
  • Samuel Perry RH (AHG) is a clinical herbalist, medicine maker and herbal educator in Upstate New York.

    Practicing in the Vitalist and eclectic tradition of American Herbalism, Sam offers compassionate attention and practical support in all manner of health concerns. An instructor and core faculty at Arbor Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism, Sam teaches herbal energetics and Materia Medica, helps supervise a free bi-weekly student clinic, leads plant walks, and offers medicine making demonstrations.

    A long-time practitioner of Zen Buddhism, Sam also leads meditation retreats. His work as an herbalist and his knowledge of and love for the living world offers a unique vantage point from which to engage these practices. His commitment to the ever-unfolding awakening of all beings is expressed in a playful and fluid style.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ The need to integrate ancestral wisdom and traditional practices into the rapidly growing psychedelic space, moving beyond a purely chemical understanding.

    ▶ The role of plants as teachers, emphasizing how they can bridge the gap between physical experience and deeper self-understanding.

    ▶ The importance of building "dirt," or foundational knowledge and respect, to ethically and authentically engage with sacred medicines within contemporary culture.

    ▶ Addressing the sensitive issue of cultural appropriation, acknowledging the debt owed to indigenous traditions, and advocating for a balanced approach to honoring and utilizing these medicines.

    ▶ The reality of the widespread use of psychedelics, and the importance of focusing on the greater healing of humanity amidst a time of global transition and suffering.

    Sam Perry's Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.arborvitaeny.com/corefaculty/samuel-perry


    ▶ The Energetics of Psilocybin & Herbal Medicine: Remembering & Restoring the Missing Piece in Contemporary Psychedelic Practice:

    Sign up to be notified when the doors open:


    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Samuel Perry RH (AHG) is a clinical herbalist, medicine maker and herbal educator in Upstate New York.

    Practicing in the Vitalist and eclectic tradition of American Herbalism, Sam offers compassionate attention and practical support in all manner of health concerns. An instructor and core faculty at Arbor Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism, Sam teaches herbal energetics and Materia Medica, helps supervise a free bi-weekly student clinic, leads plant walks, and offers medicine making demonstrations.

    A long-time practitioner of Zen Buddhism, Sam also leads meditation retreats. His work as an herbalist and his knowledge of and love for the living world offers a unique vantage point from which to engage these practices. His commitment to the ever-unfolding awakening of all beings is expressed in a playful and fluid style.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Sam's journey intertwines nature and spirituality, from childhood plant connections and a pivotal pine tree experience to his path as a clinical herbalist.

    ▶ Sam's experiences with cannabis and LSD, along with the impact of figures like Alan Watts, shaped his understanding of altered states and cultural connections.

    ▶ Beth and Sam introduce their upcoming program,The Energetics of Psilocybin & Herbal Medicine: Remembering & Restoring the Missing Piece in Contemporary Psychedelic Practice, focusing on the often-neglected energetic dimensions of psilocybin.

    ▶ The need to explore the somatic and energetic aspects of psychedelic experiences beyond traditional approaches.

    ▶ Beth and Sam discuss providing practical tools and knowledge to navigate challenging experiences and integrate insights.

    ▶ The importance of grounding psychedelic experiences in ancestral wisdom and living traditions.

    ▶ The difference between taking calculated risks and being reckless in psychedelic exploration.

    ▶ Sam's "witchy grandma kit" and the use of herbal remedies are highlighted as essential tools for supporting individuals during intense experiences.

    ▶ The practical application of energetic principles to address specific needs and challenges during psychedelic journeys is discussed.

    ▶ Why one must enter a psychedelic space with intention, and courage, to get the most out of the experience.

    Sam Perry's Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.arborvitaeny.com/corefaculty/samuel-perry


    ▶ The Energetics of Psilocybin & Herbal Medicine: Remembering & Restoring the Missing Piece in Contemporary Psychedelic Practice:

    Sign up to be notified when the doors open:


    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

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  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ The new Energetics of Psilocybin 6-Week Group Training, hosted by Beth Weinstein and Sam Perry, that's coming soon --and what you can expect from it

    ▶ How Sam has a unique "Grandma's Toolkit" that EVERY psychedelic facilitator needs, and what makes Sam such a highly knowledgeable, interesting and entertaining teacher for this group training.

    ▶ Why energetics are crucial in psychedelic therapy -- but is a missing piece in most trainings.

    ▶ How the Energetics of Psilocybin group training will address the human-mushroom connection, and why it matters to you as a practitioner or participant.

    ▶ The invaluable tools for facilitation and their own personal journeys that The Energetics of Psilocybin participants will gain

    ▶ How Sam is the perfect teacher for this program, and what makes his sessions so fun and engaging.

    ▶ How The Energetics of Psilocybin program aims to enhance safety and reduce harm.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein
    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz
    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines
    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources: https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Jonathan "Quest" Brown is a tech-savvy creative, sacred facilitator, and integration coach. He blends the wisdom of indigenous traditions with holistic modalities, including Reiki, yoga, and somatic approaches, to guide individuals on their transformative journeys. Quest works with sacred medicines such as mushrooms, cacao, and 5-MeO-DMT. As the co-founder of the Three Rivers Psychedelic Society (TRiPS), he is dedicated to educating and supporting the safe use of psychedelics in Pittsburgh, PA. With a background in technology and a passion for creativity, Quest fosters holistic wellness, personal transformation, and innovative solutions within a nurturing community.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶Grief can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation

    ▶ Experiencing loss can deepen our understanding of life and death

    ▶ Sacred medicines can aid in processing grief and emotional pain

    ▶ Integration of spiritual and scientific knowledge is essential in healing

    ▶ Navigating career transitions can lead to greater clarity and purpose

    ▶ Community support plays a vital role in personal growth

    ▶ The journey of healing is often nonlinear and requires patience

    ▶ Letting go of old stories can lead to personal empowerment

    ▶ Masculine and feminine energies are both important in healing

    ▶ Finding balance between different aspects of life is crucial for well-being. Your energy looks so different than a year ago

    ▶ We have to do the work to let go of the story

    ▶ People hold on to these patterns for generations

    ▶ 5-MeO-DMT is a super intense process that requires preparation

    ▶ Integration is crucial after psychedelic experiences

    ▶ Comfort with the idea of dying is important when using this medicine

    ▶ Consistency is key in personal growth and business

    ▶ Life is a gigantic ceremony that requires ongoing support

    ▶ Creating a community space for psychedelic discussions is vital

    ▶ A lifestyle wellness brand can help express authenticity on the healing journey

    Jonathan Quest Brown's Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.questtheconduit.com

    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/questtheconduit/

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Quilley is a social worker by education, with about six years of experience working with the elderly in the 1960s. In the early 1970s, she explored different psychedelic medicines under the tutelage of Leo Zeff while also engaging in regular recreational use common to that era. Her first non-dual experiences occurred with the Grateful Dead while on medicine. Quilley has been practicing meditation for over 30 years, accumulating about three years of silent retreat practice, including a 21-day retreat in complete darkness. She came to Theravadan Buddhist practice through the doorway of suffering after the loss of her son in 1993, working with her grief under the guidance of Stephen and Ondrea Levine. This led her to volunteer with two hospices and work with individuals through the Living Dying Project. Over time, she developed a deeply committed sitting practice, which included many monthlong retreats, a three-month retreat in 2010, and extended practice in Burma (four months in 1999) and Bodhgaya in 2012. She was also active in the Buddhism 12-Step community and worked with elders in various capacities, including being part of a Sangha practicing with San Quentin inmates. Quilley served as a retreat manager at Spirit Rock Meditation Center for 11 years. In her elder years, Quilley trained as a Death Doula with INELDA and now has a practice at the intersection of meditation, death, and awakening.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ ▶ Quilley Powers’ background in social work and psychedelics

    ▶ The importance of recording elder voices and wisdom

    ▶ How 5-MeO DMT offers profound experiences that can resemble death

    ▶ How psychedelics can help alleviate the fear of death for many

    ▶ The crucial role death doulas play in providing support and ritual

    ▶ Why society often avoids discussions about death, and how it leads to fear

    ▶ Rituals around death that can bring sacredness to the process

    ▶ How meditation and psychedelics can enhance understanding of nonduality

    ▶ The intersection of meditation, dying, and awakening and why it’s significant

    ▶ How open conversations about death can transform societal views and how exploration of personal experiences can lead to growth and wisdom

    ▶ Why the future of death and dying is evolving with societal changes

    ▶ How continuous learning is essential for personal development

    ▶ Ways that psychedelics can complement Buddhist practices for a deeper understanding

    ▶ How mindfulness helps in accepting life's unpredictability

    ▶ Cultural influences that shape our perceptions of aging and beauty

    ▶ The importance of community in navigating life's transitions

    ▶ How an awareness of privilege can inform our understanding of suffering

    ▶ Why acceptance of the aging process can lead to greater wisdom

    ▶ Personal practices are crucial for maintaining presence and awareness.

    Quilley Powers’s Links & Resources

    ▶ A FREE half-hour phone call to anyone who ants to know more about her work. Email her at medicinecrone @ gmail .com with your name and phone number.

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Episode Highlights

    How crises highlight the growing need for coaches, healers, and other transformation-focused professionals

    ▶ The harmony of action and introspection as a means to stay grounded and effective

    ▶ How individual healing processes contribute to collective shifts and environmental restoration

    ▶ Ways to create a more balanced approach to capitalism and dismantling harmful systems with grace and intentionality

    ▶ Embracing the extremes of grief and beauty, despair and hope, as part of the human and planetary experience

    ▶ Practical ways to stay engaged, focused, and impactful even amidst overwhelming global challenges

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Soul Activation & Abundance Workshop: https://go.bethaweinstein.com/2025-soul-activation-and-manifestation/

    Learn more: www.BethAWeinstein.com and get her free trainings:

    ▶ Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business/

    ▶ Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching

    ▶ Other Offerings: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram: / bethaweinstein

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc & / bethweinsteinbiz

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Margo is an Earth Reconnection Facilitator helping you to transform your paradigm and unearth your true authentic nature to heal your life, expand your spiritual connection, and come into the right relationship with the Earth.

    A lifetime of spiritual starvation initiated Margo on a deep journey healing from addiction, chronic depression, and chronic illness beginning in 2017 by turning to therapeutic work with plant medicine and ancient spiritual traditions.

    She found that the root of her own suffering was interwoven with the root of the environmental crisis: that the majority of Western society lives in a paradigm of disconnection and separation from the Earth, from our true authentic nature, and from the sacredness of our lives.

    Holding certifications in somatic plant medicine integration, transformational addiction recovery coaching, essentials of IFS, a masters in Environmental Sustainability, and her own deep work of dieting Amazonian Master Teacher plants and working with sacred plant medicines, Margo interweaves somatic exploration, parts work, plant medicine allyship, and shamanic energetics in 1:1 offerings, self-guided courses, and virtual & in-person gatherings.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ How Margo came to the work she does with the environment and plant medicine

    ▶ The way Margo is helping people come into balance with the wisdom of the earth

    ▶ The impact of nature as a guide for life

    ▶ The struggle of balancing our businesses online and real life

    ▶ What is possible for the future of our planet with this paradigm shift

    ▶ How plant medicine will change the earth and our lives

    ▶ The power of working with medicines that are readily available on the earth

    ▶ What happens when you show up for your souls purpose and your path

    ▶ How Margo came up with her current offer and the work she is doing now

    ▶ Trusting your own wisdom and heart and what happens when you live with the wisdom within you

    ▶ The patterns we have ingrained in us and what works for the clients Margo works with

    ▶ The energy that keeps people addicted to substances and what helps them through it

    ▶ Margos current offerings and her plans for the future

    Margo Fargola’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.sacredrootsrevival.com/

    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sacredrootsrevival/

    ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/margo.fragola/

    ▶ Guided Earth Spirit Invocation:


    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Sarah has worked as an RN for the past 30 years, working with a variety of patients in different acute care settings. Most recently she has obtained a certification in Integrative Mental Health Coaching and has obtained a variety of certifications associated with psychedelic-assisted therapy and integration.

    After struggling with depression and being on antidepressants for over 20 years, Sarah sought alternative treatments for depression and discovered the healing power of entheogenic medicine. She has since worked with several different entheogenic medicines for her personal healing and growth and is excited to share the healing power of entheogens with others through journey work as well as Microdosing Coaching. Additionally, Sarah and her husband offer Couples Rekindle Experience weekends working with a very special "heart opening" medicine that has transformed many partnerships and marriages...including theirs!

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ How Sarah went from nursing and western medicine to working with psychedelic medicine

    ▶ The coping mechanisms we are programmed with and how psychedelics can replace them

    ▶ The work Sarah is doing now and how she helps couples rekindle with MDMA

    ▶ How Sarah transitioned from the world of nursing to psychedelics

    ▶ The unpredictability of life and the importance of following your passions

    ▶ Why MDMA is a medicine of connection and its impact on couples

    ▶ The power of microdosing and how Sarah helps her clients interested in exploring it

    ▶ How aromatherapy and essential oils can be used in psychedelic journeys

    ▶ The power of putting your “why” above your ego and your fears

    ▶ The importance of sitting with your emotions and truly feeling with them so you can come out on the other side

    Sarah Schaefer’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.phpid=61554732872011

    ▶ Website: https://transformativesolutions.clientsecure.me/

    ▶ Instagram:


    Learn more about Soul Activation: https://go.bethaweinstein.com/2025-soul-activation-and-manifestation/

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ The New Year’s Soul Activation, a pay-what-you-wish event held in-person on January 8th in New York and online on January 9th (and in person on Jan 10th)

    ▶ What neurolinguistic programming is and how Beth is weaving it into her work

    ▶ The difference between traditional New Year’s resolutions and intentional, guided co-creation practices

    ▶ How clearing limiting beliefs can open the path to realizing your true purpose

    ▶ The importance of curiosity, journaling, and rituals in manifesting your goals

    ▶ Real-life examples of how intentional visioning has led to transformative outcomes

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Soul Activation & Abundance Workshop: https://go.bethaweinstein.com/2025-soul-activation-and-manifestation/

    Learn more: www.BethAWeinstein.com and get her free trainings:

    ▶ Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business/

    ▶ Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching

    ▶ Other Offerings: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram: / bethaweinstein

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc & / bethweinsteinbiz

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Jessica Caplan is a vocal embodiment coach, singer and sound practitioner, who works with voice and sound as portals for embodiment, transformation, and connection. Known for her voice-infused soundscapes, and open-hearted approach to embodying the voice (Sonic Embodiment), Jessica leads immersive workshops, retreats, trainings, and 1:1 mentorships in the art of therapeutic voice and sound.

    Jessica has been singing her whole life, and in her 30's, experienced a series of activations that guided her into an even deeper relationship with her voice as a healing instrument. A graduate of the Open Center’s Sound and Music Institute, and Grammy award-nominated artist Silvia Nakkach’s Yoga of the Voice certificate, she is passionate about helping people re-member the voice they were born with. She's a longtime yoga teacher and mover, lover of ceremonial work, and draws inspiration from the Earth, indigenous traditions, and her own Jewish roots. She lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and daughter, and their kitty and pup, and is currently working on an album of her medicine songs. Her song "Call Me Home" is available on all listening platforms under her alias Jessonica. Her work has been covered in the New York Times, the Observer, Vogue, and on CBS news.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Jessica’s journey to vocal embodiment and how she shifted from being an attorney to a vocal coach

    ▶ How Jessica found sound healing and how she became an Integrative Sound Practitioner

    ▶ When plant medicine came into her life and the true power of intuitive vocalizing

    ▶ Expansion and contraction in life and business and how it made way for bigger things to happen

    ▶ How Jessica manifested and built a dream space for her work

    ▶ What has to happen if you want to expand and grow and the tests you might be faced with

    ▶ Why pushing and forcing won’t create abundance and the power of honoring the energy of now instead

    ▶ How using your voice can help you get into the energy of flow and receiving

    ▶ The spiritual and healing aspects of using your voice and how Jesica helps her clients drop into their voices

    ▶ Real transformations that Jessica’s clients have experienced after diving into sound healing

    ▶ Why so many women don’t love using their voice and why singing is our birthright

    Jessica Caplan’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: www.jessicacaplan.com

    ▶ Instagram: instagram.com/jesscaplan

    ▶ Toning for Inner Peace:


    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Helen Knight is a medicine woman, womb awakener, healer, and Reiki master/teacher. Part of her healing work is helping highly sensitive people/empaths to know that their sensitivity is a gift, not a curse. As a medicine woman, she leads plant medicine ceremony retreats so that people can heal and learn to simply love being themselves.

    She is also a womb awakener which doesn’t sound very sexy until you learn that the womb is a woman’s portal to her powerful, magnetic divine feminine essence. Helen is all about getting women reconnected to their wombs and bodies so that they can tap into their own treasure chest full of their power, love, pleasure, passion, intuition, magnetism, voice, creativity and so much more! The time has come to access the portal that lays within the womb, giving women access to their divine feminine power. Here’s to the rise of the sacred feminine.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ How Helen discovered she was a highly sensitive person and found her way as a Healer

    ▶ What Helen was doing with her clients and why she felt called to join Beth’s mastermind program

    ▶ Helen’s six month Feminine Reclamation Program and how she helps women get in touch with their emotions and experience womb awakenings

    ▶ The primary drivers that bring women to the womb awakening work that Helen offers

    ▶ How women can begin to allow more support and ease from the masculine

    ▶ How womb-work can impact the planet and the need for women to heal their masculine energies

    ▶ The alchemy that happens when plant medicine is paired with womb-work and how you activate womb consciousness

    ▶ The true power of group programs and the support you get

    ▶ The ways that you life can change when you join Beth’s mastermind and what it can do for your business

    ▶ The lack of balance between feminine and masculine energies

    Helen Knight’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.dreamtimehealings.com

    ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dreamtimehealings

    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heleknightdreamtimehealings/

    ▶YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@helenknightatdreamtimeheal3093

    ▶ Become Magnetic: Drawing in Your Desires Through the Womb:


    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Tanya Lynn is the visionary founder of Sistership Circle, a global organization that has trained tens of thousands of women how to fill, lead and grow their women’s circles. With her truth telling style of leadership, she has a gift of seeing the brilliance in women and activating them to step into their power.

    She has successfully integrated the masculine and feminine within herself, making her both fierce and soft, strategic and able to surrender, mission driven yet highly relatable with her vulnerability.

    Tanya is the best selling author of multiple books including Open Your Heart: How to Be a New Generation Feminine Leader, The Art of Leading Circle and The Women’s Circle Ritual Handbook.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ What brought Tanya to facilitate women’s circles after leaving the corporate world

    ▶ The true power of meeting people on a human level and genuine connection

    ▶ How Sistership Circles help women dig deeper so they can grow through movement, ritual, and ceremony

    ▶ What a divine feminine rising really is and the power of real, authentic sisterhood

    ▶ The need for more compassion and balance between masculine and feminine energies

    ▶ How we can bring a balance of masculine and feminine energy in our lives and businesses

    ▶ The challenges of entrepreneurship and what is driving people to join women’s group

    ▶ Tanya’s visions for the future and the role of women

    ▶ The rise of plant medicine and women’s circles, and the impact they will have on the future

    Tanya Lynn’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: sistershipcircle.com

    ▶ Instagram: instagram.com/sistershipcircle

    ▶ Facebook:Facebook.com/groups/sistershipcircle

    ▶ YouTube:YouTube.com/sistershipcircle

    ▶ The Art of Leading Circle startup kit: https://sistershipcircle.com/art-of-leading-circle-startup-kit

    ▶ Women's Circle Ritual Handbook:


    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ Why authenticity is key in entrepreneurship and how deeper inner work can transform everything

    ▶ How clarity and messaging can set you apart with your audience and what it really takes to succeed

    ▶ A look at the foundation for an aligned business and the importance of presence

    ▶ What leadership truly is in the psychedelic space and why so many people get caught in ego-centered businesses

    ▶ Communicating effectively to connect with your audience so you can share your voice and what you stand for

    ▶ Why mindset and integration matter so much and how it helps you share your unique medicine

    ▶ A call to become more authentically you than ever

    ▶ The power of alignment and embodiment and how you can live your soul's purpose

    ▶ A closer look at Beth’s Mastermind program and how it supports you in growing your business and attracting divine abundance

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ TheTrue Path Entrepreneur Group Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind/

    ▶ Testimonials - Beth Weinstein - business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs and psychedelic coaches: https://bethaweinstein.com/testimonials/

    ▶ {Client Testimonial} Beth Weinstein Spiritual Business Coaching Program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sLLPecZuxI&list=PLbUU6MjDDlpbKQJ_vomn5mlCkmaRK8nGc

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind
    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein
    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz
    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines
    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources : https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Nick Meador is the founder of Soul Lift Cacao, a social enterprise working with indigenous groups in Latin America who prepare authentic ceremonial cacao using ancient traditions. Nick has also been a transformational facilitator for over a decade, leading experiences ranging from 3-hour cacao journeys, to immersive cacao tours in Guatemala and Mexico. In 2024 Nick became a licensed psilocybin facilitator in Oregon, and he hopes to raise awareness about the historical overlap and potential therapeutic synergy of cacao and psilocybin.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Nick’s journey into the world of cacao and how it connects to his work with psilocybin

    ▶ Challenges in the spiritual and therapeutic spaces and the need for accountability

    ▶ The importance of cultural sensitivity and ethical business practices in the cacao and psilocybin space

    ▶ How businesses are really run and what it would take to make a big impact on the cacao world

    ▶ The importance of education about cacao and in the importance of being transparent

    ▶ Historical and cultural significance of cacao that people may not realize

    ▶ Concerns about cacao quality and the reality of heavy metals in food

    ▶ The role of cacao in modern day social situations

    ▶ Psilocybin facilitation in Oregon and the work that Nick is doing

    Nick Meador’s Links & Resources



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulliftcacao/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulLiftCacao/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/soulliftcacao/



    Learn more about Abundant Earth Foundation: https://abundantearthfoundation.org/ancientcaco

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ Where Lacey is finding her clients and the struggles she faces with client acquisition

    ▶ What it means to be ready and the importance of overcoming imposter syndrome

    ▶ What happens when you do a deeper exploration of who you are and what you want

    ▶ The power of boundaries and the importance of either leading with love or scaling back with love

    ▶ Lacey’s goals for her business in the near future and the resistance she is facing in making it happen

    ▶ What happens when you fully focus on what you want

    ▶ The need for being your own boss and setting deadlines that you stick to

    ▶ A deep dive into what ideal clients really need and how to prioritize that in your business

    ▶ Making the leap into full-time entrepreneurship and putting your dreams first

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind
    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein
    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz
    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines
    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources: https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ Success stories from the True Path Entrepreneur Group Mastermind Program

    ▶ Details about the program

    ▶ The structure and benefits of the program

    ▶ The unique approach of the program: authentic business

    ▶ Addressing imposter syndrome and mindset challenges

    ▶ The importance of clarity and confidence in business

    ▶ Bringing your true self forward in your business

    ▶ The role of mindset and subconscious reprogramming for business success

    ▶ The power of community in the mastermind program

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ TheTrue Path Entrepreneur Group Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind/

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind
    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein
    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz
    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines
    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources: https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Zahara Zimring is a Martial Artist turned Liberation Artist, transformational mentor and ceremonialist. She is the creator of The Dojo Initiation, an ecosystem of transformational arenas that shatter limitations while offering safe and emergent spaces for participants (who become family) to expand beyond their edges and embody their highest design while being deeply championed in community.

    Once an elite martial artist and Olympic hopeful who ultimately overcame a debilitating spinal fusion, Zahara is passionate about helping others turn trauma into triumph and wounding into warrior wisdom. A practitioner of spiritual psychology, intuitive channeling, and shamanic arts, she has found her purpose in deep study with master plant teachers and creating safe spaces for others to heal, transform fear and remember themselves whole while reclaiming empowerment in all areas of life.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Zahara’s introduction to martial arts and how she found her passion inside the dojo

    ▶ The turning point that catalyzed Zahara’s journey into personal development

    ▶ What a dojo is and the aspects that make it different from a regular woman’s circle

    ▶ The strength in vulnerability, and how it deepens authenticity in leadership

    ▶ The emergent leadership that we need in these times

    ▶ How to navigate growing pains as a leader and expanding beyond the threshold where fear holds you back

    ▶ The way that Zahara weaves the wisdom of evolutionary astrology into her work at the dojo

    ▶ The beauty of aging and the wisdom of our elders

    ▶ What it is to be human and the journey of soul expansion we go through

    ▶ The freedom and liberation of letting go of fear and opening yourself up to the possibilities available to you

    Zahara Zimring’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: www.thedojoinitiation.com

    ▶ Instagram: www.instagram.com/zaharazimring

    ▶Dojo Initiation Instagram: www.instagram.com/thedojoinitiation

    ▶ Join The Dojo Monthly Gathering on the last Sunday of every month. Type your name and email at the top of the website here

    www.thedojoinitiation.com to join!

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Kathryn Solie is widely known for her work as a "poisonous" plant educator. She feels that her current mission is to foster a greater cultural understanding of certain aspects of plant consciousness and, ultimately, to help build a community of unique practitioners who engage in dialogue, learn from, and support one another, both in their commonalities and differences.

    She believes that together, we can recover the most ancient human lineage—our relationship to the wisdom of the plant kingdom.

    Kathryn studied painting at Naropa University, a Buddhist-inspired school in Boulder, Colorado, completed a sacred plant medicine apprenticeship with the Gaia School of Healing in Putney, Vermont, and underwent training in Hakomi, a mindfulness-based, body-centered psychotherapy. While all of these trainings have influenced her work, they pale in comparison to what she has learned from the plants themselves.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ How Kathryn got started with poisonous plants and the teachings they have for us around fear

    ▶ How these plants can bring us to those threshold places within our own psyches

    ▶ The role psychedelics play in healing and how Kathryn uses them in her work

    ▶ The major piece of integration missing in the psychedelic space right now

    ▶ The power of Hakomi and the therapeutic practices that can be used for healing purposes

    ▶ The ability you have to lose yourself with these plants and the connection to trauma

    ▶ How poisonous plants are used in the medicine world for different purposes

    ▶ The work Kathryn does in her classes and how she safely introduces people to the world of poisonous plants

    ▶ Upcoming classes Kathryn has available and the different ways you can work with her

    Kathryn Solie’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: kathrynsolie.com

    ▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/persephonespath

    ▶Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/persephonespath0

    ▶YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@1800CallKathryn

    ▶ TikTok:


    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Karen Gordon is a soul-filled scientist, educator, nature therapist, and entheogen guide with 30 years of experience in landscape restoration and transformative nature experiences. As a restoration ecologist, her work has spanned diverse ecosystems from the North Atlantic fjords to the Peruvian Amazon and Costa Rica’s cloud forests. Founder of the Center for Sacred Ecology and steward of the 40-acre Samanea Nature Sanctuary in Monteverde, Costa Rica, Karen blends nature, prayer, and ceremony to awaken the human heart. Karen has studied the Peruvian mestizo vegetalista tradition for 8 years, serves in international circles, and leads intimate, heart-centered ceremonies in Costa Rica. She also coordinates master plant diet immersions in Peru and wilderness rites of passage in Costa Rica. She co-founded the Costa Rican foundation La Alianza de Plantas Sagradas (LAPS) and the Peruvian conservation group La Reserva Rinquía.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ How our view of what archeology is or could be completely changed after entering this sacred space

    ▶How this temple space is the oldest that has been found in Peru so far and the history behind it

    ▶ The story of how we learned about this space and the archeological work that is being done still in this area

    ▶ Why Beth and Karen are passionate about raising money to save this archaeological project and uncover more about Montegrande

    ▶ The history of this area and what we do and don’t know about it

    ▶ The incredible discoveries that have been made at this location and the ripple effects they made on the industry

    ▶ How scientists on the site came to find what may be the earliest signs of domesticated and ceremonial cacao in the world

    ▶ How this site is the earliest one in the Amazon to exemplify human spirituality and religion

    ▶ The depth of sacred reciprocity and how everything is interconnected

    ▶How people can contribute to this project either financially or energetically and the different ways to make an offering to this project

    ▶ What’s happening right now at this site and why securing funding is more crucial now than ever

    ▶ The incredible opportunity we have to make a difference and support this ancient knowledge and wisdom

    Karen Gordon’s Links & Resources

    Donate to the Huaca Montegrande Project Here: https://abundantearthfoundation.org/ancientcacao/

    Sacred Reciprocity for Montegrande – Protect the Ancient Roots of Cacao and Empower the Amazon’s Cultural Legacy:


    Huaca Montegrande Media Kit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1p002oVVhkMBbVAOXKRyeCNQsiUdg-o3D

    Key Contacts:

    ASICAMPE Lead Archaeologist: Dr. Quirino Olivera

    Email: quirinoolivera @ outlook.com.pe

    Phone: +51 995 034 380 (Spanish only)

    ASICAMPE Associate: Karen Gordon

    Email: klg.monteverde @ gmail.com (or beth @ bethaweinste.com when Karen is offline)

    Phone: +506 8372 2002 (English and Spanish)

    Abundant Earth Foundation Contact: Hannah Eckberg

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: +1 808 226 7003

    Website: https://abundantearthfoundation.org/

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines

  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ The concept of sacred reciprocity (Aini) and how it can be incorporated into your business or practice in meaningful, practical ways

    ▶ A free three-part soul-centered business training to help overcome imposter syndrome, gain clarity, and start sharing your unique gifts

    ▶ The discovery of ceremonial cacao use at a sacred site in Northern Peru and how you can support its ongoing excavation efforts

    ▶ Why she’s donating 15% of proceeds from her Rose Dieta to hurricane relief in Asheville, and how to infuse reciprocity into your business, no matter your stage

    ▶ Client success stories showing how energetic shifts can lead to real results, and why now is the time to start sharing your gifts with the world

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Free Training: "You Are The Medicine": https://go.bethaweinstein.com/you-are-medicine-business-training

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind
    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein
    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz
    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines
    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources: https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free trainings here: 

    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into Business: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business

    ▶ Beth’s Coaching & Guidance: https://bethaweinstein.com/coaching 

    ▶ Beth's Offerings & Courses: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Instagram:  @bethaweinstein 

    ▶ FB: / bethw.nyc + bethweinsteinbiz 

    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines