We are into the second age, meaning we are focusing on the beginnings of the Island of Numenor. After some fitness talk Carlos and I jump into middle earth following the War of Wrath. Listen in and comment on our socials to let us know what you think.
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It's finally here. The missing episode. The end of season 1. The wrap up of the First Age of Middle Earth. Dive into the last few decades of this age with us. We hope you have fun and maybe even learn something.
We want to give everyone a quick rundown of where we have been and what we are doing moving forward! WELCOME TO SEASON 2!
Today we have our special guest Pete aka Be1mont. Pete has forgotten more about The Legendarium than we have ever known. We are talking about Men to day. Who they are, where they are from, and why they are so important in the great stories. Sit back and listen in. And as always tell us what you think.
Find Pete on TikTok - @be1mont
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We dive a bit more into the fitness side of things but also go hard into the story of the Fall of Gondolin. We are coming to a close of the first age and with it comes many many battles. Hang around with us as we talk about the destruction of this great elven city.
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Oh Oh Oh is there a lot happening as the first age comes closer to a close. We talk on Hurin and all the pain he goes through. We talk on Thingol and the mess he is in. We talk on Doriath and how it comes to an end. Join us and listen in. Let us know what you think.
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We are finally talking about the guy that everyone asks about, Mr. Tommy B. But we may not be talking about him the way many others do. Listen in as we talk about this popular but divisive character and tell us what you think.
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We are still mostly following Turin and the chaos that he sews in his own life. Follow along as we talk about the undoing of the family of Hurin leading up to his eventual release from the clutches of Morgoth. We are coming to and end of the first age but we still have some crazy stuff coming.
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Look for all his faults Turin is a charmer and he once again found a way to get himself in good graces with the leader of a peoples, Orodreth of Nargothrond, and get himself involved with a bit of a love triangle that ends poorly for everyone. In mean time Tuor is making his way to Gondolin with the help of the soul surviving elf from those sent out by Turgon the king. SO MUCH HAPPENING! Join in and take a listen.
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Are you feeling the let down of The Rings of Power TV show being over? Well so are we so lets talk about the sad and depressing History during the time of Turin being an Outlaw. Hit us up so that we can know how you feel about this portion and the ending of the show.
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One thing that a lot of Tolkien fans don't talk about is the absolute NIGHTMARE fuel that exists in the Legendarium. We invited our friends Nic and Pete on to talk about the monsters and horrors that are present in Tolkiens writing. This cast was so much fun and we touched on so much. I hope you all enjoy it during this spooky season.
Follow them at:
Nic- @fornost42
Pete- @be1mont
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No quippy intro this time just straight to it. Over all we liked it. But I needed to blow off some steam first! Tell us what you think Riders of Swolhan!
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We have heard split opinions on Episode 7 but for the most part Carlos and I liked it. We got to see growth and connection between characters and it really feels like we are ramping up to a great season finally. Only one episode left!! let us know what you thought of the episode Riders.
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EPISODE 6 IS AMAZING! Riders of Swolhan if you did not love those scenes with the Numenorians on horse back I don't know what to tell you. We talk that and much more in this recap episode. We only have 2 more episodes in this season and we cannot wait to see where this season ends!
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This one is a tad longer but for good reason, we had a lot to talk about. We were all over the place in Middle Earth this episode and we learned some true intentions. Listen up to what Carlos and I thought and chime in yourselves in our comments where ever you interact with us!
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Spoilers!!!!! Destruction of Numenor, Adar revealed, and Mithril found. Episode four was great and Carlos and I talk all about it. From things we loved, things we didn't and all the cool Easter eggs in the palatir room. Let us know what you thought.
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Carlos and I go over Episode 3 of the Rings of Power. We go into the fun things we saw with Numenor and the amazing fighting we saw from Arondir. Let us know what you thought!
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Well listeners you would think that this would have been the first episode we did given the name of the podcast but here it finally is, Rohan!! Carlos and I deep dive into Rohan and who they are as a people. Come check it out and as always let us know what you think.
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Spoiler Alert!!!! Carlos and I talk all about the first 2 episodes of the Rings of Power tv show. Join in and tell us what you think.
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Yes Swolhirrim you read that correctly, this one is all about the 2022 CrossFit Games with just a tad of Tolkien thrown in at the end. If fitness competitions are not your thing you can skip to the end and hear Chris rant about why Peter Jackson shouldn't be involved in the Rings of Power show. Just a few more weeks until the show comes out and we cannot wait!
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