Michaela sits down to talks veteran Contract Bargaining Representative Cathy MacPhail about working with rank and file members to sit opposite their employer at the negotiation table to bargain a new union contract.
When we last talked about Unfair Labor Practice Strikes it involved nurses at a hospital. Unfair Labor Practice Strikes in other industries often look very different. Machaela talks with Macy’s retail workers who went on strike in Black Friday in 2023 and again on MLK Day 2024 about the unfair labor practices and reasons that they went on strike during their contract negotiations. She also interviews community members about why they joined the Macy’s picket lines, and reviews the differences and similarities between Macy’s and her career in healthcare. Please note that this episode has parts where both English and Spanish are spoken.
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How and why does a union engage with politics? What's the "people power" we talk about in "people-powered politics"? Michaela talks with UFCW 3000 political organizer Derrick about the power of union members taking an active role in local and state elections and in politics beyond elections. Washington State legislature is now in session, and while this was recorded before the recent elections, it's also about all the work that UFCW 3000 members will now be doing to hold those elected lawmakers accountable! They discuss the potential corporate grocery mega-merger that our local is fighting against, and at the end of the episode you'll hear from longtime grocery worker and UFCW 3000 member Naomi speaking out at a press conference about that merger. Learn more about our political advocacy work, our 2024 legislative agenda, how to register to vote, and more at our website: https://ufcw3000.org/people-powered-politics Our Winter General Membership Meetings, also discussed here, are also coming up! Find your local quarterly meeting at: https://ufcw3000.org/gmmcall
It's our first STRIKE EPISODE!!! UFCW 3000 member and self-taught podcast host Michaela (plus Episode 1 guest Kristina) drove out to both picket lines at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, where nurses have been out on an unfair labor practice strike since 6AM on Tuesday 11/14. Hear directly from these striking nurses about what's at stake in their fight for a fair contract that respects their dedication and supports safe patient care for their community. To hear more from Providence Everett nurses, check out Episode 7: “It’s your hospital, it’s your health care, it’s your community” for Michaela's interviews with nurse bargaining team members.
What happens when you realize you could run for local office? How can the union, and the labor movement as a whole, help union members do that? And wait, how does being a mom prepare you for being a meat cutter? Host Michaela sits down with Amber Wise, a UFCW 3000 member, apprentice meat cutter at Kirkland PCC, mom of 2, and current candidate for the board of Commissioners for Public Hospital District #2, which governs Evergreen Kirkland hospital. || Learn more about the meatcutter apprenticeship in Episode 4 of our podcast, "Apprenticeships—or, WeTrain You on How to Pick Your Steak and Advance Your Career," and at ufcw3000.org/meat. Learn more about Amber's campaign for hospital commissioner at www.voteamberwise.com
I know I have a Union Rep, but who are they? What do they do? And what are my "Weingarten Rights" again? Michaela sits down with her Union Rep, Brandan, to hear more about his role and discuss rights on the job, meetings with management, and the many ways members can be involved in enforcing their contract and supporting each other. || UFCW 3000 members: you can look up your union contract and your Union Rep at https://ufcw3000.org/find-a-contract
“Nurses are mad, and we are telling you this is not normal. This should never be normal.” Kelli and Trevor, nurses at the Providence Medical Center in Everett, Washington, speak with Michaela about their ongoing contract negotiations. What does it look like to take your fight for safer staffing at work to the city council, the local newspaper, the state capitol? Kelli, Trevor, and many of their coworkers have spent years now speaking up publicly about staffing issues at their hospital, the impacts of the staffing crisis on their patients, and what needs to be done to fix the problem. Their contract negotiations, including staffing language and compensation that would recruit and retain more nurses, are still going on and could potentially lead to a strike this fall if management can’t come to the table with a fair deal for nurses AND their patients. *** Looking for more? Here are some articles about these nurses and the fight for safe staffing: https://www.heraldnet.com/news/providence-nurses-conditions-at-everett-hospital-still-dire-or-worse/ - https://www.heraldnet.com/news/we-are-drowning-at-vigil-providences-everett-nurses-mourn-mission/
Kristina was Michaela’s first interview here on the podcast, but they didn’t get to the full story of Kristina’s union journey. What happens when you become a full-time union rep? And what if it doesn’t work out like you planned? Kristina talks about her time as a union rep, why it was not actually a great fit for her, and how it impacted her returning to work as an even more educated and empowered shop steward.
From organizing a union to bargaining a contract to enforcing it as a shop steward, John Warring has done it all. Michaela sits down with this retired member and activist in her community to hear about the history of the local hospital in Grays Harbor, WA. Michaela and John get real about the value of being a union worker and the many different ways to be involved in your union. For John it went far beyond ensuring fair wages and enforcing job security, and included things like protecting departments from outsourcing and advocating for workers alongside fellow unions in a labor council. He also shares his experience and perspective on 40 years of UFCW 3000 history!
How can your union further your career? What is a union apprenticeship? What's our union doing to create more high-paying and safer jobs in our industries? Michaela talks to fellow UFCW 3000 member Indy about his experience with the union meat cutting apprenticeship program, and then talks to Evan and Andy about the apprenticeship and the new WeTrain workforce development organization.
Learn more about WeTrain here: https://www.wetrainwa.org
How do you become a shop steward, anyway? Why should you bother getting training on your union rights? Why does a union workplace feel different than non-union ones? Michaela meets with UFCW 3000’s Education Director Marc to discuss all the ways members can get more involved in their union, take on leadership roles in the workplace, and get training and education that makes our union stronger.
What can you do to support fellow workers organizing their union? UFCW 3000 member and podcast host Michaela speaks with fellow UFCW 3000 member and health care worker Alison about supporting other workers when they want to organize a union, even if they’re in another state—and especially if they work for your same employer. Bonus intro chat with UFCW 3000 organizer Emma about what’s so fun about organizing.
UFCW 3000 member and first-time podcast host Michaela introduces herself, her union, and why she decided to make a podcast about it. To answer the questions she hears most frequently from coworkers, she talks to friend and fellow member Kristina about how Kristina got involved in her union and what she’s learned about our rights on the job, union power, the benefits of being union, and more.