
  • In this captivating episode of the podcast, I sit down with the renowned author and self-directed learning enthusiast, Scott H. Young, to dive into the intricacies of mastering new skills and the science of learning. Scott, known for his groundbreaking work on rapid skill acquisition, shares his unique insights into writing, learning, and the critical role of research in personal development.
    Throughout our discussion, Scott and I explore a variety of topics from the practical to the philosophical, all centered around how we can better understand and improve our ability to learn and perform. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply a lifelong learner, this episode is packed with valuable lessons and actionable advice.
    Key Discussion Points

    Research and Writing Nonfiction: How Scott structures his work and breaks down complex subjects into understandable segments.

    Cultural Misunderstandings: Dealing with geographical misconceptions and the importance of accurate cultural representation.

    Principles of Learning and Memory: Insights into the cognitive science that enhances our learning capabilities.

    Role of AI in Education: A discussion on how artificial intelligence is reshaping learning environments and educational methods.

    Importance of Repetition and Variability: Scott emphasizes how these factors influence skill improvement and adaptability.

    Mental Models and Dynamic Skills: The significance of mental frameworks in mastering new skills and solving problems.

    Research Depth: Balancing between extensive research and the practicality of writing.

    As we wrapped up our conversation, it became clear that understanding the process of learning itself is as crucial as the knowledge we seek to gain. Scott's perspectives not only enrich our approach to learning but also challenge us to rethink how we teach and acquire new skills in an ever-evolving world. Don't forget to check out Scott’s book, "Get Better at Anything," and explore more of his profound insights on his website.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Scott: Website | X/Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube

    Get Scott’s Book: Get Better at Anything

    That Jim Gaffigan Special: Learn more about it here

    Why Are Humans Suddenly Getting Better at Tetris?

    What is The Great Mental Models Project? Check it out.

    Another book to check out: Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment

    Related Conversation: Episode 256: Understanding Ultralearning with Scott H. Young

    Related Blog Post: More Better

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • Welcome to this episode where we dive deep into the world of mind mapping with John Diggs, a former NFL player turned coach – but not a coach of the football variety.
    John brings a unique perspective on how mind mapping has not only transformed his personal life but also how he coaches others to achieve their fullest potential. We explore the broad applications of this powerful tool, from personal development to academic and professional success.
    John shares his journey from the football field to becoming a mind mapping mentor, emphasizing how this technique has helped him and many others visualize goals and navigate life's complexities. We discuss the versatility of mind maps in enhancing creativity, memory, and productivity, and how they serve as a foundational tool for successful life planning.
    Key Discussion Points

    Transition from NFL to Mind Mapping: John ecounts his transition from professional sports to becoming a life coach, using mind mapping to guide his and others' life choices.

    Mind Mapping for College Students: We discuss the significant benefits for students, such as improved decision-making, enhanced memory, and better organization of thoughts.

    Practical Applications of Mind Maps: From helping athletes prepare for games to aiding students and professionals in project management, mind maps prove to be invaluable.

    Integration with Task Management Tools: Both John and I highlight the integration of mind maps with tools like MindMeister and Meistertask to streamline task execution and project management.

    Vision Boards vs. Mind Maps: We compare the dynamic nature of mind maps with static vision boards, emphasizing how mind maps offer a more profound, evolving approach to goal setting.

    Mind Mapping for Personal Growth: John shares his personal story of how mind mapping helped him rediscover himself and rebuild his life after significant setbacks.

    Promoting Mind Mapping as a Life Skill: We advocate for the adoption of mind mapping as a routine practice for personal development and clarity in life goals.

    This conversation with John Diggs has been incredibly enlightening, showcasing the transformative power of mind mapping in various aspects of life. Whether you're an athlete, student, or professional, mind mapping can be a game-changer in how you organize your thoughts, set your goals, and achieve success. Be sure to check out John's resources and start incorporating mind mapping into your daily routine for a more organized and purposeful life.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with John: Website | X/Twitter | LinkedIn

    Check out John's TEDx talk: Watch it here

    What is "Big Play Power" anyway?: Find out

    John's Books: Get them here

    Check out the "Meister" suite of tools: MindMeister | MeisterTask

    Want to go to "Mappineerville?: Visit (and join) now

    Related Conversation: Episode 335: Mind Map Your Writing with Daphne Gray-Grant

    Related Blog Post: How to Map Out One Year in One Hour

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In this episode, I'm joined by Steven Bertrand, who shares his inspiring transition from blogging and web design to becoming a public speaker and a meditation advocate.
    In this episode, we explore how Steven has overcome significant personal challenges and how meditation has played a pivotal role in his life From tackling physical disabilities to changing career paths, Steven's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of mindfulness in achieving balance and inner peace.
    Key Discussion Points

    Journey from Blogging to Public Speaking: Steven reflects on his evolution from a blogger to a sought-after public speaker, emphasizing the role of meditation in gaining deeper insights and confidence.

    Overcoming Disability: Steven discusses the challenges he faced due to his disability and how meditation helped him overcome these obstacles and pursue his passions.

    Importance of Accessibility: A significant part of our conversation was dedicated to the necessity for accessibility in business and public spaces, with Steven sharing personal experiences and actionable advice for organizations.

    The Impact of Meditation: Both guests discuss how meditation has been instrumental in reducing their anxiety and enhancing their mental health, with yours truly highlighting its benefits in improving my focus and productivity.

    Mindfulness for Everyday Life: The conversation also touches on how meditation is not just a practice but a lifestyle that enhances the quality of everyday life, helping individuals stay grounded in stressful situations.

    Encouraging Meditation Practice: Both of us advocate for making meditation a priority, sharing tips and strategies for integrating it into busy schedules.

    This episode has been an enlightening journey through the life of someone who has used meditation not just as a tool for personal growth but as a way to face life's challenges head-on. Whether you are dealing with personal hurdles or looking to improve your productivity and mental health, the insights offered valuable lessons on the benefits of embracing mindfulness. Remember to check out Steve's meditation classes and more resources to start your own journey in meditation.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Steven: Website | X/Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

    Steven's Zoom meditation classes: Check them out

    Related Conversation: Episode 515: Haemin Sunim Talks About Zen Wisdom for Life’s Challenges

    Related Blog Post: How to Wake Up a Sleepwalking Mind

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In this latest installment of our monthly series PM Talks, I had the pleasure of chatting with my good friend Patrick Rhone about the vast theme of choices and how they weave through our personal and professional lives. This episode delves into everything from the cultural impact of wrestling to the profound topics of longevity, mortality, and the essence of making the most of our time. Patrick, with his characteristic insight and depth, brings a unique perspective to these discussions, challenging us to reconsider our priorities and the legacy we aim to leave behind.
    Our conversation wasn't just about the heavy stuff; we also touched on lighter yet equally significant aspects of daily life, such as job satisfaction, the fast food culture, and the evolution of meal service delivery. Patrick's reflections on identity and success, alongside our shared experiences with fast food and personal happiness, reveal the complex interplay between societal norms and individual fulfillment. It's this balance of thought-provoking and relatable content that makes our dialogue not just informative but also incredibly engaging.
    Key Discussion Points

    The significance of choice in our lives, from cultural preferences to professional paths.

    Our shared love for professional wrestling and its evolution from regional circuits to global entertainment.

    Reflecting on the longevity of both podcasting and wrestling, and what it means to sustain passion over time.

    The societal emphasis on quantity over quality in life expectancy and how it shapes our approach to aging and mortality.

    The importance of finding satisfaction in one's job, whether it's a high-flying tech position or a routine clock-punching job.

    Navigating the convenience and challenges of fast food in the context of busy family lives and the rise of meal prep services.

    Implementing productive morning and evening routines to manage time effectively and make room for what truly matters.

    Closing this episode, Patrick and I contemplate the bittersweet nature of nostalgia and the inevitability of mortality, underscoring the importance of saying "yes" to life's experiences. Through our discourse, we invite listeners to reflect on the choices they make, the value of embracing the present, and the importance of crafting a life filled with meaningful moments. Whether you're contemplating a career pivot, struggling with time management, or simply looking for ways to infuse more joy into your daily routine, there's something in this conversation for you.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Get Patrick’s Book: A Book for You

    If you like the Hartford Whalers…

    If you liked the Burger King “Whaler” sandwich…

    Check out Patrick's website.

    Read some Rhoneisms here.

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In this engaging episode of the podcast, I sit down with Mat Ellis, a pioneer in the productivity software arena, to explore how modern tools like AI can enhance both our work efficiency and our personal lives. We delve into the evolution of productivity platforms, particularly Mat's work with Sixty, and discuss the significant impact of these tools on our daily routines.
    As we navigate through the conversation, Mat provides profound insights into the delicate balance between leveraging technology and maintaining genuine human interactions. This discussion is crucial for anyone looking to optimize their time management without sacrificing personal connections.
    Key Discussion Points

    The Evolution of Productivity Software: We discuss the origins and growth of the productivity platform Sixty, tracing its development from the early productivity revolution.

    Technology as a Burden: Reflections on how the role of computers has shifted from being supportive tools to potential burdens, impacting both productivity and work-life balance.

    Managing Communication Overload: Strategies on using software to manage email and communication overload, including AI's role in prioritizing important messages.

    Automating with AI: Benefits of AI in automating routine tasks and implementing systems like the daily out-of-office, which helps manage email flow outside work hours.

    AI and Human Interaction: The potential and limitations of AI in productivity and time management, emphasizing the importance of human creativity and interaction.

    Personalized Communication: The value of personalized communication in relationship and time management, with examples of AI's role in enhancing these interactions.

    Productivity vs. Relationship Nourishment: Discussing the balance between achieving productivity goals and nurturing personal relationships, emphasizing the importance of focusing on what truly matters.

    My conversation with Mat Ellis was enlightening, showing us the potential of AI to transform our work habits and personal interactions. As we continue to integrate these technologies into our lives, it's vital to remain aware of the human element that fosters genuine connections and creativity. Remember, it's not just about being productive—it's about being meaningfully engaged with our tasks and the people around us.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Mat: Website | X/Twitter | LinkedIn

    A little bit more on Jerry Colonna: Check out the Reunion website

    Terry Crews with Rich Roll on "Nuance": Watch the clip | Watch the entire episode

    Related Conversation: Episode 472: The Evolution of Getting Things Done with David Allen

    Related Blog Post: Why Improving Your Relationship with Time is the Key to Mastering It

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In this episode, originally broadcast in April 2020, I'm joined by Thomas Frank, a prominent content creator who has significantly influenced the YouTube and productivity community. Thomas opens up about his journey into video creation, sharing the nuances of his creative process and how he has successfully integrated his personal interests with productivity content. From the initial inspiration to the complexities of content creation and management, Thomas provides a comprehensive look into the life of a content creator striving to deliver valuable, engaging content.
    As someone eager to dive into video content creation myself, Thomas's experiences and insights come at a perfect time. His journey from starting on YouTube in 2006 to becoming a serious content creator, inspired by folks like Pat Flynn and driven by a desire to infuse creativity into productivity, is nothing short of inspiring. We delve into the challenges of balancing creative energy with time management, and how personal interests can significantly enhance the content creation process.
    Key Discussion Points

    Thomas's transition into serious video content creation, inspired by Pat Flynn and the desire to deliver a powerful message through video.

    The integration of personal interests with productivity content, creating unique and engaging videos.

    The detailed research and personal testing that go into creating each video, emphasizing quality over quantity.

    Challenges in managing creative energy and time, especially when balancing long-form projects with the demands of short-form content.

    The importance of authenticity in content creation, drawing from a broad range of influences beyond the productivity genre.

    Struggles with deciding on video topics, last-minute content compromises, and the balance between creative work and business responsibilities.

    Leveraging existing audiences for new ventures, such as transitioning into music and exploring platforms like Nebula for content monetization.

    My conversation with Thomas Frank sheds light on the multifaceted world of content creation, from the inception of an idea to the execution and beyond. His approach to blending productivity with creativity, while facing the challenges of time management and audience expectations, offers invaluable lessons for aspiring creators. Thomas's journey is a testament to the power of authenticity and the importance of integrating personal passions with professional endeavors. As we wrap up, it's clear that the key to successful content creation lies in finding a balance that resonates both with the creator and their audience.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Thomas: Website | X/Twitter | Main YouTube Channel

    Check out "Thomas Franks Explains": YouTube Channel

    Thomas Interviews ME: Listen here

    The original version of this episode for more links: Check it out here

    Related Conversation: Episode 389: A/J Jackson talks about Music, Glasses and Color Theory

    Related Blog Post: The Power of Bit by Bit Productivity

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In an enlightening conversation with Dr. Dale Whelehan, CEO of Four Day Week Global, we dive into the evolving landscape of work and the compelling argument for a four-day workweek. This discussion unfolds organically, touching on the profound benefits that a shortened workweek can offer not just to individual productivity and well-being but also to the broader societal and business landscapes. Dr. Whelehan, with his extensive research and leadership in advocating for this shift, sheds light on why the century-old five-day workweek is ripe for change, especially in today's context of cognitive and emotional labor.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably accelerated the reevaluation of work culture, pushing us into a realm where the tension between traditional and emerging work paradigms is more palpable than ever. Using the metaphor of a frog slowly boiling in water, we discuss how employees and employers are navigating this shift, with many seeking a balance that seems increasingly elusive. Dr. Whelehan highlights the critical dissonance at play, pointing out the pressing need for workplaces to adapt to what truly works for their people, rather than adhering to outdated modes that breed burnout and inefficiency.
    Key Discussion Points

    The relaxed and organic tone of productive conversations on significant shifts in work culture.

    The mission of Four Day Week Global and the societal, business, and individual benefits of a four-day workweek.

    Historical context and the evolution of work from physical to cognitive demands, highlighting the necessity for change.

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on work intensity and the shift in employee-employer dynamics.

    The concept of a "productivity intervention" as a sustainable approach to improving workplace output and well-being.

    The significance of motivation and the science behind it in enhancing productivity within a reduced working week.

    Challenges and strategies in implementing flexible work schedules across different cultures and industries.

    My discussion with Dr. Whelehan offers a thought-provoking glimpse into the future of work, one that champions flexibility, well-being, and efficiency. The four-day workweek, as Dr. Whelehan articulates, is not just a fleeting trend but a pivotal movement towards redefining productivity and quality of life for employees around the globe. As we reflect on the cultural and logistical nuances of this transition, it becomes clear that the path to a more balanced, fulfilling work-life is paved with trust, collaboration, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of productivity, well-being, and the future of work.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Dr. Whelehan: Website | X/Twitter | LinkedIn

    Learn more about the four day week initiative: Visit 4 Day Week Global's website

    Check out Time Thieves: Find out where to watch the documentary here

    Related Conversation: Episode 511: Francesco D’Alessio Talks About Innovative Productivity Apps and Methodologies

    Related Blog Post: The 10 Hour Work Week

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In this month's installment of our PM Talks series, Patrick Rhone and yours truly (Mike Vardy) dissect the multifaceted concepts of failure, choice, and the consequent growth that can emerge from these experiences. Through a series of engaging stories and personal reflections, we delve into how our perceptions of failure and the choices we make in response to it can profoundly shape our personal and professional lives. Patrick brings a depth of insight to the conversation, prompting us to consider the power of reframing our narratives around failure and the critical role of choice in steering the course of our growth.
    Our dialogue traverses various landscapes, from the humor and empathy found in college rejection letters to the daily choices that influence our habits and the monumental decisions that define our paths. We explore the importance of embracing failure as a crucial element of learning and growth, the impact of parenting on our perception of obstacles, and how personal experiences with technology and art can offer unexpected opportunities for expansion. The richness of our discussion highlights not only the inevitability of failure and choice in life but also the potential for meaningful growth that lies within these experiences.
    Key Discussion Points

    The perception of failure in the entrepreneurial space and its potential for reframing as growth.

    The significance of choice in shaping our actions and their outcomes, underscored by personal anecdotes.

    The role of parenting in teaching resilience through teenage failures and the navigation of new challenges.

    The process of college admissions as a microcosm for broader life decisions and the acceptance of various outcomes.

    The exploration of failure and success within the context of art and society, using Henri Toulouse-Lautrec's work as an example.

    The balance between seizing opportunities and stretching beyond comfort zones, illustrated through personal contemplations on travel and financial decisions.

    The concept of tolerance in decision-making and how it evolves with age, impacting our approach to risks and opportunities.

    Wrapping up our conversation, Patrick and I touch on the underlying theme that binds these topics together: the intrinsic value of embracing life's uncertainties and the growth that emerges from this embrace. Whether discussing the finer points of art, the practicalities of technology and travel, or the philosophical depths of failure and success, our dialogue reaffirms the importance of stepping into the unknown with openness and curiosity.
    This episode not only challenges listeners to rethink their relationship with failure but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the choices we face daily and the potential they hold for personal and professional evolution.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Some nerdy stuff about tolerance and its counterparts

    The Lamy 2000 is an amazing fountain pen

    Now about that whole flossing thing...

    Coming Soon: A Book for You

    Check out Patrick's website.

    Read some Rhoneisms here.

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In this episode I sit down with Derin McMains, affectionately known as DMac, a former professional baseball player turned mental performance coach. DMac shares the journey behind his nickname and how it has followed him from high school baseball to the major leagues. Our conversation delves into the critical transition from sports to life after, highlighting the mental challenges and breakthroughs that come with changing career paths. As someone who has always been intrigued by the pivot points in athletes' careers, I found DMac's insights into mental performance and identity beyond sports truly enlightening.
    DMac's transition to a mental performance coach stemmed from a profound realization about the importance of mental health in sports. Over the last 12 years, he has dedicated himself to helping athletes navigate their own transitions, focusing on the power of mindset and the fundamental skills that underpin peak performance. Our dialogue uncovers the layers of athlete identity, the struggles with self-doubt, and the path to mastering fundamentals that define a successful transition from sports to any next chapter in life.
    Key Discussion Points

    The origin of Darren's nickname, "DMac," and its significance throughout his career.

    Transitioning from a professional athlete to a mental performance coach and the realization that led to this career shift.

    The role of athlete identity in performance and retirement, including the challenge of seeing oneself beyond an athletic career.

    The universal struggle with self-doubt among professional athletes and strategies to overcome it.

    Emphasizing the mastery of fundamentals in sports and their importance for long-term success.

    The concept of balance through presence in various aspects of life, rather than striving for a traditional work-life balance.

    Practical advice on cultivating mindfulness and presence in daily activities, from enjoying a meal to setting intentional goals in both professional and personal spheres.

    My conversation with DMac sheds light on the intricate journey from the baseball diamond to the field of mental performance coaching. His personal anecdotes, coupled with his professional insights, offer a roadmap for anyone facing a significant career transition or identity shift. His emphasis on mastering the fundamentals, whether in sports or life, alongside the need for presence and mindfulness, resonates beyond the athletic world. This episode is a reminder that the skills we cultivate in one arena can powerfully impact every other aspect of our lives, offering a foundation for growth, resilience, and fulfillment.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with DMac: ReliaQuest Website | X/Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

    Check out DMac's podcast: Listen here

    A "Swift" story that aligns with DMac's story shared during our conversation: Read it here

    Kobe Bryant's commitment to fundamentals and 4am workouts: Watch the story here

    Related Conversation: Episode 241: What Sports Can Teach Us About Greatness with Don Yaeger

    Related Blog Post: Why Small Wins Can Make Or Break Your Productivity

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In this episode of the podcast, we delve deep into the realms of self-discovery and personal growth with the insightful Ian Morgan Cron, a renowned author and Enneagram expert. Our conversation, originally released in March 2022, revolves around Ian's book, "The Story of You," which introduces a fresh perspective on understanding our personalities through the Enneagram. As someone constantly seeking ways to better understand myself and enhance my productivity, I found Ian's approach not just fascinating but deeply helpful.
    Ian Morgan Cron's expertise illuminates the intricate ways our self-narratives shape our identities and behaviors. We explore how the Enneagram can act as a powerful tool for unraveling these narratives, offering a path to more authentic living. The discussion spans from the technicalities of identifying our Enneagram types to practical advice on confronting and rewriting the self-limiting stories we've clung to.
    Key Discussion Points

    My curiosity about the Enneagram and the journey to discover my number with Ian's guidance.

    Insights from "The Story of You" on how our personal stories and Enneagram types intertwine.

    The concept of negative passions and virtues in the Enneagram, and how understanding these can foster personal growth.

    The importance of recognizing and moving beyond stereotypes to truly understand our core Enneagram number and subtypes.

    Reflecting on the role of the Enneagram in identifying and altering self-sabotaging narratives.

    Strategies for using the Enneagram to explore our shadow sides and the impact of our stories on our lives and relationships.

    Personal anecdotes from both Ian and myself on how the Enneagram has facilitated our paths to self-awareness and transformation.

    Understanding the Enneagram and its application in dissecting and rewriting our personal narratives holds immense power for anyone on a path to self-improvement. Ian's insights not only shed light on the complexities of human personality but also offer tangible steps towards cultivating a life of greater authenticity and fulfillment. Whether you're new to the Enneagram or looking to deepen your understanding, "The Story of You" is a resource I cannot recommend highly enough.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Ian: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

    Ian's Book: The Story of You

    Ian's Podcast: Typology

    Ian's Other Book: The Road Back to You

    The iEQ9 Assessment: Take It Here

    Related Conversation: Episode 270: The Daily Decision with Brian Dixon

    Related Blog Post: Introducing The Awareness Building Class

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In this inspiring episode, I sit down with Lindsey Roy, who shares her incredible journey of overcoming adversity through a profound change in perspective. Lindsey's story of losing a leg and both lungs is nothing short of remarkable, and her insights into harnessing personal tragedy to cultivate wisdom and a new outlook on life are both enlightening and uplifting. Together, we delve into the power of perspective, the importance of vulnerability, and how these tools can significantly impact our mental well-being and productivity.
    Our discussion spans a wide array of topics, each offering valuable lessons on how to navigate life's toughest moments with grace and resilience. From personal stories of transformation to practical tips on managing time and productivity, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to find purpose in pain and to leverage life's challenges for personal growth.
    Key Discussion Points

    Lindsey's journey of losing a leg and both lungs, leading her to write a book on perspective and wisdom.

    The concept of "mental silence" and achieving focus by drowning out distractions.

    Leveraging personal control over perspective for better mental well-being.

    The importance of reframing negative thoughts and embracing vulnerability for personal growth.

    The role of vulnerability in creating supportive environments and living in the moment.

    The significance of gratitude and cherishing simple joys in life.

    To wrap up, this episode serves as a powerful reminder of the strength we all possess to face adversity head-on and come out stronger on the other side. Lindsey's story is a testament to the human spirit's resilience and the transformative power of perspective. Whether you're going through a tough time or just looking for inspiration to tackle everyday challenges, there's something in this conversation for you.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Lindsey: Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

    Get Lindsey's book: The Gift of Perspective

    This video is about perspective: Watch on YouTube

    Related Conversation: Episode 152: Positively Speaking with Dan Lerner and Alan Schlechter

    Related Blog Post: How To Get Better Perspective (In Just 90 Seconds)

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • Welcome to the latest episode of our monthly series, PM Talks, where we delve deep into the nuances of productivity, creativity, and the art of living a thoughtful life. In this episode, Patrick and I have taken an explorative dive into the realms of language evolution, the essence of creativity, and the significance of nuance in our fast-paced world. It's a conversation that spans the spectrum of art and commerce, the dynamics of personal connections, and the profound impact of creativity on society.
    Key Discussion Points

    The origins and evolving meanings of terms like "simpleton" and "Inbox Zero," highlighting the fluid nature of language and its impact on our understanding and communication.

    The dangers of absolutism in a world that thrives on brevity, and the critical need for nuance to avoid miscommunication and misunderstandings.

    The interplay between art and commerce, as discussed through personal anecdotes and experiences, emphasizing the subjective nature of art and its capacity for disruption.

    Rick Rubin's influence on creativity and self-expression, with insights from his book "The Creative Act," advocating for risk-taking and evolution in the creative process.

    The importance of tapping into existing energy and flow for creativity, contrasting the approaches of Steven Pressfield's "The War of Art" and Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act."

    The unique ability of art and creativity to evoke personal interpretations and meanings, underscoring the diminishing presence of nuance in today's society.

    The role of nuance in decision-making and productivity, highlighting the limitations of black-and-white thinking and advocating for a more nuanced, optimistic outlook.

    To wrap up, this episode has been a profound exploration of how nuance plays an indispensable role in enriching our productivity, creativity, and the way we perceive the world around us. As we dissected topics from language evolution to the essence of creativity, it became clear that embracing the complexities and subtleties of life can lead to deeper understanding and fulfillment. Remember, it's in the shades of gray that the full spectrum of human experience comes to light.
    As always, thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time, keep seeking the nuance in everything you do.
    Links Worth Exploring

    "What we are witnessing right now is the death of nuance."

    Inbox Zero (circa 2007) by Merlin Mann

    Rick Rubin chats with Nick Cave

    Rick Rubin chats with Steven Pressfield

    Rick Rubin wrote a book that we both read. Get it here.

    Check out Patrick's website.

    Read some Rhoneisms here.

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  • In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Chris Knudsen, author of the non-traditional business book, "Trust Me, I'm a Consultant." Chris shared insights into the unconventional approach to writing a business book, reflecting on his extensive experience in the corporate world and his successful transition to self-employment. We delved into the heart of entrepreneurial spirit, the importance of self-education, and the value of learning from failures.
    Chris's journey from the corporate ladder to authoring a book during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic is an inspirational one. Our conversation covered a wide range of topics, including the limitations of the university system, career development, entrepreneurship, and the pivotal moments that redefine our paths. Chris's perspective on happiness, productivity, and personal growth offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of today’s business world.
    Key Discussion Points

    The process and challenges of writing "Trust Me, I'm a Consultant" during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Reflections on the limitations of the university system and the advocacy for self-education.

    Insights into career development and the transition to self-employment at 35.

    The importance of learning from business failures and the ability to bounce back through consulting work.

    The concept of choosing happiness, overcoming complacency, and finding balance in life.

    Strategies for prioritizing time and productivity in a busy world, including the significance of perspective and incremental progress.

    The role of personal growth in decision-making and the emphasis on empathy and problem-solving in business.

    In wrapping up, Chris’s narrative is a powerful reminder that the path to success is not always linear. His story encourages us to embrace the unconventional, learn from our experiences, and always strive for personal and professional growth. Whether you’re contemplating a career shift, starting your own business, or seeking ways to enhance your productivity and happiness, Chris's insights offer valuable guidance.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Chris: Website | LinkedIn

    Get Chris's book: "Trust Me, I'm a Consultant"

    Related Conversation: Episode 508: Jim Vaselopulos Talks About Achieving Clarity in Business and Life

    Related Blog Post: Balance Schmalance

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  • In this episode, originally released in October 2019, I sit down with Nir Eyal. Nir is the author of "Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life". and is known for his groundbreaking work on habit formation and technology's impact on our lives, shares invaluable insights into the mechanisms of distraction and how we can harness them to live more fulfilling lives. As we navigate through the conversation, Nir's perspectives offer a fresh lens on productivity, self-control, and the pursuit of personal and professional growth.
    Our dialogue spans a wide array of topics, from the practical strategies outlined in "Indistractable" to the philosophical underpinnings of focus and distraction. We delve into Nir's distinction between traction and distraction, the importance of understanding internal triggers, and the practical steps we can take to become indistractable. With his unique blend of research-backed insights and personal anecdotes, Nir provides listeners with the tools to take control of their attention and, by extension, their lives.
    Key Discussion Points

    The critical difference between traction and distraction and why mastering this distinction is key to productivity.

    How to master internal triggers to enhance productivity and time management.

    The role of willpower and self-control in managing both internal and external distractions.

    The significance of identifying and reinforcing one's identity to combat distraction.

    Strategies for effective communication, meal planning, and using productivity tools.

    The concept of "effort packs" and "progressive extremism" for personal development.

    The impact of technology on attention spans and the importance of digital minimalism.

    My conversation with Nir Eyal not only illuminates the hidden mechanisms of distraction but also equips us with the knowledge and tools to reclaim our focus. His book "Indistractable" is not just a manual for productivity; it's a blueprint for living a more intentional and fulfilling life. Whether you're struggling with distraction in your personal life, seeking to enhance your productivity at work, or simply interested in the intersection of technology and psychology, Nir's insights are sure to resonate and inspire.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Nir: Website | X/Twitter

    Get the book: Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life

    Check out Nir's podcast: Nir and Far

    Nir would like you to check this out: Schedule Maker

    Related Conversation: Episode 201: Willpower Doesn’t Work with Benjamin Hardy

    Related Blog Post: The 106 Year Old Problem

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  • Welcome to this thought-provoking episode where I have the pleasure of speaking with Haemin Sunim, a Zen Buddhist teacher and celebrated author. Today, we delve into his latest book, When Things Don't Go Your Way: Zen Wisdom for Difficult Times, exploring the nuanced perspectives it offers on navigating the turbulent waters of life through the calming lens of Zen Buddhism. Haemin's unique writing style, which beautifully weaves together personal insights with quotes from various sources, makes the profound teachings of Zen accessible to all.
    Haemin is one of the most influential Zen Buddhist teachers and writers in South Korea, where his books have sold more than three million copies and are popular as guides not only to mediation but also to overcoming the challenges of everyday life. Born in South Korea, he came to the United States to study film, only to find himself pulled into the spiritual life. Educated at UC Berkeley, Harvard, and Princeton, he received formal monastic training in Korea and taught Buddhism at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. He lives in Seoul when not traveling to share his teachings.
    Our conversation covers a wide range of topics, from the therapeutic power of journaling to the subtle differences between contentment and happiness. Haemin shares his personal journey of facing fears head-on and finding peace in the present moment. His insights are not just philosophical musings but practical advice that can be seamlessly integrated into daily life. Through our dialogue, we uncover the layers of wisdom hidden in everyday experiences and discuss how to embrace life's imperfections gracefully.
    Key Discussion Points

    The importance of talking to one's fears to understand and overcome them.

    Differentiating contentment from happiness: finding peace in acceptance.

    The therapeutic benefits of journaling for uncovering and facing fears.

    Embracing the present moment to find joy in everyday experiences.

    The distinction between a "doing-centered" life and a "being-centered" life.

    The significance of self-worth and appreciating the inherent value of life.

    Facing and accepting uncomfortable emotions for personal growth and insight.

    My conversation with Haemin Sunim offers a refreshing perspective on life's challenges and the pursuit of happiness. His wisdom encourages us to slow down, appreciate the present, and find contentment in the simplicity of being. Whether you're facing difficult times or simply seeking a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, Haemin's insights provide a valuable guide for navigating life with grace and mindfulness.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Haemin: Website | X/Twitter | Instagram

    Get Haemin's book: When Things Don't Go Your Way: Zen Wisdom for Difficult Times

    Check out Haemin's body of work: Author Page

    Related Conversation: Episode 138: Zen and The Art of Work with Kourosh Dini

    Related Blog Post: How to Take a “Time Tour”

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  • Welcome back to our monthly series, PM Talks, featuring a conversation with my good friend Patrick Rhone. In this latest episode, our conversation that spans from our shared podcasting passion and planner geekery to deeper explorations of contentment, choice, and the essence of enough. Patrick, with his unique insights and experiences, brings a fresh perspective to the familiar topics of goal setting and minimalism, while also touching on the deeply personal aspects of happiness and mental health.
    Our discussion was wide-ranging, but one topic stood out prominently: Choices. This theme resonated throughout our conversation, highlighting the significant impact of intentional living and personal metrics on achieving genuine satisfaction in life.
    Key Discussion Points

    Setting and pursuing personal goals with a focus on minimalism and reducing unnecessary possessions.

    The concept of "enough" and its relationship to happiness and contentment, drawing on insights from Daniel Kahneman on happiness.

    The personal journey of writing meaningful books, both as gifts and as tools for understanding and responsibility.

    The use of practical tools like a highlighter/post-it combo for organization, and how these small choices reflect deeper values and intentions.

    Addressing mental health through self-care, understanding the power of choice, and managing emotions with intention.

    In wrapping up, this conversation was a deeper dive into how we define and seek happiness in our lives. Patrick's approach to living intentionally, making mindful choices, and finding contentment in "enough" offers valuable lessons for all of us. Whether it's through the planners we obsess over, the goals we set, or the way we approach our mental health, the underlying message is clear: happiness is a personal journey, influenced by our choices and actions.
    Links Worth Exploring

    A conversation between Adam Grant and Daniel Kahneman

    The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin

    Post-it Flag+ Highlighter

    The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World

    Inside of You: Alan Ritchson

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • Welcome to this episode where Haris Butt, the head of product design at ClickUp, and I dive deep into the intersection of AI and productivity. In today's discussion, we explore how artificial intelligence, specifically within tools like ClickUp, is revolutionizing the way we approach tasks, manage time, and unlock creativity. Haris shares invaluable insights into the balance between technology and human input, ensuring we harness the full potential of AI without losing the essence of personal touch in productivity.
    Our conversation navigates through the practical applications of AI in everyday tasks, the advancements in product design influenced by AI, and the critical role of trust and reliability in these systems. Haris's experience at ClickUp provides a unique lens on the topic, offering practical advice and thought-provoking ideas on integrating AI into our workflows to achieve efficiency and creativity.
    Key Discussion Points

    Benefits and drawbacks of using AI in productivity, with a focus on time-saving tasks.

    The role of AI in product design, emphasizing the importance of trust in data and systems.

    Distinctions between generative AI and other AI forms, exploring their impact on productivity.

    Overcoming the fear of AI through understanding and trust, using AI to unlock creativity.

    Practical uses of AI tools like ChatGPT for tasks ranging from academic research to meal planning.

    The concept of "life hacks" with AI, streamlining workflows, and enhancing information retrieval.

    The introduction of ClickUp Brain, aiming to revolutionize how new and established users engage with ClickUp for increased productivity.

    In closing, my discussion with Haris not only highlights the significant benefits AI brings to productivity tools but also stresses the importance of thoughtful integration to truly augment human capabilities. As we look towards the future, the potential of AI to streamline workflows, reduce friction, and free us to focus on high-value tasks is immense. Haris's insights remind us that the journey towards integrating AI into our daily lives is one of balance, trust, and continuous learning.
    Links Worth Exploring

    ClickUp Brain: Check it out

    Related Conversation: Episode 505: Matt Martin Talks About AI-Enhanced Productivity and Time Management

    Related Blog Post: What the #%$! Happened to Lifehacker?

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
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  • In episode 512, I had the incredible opportunity to sit down with Hal Elrod, the inspirational author and mind behind the Miracle Morning philosophy. We dived deep into the evolution of his renowned morning routine, his journey through cancer, and the impactful insights from his updated Miracle Morning routine. It's an episode that's not just about morning habits but also about resilience, adaptation, and the power of sustained effort in the face of life’s challenges.
    Hal shared how his practices have adapted over time, especially considering his unique needs as a night owl. We also explored the transformative power of his philosophy, not just in improving the start of one's day, but in shifting perspectives on what's truly important in life. This episode is packed with wisdom and practical advice for anyone looking to make a meaningful change in their life.
    Key Discussion Points

    Hal Elrod’s updated Miracle Morning routine and its impact.

    The evolution of the Miracle Morning practice, including how to tailor it for night owls.

    Insights from Hal's personal cancer journey and its influence on his philosophy.

    The importance of unwavering faith and extraordinary effort in achieving goals.

    Strategies for night owls to implement the Miracle Morning effectively.

    Hal's insights and experiences offer a fresh perspective on the Miracle Morning philosophy, making it more inclusive and adaptable for different lifestyles. His resilience and dedication to personal growth, despite significant challenges, are truly inspiring. Whether you're a seasoned fan of the Miracle Morning or new to the concept, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to enhance their daily routine and overall perspective on life.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Hal: X | Facebook | Website

    Watch The Miracle Morning Movie: YouTube

    Buy the Book: Check It Out

    Get The Miracle Routine: Buy it on Amazon

    Related Conversation: Episode 196: Morning Routines with Benjamin Spall

    Related Blog Post: My Daily Routine

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
    Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. You can subscribe on Spotify and also on Apple Podcasts. Not using either of those to get your podcasts? Just click on this link and then paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.
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  • In episode 511, I'm thrilled to welcome Francesco D’Alessio, a trailblazer in the productivity app space. Our conversation revolved around his Bento methodology, the evolution of productivity software, and the future role of AI in managing our daily tasks.
    Francesco shared his journey in creating the Bento app, a method that has proven immensely beneficial for individuals that he didn't expect. We also delved into the critical aspects of choosing and sticking with the right productivity tools, and how these decisions can profoundly impact our efficiency and effectiveness.
    Key Discussion Points

    The development of the Bento productivity app and its unique methodology.

    How frameworks influence the longevity of app usage and user retention.

    The evolving trends in software and AI's emerging role in productivity apps.

    Utilizing AI tools like ChatGPT for breaking down complex tasks.

    The evolution of Evernote and the search for reliable productivity alternatives.

    Challenges in balancing app maintenance with personal responsibilities.

    Francesco’s insights into the world of productivity apps offer a fresh perspective on how we approach task management and efficiency. His emphasis on the right methodology, coupled with an open-minded approach to emerging tools like AI, provides invaluable guidance for anyone navigating the complex landscape of productivity software.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Francesco: X | LinkedIn | Website

    Check Out Keep Productive: X | YouTube

    The Bento Method: Check It Out

    The Unedited Version of This Episode: Watch on YouTube

    Related Conversation: Episode 278: Keeping Productive with Francesco D’Alessio

    Related Blog Post: What to Look for in Your First Task Management App

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  • Welcome to Episode 510 of our podcast, where I had the pleasure of hosting Ben Kirk, an expert in productivity coaching. In this enlightening conversation, we delved deep into the intricacies of developing effective habits, managing time efficiently, and overcoming common productivity hurdles.
    Ben shared his unique insights on the importance of self-discipline, consistency, and accountability in achieving personal and professional goals. We also explored various aspects of productivity, including weekly reviews, misconceptions in self-help, and the significance of understanding one's circadian rhythms for optimal performance.
    Key Discussion Points

    Ben's philosophy on productivity, focusing on self-discipline, consistency, and accountability.

    Challenges posed by the constant influx of new productivity tools and apps.

    Customized approaches to productivity and the importance of starting with small, manageable habits.

    The role of weekly reviews in reflecting on progress and sustaining productivity.

    Misconceptions in productivity and self-help, and the necessity of a consistent lifestyle approach.

    Building effective routines without overengineering them, and the distinction between habits and routines.

    The journey of becoming an early riser and managing circadian rhythms for improved productivity.

    This episode with Ben Kirk was not just about productivity tips; it was a deep dive into rethinking how we approach our daily routines and work habits. Ben's emphasis on tailored strategies, coupled with his insights on weekly reviews and the significance of understanding our natural rhythms, provides valuable guidance for anyone looking to enhance their productivity and overall quality of life.
    Links Worth Exploring

    Connect with Ben: LinkedIn | Website

    Check out Ben's offer to A Productive Conversation listeners: Click Here

    Related Conversation: Episode 75: Steve Kamb

    Related Blog Post: The Productivity Diet: Balancing Quality and Quantity for Lasting Productivity

    Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.
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