On this episode, my friend and filmmaker, Andrew Roger Carson, gives us all a deep look into his life. He tells his story for the first time and talks about his lowest of lows, almost giving up, what saved his life and what recovery looks like today.
On this episode, I speak with Portland based writer, sex worker, educator, performer and all around wonderful human - Elle Stanger!In Part One, myself & Elle dig deep into the world of sex work in Portland, the importance of education, experiencing loss on a public forum, understand mental illness and so much more. As an educator, Elle does exactly that on this episode and leaves us waiting for round two.
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On this episode of The Traumedy Hour, we welcome the self proclaimed "Bad Bitch, Sad Bitch" Monna along with her unfortunately Covid infected tour mate, Trever Carreon to the show.Finishing up her "Sorry For Your Loss" Tour, Monna lets us in on the unique way she is using the death of a loved one to spread a message of recovery and acceptance to crowds across the country. Trever & I get into the less talked about male horrors of body dysmorphia and so much more. We made this particular episode therapeutic as hell for all of you at home.
In this episode, horror filmmaker Mark Cantu sits down and talks to me about how an eating disorder mixed with alcoholism almost cost him everything, including his own life.Mark Cantu is a favorite over on "Another Goddamn Horror Podcast", directing one of our favorite indie slashers "Massacre Academy". But on The Traumedy Hour, he talks to me about a different kind of horror: His reflection. Jump in and see where Mark is now in his recovery. Spoiler Alert: He's doing much better.
In Episode 7, we welcome Kelly Carlin to the show! Kelly is an author, teacher, podcaster, executive producer, actress, live performer, life coach and mom to Stella The Jack Russell. She also happens to be the daughter of George Carlin. In this episode, we dive headfirst into the abyss of addiction, familial trauma, recovery, therapy and losing parents.You can find Kelly online at TheKellyCarlinSite,com or on Twitter @kelly_carlin or Instagram @kellycarlinishere
In Episode 6, we welcome writer, comedian, actress, content creator and producer, Gia Cognata, to the show. We dig into hospital trauma, body dysmorphia, maintaining healthy relationships while engaging in sex work, internet trolls, kinks and why it's important to advocate for yourself and your health at all times.You can find Gia online on Twitter, Instagram & OnlyFans @TheGiaMonster
On Episode 5, we talk to viral content creator and sex worker, Megan Foxyy, about the ups and downs of viral internet fame. We dive into the downsides and dangers of sudden popularity, maintaining a positive relationship with your body image in Los Angeles and a fun dive into the world of people who have a sexual fetish for farting. Yes, you read that correctly.You can find Megan online on Twitter @DemiMorganXXX or Instagram @therealmeganfoxyy and @demimorganbaby or the spicy stuff at OnlyFans @DemiMorganXXX
On Episode 4 of The Traumedy Hour, comedian Michael Malone talks to us about losing both of his parents and turning that loss into his comedy special, "Laugh After Death". We also talk about suicidal thoughts, therapy and overcoming grief while dealing with maintaining a career as a stand up comic. We do all of this while Michael is on tour in one of suicides favorite cities: Las Vegas.You can find Michael online at malonecomedy.com or on Twitter & Instagram @malonecomedy and you can see his both his specials "Laugh After Death" and "Wait & See" on his Youtube channel youtube.com/c/malonecomedy
In Episode 3, welcome comedian, musician and cancer survivor Jesse Case to The Traumedy Hour.Jesse Case is an accomplished touring stand up comedian who gained a viral following online for his comedy writing and his very public journey battling Stage IV cancer. On this episode, we dig into his experiences of battling (and currently beating) cancer in the public eye along with the mental health struggles and battles with addiction that came along with those experiences.You can find Jesse online at jessevscancer.com or on Twitter @jessecase
In Episode 2, we welcome author, musician & comedian Mishka Shubaly to The Traumedy Hour.Mishka Shubaly is an award winning author, musician and comedian known around the world. His experiences with addiction are well documented in his own literary works but on this episode, we dig into the subjects of losing a pet, processing grief, feelings of isolation in a pandemic world and our own views on addiction, recovery and the importance being open to different ways of dealing with our traumas.You can find Mishka online at mishkashubaly.com or Twitter & Instagram @MishkaShubaly and you can also listen to him anytime on all major music streaming platforms.
Episode 1: Jonas Barnes welcomes stand-up comedian, Cody Woods to The Traumedy Hour.Cody is an accomplished stand up performer who has travelled the country performing. We discuss his career, the affect of the pandemic on not only his way of life but his mental health and we dig into his past traumas with his upbringing and how they've affected his career and experiences/struggles with alcoholism.You can find Cody Woods online at codyjwoods.com or on Instagram @codyjwoods or YouTube @comediancodywoods