
  • When you meet people that are grounded, that evidently know what they want, that are experiencing life in a unique and deeply happy way, you cannot just pass by.

    - You want to talk to them.
    - Something in you is called to understand the way they think of life and what choices that point of view helps them make.
    - You are inspired to try their thoughts on for size, to live with them for some time, to discover what is true for you and see unconscious ways in which you are limiting yourself.

    Coaches can be this kind of people. Their guidance can help us see truth in the subject we are interested in.

    In this new episode you may find the answers to questions you’ve never even considered or didn’t even know you had.. Misha and Marina share their minds generously.

    You will understand:
    - Why you don’t need your past.
    - What happens when you are not in need of something in particular.
    - The difference between therapy, coaching, teaching and consulting, and what identifies a coach that can really and deeply transform you.
    - What can make you feel free and allow your mind to go to the most amazing places.

    The episode is really worth listening to.

  • We are all somehow looking for a better experience of life, but we often miss the fact that when we want to buy a bigger house or a better car, we are actually chasing the feelings we believe will come from that activity.

    And yet, if you’ve been listening to Misha and Marina’s podcasts enough, you probably know that given the thought/experience connection, any experience is available to us at any given moment.

    How can we then reconcile the fact that we are still looking for something more? Should we choose to give up our desires, or can we find a way to pursue our aspirations in life without forgetting we are already complete?

    In this contrarian episode, Marina and Misha explore the distinctions between spiritual and physical goals, bringing clarity to the way the illusions of our mind can be manifested into life more powerfully.

    From this podcast you will learn:
    - How to direct yourself to a full spectrum experience.
    - Whether thoughts can elate you to the same level physical experience can.
    - How we can help the present emerge for ourselves.

    There is still much uncovered truth about life, you can unveil it for yourself, listening to this episode.

    Leave your mind open and take advantage of the new insights that can come.

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • This episode is a big question in itself.

    Because we recognise that questions and curiosity are tools to help us get the information we need to have a better collaboration with life, that a state of openness and receptivity is necessary to access guidance, in this episode, we bring you vivid examples of the way we find clarity, but also offer seeds of explorations that lead to personal clarity and insight.

    Before you start listening, here are two questions for you to consider:
    1. Have you ever experienced clarity?
    2. What decisions have you made from this state?

    Yes, when you find the source of your very own music, when the tone is not interrupted by anything else, you start dancing. The same happens with clarity. And from clarity, we gain new information that points to the next step in our growth.

    - But how can we get centered and find clarity?
    - Do we need it all the time?
    - How do we get information from that deeper place beyond our intellect and awaken our innate wisdom?

    All the answers are in this new episode with Misha and Marina.

    And if by any chance you find that in the middle of the dialogue you feel like you’ve figured out how things work and what you should do… don’t make fast conclusions: listen up to the end.

    Go deep, find the source, feed from it. Allow the wisdom to guide you from that clarity.

  • When a baby is born, it has a pure experience of life. It’s identity, the “I” or ego, does not exist yet. For some time at least, the child simply takes life as it is.

    Later on, however, ego appears. From the creation of identity onwards, it is precisely through this sense of “I” that the experience everybody calls “personal” happens. Personal thoughts and personal feelings that, overtime, create a personal story… A story that is also influenced by millions of thoughts and desires of other people -parents, siblings, culture, media-

    If you have previously listened to Marina and Misha’s podcasts, you probably remember that every human emotion is created by a thought in real time.

    In episode #24 Marina and Misha go even deeper to find out more about the creation of personal experience..

    In this episode you will learn:
    - If it is possible to have pure experience after the birth of “I”,
    - What does a pure experience feel like,
    - In what moment does the story appear and how it begins to affect us,
    - What happens when you resist your thoughts.

    You will see the dance between the rational and the intuitive mind inside of you and probably understand when and how you can use them purposely.

    Go for it!

  • What does the expression “to cope” mean to you? Are you aware that you -and everyone around you- have been developing coping mechanisms throughout your life? How does that happen? How does a coping mechanism work? Think about it for a second before you continue reading...

    For some people, coping with emotions they don’t want to feel looks like escaping from them and isolating themselves from people and circumstances that evoke these feelings. For others, it looks like self-destructive behaviour or chasing extreme experiences.

    The modern world is certainly interesting in terms of the bashing amount of coping mechanisms it offers, always inviting us to run away from ourselves. We inadvertently build a reality in which the biggest threat is to feel… and the struggle feels very real.

    In this episode Marina and Misha will explore unknown paths for your thoughts and emotions...

    You will understand:
    - how to see the difference between a real threat and an imaginary one.
    - why in order to avoid rejection we create a situation where we can be rejected.
    - how understanding the design of the human mind helps to cope with undesired emotions.
    - why the inner struggle is always optional and how you can realize this impactful truth.

    Allow your feelings to flow freely through you, release them all and uncover a new experience full of joy.

  • Human beings experience. This is a universal truth. But not only do we have experience, we need it, we thrive on it, and sometimes, we crave extreme ones.

    However, out of the whole plethora of human experience, there are certain things we definitely want to feel while there are others we are desperately trying to avoid feeling, and will go to extreme lengths to accomplish just that.

    In this episode Misha and Marina dive deep into this very provocative topic in order to find out why some people can be perfectly happy without masturbation, drugs, self-injury or certain sex practices , while others are throwing themselves head first into those extreme experiences.

    In this episode, you may find answers to the following questions:
    - Is actively seeking these experiences a way to escape certain difficult emotions, avoid other experiences, or just an attempt to live new, exciting things?
    - Do these practices really satisfy a human need or do they end up creating an even more intense lack of contentment?
    - How to deal with such “hunger”?
    - What changes our relationship with all the “shoulds” and “shouldn'ts” we live with?

    You may even be surprised by finding out how the second law of Newton can help you understand the reasons behind human behaviour..

    The episode is really worth listening to.

  • What determines how a relationship flows? Often, one of the things that influences the possibilities is whether we have “instructions” and “scripts” for it or not. This is true for every relationship: with ourselves, with others, with our thoughts and emotions, with circumstance.

    It is true that thoughts create our reality: they can make us happy, they can hurt us, they can make us feel complete or incomplete. But sometimes, the inner workings of our minds lay beyond the identifiable thoughts.

    In this episode Marina and Misha will unpack the reasons why...
    - We do not always manifest our completeness it in our lives
    - Willingness is the secret component of transformation and expansion
    - Sometimes, in order to let go of a thought, you have to let go of the circumstance

    In this episode Marina and Misha pour light into the deepest recesses of our human nature to prove they are actually not as dark as they may seem.

    You will look at familiar concepts from a different point of view, and hopefully respond to a beautiful invitation to have more free space to be yourself.

  • Try to imagine one of those people whose story we have all heard again and again in life, the one in which there was the all-too-common dream of being rich and then, even though the dream comes true and they find themselves in blissful abundance, they still do not find the happiness they thought would come with the circumstance. How is this possible?

    Imagine now that this person is Misha Saidov. In a little over 40 minutes you will hear from him the insights it took him 14 years to realize, as well as profound observations that Marina underlines in them.

    Usually, the idea of economic success is connected with business, so in today’s episode Marina and Misha will share with you the biggest lessons they have learned both in business and life to try to give you an idea of what abundance actually is.

    You will explore:
    - How to do what life wants you to do, feel joy and have everything you need
    - Why control is one ingredient that can kill the joy in anything
    - What disciplines inevitably bring you towards yourself
    - What it means to be pleased knowing something beyond the intellect and concept
    - And why you should realize that your certainties are all made up

    And as always Marina and Misha will bring up some other life-mending thoughts on their way to main ideas of the episode. Enjoy them.

  • The year 2020 has come to an end and it surely has been a special one, or do you remember many years like this one? Even if you do, you can’t deny that it has forced pretty much everyone to go through massive transformations, sometimes through loss and difficulty, but also through opportunities and invitations to create.

    The game has changed. Nothing is the same.

    In this episode, Marina and Misha share with you very deep observations of the changes our world is undergoing, trying to get a glimpse and an understanding of the new reality we are immersed in. They point to the possibility to be more present to reality in order to read the moment more clearly, understand it, let it inform us and our actions so we can be more in alignment with it and experience way less suffering and frustration in dealing with change and transformation.

    You will realise just how much unnecessary suffering can be avoided, why giving up is often the best possibility, and why dropping the story of who we are and what is available is the one thing that can get us far beyond our wildest dreams.

  • What is the difference between a busy mind and a mind in flow? What is the natural design of our consciousness and what are the true desires it has? Why are we driven to achieve more, have more, feel successful, feel safer, if we are spiritual beings? Should we feel ashamed of these impulses? Why?

    In this episode, Marina and Misha will explore the nature of getting what we need through what we think we want. Sometimes it’s exactly the opposite, isn’t it?

    The stories and thoughts in this episode will soothe you and guide you to the acceptance of your true nature. Maybe they’ll even let you find the thought that will allow you to experience just how truly free you are.

  • Is it possible to have a life we absolutely love and enjoy? How do we go about creating it? Or is it more about realizing it? What is abundance and how can we connect with it? Is it possible to experience unconditional joy?

    In this episode, Marina and Misha go deep in their exploration of how they fell in love with life and actually managed to establish a whole relationship with it based on love, joy and understanding, making it possible for them to inhabit the world in a completely different way.

    In this episode you will learn:

    - Attention and its´ role in creation and manifestation.
    - The essential emptiness from which everything comes through to us.
    - The true nature of joy.
    - The unbelievable gifts that can be found in absolute surrender.

    Allow yourself to fall into the deep mysteries that can uncover a whole new existence for you, one in which joy, abundance and beauty are truly endless.

  • Do we have a say on how we are going to live life? Is it possible to find peace in trying to live from a set of values and preferences while meeting life fully on and facing the challenges it brings?

    In this episode, Misha and Marina explore the nature of values as beliefs and the many ways in which they can affect our lives by limiting our possibilities. They also explore how changing our relationship with our values via understanding can free us back into the field of infinite possibility that we truly are.

    In this episode you will learn:

    - That values are truly made of thought and as such don’t really have the power to limit us.
    - A much better alternative to navigate your life that can guide you in real time, 24/7, towards wellbeing.
    - Why wanting more -or getting it- has relation to do with wellbeing and peace.

    Let this exploration guide you to discover your own values, how they have been informing your performance in life, and wether you still want to remain within those possibilities or you want to break free and unleash your potential.

  • What is self-esteem? How is it created? Is it possible to “work” on it?
    In this episode, Marina and Misha share personal stories about their own journeys with self-esteem, from the role that parents can play in it to the ultimate liberation that can come from a different understanding of the term.

    In this episode you will learn:

    - The misunderstandings that the world lives regarding what self-esteem is and what we can actually do with it.
    - Why working to have “a good self-esteem” can actually be counterproductive to your enlightenment.
    - What the actual possibility there is behind a robust self-knowledge and how it can radically transform the way we relate to ourselves.

    Listen in, and take the first step towards a new understanding of yourself.

  • On our episode #12 we explore the many ways in which women sacrifice themselves in the world today in the name of their “role”, today we explore the counterpart of this fact by exploring the male role in the world, the expectations it creates, the pressure it imposes, the consequences it brings. It is only through awareness that we can begin to tackle the challenges the compartmentalization has brought us, and through awareness itself we can find our way forward and embody the opportunities beyond.

    In this episode you will learn:

    - How Misha´s story is a reflection of every other story we could find regarding the need to embody a role.

    - All the things that are being left behind, unexplored and unexpressed because of our imagined need to fulfill the expectations that are placed upon us.

    - How invisible the conditioning can be even though it is in plain sight.

    - What we can all do to help the world enter a new phase in which everybody is free to follow their own callings beyond our role.

    Listen to the truth men are living in, discover how you are contributing to the perpetuation of these biases, and free yourself of your expectations of others and yourself.

  • Coaching is an art.

    This implies that there is way more than technical aspects to it, that it actually requires long hours of practice, trial and error, exploration and repetition to actually begin to understand what it is about for each individual coach out there. There is no way to copy or imitate good coaching, because it is inherently dependent of the understanding that those involved have of the nature and possibilities of the process, as well as the openness and commitment to it.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • What the elements of good coaching are for Misha and Marina.
    • Why there are different ways of looking at each of them even though they all point to the same thing and how we benefit from exploring all perspectives.
    • The active interrelation that exists between them, the coach and the client
    • The role of the coach and the role of the client in an extraordinary coaching conversation and why they are both vital to the success of the process.

    Explore what fantastic coaching is all about and allow yourself to begin your own exploration of what can actually take you to experience exactly that, regardless of which side of the equation you are in.

  • The world is divided by imaginary boundaries in endless different ways, but some of these ways affect our lives much more than we might think. Such has been the case of gender roles, especially since the establishment of the patriarchy, for both males and females. On this episode, we explore life from the point of view of a woman: the implicit expectations, rules, possibilities and limitations they are subject to, and how they experience them.

    In this episode you will learn:

    - The main archetypes with which women are identified in the world today and how mythology can help us become aware of our understanding of the world in the moment
    - The signs of a change of paradigm of integration that are starting to appear in the world, what they are showing us and what we can do to contribute
    - The reasons why sacrifice can look like a good idea at a certain moment and how inner wisdom can help us out the second it starts looking like a bad idea.
    - Why what we want at our deepest core is where the secret lies.

    Let this exploration open your eyes to the world of women and beyond, into a world of reconciliation and balance.

  • They say knowing what we want is the most difficult thing in life. Most people can spend half a life time without gaining any clarity around it, partly because there seems to be a belief that it is something we can actually choose and that the choice should be made according to what our rational mind -and our culture- think is “the best option”. And yet it only takes a little observation to realize that we are not free in what we want, we simply want it. And it is precisely ignoring what is a fact in us in exchange for what is “convenient” or “safe” that makes the whole process of following our deeper knowing incredibly complicated in today’s world.

    In this episode, Marina and Misha go deep into the exploration of the facts, lies and mechanics of human wanting, and why a deep understanding of the human dimension is vital in the quest for what we want.

    In this episode you will learn:

    - How to cut through the noise of what you “should” want and discover what you actually do want.
    - Why success is all about recognizing what we want and following it through instead of fulfilling other people’s expectations of us.
    - The connection between our feelings and our knowing in terms of how they guide us towards what we want.
    - The value of placing our true wants first.

    Dive deep into the conversation and discover, finally, what you really want.

  • Most of us are familiar with that beautiful, mind-freeing, exhilarating experience of being in love, yet we all can easily recognize that our take on it has not truly been unconditional; on the contrary, our relationships seem to be filled with expectations, rules and demands. There are very few people that can honestly say they have had the extreme, intense, mind-bending experience of having loved unconditionally. But did you know that every single being that has ever existed has had the uninterrupted experience of being loved unconditionally?

    In this episode, Marina and Misha dive deep into the experience that everybody seems to be looking for and yet seems to escape us constantly. They talk bout their own personal experiences in the matter, but also of the revelations they have had about the possibility of finding true, absolute, unconditional love in our lives.

    In this episode you will learn:

    - The differences between personal and impersonal love.
    - Why true love implies absolute freedom.
    - To recognize all the different ways in which love can show up in your life.
    - How to allow yourself to be loved by life.

    Open the doors to love and watch your life transform in beautiful, unexpected, marvelous ways.

  • Every single human being on the planet comes naturally equipped with a perfect, elegant, infallible guidance system designed to direct us towards our highest, most rich possibility at every moment.

    Unfortunately, most human beings are not aware of this fact, and most of the ones that don’t really understand how it works, how it communicates with them, how to allow themselves to be guided by it.

    In this episode, Marina and Misha explore the mechanics of our inner guidance system, how to read its feedback, and the beautiful possibilities that it brings us both as apprentices and mentors in life.

    In this episode you will learn:

    - How to get to know, understand and interact with you inner navigation system.

    - The apparently opposite disciplines we embody, as students and teachers, and how they are both always true in an authentic movement of growth in life.

    - Why not knowing is as positive and useful as knowing, if not more.
    The truth about why and how wisdom operates in us.

    Allow yourself to be guided in this unique exploration and discover the hidden possibilities in a radically new understanding of leadership.

  • The way men and women perceive life can be very different, and one of the areas in which the contrast can be especially dramatic is sex. As always, there are two ways to deal with the gap – to deny it or to explore it.

    So let’s talk about sex, the perceptions that both men and women have of it, how that shapes our capacity to explore it, and how all of that changes through life.

    In this episode, we both share our sincere perspectives about some of the most sensitive issues that underlie the cultural expressions of sex, like abuse, shame and control. We also discuss different options of how to diminish the expectation gap to open ourselves up to new experiences of pleasure.

    Finally, we explore how the experience of the entire process depends on the meaning we have attached to it and the intention of those involved, just like in a dance.

    From this episode you will learn:

    - How to trust a person, yourself and the process,
    - How to reduce the expectation gap,
    - How to explore yourself and the other and create a space for you two that will bring plenty of opportunities to grow,
    - What thoughts contribute to exploration of pleasure.

    This episode is very sincere and thought provoking. It’s really worth listening to.