
  • Hey Neighbor! In an unequally yoked marriage, where your beliefs differ significantly from your spouse's, you may face unique challenges when teaching your children about Jesus. Ruth reminds listeners that we have a profound responsibility to share our faith and introduce our children to the teachings of Jesus, regardless of our partner's beliefs.

    A primary concern when teaching your kids about Jesus in your unequally yoked marriage is the potential for creating tension or chaos within your family. And in today's episode, Ruth shares encouragement and strategies for teaching your children about Jesus and his love for them while maintaining the peace within your home. She reminds you that despite your husband's beliefs, God commands us to teach our children about Jesus.

    Remember that we are all called to share our faith, and there are ways to do so with love, respect, and understanding. By being authentic in your faith, fostering open communication, and nurturing an atmosphere of love, you can help your children develop a strong relationship with Jesus while respecting your husband's differing beliefs.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey neighbor! We all have roles in marriage, and God specifically designs them. But, In a world that often encourages different narratives, it's crucial to remain grounded in the truth. The world often feeds us conflicting messages about roles in marriage. It tells us that roles can be fluid or that we should take on multiple roles simultaneously.

    However, as wives, understanding our roles is essential for maintaining the peace and balance our homes need. Taking on too many roles and failing to allow our husbands to fulfill their God-given roles can lead to unintended consequences and disagreements within the marriage. Consider these faults as prayer points. Instead of dwelling on what roles your husband may not be fulfilling, turn to the Lord in prayer.

    Ruth shares encouragement and experience while revisiting the book of Genesis to let the word of God remind you of his plan and purpose for your role in marriage. As wives, we can encourage, uplift, and support our husbands in fulfilling their God-given roles. Let us lean on the Holy Spirit for guidance and seek God's wisdom to strengthen our marriages.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

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  • Hey neighbor! In marriage we often face difficult situations. Among the many challenges that can arise, the struggle between sexual intimacy and spiritual intimacy is an issue that deserves attention. Ruth shares her own experience on how a lack of spiritual intimacy can impact sexual intimacy.

    When spirituality becomes a barrier, it can display a feeling that your partner isn't worthy of intimacy. This could stem from a lack of spiritual connection or alignment. Leading to an extended period of intimacy drought, without clear communication or reasoning. These behaviors, meant to address the spiritual differences, can actually be detrimental, allowing the enemy to plant his seeds of division.

    Ruth's story serves as a powerful representation of how these behaviors can harm a marriage. The realization that such actions could be the enemy's device to infiltrate and harm their marriage. Ruth encourages listeners to call on the Holy Spirit for guidance and to continuously turn to prayer.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey neighbor! In the realm of relationships, it's not uncommon to find ourselves facing questions that tug at the very core of our beliefs and values. This exact struggle recently came across Ruth's path from an Instagram follower, who reached out with a heartfelt concern: Is it okay to date a non-believer, especially when one is on the journey of surrendering their life to the Lord?

    Ruth, with her wisdom and personal experiences, responded to this delicate inquiry with a blend of empathy and insight that resonates with many of us who have walked in similar dilemmas.

    Ruth highlights the importance of wanting to "do things right," aligning our choices with God's plans for us. It's about understanding that what we envision for ourselves might not always align with the divine purpose that God has laid out for our lives.

    Ruth's advice is clear: trust in God's provision. She emphasizes that as you walk away from situations that might compromise your faith, God will be your constant companion. The journey might be difficult, but remember that God's strength and grace are boundless.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey neighbor. Does your husband travel for work? Or, his job requires him to spend a lot of time away. In relationships, the challenge of managing resentment while our husbands travel for work is all too common. It's easy, and Ruth's been there. But, with a shift in perspective, new thoughts came to the horizon for her.

    In today's episode, Ruth helps listeners find peace and address the resentment, and shifting our perspective is essential. Instead of viewing our husband's absence as a personal slight, we can reframe it as a way for them to provide for the family. Recognizing their commitment and dedication to their role as a provider can help alleviate feelings of resentment and foster a sense of appreciation.

    We can conquer resentment and find harmony by shifting our perspectives, appreciating our husband's desires to provide, working as a team, and embracing our oneness. We can find a sense of peace by reframing our mindset and appreciating their commitment to our well-being.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey Neighbor! Did you happen to catch last week's episode? Ruth shared a story of falling victim to the enemy, and this week she welcomes you into part 2 with the ultimate promise that God will deliver on his promises, but it requires our patience.

    Ruth learned an important lesson about trusting God's timing amid her struggles. She realized that her faith was being tested, not because God was neglecting her or withholding His blessings, but because He had a greater plan that she couldn't fully comprehend.

    Ruth's experience with her pregnancy taught her that the enemy often exploits our impatience and doubts. He tempts us to lose hope and question God's faithfulness. But God's timing is always perfect, even when it doesn't align with our desires or expectations. His delays are not denials but opportunities for growth and preparation. As Ruth shares her exciting news with her community, she encourages others to hold onto their faith, even when faced with difficulties and delays, for God is faithful, and His promises never fail.

    So, neighbor, if you find yourself struggling to trust in God's timing, take heart. Know that you are not alone in your journey. Lean on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength, and remember that God's plan for your life is far greater than anything you can imagine. Trust in Him, surrender your will, and embrace the beauty of His perfect timing.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey Neighbor! Have you struggled to trust God’s timing? Maybe you’ve thought something was never going to happen because it wasn’t happening on your timeline. Ruth has been there and in today’s episode she not only shares her experience but welcomes her community into her exciting news.

    Ruth shares her story of falling victim to the enemy but also how she came to realize that her faith in the Lord was being tested by her inability to trust in his plan. The Holy Spirit will intercede, trust in him and his plan.

    Trusting in God's timing, even when it doesn't align with our desires, is a test of faith and surrender. It requires acknowledging that there is a divine plan beyond our limited understanding. We may long for certain outcomes or wish for our prayers to be answered in a particular way, but trusting in God means surrendering our will and placing our faith in His greater wisdom.

    Be sure to tune in for part 2.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey neighbor! We've all faced our own storms, whether financial struggles, health issues, or marital issues. These storms test our resilience and strength. These storms can shake our very foundation, and you may find yourself questioning God's existence.

    In today's episode, Ruth encourages and reminds listeners that while storms have a way of testing and refining our faith, they have an opportunity to deepen our trust in God's faithfulness. The storms provide a chance to exercise faith by believing in God's promises, even in the most challenging circumstances.

    Facing storms reminds us of our dependence on God. It prompts us to turn to Him in prayer, seeking his guidance, comfort, and provision. We recognize that our strengths and abilities are limited, and we must rely on His wisdom and power to navigate the difficulties. Ruth reminds listeners of the power of God's relationship and to trust him regardless of your situation.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey neighbor! Do you have a testimony to share? Have you considered that your testimony is a powerful tool for illustrating the Gospel's transformative power? Sharing how Jesus has changed your life becomes a living example of God's saving grace. It can inspire and encourage others struggling or searching for meaning and hope.

    In today's episode, Ruth shares an emotional and powerful story that immensely changed her life and story, where she promised to serve God forever, and she's never looked back. Ruth was once a lukewarm Christian in a constant bargaining cycle with Christ, and he would bring her out of a rut for her to fall into another one. But, after a battle of almost losing her son, it was different this time, and while Christ picked her up and saved her, she committed to her promise of serving him.

    Ruth's testimony is a living example of the power testimony holds, and by sharing hers, Ruth encourages others to have the courage to share their testimonies because others need to hear them.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey neighbor! In today’s episode, Ruth takes listeners through a lesson she learned through her journey to deepen her relationship with the Lord. Ruth unravels three kinds of people and helps you uncover where you are with Christ.

    Ruth uses herself as an example while sharing her struggles and triumphs in her relationship with Christ. She gives herself grace in knowing that she is human and doesn’t always fully surrender to Christ but can work towards being intentional every day.

    She reminds listeners that following Christ requires a wholehearted commitment to his teachings and a willingness to surrender our lives to him. She also offers practical tips and resources to help our listeners grow in their faith and become true disciples of Christ. And, for those who are married to non-believers, she gives an insight on navigating your marriage with a different outlook by knowing the description of who they are and how they operate.

    In today’s episode, you will understand the three types of people while asking yourself who you are and want to become. Challenge yourself to uncover where you are and where you’re going.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey Neighbor! Do you struggle with maintaining friendships, or maybe you’re unsure of how even to be a good friend? If this is you, you’re not alone. Ruth walks you on the journey of understanding when she realizes she wasn’t a good friend and how she came to know what friendship truly meant.

    Ruth walks listeners through her past friendships and how she struggled to maintain friendships not because of her friends but because she wasn’t a great friend herself. Ruth hopes that she can aid listeners in changing their posture regarding friendships.

    Establishing, maintaining, and nurturing friendships takes discernment, wisdom, and acting from an authentic place of self-love and self-respect. Ruth guides and encourages us to turn to God to help us cultivate meaningful friendships. Ruth hopes that this episode provides you with strength and validation in understanding the importance of having community.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Oh, hey, neighbor! Welcome back to another episode of the Ruth Joseph Podcast. In today’s episode, Ruth welcomes you to talk through her past, specifically her past relationships and the trauma she endured for years.

    Ruth opens up about her past relationships and how they led her to a path of self-inflicted damage and trauma. She brings listeners into how these past relationships were carried into her marriage. Trauma is part of your story but doesn’t have to be the whole story. Ruth shares so much encouragement, validation, and a reminder that, above all, turn to God, and he will heal.

    Ruth uncovers her lack of love for her husband because she feared a lack of love, abandonment, and isolation. She carried the baggage with her until she realized there was hope. God loved her, and he would walk her through the healing. She could turn to him for the healing she longed for. You, too, can seek God for healing, and he will deliver.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey neighbor, are you in an unequally yoked marriage, or maybe you just see things a little differently. Ruth is here to show you what it looks like but most importantly how to stay in a successful marriage and please God.

    Don’t lose hope because your marriage is unequally yoked, Ruth walks you through her journey and how she continues to navigate and thrive in her marriage. Not only does she provide encouragement but you will walk away from this episode with 9 practical and tangible ways to implement in your marriage.

    Ruth is honest and forthcoming in her mistakes and she chose to do differently so that her marriage could continue to be successful regardless of her husband’s views on God. This episode will change your perspective and allow you to keep your eyes on God while staying happily married.

    Join the neighborhood and connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Hey neighbor, Ruth is inviting you into a conversation she had with a friend a few weeks back and knew the neighborhood needed to hear it. In this episode, Ruth talks with listeners about whether or not Christians should indulge in clubbing, partying, and late-night celebrations.

    Ruth isn’t here to get judgemental but to bring things into perspective. She shares her past experiences but encourages you to give yourself grace while remembering that while you are the light of the world, you cannot be in darkness.

    When God is involved, things can change, and invite him in regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. Ruth’s hope in this episode is that you find encouragement, peace, and reassurance that you can invite God into your sins, and he will guide you out. We live in a society of temptation and darkness, but you can still enjoy life while pleasing the Lord.

    Scripture Used in this Episode:

    1 Peter 2:10
    Titus 2:11-13
    Romans 13:11-14

    Connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph

  • Welcome to The Ruth Joseph Podcast. Hey neighbor, we’re so happy to have you! After Ruth lost her income and business, she questioned her purpose and begged God to tell her why. She stopped thinking she could do it on her own. God called her to bring his daughters back, to encourage, to bring hope, and to reaffirm.

    In this episode, you will hear Ruth share her testimony, how God restored her business, and most notably, how God will never forget you. Ruth invites listeners into her journey of being in an unequally yoked marriage.

    If you’re in this situation, you will find hope in Ruth’s testimony as she reminds you that you don’t need to drown in shame and guilt. Neighbor, no matter what journey you are walking through, remember that as long as you have Jesus, you are good.

    Connect with Ruth on Instagram @iamruthjoseph