
  • Time for a guided visualization exercise: ask yourself, what is your body trying to tell you right now? How does it work? Simple! Let my voice be a guide for you as you focus inward to help you tap into your inner wisdom and Intuition for answers.

    Listen and participate in an all-star guided visualization exercise: what is your body trying to tell you right now?

    You can do this, I believe in you.

    It’s time to SIMPLIFY.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Today, we are talking all about how to harness your inner power - what it is, how to tap into it and how it’ll help you gain more confidence no matter what situation you are in. And I mean, really… who doesn’t want more of that, right??!

    My all-star special guest today is leadership coach Wendy C. Williams and she’s simplifying how to harness your inner power. She advises businesses all around the world, training leaders to tap into their own source of personal power. Through this practice of understanding that “everything is energy” - her clients have gained confidence, learn how to show up with authenticity and as a result, they build and lead highly productive teams.

    Here’s how.

    My all-star special guest today is Wendy C. Williams and she’s simplifying how to harness your inner power.

    We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    How she defines what “inner power” is and is NOT - she busts the misconceptions some have about power and goes much deeper than surface level

    spoiler alert: authentic power is not about dominating others… it’s time to deprogram the patriarchy, friends!

    What she means by “acquiring energy eyes” in order to read the room and also read yourself, energetically and how you show up in a space

    One super simple, practical way you can harness your inner power when you are about to do something big and scary in your work, such as a big pitch meeting or having a tough conversation

    …and ultimately, what the difference is between your ego and your soul and how to communicate between the two for greater alignment and a foundation of inner strength.

    This conversation was such a delight! And about halfway into it, she led me through an exercise where I needed to get a bit vulnerable and share a question I’ve had on my heart for a while now to gain deeper clarity in my own work trajectory…

    I decided to leave this bit in because well, we’re all human and I hope seeing a little bit behind my “Wizard of Oz” curtain was of value to you, especially if you’re contemplating the same. Friends, we learn together and so, if you’re here now, it means you and I were put together in perfect, Divine timing. So, I hope this episode provides a fresh perspective for you, especially if you’ve been feeling a little stuck lately or have lost your mojo somewhere along the way.

    Q: Are you ready to harness your inner power? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Here’s another all-star episode that I love so much and wanted to share with you today. As we round out this month's theme of “self-discipline” I think this topic is the perfect one to help us bring it all home.

    Today, we are talking all about how to finish that next big project… no, really. Done, finished, tick it off the list, stick a fork in it, and be DONE. But the problem is… most projects we start, we never finish them! Why is that??!

    My special guest today is author Bridgit Dengel Gaspard and she’s simplifying how to finish that next big project. You see, she’s got a theory that the reason we mysteriously stop within sight of the finish line is actually because not all parts of you want what you think you want. In fact, these sub-personalities inside you have a distorted loyalty to your core negative beliefs and that’s what is keeping you stuck.

    Here’s how to squash all of that.

    My special guest today is Bridgit Dengel Gaspard and she’s simplifying how to finish that next big project.

    Why driven, go-getter, type-A kind of people tend to lose steam just before completing a big goal in their life

    What the “Final 8th” is and how to overcome any self-sabotage when you’re working towards your goals personally or professionally

    How to speak to your inner selves for clarity and insight through a technique called voice dialogue

    Why it’s just as important to uncover our “core negative beliefs” as well as your core values to get at the root of things

    … and ultimately, what the key difference is between a person who achieves their goals easily vs. those who don’t.

    If you’ve ever bought a book or an online course you haven’t finished… invested in a mastermind and then fizzled out halfway through… or started a DIY project and left it to collect dust, my friend, this episode (that originally aired in September 2020) is especially for you.

    You have the power to create the life you really want to live, if only you simply remembered what’s possible… and make Bold Asks for what you need, want, and desire. Today is a fresh start and a new beginning.

    You can do it, I believe in you… it’s time to simplify!

    Q: Are you trying to figure out why you sometimes can’t seem to finish that next big project? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Ever been in a heated debate (or worse) an argument where you flat-out disagreed with the other person? How did it go? How did it end? And more importantly, how is that relationship doing after that conversation? Let’s talk about respect today, my friend!

    My special guest today is author Justin Jones-Fosu and he’s simplifying how to respectfully disagree, both at work and at home. As you think about the potential critical conversations that might happen today or this week ahead, I hope today’s conversation gives you deeper insight on how to keep your cool, not get triggered, but equally, how to gain a deeper understanding of the other side (even if you still disagree after that), so you can maintain a strong working relationship built on dignity, being valued, and solid respect.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Justin Jones-Fosu and he’s simplifying how to respectfully disagree. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Why he’s not a big fan of the term “civil discourse” and instead, he suggests there’s a better way to frame things so your communication comes from the heart.

    What “golden respect” is and how it can help you become a better listener and communicator.

    How your earliest role models in life are the ones who’ve shaped your communication style now. He talks about his earliest memories of his mom and how she “planted the seeds of humanity” in him that rooted his current work in respectful conversations.

    What the 5 pillars of respectfully disagreeing are and 1-2 practical tips that you can test out today.

    Challenge your perspective

    Be the student

    Cultivate your curiosity

    Seek the gray

    Agree to respect

    …and ultimately, when someone says something to you that is especially triggering and/or emotionally charged to get a rise out of you, how to handle that situation in the best possible way, moving forward.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to respectfully disagree? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Time for a guided visualization exercise: this will help you choose what’s right for you, if you’ve got a big decision to make this week. That will be our focus and intention for the entire month ahead… making good choices that enrich our lives and raise our vibration. So to kickoff the month, today is another guided visualization episode, which we release on the first Tuesday of every month this season. How does it work? Simple! Let my voice be a guide for you as you focus inward to help you tap into your inner wisdom and Intuition for answers.

    Listen and participate in a guided visualization exercise: how to choose what’s right for you.

    You can do this, I believe in you.

    It’s time to SIMPLIFY.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • We’ve been talking a lot about AI (artificial intelligence) this season… And I feel now is an important time to talk about cybersecurity as it relates to AI. More specifically, do you know how hackers are using AI to infiltrate your business or compromise your private company, customer or employee data? It’s time to simplify it.

    My special guest today is cybersecurity expert Richard Hollis and he’s simplifying how to be cybersecurity smart to AI threats. No matter what department you work in (HR, sales & marketing, strategy and especially if you work in an non-IT or cybersecurity function), you need to be up to speed on why hackers do what they do and how to keep your company safe.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Richard Hollis and he’s simplifying how to be cybersecurity smart to AI threats. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    That “all hacking boils down to three objectives.” What they are and why they want that access inside your organization.

    To change a config

    Upload a program, or

    Get physical access to change a config or upload a program

    What the best advice is that he gives his clients to help them take cybersecurity seriously and put a crisis management plan in place.

    What the 6 stages are that you need to consider when building a Cyber Incident Response Plan:






    Lessons Learned

    NOTE: Build this plan *before* you get hacked.

    The best practices and strategies that mid-size businesses are utilizing today to keep their business IT systems as well prepared as possible to fight against hackers, includes:

    Conducting risk assessments

    Build information security policies

    Ensure all employees and contractors get regular cybersecurity training

    …and ultimately, he shared his insights on how he anticipates cyber criminals to use AI to hack your systems in the coming months ahead and what you can do to prevent this.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to be cybersecurity smart to AI threats? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Real talk time: Is your career where you want it to be? When you think of your career mobility (as in how one role opens up other opportunities down the line), are you satisfied with where you are now and where you are headed? If things have veered off course, let’s talk about it!

    My special guest today is Susan Collins and she’s simplifying how to leverage your network to drive career mobility. Because, let’s face it… your greatest advocate is in fact, YOU. And that requires you to build strong working relationships (based on trust and respect) to help you get where you want to go next.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Susan Collins and she’s simplifying how to leverage your network to drive career mobility. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    When you’re feeling disengaged and unhappy at work, how to uncover the root cause.

    In her words, “if you’re happy and you know it, think ahead.” What that means and how to do it simply.

    What “self-authoring” means and how it might be holding you back.

    What the 8 career narratives are that we should consider when crafting our own narrative of where you want to head next.

    How to leverage your network to help you open doors of opportunities and equally, why it’s important for you to help open doors for others, as well.

    … and ultimately, she shares her advice to the introverts of the world listening today who feel nervous about networking and making bold asks to people, in order to move their career along.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to leverage your network to drive your career mobility? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Question: How important do you think it is to have a personal brand? As in, how you show up online, in person at work or at industry conferences… What do you want to be known for? In my opinion, it’s the secret to building and advancing your career, opening doors of opportunity, and getting one step closer to doing the work you actually love.

    My special guest today is Tamika Brunetti and she’s simplifying how to uncover your #DigitalSwagger. That’s what she calls it and I love that spin… How you show up online (in a professional sense) that sets the tone for how people engage with you. So let’s talk about how to find your own swagger as you walk in the (proverbial) door the next time you’re on LinkedIn!

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Tamika Brunetti and she’s simplifying how to uncover your #DigitalSwagger. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    How she defines #DigitalSwagger and her thoughts on why it’s so important for your career to have a personal brand.

    “But I’m an introvert and I really hate putting myself out there.” Tamika shares advice to those who tend to keep their private lives private.

    Where to begin to uncover your #DigitalSwagger.

    Define your why - what is the purpose, intent, and measurable goal?

    How to update your digital profile on LinkedIn in 30 minutes or less. She talks about the key elements to focus on first.

    …and ultimately, why she believes that “engagement is one of the greatest rewards from all of this effort.” How to make the effort you put in, worth it.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to uncover your #DigitalSwagger and build yourself a personal brand? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Let’s do a guided visualization exercise together: here’s how to gain clarity on where you will be in a year from now. How to drop down into your deep Intuition, get clear on what you want, where you want to go, and what you want to experience all along the way. You have the power to gain clarity right here, right now in this moment and I’d like the opportunity and privilege to guide you through the process.

    Listen and participate in a guided visualization exercise: Where will you be in a year from now?

    I hope this visualization sticks with you the entire week through. Do it again and again if you need clarity or fresh ideas on where you’re headed next… Because when you tap into your deep inner knowing, you’re accessing your deep inner wisdom. That electric energy that can be found inside all of us that connects us all together. It knows. You know. We all know if we are brave and we open ourselves to it.

    You can do this, I believe in you.

    It’s time to SIMPLIFY.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Here’s how to declutter your workspace in just seven minutes… but I want to do this one in a slightly different way. Instead of talking about theory, I want to make this a working episode, meaning in the next seven minutes, you and I are going to declutter our offices together. By the end of this episode, you’ll have made progress on refreshing your space and ultimately, feel proud that you did the thing.

    It’s time to do the thing and declutter your workspace.

    Ok, so here’s how this is going to work… you’ll need to gather a few basic supplies and be ready to take action.

    Here are the supplies you need:

    Wet wipes or some cleaning spray and paper towels

    Post-it® notes and a pen

    Trash bin

    And if you don’t have those things, no biggie… just improvise. Don’t let this stop you from doing the thing.

    Ok, using your Post-it® notes, create four piles:

    Keep and file

    Recycle or trash

    To do this week

    To do next week

    Press “pause,” write out those four categories and place them in the four different corners of your work space. Once you’ve done that, hit “play” and then we can get started.

    Alright, ready to go? Awesome. I’m going to set a 7-minute timer for us… starting now. Just listen to my voice and get ‘err done!

    Big things to tackle:

    Take everything off your desk… make space.

    Sort through the stacks of paper, mail and/or bills. What can you file away? What can you recycle?

    Are there things that don’t belong here? Put them back in their spot (dishes, hoodies, bags, etc).

    Take time to dust all surfaces, wiping down your desk, your electronics, and screens.

    Okay, how was that for you? Did you make some progress on your workspace? Were you able to declutter things even just a little bit? Also, did you find that the accountability of having a buddy doing it alongside you was a helpful motivator?? I know that helps me take action on things that I’m procrastinating on.

    So, well done on decluttering your workspace! It’s amazing what you can accomplish in seven minutes like that. Feel free to do it over and over again if you need a longer session.

    And let me know if you like this experimental format of The Simplifiers Podcast… if you guys dig this, I’ll make more #dothething style episodes in the future and sprinkle them in. That way, we can do the things together that you are procrastinating on and pushing to the bottom of your to-do list… I think this is a great way to get motivated, take action, and feel like a badass just by simplifying them down and actually getting them done!

    You can do this, I believe in you. It’s time to SIMPLIFY.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Are you looking for a job right now? If so, there are some incredible AI tools that you can use to help you along your job search. We are pleased to feature this popular ALL-STAR episode once again!

    Let me tell you about the top 5 AI tools out there that will help you get a job. If you’ve been laid off recently or just looking to move into a different job at a different company, let me tell you… the job market has COMPLETELY changed!

    Smart and savvy job seekers are using AI tools to help them in all aspects of their job search, including:

    Finding jobs that match your experience level for you to apply to

    Identifying your key skills for a particular job posting

    Tailoring your resume specifically for each job you apply for

    Helping you craft your cover letter

    So, let’s talk about the top 5 AI tools that people are using to help them be more efficient in their job search and reduce the headache of being between jobs.

    (Disclaimer alert!) I want to be super clear… I encourage you to use AI as a starting point tool, something that will help you brainstorm and as an idea generator, but not to do all the work for you.

    Bottomline, you are very smart to brush up your skills in AI because your future employer is looking for people who’ve got these skills as they begin to implement AI and automation into their workflows this year. Well done you, keep doing the thing!

    You can do this, I believe in you.
    It’s time to SIMPLIFY.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Job seekers: do you know what it takes to stand out as a top job applicant in today’s incredibly competitive job market? Even simply getting a first interview seems like an incredible feat these days. What does it take to land your next dream role… or really, ANY role for that matter?

    My special guest today is talent acquisition leader Kim Dymond Balogh and she’s simplifying how to stand out as a top job applicant. Gone are the days where you can apply for a handful of jobs and get one easily. You’ve got to be savvy about positioning yourself as a thought leader in your area of genius and start to get people talking positively about you behind closed doors.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is recruiter Kim Dymond and she’s simplifying how to stand out as a top job applicant. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    As a recruiter, what she believes is going on in the current job market and why it seems so different right now.

    What the key ingredients are to stand out online and in your job applications. What recruiters are looking for and what you should optimize first to drive attention.

    We spoke about video resumes, which are short, impactful video conversations highlighting your top skills and expertise. How to make one and where to post it.

    Yes, you need to go above and beyond to get noticed these days - She shares her top tips for networking that will differentiate yourself from the competition.

    …and ultimately, we talked about how important it is to create relevant, impactful content on LinkedIn as a job seeker and simple ways you can do it to start booking interviews.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to stand out as a top job applicant? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Question: Ever find that when you’ve got a big, looming deadline, you’re doing everything else BUT the thing that’s due? “Oh, look at those dishes over there! Man, I should clean out this junk drawer. Hmm, wonder what’s happening over on Instagram?” Sound familiar?

    My special guest today is Sam Bennett and she’s simplifying how to stop procrastinating and get it done. When your to-do list is a mile long and the things that you really, really want to do in work and life seem further and further away from reality, the secret might be found in 15-minutes a day. No really!

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Sam Bennett and she’s simplifying how to stop procrastinating and get it done. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    If you’re feeling any sort of frustration or overwhelm that is causing the procrastination, she recommends “The 15-Minute Method.” What it is and how it works.

    What the typical excuses are that we tell ourselves that keep us from getting stuff done and how to squash them.

    How The 15-Minute Method helps those with ADHD, neurospicy and highly creative people, especially when dealing with perfectionism.

    How to tap into the “Alchemy of Effort” and why it helps us create momentum.

    …and ultimately, for those with long COVID or chronic fatigue, how this advice can particularly help you to get things done.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to stop procrastinating and get stuff done? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Let’s do a guided visualization exercise together: here’s how to be more patient. Oh man, I think this one is more for myself than anyone else! When you want something, like yesterday, it’s incredibly hard to wait, hold things loosely, and be open to any outcome that may materialize.

    They say “patience is a virtue,” yet I think of it more like a muscle that needs training.

    So let’s work on that today.

    Listen and participate in a guided visualization exercise: how to be more patient.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • What does it take to have a thriving, meaningful career? For some, even asking the question seems so far out of reach and bubbles up a bit of Negative Nancy thinking, like, “Who am I to ask this? Oh, I’m too old… too young… too busy to stop and even consider that there might be a better way to work.” All of which is rubbish, you know that right? You get to decide each and every day how you wish to devote your time towards your work endeavors, friend!

    My special guest today is Dr. Susan Hanold and she’s simplifying how to have a thriving, meaningful career. I mean, she’s called the “Talent Doctor” and for good reason as she helps coach professionals of all ages on how to view your career journey in a new, fresh way. One where you leverage your strengths, chart a path that feels invigorating and empowering, but also one that is sustainable through seasons of big change.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Dr. Susan Hanold and she’s simplifying how to have a thriving, meaningful career. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Why some people get stuck in a career path that isn’t fulfilling or “where they’d thought they would be, by now?”

    How to identify and leverage your strengths to get your career back on path. Also, how to assess your skill gaps and areas you need to work on, based on what the market really needs right now.

    How to use technology to simplify your job.

    Why it’s important to continuously rebrand yourself all along your career journey. Plus simple, practical advice for those who feel resistant to change that’ll help you become more open and nimble.

    …and ultimately, what the key mistakes are that people make mid or late in their career that others should avoid, so you don’t get stuck.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to have a thriving, meaningful career? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Just checking in… How are you doing? No like, really. On a scale of 1-10 (10 = on the brink), are you feeling a bit frazzled, stressed, or overworked? Answer honestly, friend. How are you feeling these days?

    My special guest today is Michelle Hartley and she’s simplifying how to squash burnout at work. You see, this insidious little thing called burnout can sneak up on you while you’re not looking. And if you’ve been pounding away the triple iced coffees and burning the candle at both ends, you might not have noticed how it’s wearing down your body, mind, and spirit. But the good news is… you can do something about it.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Michelle Hartley and she’s simplifying how to squash burnout at work. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    What the tell-tale signs are that you’re about to hit burnout soon.

    The biggest misconception people have about burnout recovery and how to squash it in a different, more simpler way.

    What the three phases to burnout recovery are and how to take good care of yourself in each phase.

    How to ask your manager and/or HR team for support before/during/after you experience burnout and how to overcome the fear of speaking up. Also, if you’re a people leader who notices someone is struggling on your team, she shares what you can do to proactively support them through it and help them get back to thriving.

    …and ultimately, the truth is that many people who suffer from burnout do it again and again… Michelle shares how you can begin to see the warning signs sooner in order to stop the cycle, or at least slow it down.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to squash burnout at work? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • In the world of artificial intelligence, things are changing so fast. How do you stay on top of all the updates in AI? Today, we are taking a deep dive into the latest and greatest in AI, talking about how you should (and shouldn’t) use AI at work. No, AI is NOT coming for your job… but I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, people who know AI are. Let’s talk about that.

    My special guest today is Sarah Reitsma of Waterfield Tech and she’s simplifying how you should (and shouldn’t) use AI at work. If you’re an absolute newbie to AI (never used it), you’re in the right place. We hope today’s conversation will help diffuse any fear you might have, so you can see the possibilities of what this new tech can help you accomplish… I promise, it’ll blow your minds.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Sarah Reitsma and she’s simplifying how you should (and shouldn’t) use AI at work. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Where to begin if you’re contemplating using AI at work. How to determine what tasks you should delegate to AI.

    All the incredible things that you could delegate to AI right now.

    And equally, how you should NOT use AI, right now.

    What sort of guardrails and precautions that you need to keep in mind, in order to keep your customer data safe and company information secure.

    …and ultimately, she shares her insights on how she sees others in the “contact center,” meaning areas of the business that handles customer interactions (call centers, chat support, customer service) are using AI in this area of an organization?

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to use AI at work? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • Let’s do a guided visualization exercise together: here’s how to embrace change with grace. You know the old adage, “change is the only constant,” which I suppose is true in most cases.

    However, I want to plant a seed of a new thought in your mind that might help you navigate change when it comes your way again:

    “I’m the only constant in my life, no matter what changes.”

    Let’s explore that idea today and go a bit deeper with it.

    Listen and participate in a guided visualization exercise: how to embrace change with grace.

    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • We are talking all about data analytics today, specifically for recruiters who work in talent acquisition. You see, the word on the streets is that many talent acquisition teams were downsized last year, yet the workload hasn’t reduced. What if how you tap into your data could help you attract top talent and help you fill more roles, faster?

    My special guest today is CEO of HireClix, Neil Costa and he’s simplifying how to leverage better data to improve recruitment. In the world of recruitment marketing, it’s all about filling the pipeline with the very best talent and driving better brand awareness to achieve your business goals.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Neil Costa and he’s simplifying how to leverage better data to improve recruitment. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    Why we should care about data analytics in recruitment and what happens if we don’t track or leverage our data.

    What the 3 most important metrics are that you must track in recruitment marketing.

    There are two key marketing campaigns you could run to keep your pipeline full of the very best talent. He details them and their objectives, strategies and KPIs to measure success.

    How talent acquisition teams can better integrate their recruitment data with their existing ATS systems and how to set up tracking.

    …and ultimately, we talked about how some companies’ career sites are terrible and need a serious refresh. How to improve the career page and also the job application page on your company’s site.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to leverage better data to improve recruitment? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here:

  • We are in an unprecedented time right now where there are 5 different generations in the workforce. As a people leader, how can you effectively manage that wide spread of ages and background, keeping them motivated, engaged and productive?

    My special guest today is author Dana Dillard and she’s simplifying how to manage 5 different generations at work. From 18 to those in their 80s, here’s the definitive source on how to manage anyone on your team by having a better understanding of what they’ve gone through (generationally) and how they view their work.

    Here’s how.

    My special guest today is Dana Dillard and she’s simplifying how to manage 5 different generations at work. We tackle and simplify all aspects of it, including:

    First, she defines each of the 5 generations: their age ranges and distinct qualities typically found in each generation currently in the workforce.

    With 11,400 Baby Boomers retiring every single day in the US, she gives advice on succession planning for those who remain and career planning for those who exit.

    How each of the 5 generations prefer to give and receive effective communications and how often.

    What the very best ways are to reward and acknowledge the accomplishments of each of the 5 generations.

    When assigning projects, what you should keep in mind with each generational worker.

    …and ultimately, what you can do with this information to bring together the 5 generations at your organization.

    Q: Are you ready to learn how to manage 5 different generations at work? If yes, this one is for you.

    It’s time to #DoTheThing!


    Show notes available with all links mentioned here: