Every single founder/trader/entrepreneur that I have met towards the end of the career. It's not money that is their source of pride.
This week’s post is about developing Patience and Discipline in trading.
You cannot make it as a trader without patience and discipline. Either you have
these qualities or you learn them the hard way. But these skills are not developed in
a vacuum. They are directly linked to your confidence in two areas:
1. Your trading strategy.
2. Your ability to execute it. -
Puuttuva jakso?
Is there something that helps certain forex traders succeed that they have which other forex traders don't have.
Understanding SACCOs
How do SACCOs work?
Are SACCOs good investment opportunities?
Which are the best SACCOs to join? -
#Poetry #PoetryPodCast
Mindset tuning is an area which many people ignore in achieving great results.
I will tell you about the kinds of meditation I use.
The first is prayer.
Prayer has been shown both spiritually and scientifically to have a positive effect on the brain.
In fact a study conducted on a group of patients who were divided into 2, that is, the PRAYER GROUP and the NON-PRAYER GROUP indicated that the PRAYER GROUP recovered much faster when they continuously prayed for 10 days.
Because prayer improves our confidence because we know that a higher being is taking care of our problems.
This translates into confidence in the markets.
The other is mindfullness meditation which allows us to observe our thoughts.
At first it will seem like nonsense, but as you proceed, you realize that you are not quick to react to any thing.
By not being quick to react,
You are able to control any impulses which occur in your mind during trading.
Mindfullness meditation should be practiced at least 20 minutes a day. -
There are three areas in which the person who would be wise and good must be trained. The first has to do with desires and aversions—that a person may never miss the mark in desires nor fall into what repels them.
The second has to do with impulses to act and not to act—and more broadly, with duty—that a person may act deliberately for good reasons and not carelessly.
The third has to do with freedom from deception and composure and the whole area of judgment, the assent our mind gives to its perceptions.
Of these areas, the chief and most urgent is the first which has to do with the passions, for strong emotions arise only when we fail in our desires and aversions.
#HumanNature -
"When you are hurt too badly, it changes you. Your pain and your heartaches determine what you become. You meet people with a certain sadness and you wonder why you can't be the person you were before. You open your heart less, your laugh seems to disappear after three seconds. There's this constant heaviness in your heart that seems to push you down and no matter what you do, nothing elevates you. You talk about your childhood too much, you invest yourself in the things you loved before because you know that they are your safe places, they are the only times when you were really happy and not in a way you call yourself happy now, not pretending to be happy. You know that you have become stronger, but you know that you have also turned cold. You wonder if this is fragility instead of strength because strength gives you the power to open, the power to love without walls. And the truth is that yes, strength lies in all of that but it also lies in choosing yourself before others, being cautious of who has access to you lately. Self-love is pretty hard. Sometimes, it will even make you feel lonely. But that doesn't mean that you will feel this way for a lifetime. You heart will be warm again, and you will finally learn to laugh for at least ten seconds. You will love people again with walls, and you will only open to those who will truly deserve your attention. And that isn't bad, that is true strength. But it won't happen in a day. And it won't happen if you are trying too hard to become what you were before. Maybe, you are not healing because you are desperate to be the person you were before your misery, your trauma, your heartaches. No matter how much it hurts, the truth is that person does not exist anymore. There's a new you, a better you, trying to unravel its beauty and you are trying too hard to control it. Maybe, that's why you are still hurt. When you see a beautiful sky, you do not ask for it to soften the orange, or saturate the blue. You just watch it with marvel as it unfolds over your head. Your new self is the same. Do not try to adjust and turn it into something else. Instead, breathe life into this new person and let it become and grow.
Maybe then, you will finally know that healing isn't about overcoming the pain, it's about accepting and surviving it."
— follow me on YouTube @Truly Steve
https://youtu.be/ugSVIYSfcBs -
7 Habits of Highly Effective People :
1. Sharpen the saw. Don’t work yourself to death. Strive for a sustainable lifestyle that affords you time to recuperate, recharge and be effective in the long-term.
2. Be proactive. You have a natural need to wield influence on the world around you so don’t spend your time just reacting to external events and circumstances. Take charge and assume responsibility for your life.
3. Begin with an end in mind. Don’t spend your life working aimlessly, tackling whatever job is at hand. Have a vision for the future and align your actions accordingly to make it into a reality.
4. Put first things first. To prioritize your work, focus on what’s important, meaning the things that bring you closer to your vision of the future. Don’t get distracted by urgent but unimportant tasks.
5. Think win-win. When negotiating with other, don’t try to get the biggest slice of the cake, but rather find a division that is acceptable to all parties. You will still get your fair share, and build strong positive relationships in the process.
6. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. When someone presents us with a problem, we often jump right to giving a solution. This is a mistake. We should first take time to really listen to the other person and only then make recommendations.
7. Synergize. Adopt the guiding principle that in a group, the contributions of many will far exceed those of any individual. This will help you achieve goals you could never have reached on your own.
Good luck!
Knowledge Is power🌐 -
It is as true now as then.
I think they will remember this as the age of lamentations, the age of
broken minds and broken souls,
The age of hurt creatures and sobbing out their sorrow to the rhythm of the
blues –
The music of lost Africa’s desolation become the music of the town.
The age of failure of splendid things,
The age of the deformity of splendid things,
The age of old young men and bitter children,
The age of madness and machines,
Of broken bodies and fear – twisted hearts,
The age of frenzied fumbling and possessive lusts –
And yet, deep down, an age unsatisfied by dirt and guns,
An age which though chocked by the selfishness of the few
Who owned their bodies and their souls,
Still struggle blindly to the end,
And in their time reached out magnificently
Even for the very stars themselves.
#PoetryCommunity -
There will be blood and sweat(sacrifices to make)which can somewhat discourage you but you have to keep moving.
There are days you'll feel happy about the decisions you have made, there are other times when you'll feel like you hate yourself for doing so.
Hey! You must understand that sometimes it hurts to do what matters.
*Jim Rohn* expresses it beautifully "Everyone must choose out of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret".
I urge you to choose the pain of discipline. Keep pushing! Your victory is near.
_if you are encouraged, give me a thumbs-up._ 👍
© Truly Steve
A Lover of God, Student of Life, Knowledge Seeker📖. -
*It Wasn't Your Fault*
Dear Steve you go through a lot,
You're fighting with your out thoughts,
You feel bad you feel the pain,
But dear Steve you need to find yourself again.
It wasn't your fault that it happened,
God knows why you lost her and we can't change that,
I know you feel terrible that you think you can't heal yet,
But Stevie even the deceased will suffer to see you unhappy.
Let me help you heal the pain,
I can't be like him but let me try my best,
Let's use this failure to gain
Your lost happiness that is at test.
C'mon Steve, you know how I feel when you're low,
Sometimes I go speechless,
I try hard to know how to make you happy,
But your moods become my weakness.
I love you my brother Stevie,
I like to see you smile,
Life ain't ok with everyone, we have to take it,
And live without fear no matter what.
Remember Sarah?
She lived without a child for years,
But God gave her a child later on,
So does with your happiness, you'll get over it soon.
I know memories stays but bro
If you think to much it will interfere with your focus,
Don't you have goals you wanna fulfill?
Bro do it for you then, just be happy gain your moods back.
Be strong and make it work for you,
Let's give it a try it will work out for you,
Everything that breathes stop breathing and goes back to creater,
And we have to accept that buddy.
I need you back prince Steve,
You're my all time empiror,
The one I need in my life,
Please let go of the past man,
#PoetsSociety -
Nadai doh ndio nisiwahi fikiria about sailing my soul into the dark 🌑 sea ⛵. Nadai legal money 💰! Si mlisema time is money 💵, niko na saa ⌚ na siwezi hata withdraw cash nayo!
Sidebar Thank you @Rev.OyiksAlfred for knowing this was important to me 🥺. and to my entire team specifically for pushing to get this all out on short notice !! 🤝👑🙏🏾❤️ #GOODDAYS #TDE. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. ~1 Corinthians 10:13
There's a place far from home that became home....
There's a place far from mental school that kept me sane....
There's a place free of tears ....
I have learned to escape reality when am there....
I've learned to keep a smile even when my eyes wanna cry....
That place is my inner peace...
I might be far from it buh my heart will always be there....
I might lock the door to it's path buh keep it's window open....
For nothing beats a home made out of love....
TRULY STEVE you're my that place ..
My run to place..
My all is gonna be well place...
My laughter speaks volumes....
I am cause you are...
❤❤❤ -
*A lot of relationships don't work these days because we are dating people who still love their exes. People who have bestie's of their opposite sex. People who text their ex at 2 AM with "I just wanted to check on you" type of message. We are suffering insecurities we didn't create. We are dating people who are trying to move on, people who are trying to show their ex that they can live without them. We are dealing with breakups that we didn't create. A confused generation with so many HD photos with expensive beers and looks but living a miserable private life. A generation where a big daddies are breaking young relationships with expensive things. A generation where young energetic men from broken relationships are damaging marriages. A generation where it's hard to love someone being raised from a broken family. We are happy generation on social media but deep down our hearts we are hurting and bleeding big time*
_Our generation is living a miserable and depressed life🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️_ -
I tried to change,
Closed my mouth more,
Tried to be soft and kinder,
Less awake,
I abstained from mirrors,
Abstained from sex,
Slowly did not speak another word.
I grew thicken skin on my feet,
But still inside me coiled deep,
Was the need to know,
Was she cheating on me? -
Young people are struggling because of lack of opportunities. They want things to change so bad, and the essence of this poem is to run the narrative that change won’t come when our leaders change. Change will come from us. From us realizing the sound purpose of why we vote and whom we elect.
The best spoken word poetry by far
I'm Learning not to force things to happen. I'm learning to just let them be. To let them align with my life when the time is right. To let the universe bring them to me without having to run after them. Because if you have to run after something, it means it doesn't want to be caught. I'm trusting God that what is meant me will eventually find me no matter where I am. I'm learning to let those who don't want me in their lives go. And I might even hold the door open for them because I don't want temporary visitors anymore. I'm learning to be patient. - Näytä enemmän