The soldier who marches forward amidst gunfire…the fireman who runs not from, but into a house aflame…the man stares down temptation, fears and even death…we want to be such men. It sounds almost too glorious, too cinematic, too storybook.
In today’s episode you will discover:
1. A man’s three primary enemies When you have crossed that line
2. The one thing he must do to remain immovable, unshaken
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We all desire greatness. But often, in our pursuit of excellence we flee from the Word and turn to the world. How can we know if and when we have crossed that line between remaining in the Word or submitting to and serving the world?
In today’s episode you will discover:
· Where the line between the Word and the world is
· When you have crossed that line
· The four qualities of the man God recruits for His militia
· A sure-fire method to know from which of the two fountains (Word or world) you are drinking.
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Puuttuva jakso?
Men desire to be confident. Confidence instills peace. But how does one obtain it? As important: how does one lose it? In today’s episode you will discover: • The peace the world offers and its four marks • The six promises of the world • The three characteristics of the confident man • A sure-fire method to know from which of the two fountains (Word or world) you are drinking.
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In today’s episode, we set the stage for the masculine journey. Often a man believes that he belongs to the Kingdom of the Word but is enslaved to the kingdom of the world. This episode will red-pill you. You will discover: • What the ULTIMATE WORLD WAR is • The two opposing kingdoms and the characteristics of both • The four disastrous consequences of serving the wrong kingdom.
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