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Learn from independent board game designers how they got where they did and what they learned along the way.
We are a 6 year strong World of Warcraft podcast, FOR the players BY the players. We bring you in depth Casual Gaming, Raiding, PVP, Patch Updates and our Race and Class Perspective. Of course we also throw in some smack talk and a healthy Alliance/Horde Rivalry to keep you wondering...what side should I choose?
The Joshcast is a podcast made by Musician/Rapper/YouTuber Josh A. You can expect to hear discussions on film, video games, popular culture, news, and politics.
Opinionated, unqualified and extremely passionate. We are childhood friends and boy, can we say it!
#YOU on Lifetime is the new show based on the thriller book by Caroline Kepnes. The show starres Penn Badgley, Elizabeth Lail, Shay Mitchell, Jon Stamos and more!
JLAG and NBEA break down each episode of the first season, with having read the Caroline Kepnes version, they will offer insight into what went down in the book that the show may be doing differently.
Let us know your thoughts! Tweet us @Recap_Rewind -
A show on retro / vintage / classic gaming from two guys who didn't just play the games, they lived them! Set as a morning radio show from inside the Retroverse, Kai and Stephen from the band TechnoFunkBoy discuss the happenings of the various worlds, take calls, enjoy gaming music, and more! More fun than you can shake a controller at!
A Russian and a Brazilian walk into a bar and... Well, and they drink. Asya and Giovy are here to play every game that can involve some buzz while sharing embarrassing moments and taking social drinking to another level. Join us, place your bets - and remember to drink responsibly!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lewis Black has some things to get off his chest! With his weekly podcast "Lewis Black’s Rantcast," the Grammy-winning comedian does just that. Channeling his anger in ways only a man who’s devoted his entire life to ranting can do. The tirades are sometimes big, other times small, yet they are always fun-spirited and truly hilarious. No topic is safe from Black’s trademark style of comedic yelling and animated finger-pointing. Skewering anything and anyone that gets under his skin. On the "Rantcast," Black isn’t the only person getting things off his chest, each week Lewis allows fans to submit their gripes so he can commiserate in their frustrations. Black’s long career includes movie roles in Accepted, the voice of Anger in the Pixar’s "Inside Out," and is currently the longest-running correspondent on Comedy Central’s "The Daily Show."
We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:
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Defining Duke is a weekly podcast dedicated to all things Xbox co-hosted by beloved YouTuber MrMattyPlays and Lord Cognito. Whether you're a fan and player of Xbox Series X|S, still hanging around on Xbox One, or have fond memories of Xbox 360 and the original Xbox, our show is for you. We go over the news, talk about the games we're playing, scour rumors and speculation, and much more. We publish each and every Sunday, and you can get the show three days early and ad-free by supporting us on Patreon at
We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:
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Since our horses are often a reflection of the environment we create for them, this podcast shares ideas, strategies, and innovative products that help us create the best home we can. Whether the barn is your sanctuary or your business, you will learn a lot from our conversations with experts about about best practices in horse keeping (and the life that goes with it)!
Podcast de improvisación. ¡Cine, Fútbol, Música y Radio!
Seguinos en:
Instagram: @es.todo.improvisado
Tik Tok: @es.todo.improvisado
Videos en Youtube: Es Todo Improvisado
Improvisan: Andy Yaffé, Gero Pizzanelli y Nico Muñoz
Operador técnico y musical: Rodrigo Curbelo.
Ex-Productor: Antoine Groisman.
Vestuarista: Flavia Sil Maykos.
@andyyaffe_ / @nicobasadone / Gero_Pizzanelli / @curbe.rodri
Comunicate con nosotros: [email protected] -
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ืฉืชืคื ืืชืขืงืื! -
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Welcome to the Ghost Generation podcast- hosted by Dylan, a member of the South Glens Falls Paranormal Society, and tour guide with Haunted Nights Events. In this podcast, join Dylan as he recounts his experiences with the paranormal over the past 9 years.
We’re fortunate enough to live in a time where ghost hunting and the paranormal isn’t as taboo as it once was. A generation of kids have grown up watching shows like Ghost Adventures and Destination Fear. Did you grow up in the #ghostgeneration? -
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first lego league podcast