can used to help with pregnancy and birth fears. Alexia is the host of two chart-topping and award-nominated podcasts that together have amassed over 1.4m downloads.. 

    The Head Trash Show helps her listeners to improve their mindset while her Fear Free Childbirth + Motherhood podcast helps women lose the fear around pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Alexia lives in the south of France with her two kids. 

    As a family, they recently left the UK to create their dream life and it’s still a work-in-progress.  

    Links Website   https://clearyourheadtrash.com/ https://www.headtrashclearance.com/   http://www.fearfreechildbirth.com/ https://fearless-birthing.com/ Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/headtrash  Twitter   https://twitter.com/AlexiaL  Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alexial/ https://www.instagram.com/fearfreechildbirth/

  • In this Positive Power of Pain Podcast we are going to look at all things Fibromyalgia..... 

    What is Fibromyalgia, what are the symptoms, how is it diagnosed, or how does it get misdiagnosed?  

    What are the complications of Fibromyalgia, who gets it?  Is there a particular type of person who experiences it?  

    Is it women more than men who get it, or the other way around? 

    What is the prognosis once you have it?  

    Who do you go to for help with it?  How do you treat it and how long does it take to treat it? 

    What are the contra-indications of techniques like massage or osteopathy when trying to relieve the pain?  

    Why is it such a sensitive pathology? What outcome can you expect overall? 

    This podcast is going to answer all of the above, plus lots more.....  so I hope it is helpful, especially if you or someone you know is suffering with the condition. 

    Have you had Fibromyalgia?  If so then please share how it is for you, and if you think this podcast is helpful then share it with others. You will hear about The 10 Minute Fix which is an active rest technique to help to support and relax your body.  

    You can access it here https://mailchi.mp/b97e7ac60c36/the-10-minute-fix 

    Or for more information on The Ixchel System courses that will help your body to feel better https://ixcheltherapies.co.uk/get-into-your-body-l1

  • Have you or are you experiencing Loneliness or Emotional Isolation? If so this solitary experience can be a precursor to chronic physical disease. Self-harm or self-care will usually be the response. The moment of choice between those two directions can be a pivotal moment in your life. The lower the level of emotional pain, the easier it is to rationally respond to your experience and reach out to deal with the these difficult challenges and feelings. In this episode I share some of my own story around this, as well as my experience of working with many people dealing with the conflict between the choice of self-harm eg addiction, or self-care eg health strategies. If you identify with any of this, then make sure you listen to part two, where we will look at specific illnesses or pain that could show up, if you are unable to connect with healthy and loving social interaction.

  • The positive power of your Grief is something that could seem to be a contradiction.  

    How could the pain of loss of someone or something you love ever be a positive? Especially if the very nature of your grief, is negative, and breeds the urge to avoid feeling or expressing your deepest pain.

     However, grief is an indication of your loss of something precious, that added great value to your life.

     In this podcast, I am discussing how unexpressed grief, can very easily make you ill, without you necessarily joining up the dots, and connecting the experience to a disease or pain challenge. 

    You will hear about the: 

    * 7 stages of grief 

    *complicated grief 

    *how grief can send the structure out of your body out of alignment

     *disease and grief

     *the keys and strategies to begin releasing grief

     *the positive power of your grief

    Access the 10 Minute Fix  https://mailchi.mp/b97e7ac60c36/the-10-minute-fix

    Or Unlock your grief and find out more about Get Into Your Body Level 1 


  • Are you struggling with dodgy digestion.  Are your gut's positive pain messages beyond your understanding? 
    Maybe you have tried lots of things, but it just comes back? Do you know how connected your digestion is to your mental and emotional health?  
    Are you aware of how your posture may be crushing your gut's ability to digest?  Has a period of stress immobilised your capacity to rest and digest? Can you absorb what you eat? In this podcast, I will tell you about this and lots more. 
    As a Coeliac who got diagnosed 30 years ago, I learnt very early on, in a serious way, just how dependant our health is on a good digestive system. 
    Believe it or not, 80% of your immune system lives in your gut, so if you don't listen to what your gut is telling you, you are very possibly going to suffer. Or if you are feeling rough, but not connecting it to your gut, (I share my experience of this at the beginning of the podcast) then you might want to check out what's happening. Also, here is a link to the 10 Minute Fix, which is a great way of relaxing your Gut, so that you can Rest and Digest!  https://mailchi.mp/b97e7ac60c36/the-10-minute-fix

  • There are many causes of foot pain. Injury, new shoes, walking badly, other health conditions.....

    Today we are going to look at your feet, and how to begin to resolve or prevent foot pain.

    Enjoy and please share the positive power of foot pain. If you want more info to www.ixcheltherapies.co.uk . You can look at the Courses Section and Get Into Body Level 1. 

    Or if you want help today, you can book a consultation here https://bit.ly/3vUwOxL