Podcast for spiritual downloads, starseeds, lightworkers and authenticity.
Szabó Gál Bence tanácsai az egészséges életért.
Do you have Multiple Sclerosis and have goals of improving your mobility, energy, and motivation? On this show, you’ll learn MS-specific exercises and symptom management strategies to help you gain control over your life with MS. I also bring in other MS Experts in the healthcare industry to share their insights and advice so you’ll be armed with research-driven education. You’ll leave each episode feeling empowered and ready to take action!
A space created to nurture conversations around holistic health and wellbeing. How can we heal from within by embracing our wild and intuitive essence? How can we somatically, spiritually, mentally and psychologically remember our divinity in these times? These are the kinds of questions we explore, through the wisdom of many great teachers and through the context of yoga. I use my Wilderness Within framework and my experience as a yoga teacher, energy healer and wild woman to guide you in this conversation. From my heart to yours, the wild in me honours the wilderness within you 🌿 Namaste.
Are you ready to shed your excess weight AND your struggle with food and eating without diets and deprivation? Listen to the Weight Loss for Foodies podcast and learn how to dump the diet mindset and have a peaceful relationship with food and eating while losing weight. You'll learn how to eat consciously and end emotional eating so you can enjoy the foods you love while permanently losing your desire to overeat along with any excess weight. Ditch the diet and join Shari Broder on what can be your final weight loss journey and lose the weight for good. Hop on the path and subscribe now. Learn more at
Welcome to the podcast “Claim Your Excellent Life”, with your host Master Hypnotist, Suzanne Kellner-Zinck where she helps professional women learn how to be happy! Suzanne teaches you how to do this through building high self-esteem, relaxation and calm and good healthy relationships. Tune in every week, as Suzanne, share effective strategies to help you claim your excellent life with happiness techniques, self esteem building exercises, relationship tips and relaxation information. Make sure to head over to to subscribe to the newsletter and receive your keys to happiness as well as other useful free gifts for you.
Better Mental Health. Everyday conversations for better mental health. Founder of Benevolent Health, Marteka Swaby is exploring a range of mental health topics to increase awareness of mental health from diverse perspectives.
Podcast a Yerba Matéról, a dél-amerikai csodanövényről, amelynek leveleinek áztatásából készül a Mate Tea.
Fogyasztja többek között: Lionel Messi, Ferenc Pápa és Humayer Dávid. -
Katie Falk is currently 33 years old and pregnant with her second child. She feels called to share the practices she's learned over the last 10 years to easily help pregnant women release anxieties, fears, emotions, and physical discomforts easily and safely. Her practices became crucial for her during all stages of pregnancy and while she prepared for labor and birth (medication-free). Katie loves to share pregnancy meditations with a guided focus on JSJ self-care holds, exhalation, emotional freedom techniques, positive thoughts, affirmations, and more. Support this podcast:
Nancy delivers the right recipe for healthy bodies and minds through a personal journey of discovery of what nourishes every cell, tissue, organ, and thought. Audiences are invigorated by her charismatic approach to eating healthy as they gain a real understanding that what we eat is, truly, who we are. Nancy’s clients have reversed medical conditions, lost weight, and learned how to eat energizing, healthy, fresh food. Nancy’s presentations give everyone some easy to implement health suggestions that can impact their health in a positive way for the rest of their life!
Organic Healthy Lifestyle is broadcast live Tuesdays at 3PM ET.
Organic Healthy Lifestyle TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (
Organic Healthy Lifestyle Radio Show is broadcast on W4CY Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Organic Healthy Lifestyle Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets. -
This Intermittent Fasting podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, goes in-depth on whom intermittent fasting (IF) is right for and whom it may harm. Plus, Dr. Cabral breaks down the nuances of what time your intermittent fast should start and end each day depending on your health, anti-aging, or weight loss goals.
In Elevate Your Vida Podcast, Ariana hosts honest conversations with special guests who discuss the breakthroughs and opportunities they have faced during seasons of healing and expansion, empowering you to also harness your personal power and uncover your potential as you navigate your own journey of self-discovery.
Elevate Your Vida equips you with the practical tools and intuitive support to help you recalibrate and elevate your life. We’ll talk about the issues that matter most, including mental health, mindfulness, relationships, emotional empowerment and spirituality. Prepare to view your life in a new lens, cultivate a deeper sense of self-empowerment, and breakthrough to the other side. -
Deine Kleine Auszeit im Alltag. Mach’s Dir bequem, bring dir einen Kaffe oder Tee mit, und lass uns ankommen, hier in diesem Moment . Lass uns austauschen und uns gegenseitig bereichern. Lass uns gemeinsam wieder selbst-beWUSST werden.
Ich freu Mich auf Dich!
Deine Andrea -
Lélektan és Élettan kineziológus és kutató beszélgetéseiben
Embark on your transformative journey from addiction to sobriety with the Sober is Dope Revolution, your ultimate Sober Empowerment HUB! Join POP Buchanan, author of the Sober is Dope Book and an 11-year sober and recovered alcoholic, as he shares a holistic recovery approach incorporating therapy, rehab, AA, prayer, and meditation. With over 350 game-changing episodes featuring world-class guests, be prepared to be inspired by practical spiritual tools. Follow in POP's footsteps to quit booze and smoking, reverse pre-diabetes, and reclaim your life.
Chef Whitney Aronoff is a Holistic Chef based in Laguna Beach, California. She works as a health supportive personal chef, with a focus on healthy, whole foods cooking. She shares her culinary tips, wellness insights and recipes on the, along with her High Vibration Foods organic spice blends. Join her on the High Vibration Living Podcast as she interviews experts in the fields of food, cooking, wellness, travel and spirituality to help you feel your best and live your dreams.
Roza Orsolya vagyok, gyógyszerész. Egyetem után gyógynövénykutatóként dolgoztam külföldön és Magyarországon, doktori disszertációm is ebben a témában írtam. A laboratóriumot hátrahagyva az Európai Gyógyszerügynökség Növényi Gyógyszerbizottság munkáját segítettem. Mindeközben, ha tehettem szakmai továbbképzéseket is tartottam gyógyszerészeknek.
Munkám során egyre nagyobb szükségét láttam, hogy ne csak a szakma világában, hanem szélesebb körben is elérhetővé váljanak információk különböző betegségek okairól, megelőzéséről és kialakulásuk esetén az elérhető gyógyszerekről, gyógynövényekről. -
Everything about lucid dreaming.
Listen to interviews with lucid dreamers, scientists, authors and entrepreneurs. -
Life is messy, I'm here to let you know you're not alone! The everyday workings of one wife, mother, realtor, massage therapist, animal lover, and funny farmer!
I discuss everything under the sun to help you achieve greater personal freedom, health, happiness and peace. This is the MACRObiotic perspective. Heal yourself, heal the world!