
  • I know that YOU know that rest is imperative for your health, for your manifesting success, and literally for your sanity.

    But I also know that many of us feel this immense pressure to not rest. Like it’s a desirable trait to run yourself into the ground for the sake of “success” or “hustling.”

    There are times in life where we absolutely have to keep going. We can’t just STOP, because the world is always turning. Right?

    Well, that’s exactly what this episode is about. Rest, rejuvenation, and getting ahead of burnout by allowing periods of slowing down.

    As you’ll learn in this episode, that’s the real key. Slowing down and resting doesn’t mean you have to stop completely. It means listening to your body, your intuition, and nature’s cycles to understand when it is best to barrel forward and when it is best to rest. Stay tuned!

    P.S. This episode also includes a two card tarot reading for everyone who is listening! I’m pulling from the Everyday Witch Tarot (affiliate link).



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    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • If you’ve taken reiki classes, then you’ve definitely practiced on yourself. And the more experienced you become, the more you practice on other people, and even animals.

    But so many of us eventually stop practicing reiki on ourselves, for any number of reasons. I wanted to bring on another reiki master to chat about the importance of continuing to practice reiki on yourself, for yourself, even if you’ve progressed far beyond level 1 reiki training.

    Michelle is the host of the Soul Over Matter podcast. She is a certified Reiki master teacher, intuitive coach, and female empowerment mentor. And I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did. Stay tuned!





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    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Are you finding yourself getting sucked back into old patterns, habits, and ways of thinking? We know those changes are going to benefit us in the long run, yet our egos put up a real fight! And this happens to everyone, especially modern mystics who are looking to manifest massive transformation in their lives (like you!).

    But there’s another catch to manifesting awesome transforming: guilt. We might feel compelled to fall back into old patterns because deep down we feel guilty about manifesting awesomeness while other people suffer.

    In this episode, we’re going to talk about why this happens and how we can find motivation to keep moving forward with our goals/manifestations. Despite being compelled to stay in old patterns that don’t align with those goals.

    We’ll also talk about how you can reframe your manifesting mindset to support the good of all, which just might make manifesting easier. Stay tuned!

    P.S. This episode also includes a two card tarot reading for everyone who is listening! I’m pulling from the Everyday Witch Tarot (affiliate link).



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    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • This week, I’m sharing my recent interview on another podcast called Leah Talks, hosted by yoga teacher Leah Hynes, where we chatted about spiritual routines, crystals, and of course manifesting too.

    Leah recently made an appearance on this podcast in episode 184 all about yoga beyond the poses and flexibility. If you enjoyed her calming energy as much as I did, you’ll enjoy this one too! Stay tuned.






    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • A totally different topic than normal–spiritual scams. I get so angry about all the scammers out there pulling down our entire industry filled with legitimate spiritual professionals.

    I wanted to do an episode about spiritual scams to help listeners spot red flags, as well as understand the goal of these people who use faith manipulation to scam kind-hearted people.

    So let’s talk about some of the common psychological manipulation tactics professional scammers use so we can paint a picture. Then I want to cover some best practices to use when you’re in the market for some spiritual services. Stay tuned!



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    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • Yoga is one of those things that opens the spiritual door for a lot of people while also catering to the physical health of their bodies.

    There are so many ways yoga supports us, beyond the poses and meditation you might already be familiar with.

    To me, yoga seems like the perfect convergence of exercise, meditation, self exploration, and relating to others around us. It’s not like pilates or barre or any other workout class offered at the gym. It’s an entire lifestyle based on spiritual principles of growth, expansion, and connection.

    Today I’m excited to have Leah Hynes joining us in conversation about what it really means to practice yoga on a deeper level. Leah is a flexibility yoga teacher and mom who believes that loosening up the body is how we loosen up the mind. We are going far beyond the asana postures, which is only 1/8th of yoga philosophy! Stay tuned.






    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • Cleansing our own energy through simple spiritual hygiene practices is a great way to keep yourself elevated, motivated, and feeling connected.

    Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually is a personal journey. “Self care” is all the rage! And rightfully so. There are many ways we can practice self care for our health and wellness.

    But how can we practice self care in a spiritual way? What does it mean to “cleanse” our energy? That’s what we’re talking about today. So if you’re interested in learning various ways to cleanse your own energy, as well as how to have good spiritual hygiene habits, stay tuned!





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    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • Manifesting abundance? It's like having a superpower for creating the life you want. Imagine your thoughts and desires teaming up to bring in all the good stuff you dream of. The GRAND VISION of your entire life.

    Until…..it becomes your biggest manifesting block.

    Manifesting abundance is often our main motive for wanting to explore the Law of Attraction. But so many of us don’t even realize that this motivation might be coming from a place of internalized scarcity, and therefore creating a massive manifesting contradiction.

    I’m definitely part of that group. It took me a long time to realize it, too. And that’s exactly what this podcast episode is about.

    I’m joined once again by the marvelous Sydney Morrison from the Light Your Path podcast to talk about this phenomenon of being overly focused on manifesting abundance. And instead switching our focus to micro manifestations in order to cultivate a life of fulfillment (beyond just “abundance.”) Stay tuned!






    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • What is an "inner wound" and why is it important to identify them? When it comes to manifesting, our inner pain (however traumatic or not), limiting beliefs, and shadows can create energetic blocks.

    If there are untouched wounds and blocks deep in your mind and spirit, it will be much harder to manifest your dream life.

    In this episode, Sydney from the Light Your Path podcast joins me to talk about exploring inner wounds, however big or small, in order to heal and banish blocks preventing us from cultivating a life of fulfilment. Stay tuned!






    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • Hey! Normally we don’t get the chance to chat on Tuesdays, yet here we are. You’re looking fabulous by the way. Your energy is just lovely today.

    Yes, this is a BONUS episode of the Spiritually Inspired podcast. It’s a replay of the LIVE STREAMED coffee chat that Sydney and I did together earlier this week.

    And yes….there were some painful technical difficulties but we got there in the end!

    I wanted to reshare it here because we talked a lot about the magic of meeting with other mystics who are like-minded and soul aligned. That is essentially the LOA at work!

    I hope you enjoy this easy and fun conversation with Sydney, and don’t forget to check out the show notes for links to Sydney’s podcast as well as our upcoming VIRTUAL RETREAT! Stay tuned.






    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • Thanks to the Mindful Moments Challenge, we have a much better grasp on what it means to “be present” and to not “live on autopilot.” And now, it’s time to apply that understanding to manifesting.

    Because that’s why we’re here, right? To live our best lives? To make our dreams come true? To experience all we hope to experience in this lifetime?

    As your manifesting coach, I have made it my duty to help open your eyes to what’s possible and empower you to make it happen for yourself.

    Let’s bring these skills of mindfulness and manifesting into one powerful practice that takes you exactly where you want to go. Stay tuned!




    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    🎧 The Spiritually Inspired Podcast:


    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.

  • You’re tuning into the MINDFUL MOMENTS CHALLENGE: CULTIVATE SELF AWARENESS IN 15 DAYS. Be sure to post your journey in our free Facebook group using #MINDFULMOMENTS so we can support each other! Link in the show notes. Now, let’s have some mindful moments together.



    💛 Use #MINDFULMOMENTS in our free Facebook Group: https://www.spirituallyinspired.co/freegroup/


    New episodes filled with manifesting, mindfulness, and magic come out every Friday! My name is Sara Rae, I’m your manifesting coach, and I’m going to help you break through your manifesting ceiling. On this podcast, we explore the world of metaphysics so we can discover our own spiritual truth. We talk about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, mindfulness meditation, and all things new age. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻

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    Disclosure: Some posts and pages may contain affiliate links. All content is intended to enhance your spiritual well-being and should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis.