
  • This episode is a repost of Coach Frank's appearance on the Dropping Bombs podcast with Brad Lea. At the end of 2023, I had the opportunity to fly to Las Vegas and sit down with entrepreneur, author, and podcast host, Brad Lea.

    During the conversation, we talked all things porn addiction, including but not limited to:

    why men get addicted to porn the difference in internet streaming pornography versus every other form on porn previously the difference between porn addicts and sex addicts steps to recovery for men struggling and much, much more

    Connect with Brad online:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/therealbradlea/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@THEREALBRADLEA

  • Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/nobrainer

    In episode 88 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of focusing on personal development and success in other areas of life as a strategy to overcome pornography addiction. He emphasizes the need to build confidence, self-discipline, and a sense of self-worth through physical fitness, financial success, and goal achievement. Coach Frank believes that by becoming a better man in all aspects of life, the addiction to pornography will naturally diminish. He encourages men to prioritize their self-love and self-discipline.


    Pornography addiction can drain motivation and passion for other areas of life.

    Focusing on personal development and success in other areas can help overcome pornography addiction.

    Building confidence and self-discipline through physical fitness, financial success, and goal achievement is key.

    Prioritizing self-love and self-discipline is essential for breaking free from pornography addiction.

    Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/nobrainer

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

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    In episode 87 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the impact of inner thoughts and dialogue on struggling with a pornography addiction. He emphasizes the importance of changing the inner dialogue to overcome the addiction and achieve lasting transformation. The key steps discussed include having a vision, changing behavior, becoming one's own cheerleader, surrounding oneself with supportive people, and killing off the old self. Coach Frank also mentions the importance of gratitude and offers a free training program to help men break free from their addiction.


    The inner thoughts and dialogue play a significant role in struggling with a pornography addiction.

    Changing the inner dialogue is crucial for overcoming the addiction and achieving lasting transformation.

    Having a vision and breaking it down into actionable steps is essential for changing behavior.

    Becoming one's own cheerleader and surrounding oneself with supportive people are important for success.

    Killing off the old self is necessary for lasting transformation.

    Practicing gratitude and participating in a training program can aid in breaking free from the addiction.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In episode 86 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the challenges faced by young men in a hypersexualized culture and shares six ways to regain control of the brain and overcome pornography addiction. The six steps include: stopping the consumption of pornography, taking a digital detox from social media, eliminating oneself from triggering environments, practicing gratitude, engaging in daily reflection journaling, and focusing on personal growth to attract an ideal mate. These steps are crucial in desexualizing the brain and finding joy, meaning, and purpose in life.


    Navigating the hypersexualized culture can be challenging for young men, but it is their responsibility to take control of their brains.

    Pornography addiction makes finding freedom more difficult, as it enslaves the brain and triggers sexual desires in everyday environments.

    Six steps to regain control of the brain and desexualize it include: stopping pornography consumption, taking a digital detox from social media, avoiding triggering environments, practicing gratitude, engaging in daily reflection journaling, and focusing on personal growth.

    Desexualizing the brain is a cheat code to unlocking greatness, joy, meaning, and purpose in life.

    By focusing on personal growth and becoming the ideal version of oneself, young men can attract the right partner and live a fulfilling life.

    Making these small changes in life can lead to significant improvements in mental health and overall well-being.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In episode 85 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the five rules from Jordan Peterson's book, '12 Rules for Life,' that have played a fundamental role in his personal growth and journey to finding freedom from pornography addiction. The rules include treating oneself as someone responsible for helping, making friends with people who want the best for you, comparing oneself to who they were yesterday, pursuing what is meaningful rather than expedient, and telling the truth or at least not lying. Frank emphasizes the importance of embracing these rules to unlock freedom and fulfill one's potential.


    Treating oneself as someone responsible for helping is crucial in overcoming addiction and achieving personal growth.

    Surrounding oneself with people who want the best for them is essential for support and encouragement.

    Comparing oneself to who they were yesterday, rather than comparing to others, is key to progress and self-acceptance.

    Pursuing what is meaningful and purposeful, rather than seeking short-term pleasure, leads to fulfillment and success.

    Being honest with oneself and others is vital for identifying the root causes of addiction and finding freedom.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In episode 84 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the idea that addiction to pornography is working because it solves a problem in the addict's life. He explores the concept that all addictions work until they stop working, often leading to rock bottom moments. Coach Frank emphasizes the importance of being radically honest with oneself and identifying the problem that pornography is solving. Frank also touches on the negative effects of pornography addiction and the need to take responsibility and break free from it.


    Addiction to pornography is working because it solves a problem in the addict's life

    All addictions work until they stop working, often leading to rock bottom moments.

    Being radically honest with oneself is crucial in overcoming pornography addiction.

    Identifying the problem that pornography is solving is essential for finding better solutions.

    Pornography addiction has negative effects on relationships, mental health, and physical health.

    Taking responsibility and breaking free from pornography addiction is necessary for personal growth.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In this episode of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich provides five steps to help men manage and overcome their addiction to porn and masturbation. The first step is to have a predetermined plan and know what to do when the urges arise. The second step is to identify triggers and be honest about what drives them to pornography. The third step is to build necessary tools to self-regulate in those moments. The fourth step is to change the environment to shift the physiology and state of mind. And the fifth step is to take deep breaths and relax, knowing that the urge will pass. These steps, when followed consistently, can help men gain victory over their addiction and create a porn-free life.


    Having a predetermined plan is crucial in managing and overcoming addiction to porn and masturbation.

    Identifying triggers and being honest about what drives the urge to pornography is essential for self-awareness.

    Building necessary tools to self-regulate in moments of temptation is key to gaining control over the addiction.

    Changing the environment can help shift the physiology and state of mind, making it easier to resist the urge.

    Taking deep breaths and relaxing can help regain rational thinking and overcome the urge.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In episode 82 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank discusses the 10 things that do not work in overcoming a porn addiction and reveals the one thing that will help. He emphasizes that focusing on a daily counter streak or counting the days does not help, and neither does watching motivational videos or reading books alone. Staying busy or distracting oneself, doing push-ups, using accountability apps or blocking software, relying solely on support groups, praying or reading the Bible without taking action, and building more discipline and willpower are also ineffective. The key to overcoming addiction is doing the necessary work to get to the root cause and developing better tools to self-regulate thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


    Focusing on a daily counter streak or counting the days does not help in overcoming a porn addiction.

    Watching motivational videos or reading books alone is not enough to heal the addiction.

    Staying busy or distracting oneself, doing push-ups, using accountability apps or blocking software, relying solely on support groups, praying or reading the Bible without taking action, and building more discipline and willpower are ineffective in overcoming the addiction.

    The key to overcoming addiction is doing the necessary work to get to the root cause and developing better tools to self-regulate thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Book a call with Coach Frank - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/apply

    In episode 81 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the challenges of overcoming pornography addiction, particularly for successful men. He outlines five key ways to succeed at quitting porn and rebuilding one's life. These include mindset, game plan, execution, accountability, and support system. Frank emphasizes the importance of a growth-centric vision and the need for intentional action and discipline. He also highlights the role of accountability and the value of a supportive community in the recovery process.


    Successful men often struggle with pornography addiction despite their achievements in other areas of life.

    Overcoming pornography addiction requires a shift in mindset from quitting porn to becoming a porn-free individual.

    Having a clear game plan, daily execution, and accountability are essential for success in overcoming addiction.

    Building a supportive community of like-minded individuals is crucial for sustained recovery from pornography addiction.

    Book a call with Coach Frank - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/apply

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Listen to The Dad Edge Podcast - https://thedadedge.com/podcast/

    Grab a copy of Larry's new book, The Spirit Of Fatherhood - https://amzn.to/3yFlmwy

    In episode 80 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, we share a recent interview of Coach Frank with Larry Hagner on The Dad Edge podcast. During this conversation, Larry and Frank discuss Frank's journey from confused and struggling to breaking free from porn addiction and now leading other high performing men out of the same battle. They talk about the importance of community and support as a crucial component for freedom and how all lasting success is rooted in an identity change.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision

    In episode 79 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the concept of brain rebooting and provides six tools to help in the rewiring process. These tools include having a vision, practicing gratitude, regular exercise, controlling food intake, breaking down the vision into daily tasks, and cold water immersion therapy. Coach Frank emphasizes the importance of neuroplasticity and positive neurochemicals in overcoming addiction to pornography.


    Neuroplasticity allows the brain to change and rewire itself over time through experience.

    Having a clear vision for life without pornography is crucial in the rewiring process.

    Practicing gratitude, regular exercise, and controlling food intake are essential for brain rebooting.

    Breaking down the vision into daily tasks and practicing cold water immersion therapy are effective tools for rewiring the brain.

    Positive neurochemicals play a significant role in overcoming addiction to pornography.

    Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/nobrainer

    In episode 78 of The Rebuilt Man podcaste, Coach Frank Rich discusses the impact of pornography on men's mental health, highlighting eight negative effects and providing actionable steps for recovery. He emphasizes the need to raise awareness and offers a discounted program for recovery. The conversation delves into the mental health crisis among men, the addictive nature of pornography, and its impact on relationships and self-esteem.


    Pornography has a significant impact on men's mental health, leading to addiction, unrealistic expectations, relationship struggles, objectification, emotional desensitization, performance anxiety, mood and self-esteem issues, and time consumption.

    Raising awareness and seeking recovery are crucial steps for men impacted by pornography addiction and its effects on mental health.

    Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/nobrainer

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In episode 77 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the common mistakes men make when trying to overcome addiction to porn and masturbation. He highlights the outdated and incomplete recovery systems, the importance of community and connection, and the misconception of trying to quit porn. He offers a holistic approach to breaking the chains of addiction and living a porn-free life.


    Outdated and incomplete recovery systems contribute to the struggle of overcoming addiction.

    Community and connection play a crucial role in the journey to freedom from porn addiction.

    The misconception of trying to quit porn is a major mistake in overcoming pornography addiction.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In this episode, Coach Frank Rich discusses the three mindsets that keep men shackled to pornography addiction and how to overcome them. The first mindset is the victim mindset, which blames external factors for the addiction. The second mindset is the limited mindset, which believes that change is not possible. The third mindset is the perfectionist mindset, which leads to giving up after setbacks. To break free from these mindsets, one must take personal responsibility, embrace growth, and learn from mistakes.


    The victim mindset blames external factors for pornography addiction and prevents personal growth.

    The limited mindset believes that change is not possible and keeps men stuck in their addiction.

    The perfectionist mindset leads to giving up after setbacks instead of learning from mistakes.

    To overcome these mindsets, one must take personal responsibility, embrace growth, and learn from mistakes.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision

    In episode 75 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank discusses the importance of setting meaningful goals in overcoming pornography addiction. He emphasizes that quitting porn should not be the ultimate goal, but rather creating a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Coach Frank explains that porn is often used as an escape from everyday problems and stresses. He highlights the role of dopamine in both porn consumption and goal achievement, emphasizing the need for clear and tangible goals to create positive emotions. Frank concludes by encouraging listeners to create a vision for their lives and take meaningful steps towards becoming the person they want to be.


    Quitting porn should not be the ultimate goal; the focus should be on creating a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Porn is often used as an escape from everyday problems and stresses.

    Setting clear and tangible goals is important for creating positive emotions and rewiring the reward system.

    Creating a vision for one's life and taking meaningful steps towards it can help overcome pornography addiction.

    Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Today, on The Rebuilt Man podcast, we share a short clip from a full conversation that Coach Frank Rich had with Marc Lobliner & Alan Roberts on their show, Evening Rants With March & Alan.

    Watch the full episode - https://rumble.com/v4u7d6q-mentally-ill-people-are-buying-babies-evening-rants-ep-48-with-guest-frank-.html

    There are over 40 million slaves worldwide and human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. Frank, Marc, and Alan discuss the truth around this issue and what we need to do as men to fight evil and protect our women and children.

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision

    In episode 73 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich provides seven tips to help men fight their pornography addiction. He emphasizes the importance of changing mindset and belief systems, focusing on physical health, establishing creative pursuits, scheduling and prioritizing tasks, finding accountability and a supportive community, and living in radical honesty. These tips, combined with a clear vision, can help men break free from the struggles of pornography addiction and become the men they aspire to be


    Changing mindset and belief systems is crucial in overcoming pornography addiction.

    Prioritizing physical health can build confidence and provide immediate feedback on progress.

    Engaging in creative pursuits helps channel energy away from pornography.

    Scheduling and prioritizing tasks can help avoid triggers and create structure.

    Finding accountability and a supportive community is essential for overcoming addiction.

    Living in radical honesty and telling the truth in every situation is important.

    Having a clear vision for life without pornography can provide a framework for success.

    Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision

    In episode 72 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the idea that overcoming a porn addiction requires becoming a new version of oneself. He emphasizes the importance of creating a clear vision for the future and using it as motivation to break free from the addiction. Frank discusses the potential positive outcomes of overcoming the addiction, such as starting a successful business and building meaningful relationships. He also highlights the negative consequences of staying stuck in the addiction, including financial struggles and social anxiety. The episode concludes with a reminder that the choice between heaven and hell rests on the individual.


    Overcoming a porn addiction requires becoming a new version of oneself.

    Creating a clear vision for the future can serve as motivation to break free from the addiction.

    Breaking free from the addiction can lead to positive outcomes such as starting a successful business and building meaningful relationships.

    Staying stuck in the addiction can result in negative consequences such as financial struggles and social anxiety.

    The choice between heaven and hell rests on the individual.

    Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In episode 71 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of gratitude in overcoming addiction to porn and masturbation. He explains that a daily gratitude practice can have a significant impact on changing one's perspective and rewiring the brain. Coach Frank shares the five benefits of gratitude, including increased production of feel-good neurotransmitters, reduction in stress hormones, enhanced brain connectivity, reduction in symptoms of depression, and long-term well-being. He emphasizes the need to experience gratitude rather than just saying it and provides a step-by-step guide to practicing gratitude effectively.


    Gratitude is a powerful tool in overcoming addiction to porn and masturbation.

    A daily gratitude practice can change one's perspective and rewire the brain.

    Gratitude has numerous benefits, including increased production of feel-good neurotransmitters, reduction in stress hormones, enhanced brain connectivity, reduction in symptoms of depression, and long-term well-being.

    It is important to experience gratitude rather than just saying it.

    Practicing gratitude involves identifying what one is grateful for, explaining why it is important, and describing how it makes one feel.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage

  • Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    In episode 70 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the prevalence of pornography addiction and the need for open and honest conversations about it. He emphasizes that no person is immune to addiction and that it is important to accept and address the problem. Coach Frank shares his personal journey and the goal of changing the perception of pornography addiction. The episode highlights the diverse backgrounds of men struggling with addiction and the importance of creating a judgment-free environment for support. Frank concludes with a call to action to raise awareness and help others overcome addiction.


    No person is immune to addiction, including pornography addiction.

    It is important to accept and address the problem of pornography addiction.

    Creating a judgment-free environment is crucial for men to seek support.

    Raising awareness and helping others overcome addiction is a collective effort.

    Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps

    Follow Coach Frank:

    IG - https://www.instagram.com/coachfrankrich

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@CoachFrankRich

    Website - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/homepage