Many victims aren't able to stand up for themselves. Victims like those of child sex trafficking and childhood abuse. And that's why people like Lisa Jameson stand up on their behalf. Lisa has been creating awareness around this insidious and evil criminal activity for over 5 years. Having been a victim of childhood abuse, this topic struck a chord for her.
In our conversation, Lisa shares what it is that causes people to be involved in child sex trafficking, what causes them to exploit the innocent, the methods they use and some ways to ensure our children are protected from the perils of the internet and social media.
We discuss how it is that children get to that point of vulnerability, as a result of the unintentional neglect of their parents or carers. It's because these children are missing true love, care, security, stability, being listened to, that they become targets for these criminals.
This leads to what we as parents, educators, as members of democratic societies can do to ensure our children's needs are genuinely and selflessly met by those who truly care for them, to make sure we are there for them, present for them.
Here are links Lisa refers to at the end of our conversation, to assist us in furthering our being more informed and able to act in some way, to help all our children. They're U.S. based organisations. I've added ones for Australia.
U.S. based - sharedhope.org, love146.org, TheUndergroundne.org
Australia based - gozoe.org.au, a21.orgIf you took some benefit from this episode, if you find it of value, please add your comment, or even email me at [email protected]. It'll help me with creating future content. And please do share.
This podcast is presented by Yaja Nowakowski of Simply Possibilities. Contact: [email protected]. Possibilities blog and podcast can be found at simplypossibilities.com
I read a LinkedIn meme that said, "If you want to build a great company, create an environment where someone can raise their hand and say "I disagree" without any fear of victimization or termination". [link to the post - https://bit.ly/3s31YUg]
This isn't the first time I'm hearing/reading such a statement. Whenever we don't speak up, i.e. say we disagree or agree, then basically we're choosing to lie. Even if it's in fear of being victimized or losing our job or not fitting in.
What we're doing is creating a habit of lying and more than likely, we're teaching others, including our kids at home, or team mates at work, to do the same - lie.
One small lie creates a snowball effect. We've heard so many lies these past years from our politicians and from the media. This cycle of deception has to stop. It won't with them, so it must with us. We have to take responsibility to make the small personal changes, because it's these changes that will create the changes on a global scale. But it must start with us first.
If you took some benefit from this episode, if you find it of value, please add your comment, or even email me at [email protected]. It'll help me with creating future content. And please do share.
This podcast is presented by Yaja Nowakowski of Simply Possibilities. Contact: [email protected]. Possibilities blog and podcast can be found at simplypossibilities.com
Puuttuva jakso?
What a year 2020 has been! And isn't it time we had more conversations around values? Did you know that the more we have genuine discussions around values, not only do you get to understand them more, but you begin to take them on, which in turn adds to creating a stronger and healthier workplace culture. It also means that when the unexpected, the uncertain and, like with last year, a crisis may strike, we're much more equipped to handle those times more effectively and with more joy, less stress. So in the first part of this year, that's what we'll be focusing on.
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, educating and empowering leaders. Because when these leaders are empowered, they'll empower others to lead. empoweringleaders.online -
In this podcast where Alex interviews Jeffery Wang, you'll hear statements like "We're living in a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity" "Here in Australia, a perfect storm is brewing. We need great leadership to get us out of the most difficult time since the Great Depression", and of course, that "Australia has long been known as the lucky country." However, Jeffery says that this isn't a compliment. "We've been asleep at the wheel". We've been driving on blind luck and "drinking to delay the inevitable hangover".
Listen to this incredible episode to find out what this all means to those of us living in the "lucky" country.
Jeffery proudly founded the Professional Development Forum (PDF) so as to help diverse young professionals reach their full potential in the modern Australian workplace. Find out more here - http://professionaldevelopmentforum.org/. You can also connect with Jeffery on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefferycwang/
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
What truly incredible stories you'll hear in this episode. Alex discusses her 'time' in prisons, the challenges of managing call centres, the difficulties of fitting in as a child in a new country, of soiled pants in kindy, and so much more. These experiences have each influenced where and who she is now as an expert in communication, connection and influence.
* Book in Your FREE 30 Minute Discovery Session on How You Can Level Up Your Mentoring - https://calendly.com/alexandraegan.
* "How to Build Stronger Relationships and Master the Art of Connection Online" program on 12th September, 10am to 2pm.
Here's how you can connect with Alex Email: [email protected]. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thedominoeffectconsulting/
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
Ever been in this predicament where you're about to give someone feedback and you can tell by their reaction that they're probably thinking, "I've done nothing wrong, so why do I need feedback?" We know that feedback is a tool we all need to use and not just to help someone 'fix' something. In this episode, Alex and I discuss the incredible value that there is in giving, and taking, feedback.
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
During our online summit, Alex and I dive into the importance of empowering leaders, especially during times of crisis. I share how my business, Empowering Leaders speakers bureau and events came about, as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
During our online Summit, Alex and I discuss one of her all time favourite topics around communication - the barriers that get in the way of great communication. What are the causes? What are the solutions?
Tune in to Alex Egan's FREE weekly lunchtime webinars on "How to Build Trust and Mutual Understanding Through Mentoring". Head to https://www.empoweringleaderssummit.com/els-events to find out when.
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
Bronwyn Armstrong is a heart leader. During our online Summit, Alex discussed with her, how she inspires those she leads to take action. They become empowered. Bronwyn has been a leader and mentor of hundreds of startups and she helps these new business owners connect with what's most important to them - the treasure that's within them - so they can lead from the inside, out.
Here's how you can connect with Bronwyn - [email protected]
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
Martin Stark continues his conversation, this time with Alex, during our online summit. Martin's passion for diversity and inclusion within the corporate environment and beyond - is contagious, his determination unstoppable and his courage in the face of resistance is humbling. https://systemicdiversity.org
Martin also shares his related passion - the World Gay Boxing Championship. https://worldgayboxingchampionships.org
You can connect with Martin on LinkedIn https://linkedin.com/in/martin-stark-8a3807179
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
During our recent event, Robyn Adair discusses her extraordinary career in the property/real estable profession. Her ability to build teams, sustain them and have people wanting to stay on with her long after she's gone, is a testimony of her incredible ability to lead well and lead successfully.
Here's how you can connect with Robyn: [email protected] | www.linkedin.com/in/robyn-adair
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
Once again, Nick Bendel brings to the table his genuine curiosity for discovering people's stories while embarking on this adventure of a lifetime - 500 lunches with strangers in 5 years. He discusses the 7 steps he follows to building his valuable network of extraordinary people. He also shares the impact this has had on him as a leader of his team at his business, Hunter & Scribe.
Here's how you can get in touch with Nick - [email protected] | https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-bendel | https://hunterandscribe.com | https://www.500lunches.net
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
In this episode, we discuss how once trust is established, leaders and mentors can then help people take action.
Join Alex for weekly one-hour webinars on developing mentoring skills. https://www.empoweringleaderssummit.com/els-events
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
In this episode, Alex and Yaja explore what it means to be a mentor and leader and the importance of trust. Whether we're leaders by title or not, each person can be a mentor. However, as leaders, we're being watched and assessed. And our people act on what they see, hear and sense from us, whether we're ready or not.
Join Alex over the next few weeks for weekly one-hour webinars, focusing especially on developing the art of mentoring. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/how-to-build-trust-and-mutual-understanding-through-mentoring-tickets-115821548369
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
During our event, Alex discusses with Claire Seppings' extraordinary Churchill Fellowship project which focuses on positive reform in the criminal justice system, as a result of her extensive professional and lived experience.
Explore/download Claire's Fellowship resources at these links: https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/fellow/?id=PR0014153 | https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/project/?id=PR0014153 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Z8iFGQAGo
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
During our Empowering Leaders Summit event, Alex Egan chats with Nick Bendel, owner of Hunter & Scribe. Nick shares his five year 500 Lunches with Strangers project. https://www.500lunches.net
Nick business is a content marketing agency that specialises in writing blogs, social media posts, ebooks, emails and website copy for small businesses. If you need help with copywriting, contact Nick on 0404 638 781 or [email protected]
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
When it comes to empowering others and sometimes even ourselves, there are some things that might seem insignificant to us, but are truly important to others. Today we're discussing overwhelm and introducing a few ideas and some solutions to help us and others create a sense of focus and calm.
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
Validating our people is crucial to building a culture of trust. Today we share some typical examples we see frequently in the workplace where through the art of validation, a more trusting culture is built. And then, the not so typical ones, such as Alex's experiences working with prisoners, where with genuine validation she was able to build trust and naturally persuade, because of the authentic significance they experienced.
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
This is a revealing conversation around how leaders handle those tough conversations that can appear challenging.
Why do some shrink at the thought? Why would others see them as opportunities?We explore why people respond the way they do and how they can create new ways of responding and communicating.
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
This is a conversation not to be missed. Karen Ferris is my special guest, where we talk frankly about the way leaders are revealed during times of crisis. Usually in the most unexpected ways and resilience is key. We discuss how Resilience can be developed by both individuals (inner leadership) and leaders (when leading others).
Karen, originally from the UK and now based in Melbourne, Australia, is a self-professed service management and organisational change management rebel with a cause. And her passion shows. We get to discuss Karen's most recent books - “Unleash the Resiliator within – Resilience: A Handbook for Individuals” and “Unleash the Resiliator within – Resilience: A Handbook for Leaders”. These can be purchased directly from Karen's online store - https://karenferris.com/store - or on amazon and other online outlets.
Like to find out more about Karen? Here's how: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenferris/ | https://karenferris.com/
Brought to you by Empowering Leaders online, committed to celebrating, valuing and empowering leaders. Because empowered leaders, empower others to lead.
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