
  • We’ve carried out HUNDREDS of website reviews for virtual assistants over the years, helping them to improve their online presence.

    And because of all those hours spent scrolling, reviewing and providing feedback we know first-hand the #1 most common mistake VAs are making time and time again when DIYing their site.

    Today we’re sharing with you the simple tweak you can make to your website copy guaranteed to ensure you're not losing leads online.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The #1 mistake VAs make on their website and how to fix it fast!

    Build your website in a day! Check out The Essential Website Template (plus tutorials!) for Virtual Assistants here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Little did Sam know when setting her 2024 Word of The Year as ‘healthy’ just how drastically that would change her life both personally and professionally.

    Sam isn’t sharing her journey to shame you into making similar changes in your life or to tell you her way is the only way – ‘cos it’s not!

    Sam is opening up about her journey to getting healthy in all the ways in the hope it will help (maybe even inspire) other women in their 40’s who are having similar struggles.

    There is so much overwhelming ‘wellness’ noise online that it can do more harm than good, so if this episode helps cut though the stress of not knowing where to start, then we reckon it’s worth opening up so vulnerably.

    Disclaimer: The content of this podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns or treatment options.

    Trigger Warning: This episode very lightly touches on topics relating to eating disorders which may be sensitive to some listeners.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How Sam lost 35kgs in 9 months without setting foot in the gym or breaking a sweat.Why gut health matters.The life-style changes Sam has made in 2024 to work towards a healthy body, mind, business and family.The downsides of dramatic growth and how to overcome the guilt of being ‘selfish’ when investing in yourself.

    The resources and products mentioned in this podcast:

    Love Ya Guts Foundation Box (Culvic Humic Concentrate, Organic Bentonite Clay, Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, Liver Detox Tea, Collagen)

    Magnesium Oil Spray, Salt Lab

    Must watch/listen to Diary of A CEO Podcast Interview with Dr Mandy Pelz (Fasting, Hormones, Cycles, Perimenopause)

    Live Cultured Goodness, Wildly

    Turmeric Supplements

    HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)

    (Although it wasn't mentioned specifically in the podcast, we want to make it very clear that throughout this journey Sam has been seeing her GP regularly for observation and testing ensuring the lifestyle changes she has made were safe ones for her personally.)

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Yeah, we know. The most annoying thing you can say to an overthinker is for them to stop overthinking 😂

    Lucky for our overthinking listeners, we’re not just telling you to stop overthinking, we’re telling you WHY your overthinking has made you overlook the very obvious solution to your service offering woes.

    You’re welcome 😉

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The reasons EA services are are fabulous and in-demand niche for the right VAs.The types of virtual assistants who shouldn’t call themselves a virtual EA.The benefits for going all in on your virtual EA services.

    Sub-Contractor, Freelancer or Agency Owner?

    Your perfect virtual assistant pathway is just minutes away! Take the quiz here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Agency owners and sub-contractors. This one’s for BOTH of you!

    This is your friendly reminder that no matter the VA pathway you’re on, it’s likely you can be doing better.

    We know you both have your unique frustrations with one another, and boy do we feel for you when the shit hits the fan or you’ve simply reached the end of your rope after being let down and disappointed one too many times.

    We get it. It's not easy. In fact some days/weeks are so far from easy you may have one foot out the door already. But you've come this far - too far to give up now!

    Sam has a unique insight into the issues that often take place between the two of you due to her ring-side seat as Founder of the Virtual Assistant Network of NZ.

    To help save Sam’s sanity (and your own!) let’s all take a moment to understand both sides. Let’s step into one another’s shoes so next time something doesn’t go the way you expect you can understand why, learn from it, and do better next time around.

    Or even better, pre-empt it!

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The most common complaints agency owners have about potential team members.The most common complaints potential team members have about agency owners.The things both sides can be doing better so everyone’s happy!What aspiring sub-contractors can do to ensure they're making a great first impression on the VANNZ Sub-Contractor/Employee Directory.

    Sub-Contractor, Freelancer or Agency Owner?

    Your perfect virtual assistant pathway is just minutes away! Take the quiz here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Before stepping foot into the VA space we need for everyone to understand the difference between billable and non-billable work.

    Just cos you may be available to work X number of hours a week, doesn’t mean all of those hours will be spent supporting clients. Anyone that tells you otherwise is delulu.

    The reality is, in order to make this VA gig a profitable, successful one where you’re not working more hours than you were in your 9-5 and you're earning more than minimum wage, you can't be spending 100% of your available working hours on billable client work.

    It's time to take your head out of the clouds when it comes to your available working hours and how they will be spent so you're accurate when forecasting your future revenue.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The percentage of your time you’ll need to spend on non-billable work as a Freelancer and Agency Owner.The non billable tasks you need to make a priority.Why your non billable hours increase even more as an Agency Owner.Why working ON your business is equally as important as working IN your business.How to ensure you’re pricing profitably, working at capacity and avoiding the dreaded Feast and Famine Cycle.

    Get the Ultimate Pricing Calculator for Virtual Assistants here.

    Download the Pre-Scale Checklists here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Warning: This episode will make you cringe as hard as you will laugh.

    You loved Part 1 so much we decided to record Part 2, this time focussing on the untold, after-dark stories from July’s VA retreat in Bali.

    Nothing (and we mean NOTHING) was left on the table.

    These are all the stories from Bali you didn’t know you needed to hear, and stories you probably don’t need to hear, but we’re over-sharers, so you’re welcome!

    In this episode you’ll hear all about:

    The meaning behind all the giant wooden 🍆The dude that picked a fight with a wild monkey.The ‘Daddy’ travel strategy that works.The drug dealer who saved the day.The cute AF dog that Sam kept dribbling on (yup, you read that right).Plus sooooo much more!

    Join us at our next lux Retreat for VA business owners here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Welcome to our un-planned, unexpected, live debrief of the 2024 VA Retreat in Bali!

    The reason we decided hit record on this very honest, behind the curtain convo?

    Well, it turns out this (our regular weekly podcast recording session) was our first opportunity to sit down together since returning home from beautiful Bali, and we thought it would be fun to share the highs (and lows!) of taking 11 VA biz owners along with us for a life-changing retreat experience full of self-discovery and business breakthroughs.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How Jo's control freak tendencies almost derailed Bali.How we got the balance right between business and woo-woo.All the reasons we're doing it again in 2025.What we definitely won't be doing again in 2025!Who's having a baby and who needs to shower differently.How you too can lose 4kgs physically and emotionally.

    Join us at our next lux retreat for VA business owners here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Would you love to have an ongoing, steady stream of leads knocking at your door – all from online networking?

    Well, you’d better stop breaking our #1 online networking rule then!

    If you’ve been guilty of dropping links and running instead of building meaningful relationships and showcasing why you’re the right VA for a potential client, then keep listening …

    And if you’re a VA who DMs potential clients without permission or an invitation … watch out ‘cos Sam’s about to slap you sideways!

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The online networking lead generation strategy that works!Why your unwelcome, spammy DMs are the equivalent of an unsolicited d**k pic.Why dropping links and running is lazy and losing you leads.The biggest mistake you're making with your personal Facebook profile if online networking is part of your lead generation strategy.

    Sub-Contractor, Freelancer or Agency Owner?

    Your perfect virtual assistant pathway is just minutes away! Take the quiz here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • You’ve got problems! We’ve got answers - quick-fire style!

    There’s no pussy footing around in this episode virtual assistants! Coz whose got time for fluff and beating around the bush? Not you that’s for sure!

    In this episode you’ll learn what to do if:

    You’ve got clients, but not making money.Clients are saying they can’t afford you.Leads are ghosting you.You can’t get work out of clients.You’re only attracting iddy-biddy clients.You have late paying clients.You don’t know what to set your prices at.You’re not getting any leads from social media.You’re working way more hours than you were in your 9-5.You’re struggling to find reliable team members.You keep losing clients.You’re not getting any work from the VANNZ Sub-Contractor/Employee Directory.Your lack of confidence is holding you back from launching your VA biz.Your lead is questioning your contract.You can’t find any clients.

    Take the What’s Your VA Pathway Quiz here.

    Get the Ultimate Pricing Calculator for Virtual Assistants here.

    Buy the Virtual Assistant Service Agreement Template here.

    Join us inside Launch in 30 Days here.

    Download the Pre-Scale Checklists here.

    Join us inside the Scale It Mastermind here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Ask anyone what's the first thing that comes to mind when they think of AI and it’s likely they’ll say “ChatGPT!”.

    Since its launch 2 years ago other competitors have come to the market, but there’s no doubt ChatGPT is the most well-known of all the AI tools, and we’re certain it’s the one the majority of VAs are cutting their AI teeth on.

    Like any new technology, it's taking users a while to get their heads around how to get the most out of it, so in this episode ChatGPT Queen, Jess Clark, joins us to share her biggest hacks to ensure VAs are training their AI tools to sound like THEM – instead of the 'generic robot on emoji steroids' content currently being pumped out 🤦‍♀️.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The biggest ChatGPT mistakes we see VAs making.Our crystal ball predictions for AI over the next 1 and 5 years.The anatomy of a great prompt.How to get content out of Chat GPT that sounds exactly like you.Jess's biggest Chat GPT hacks.How to use Chat GPT as your biz bestie and save 10+ hours a week.

    Join the $7 GPTea Party to learn how to create on-brand, sounds scarily like you business content.

    Learn how to Build-A-Bot on Chat GPT in 30 minutes - zero tech skills needed. Build bots that work so you don't have to.

    Follow Jess Clark on Instagram

    Sam + Jo xo

  • You’re not an expert at everything – and no one expects you to be! We all have our zones of genius and we all need help occasionally to succeed in the things we don’t know yet.

    But even if intellectually we know this, we still discount – or outright ignore – great advice.

    (And yeah, right now we’re specifically talking about our advice that you’re ignoring!)

    So the question is why? Why are you ignoring our expert advice? ‘Cos we may not know everything there is to know about everything, but what we do know inside out and back to front is the VA biz. This is OUR zone of genius.

    Well, there’s generally two reasons aspiring and established VAs ignore our advice (even those that pay for that advice!).

    The first is that the more confident you are in life, the more you feel like you’ve got your shit together, the more likely you are to ignore the advice of others. Yeah, it's an ego thing.

    The second reason is fear. You HEAR the advice, you UNDERSTAND the advice, but the actions required to TAKE the advice are scary and hard and you’d rather self-sabotage your success than step out of your comfort zone.

    But no matter the reason, if you're struggling with something in your VA business, chances are you simply can't afford to ignore us any longer.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The most ignored pieces of advice VAs love to ignore, and the reasons why they shouldn’t.Why we only want you to join us inside the next intake of Launch in 30 Days if you’re willing to listen to ALL of our advice!

    Join us inside the next intake of Launch in 30 Days here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Witnessing a virtual assistant's journey to going all-in on a niche or speciality is a truly beautiful thing, and we’ve had ringside seats for Transcend Admin’s rise to VA fame.

    VA biz owner Mandy Purdie has found not only her niche – but her calling, and she’s reaping the benefits both personally and professionally that come from scaling New Zealand’s first (and only!) ADHD-friendly virtual assistant agency.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Mandy's secret to an inbox flooded with referrals.How to increase your conversion rate through deeply understanding your ideal clients' concerns, worries and fears.How Mandy sustainably scaled to a team of 5 over 3 years.

    To find out more about ADHD-friendly virtual assistance, connect with Mandy here:




    Sub-Contractor, Freelancer or Agency Owner?

    Your perfect virtual assistant pathway is just minutes away! Take the quiz here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Are you an aspiring or established virtual assistant agency owner wanting to grow a team while remaining ‘affordable’?

    Are you struggling to scale, unhappily working all the hours, unable to fully switch off while taking time off and sick and tired of juggling client work alongside recruiting and managing your team?

    Are you reluctant to put up your prices because you’re worried leads will balk at your rates?

    If this sounds familiar - you aren't alone!

    It’s cold hard truth time: For the majority of VA agency business owners, it's impossible to scale without premium pricing. And the longer you fight us on this, the longer you will continue to struggle.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The team, client and financial issues you’ll face as a VA agency owner if you don’t have premium pricing.The only agency model that works with pricing that isn’t considered ‘premium’.How to work out a profitable premium rate.How to access the exact steps required to scale your agency successfully.

    Download the FREE Pre-Scale Checklist for Virtual Assistants here.

    Buy the Ultimate Pricing Calculator for Virtual Assistants here.

    Join us inside the Scale It Mastermind here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • It’s likely you became a VA ‘cos you were over the 9-5 grind.

    You may have wanted to have more freedom and flexibility than a traditional corporate role allowed you.

    Or perhaps your priorities changed since starting your family?

    But let’s be honest, you also became a VA to earn a decent income from home!

    Otherwise, why bother? 🤷‍♀️

    So why are there so many virtual assistants out there having to work MORE hours than a 9 – 5 in order to pay the bills?

    Why are there so many virtual assistants earning less than minimum wage?!

    In this episode you’ll learn the 9 reasons why you aren’t earning a minimum wage and how to turn things around so that you aren't working all the hours with nothing to show in your bank account.

    Sam + Jo xo

    Buy the Ultimate Pricing Calculator for Virtual Assistants here.

    Join us inside the Scale It Mastermind here.

  • Are you really a fully-fledged virtual assistant unless you’ve received a “I’ve been ghosted 👻" badge?

    If being ghosted by a lead, client (or yes, even team member!) hasn’t happened yet, in the words of Alexander Hamilton … “Just you wait” 🤪

    Being ghosted can often trigger VAs into a spiral of self doubt. It’s common for the VA to take it personally, question everything and make some massive assumptions.

    Having been there, done that, and got the 👻 badge more often than we'd like to admit, we can confidently tell you to stop second-guessing and blaming yourself, and start putting some very simple steps in place to prevent it from happening again.

    Disclaimer: The ghost prevention strategies mentioned in this episode work 97% of the time. The remaining 3% can’t be helped ‘cos they're Dicks ghosting you whose dick-ness can't be helped😉.

    You’ll learn:

    The 5 most common reasons VAs get ghosted and the steps you can take to prevent it from happening.Why ‘Quick Wins’ and ‘Nice To Dos’ need to be part of your client onboarding process.What to say in your discovery call that makes following them up post-Proposal soooooo much easier.

    Join us inside the next intake of Launch in 30 Days here.

    Join us inside the Scale It Mastermind here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • It’s a cold hard fact that people do business with people, and this couldn’t be any more true than inside the virtual assistant industry.

    The quicker you can build the know, like and trust factor online the quicker you’ll become fully booked with a steady stream of leads knocking at your door.

    And the best strategy to achieve this fast is being the face of your business.

    The worst strategy to achieve this is hiding behind your business name and logo.

    But we get that this is easier said than done for a lot of virtual assistants more comfortable in behind the scenes roles.

    This episode is for all the aspiring and established virtual assistants who'd rather make a thousand cold calls than show their face online.

    You’ll learn:

    The most common reasons you’re reluctant to be the face of your business.Why your lack of confidence on camera is holding your business back.The reframe you need to make in order to feel the fear and do it anyway!

    Sub-Contractor, Freelancer or Agency Owner?

    Your perfect virtual assistant pathway is just minutes away! Take the quiz here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Last year we released the What’s Your VA Pathway Quiz to help guide aspiring virtual assistants to find their perfect pathway to success.

    Those that take the quiz get one of four results: Sub-contractor, Freelancer, Agency Owner, and …. Not Ready.

    Every time someone receives the ‘not ready’ result a little part of us dies.

    We know seeing these two words pop up on the screen is disappointing for some who receive it, and for others it reinforces what they already know.

    But just because you may not be ready right NOW, doesn’t mean your journey is over!

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The 3 reasons you will have received this result.Why this result doesn’t mean you should give up.What you can do now to prepare for success in the VA space.

    Sub-Contractor, Freelancer or Agency Owner?

    Your perfect virtual assistant pathway is just minutes away! Take the quiz here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • The knock-on effect of the introduction of AI is HUGE. No one is immune – least of all virtual assistants.

    We may not have a crystal ball that will predict the future (wouldn’t that be nice!), but we do have a decade plus of industry knowledge and hundreds of hours of research, testing and speaking with other experts in our greater network under our belt.

    All of which has culminated in us being able to confidently predict how the VA space will look in the future ‘thanks’ to AI.

    Look, it’s not all doom and gloom! In fact, we believe there are some incredible opportunities for virtual assistants ready to embrace AI in order to stay relevant!

    Being the first coaches in the industry to talk about the future of VAs in an AI world is a responsibility we don’t take lightly. And finding the balance between sharing our knowledge so you can start prepping without freaking you out can be challenging.

    But when have you ever known us to shy away from speaking out and telling it like it is? 😂

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Our predictions of how AI will change the VA industry.What VAs need to do in order to stay relevant and future proof their businesses.Why AI doesn't have to be the 'villain' in our story.

    Register for the next FREE 'Future-Proof Your VA Business in An AI World' Webinar here.

    Get The AI Survival Kit here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Do you pay your friends to hang out with you?

    Do you expect your friends sign contracts before hanging out with you?


    Then why are you treating your clients like friends?

    It's only natural you'll get close to certain clients, especially the long-term ones who you feel comfortable having a laugh, coffee or a cheeky wine with.

    But when the lines start blurring between professional and personal, when you start questioning whether or not you should put your timer on, and when you can no longer decided whether to introduce this person as a client or a friend … well that’s when things can get tricky.

    You may assume that this type of close-knit VA/client relationship is one to celebrate. We’re here to tell you that in most cases it’s one to avoid and that having defined, professional boundaries will protect you BOTH.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The VAs most at risk for allowing/encouraging the lines to blur.The unexpected consequences of treating your clients like friends.How to be friendly but not friends with clients.

    Sub-Contractor, Freelancer or Agency Owner?

    Your perfect virtual assistant pathway is just minutes away! Take the quiz here.

    Sam + Jo xo

  • Shouldering the responsibility of running a business, wearing all the hats and knowing the buck is always going to stop at you can feel heavy.

    So heavy that it often puts aspiring VAs off from moving from lurker to launcher.

    Too heavy some days that even well-established virtual assistants feel the temptation of bringing on a partner to lessen the load.

    On paper, who wouldn’t want to go into business with a ride-or-die biz bestie who will always have your back?

    Imagine having someone at your side to bounce around ideas, keep you motivated & inspired, do all the things you aren't great at, and who is as excited and committed to the business as you are!

    Sounds like a bloody dream ... right?

    For anyone considering entering a business partnership, we urge you to listen to this episode first.

    You’ll learn:

    The conversations you must have before going into business with someone.The alternatives that will provide you with what you are seeking.The parts of Jo’s failed business partnership you’ve never heard.

    Sub-Contractor, Freelancer or Agency Owner?

    Your perfect virtual assistant pathway is just minutes away! Take the quiz here.

    Sam + Jo xo