
  • One of the worst things a woman in our culture can feel is “fat”... and that’s sad.

    In our minds, “feeling fat” is synonymous with feeling worthless, unloveable and unwanted.

    Feeling this way can lead us to:

    Low mood and depressive episodes

    Want to crawl out of our skin

    Miss out on social events or be overwhelmed with insecurity

    Retract from our sex lives and dating

    Rest to unhealthy food restriction and compensatory exercise that leads to binge eating, food obsession and missing periods

    If you have struggled with this feeling, the latest episode is for you.

    I cover 6 tips for you to be free from this feeling and feel confident in your body WITHOUT resorting to behaviors around food and exercise that will lead you to binge or f*ck up your hormones:

    Get to the deeper thoughts behind “feeling fat” and reframe them

    Remember the purpose behind the weight gain in binge eating & period recovery

    Don’t believe all of your thoughts

    Be fucking self-compassionate, bitch 😜(lol, this will make more sense on the pod)

    Get out of your head and around other humans

    Decrease sensory discomfort and build tolerance for these sensations

    If you find the podcast helpful, please leave a rating and review by clicking here and scrolling down to where it says “Write a Review”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-binge-eating-dietitian-podcast/id1541348229

    Learn more + apply for ✨1:1 coaching ✨: bit.ly/ekprivatecoaching

    Resources discussed on the podcast:

    Self Compassion by Kristin Neff

  • In this week’s episode we have a past client, Lauren, on to share her story struggling for 6 years with binge eating and anxiety around food and ultimately recovering from these struggles.

    We cover topics like:

    Transitioning away from being an athlete, gaining weight and then starting her fitness/weight loss journey

    Lauren’s “Vegan and cardio bunny phase 🐰🥕” when her binge eating first started

    How the COVID-19 Pandemic impacted her relationship with food and binge eating

    Getting into Bodybuilding 💪, macro tracking and her binge eating hitting its worst point

    How Lauren ultimately stopped binge eating and found a peaceful relationship with food

    The hardest parts of disordered eating recovery and how she got through the fear of weight gain and body image struggles

    This will be a super inspiring, relatable and motivating episode to help bring you closer to TRUE health and fitness…

    …which includes a peaceful relationship with food.

    Interested in working with me?

    Click here to learn more about your options for getting support.

    DM me on Instagram with any feedback on the podcast or questions @elenakunickird

    Or email me at [email protected]

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Food restriction does not just look like eating 1000 calories a day and wasting away to nothing.

    Rigid food rules are one of the number one factors shown to contribute to binge eating in the eating disorder literature.

    There are 3 types of food rules:

    “When” rules

    “How much” rules

    And “What” rules

    In this episode I…

    Break down each type of rules with real life examples

    Explain how and why these rules trigger binge eating

    Give you a framework to develop a healthy, flexible mindset around food so you can be binge-free and be healthy and fit without all the stress and anxiety around eating

    Click here to listen to the episode where I define binge eating: https://elenakunicki.libsyn.com/defining-binge-eating

    Click here to learn more about my group program, ✨Normal Eater✨: bit.ly/normaleaterdetails

    Email me: [email protected]

    DM me: @elenakunickird

  • Exercise is a stressor on your body.

    If you can properly RECOVER from it, then it becomes a positive stressor that you adapt and grow stronger and more fit from.

    But if you’re not eating enough calories and macronutrients CONSISTENTLY THROUGHOUT THE DAY AND WEEK, as I’d venture to say ✨most women aren’t✨, that high intensity exercise can turn into a negative stressor that breaks your body down.

    Systems like reproduction can shut down to conserve energy.

    In this episode I break down the 4 main recovery variables that, when out of whack, can cause high intensity training to mess with your hormones as a woman.

    I also discuss what a “healthy” amount of exercise generally looks like for a woman who wants to be functionally fit for a long, healthy life.


    Click here to learn more about my group program Normal Eater: bit.ly/normaleaterdetails

    Email me at [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Resources for this episode:

    8 week HIIT protocol improved PCOS outcomes:


    HIIT leads to reduced testosterone and increased estrogen in young women:


    Exercise guidelines:



    10,000 steps per day recommendation:



    Blue Zones physical activity level:


    Alyssa Olenick podcast interviews:


    Dr. Peter Attia:


  • 💖 “All bodies are beautiful!”

    🎊 “Let’s celebrate and accept larger bodies!”

    🙅🏼‍♀️ “Intentional weight loss doesn’t work!”

    😡 “You’re promoting obesity!”

    🙄 “Just eat more and exercise less…have more discipline”

    ❌ “Stop pretending…no one wants to be fat”

    👆The conversation around weight, health and body image today is highly polarized.

    If this has confused you on your own journey to stopping binge eating, getting your period back and finding balance with food and fitness…I want to help you find the middle ground.

    In this week’s episode I give my opinions on this debate and specifically address:

    The Body Positivity movement

    The difference between body positivity, body acceptance and body neutrality and how you can use these concepts in your own disordered eating recovery

    The Fat Liberation movement

    The Health at Every Size framework

    You will walk away from this episode having more clarity on what it looks like to prioritize health and fitness without obsessing over your weight…

    …and how to navigate all the conflicting opinions about weight, body image and health.

    If you want support to stop binge eating, get your period back and find balance with food and fitness - my group program ✨NORMAL EATER✨is open for enrollment at $69 per month.

    It goes to full price ($99 per month) on June 18th.

    Click here to learn more about the group program and my other services: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

    DM me at @elenakunickird on Instagram

    Email me at [email protected]


    Body Positivity Definition - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/body-positivity

    Fat Acceptance Movement - https://centerfordiscovery.com/blog/fat-acceptance-movement/#:~:text=Or%2C%20rather%2C%20a%20%E2%80%9Cfat,loudly%20fat%20without%20being%20apologetic.

    Health at Every Size Website - https://asdah.org/haes/#:~:text=The%20Health%20at%20Every%20Size%C2%AE%20Principles%20promote%20safe%20and,on%20weight%20or%20weight%20loss.

    Resources on radical acceptance:

    Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

    Eckhart Tolle

    Resources on shame and trauma:

    Brene Brown

    Tim Fletcher

  • Rates of depression among people who struggle with disordered eating are high.

    I see this come up in my clients in two main ways:

    ➡️ Depressive symptoms increasing as they try to eat more and exercise less to stop binge eating, get their periods back and regulate their hunger and cravings

    ➡️ Depression worsening body image issues or being triggered by body image triggers that come up in recovery

    For many clients, depression improves immediately as they start changing the behaviors that were causing them to feel like a prisoner to obsession and anxiety around food.

    For others, more support is needed.

    If you’re struggling with depression in disordered eating recovery - this does not always mean you are doing something WRONG.

    Restrictive eating and compulsive exercise can be coping mechanisms.

    When we release them…sometimes the stuff we REALLY need to confront in order to heal and live our healthiest, happiest lives comes flooding in.

    And that often doesn’t feel good at first.

    You are not alone.

    To discuss this topic I brought Sarah Dosanjh (The Binge Eating Therapist) on the podcast, a therapist out of the UK who specializes in binge eating.

    We cover:

    The statistics on depression and eating disorders

    Why depression can get worse during ED recovery

    The symptoms and spectrum of depression

    The links between perfectionism, the inner critic and depression

    How body image and depression interact

    Tools and mindset shifts to manage depression

    To learn more from or contact Sarah:

    Instagram: @the_binge_eating_therapist

    Website: https://thebingeeatingtherapist.com/#

    Podcast: Life After Diets

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheBingeEatingTherapist

    To learn more about working with me, click this link: bit.ly/elenakwebsite

  • When you start trying to eat more and rest more to stop binge eating and get your period back…some difficult symptoms can come up.

    The most common ones I see with clients are:

    Joint pain

    Swelling/water retention


    Worsening digestive issues



    Emotions coming flooding back

    Getting sick more frequently

    This can be SUPER frustrating for my clients, they think “isn’t the point of doing this to feel BETTER? Maybe I should stop…” 😥

    If you can relate or want to learn more about this subject - this episode is for you!

    I break down where each of these symptoms come from and how to cope with them so you can through to the other side BINGE FREE, with a regular period and able to pursue health and fitness in a way that truly ADDS to your life rather than detracts from it.


    Click here to learn more about 1:1 coaching: bit.ly/coachingwithelena

    Articles referenced in this episode: https://edinstitute.org/blog/2013/5/25/pain-i-why-is-there-so-much-in-recovery


    Somatic Practitioners referenced in this episode:



    Self-abdominal massage for digestion:


  • Your current approach to physique goals and fat loss isn’t working…that’s why you’re here.

    In this episode I teach you how to pursue aesthetic goals and intentional fat loss WITHOUT spiraling into the issues you’re currently struggling with:

    Binge eating

    Missing Periods

    Constant food thoughts

    And anxiety around food.

    This is a step-by-step process and I go through each one in depth:

    Step 1: Heal your relationship with food FIRST

    Step 2: Accept your body at it’s healthy, natural weight

    Step 3: Prioritize health and fitness WITHOUT aesthetic goals - to feel healthy, strong and good

    Step 4: Let your body settle at it’s set point weight

    Step 5: Define your non-negotiables and red flags

    Step 6: Approach it from a “is this something I can sustain long term?”

    Step 8: Go slow and steady

    Step 9: Be flexible. Don’t have a hard and fast goal of “I’m gonna lose x amount of weight by x date

    Hope it helps!

    If you’re ready to get support to FINALLY be free from binge eating, get your period back so you can reach fitness and physique goals without obsession…and more importantly live your LIFE beyond food and weight…

    …my group program NORMAL EATER is for you.

    Click here to learn more + apply: bit.ly/normaleater

    Make sure to get your application in before May 13th - that’s when the program starts!

    Follow me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

  • Cinco De Mayo and lot’s of other social events are on the horizon as Summer approaches and the weather gets nicer.

    And with that? Brings LOTS of binge triggers.

    Social events are one of the most common catalysts for binge eating episodes in my clients.

    The alcohol.

    The hyper-palatable foods.

    The “being off your routine”.

    But these are not the REASONS why you’re binge eating.

    It’s possible to be completely FREE from the urge to binge in these situations so you can actually enjoy yourself, be present and make fun memories.

    You can do this by addressing the ROOT cause.

    In this episode I cover WHY binge eating is happening in response to these triggers and 6 specific tips to help you enjoy upcoming social events feeling at peace and in control around food.

    JOIN US on Zoom for the FREE Binge Eating & Period Recovery Class (one slot on Thursday May 2nd and another on Friday May 3rd)

    Click here to learn more + sign up: bit.ly/ekfreeclass

    Message me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

    Submit a question for a future episode: https://forms.gle/YZoCWL3RiZHxYgBo8

  • “I’ve gained more weight in the first trimester than my doctor says I should…😬”

    “This body doesn’t feel like mine anymore”

    “I can barely even go for a walk without EXTREME fatigue, I feel so weak and lazy 😒”

    “I’m insanely hungry and I know you’re not supposed to ‘eat for two’, this can’t be okay”

    “I’m scared to be pregnant and gain weight even though I want a family 🙁”

    My pregnant or soon-to-be-pregnant ladies out there with a complicated relationship with food, your body and fitness…sound familiar??

    This podcast episode is for you!!

    I am NOT in the market to become a mom anytime soon…so I thought I’d bring my friend and colleague Sara Vander Zwaag on to chat with you.

    Sara is a Holistic Health Coach who specializes in helping women be free from disordered eating and improve their physical and mental health without all the restriction and guilt.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How Sara’s navigating nausea, body changes and fitness in pregnancy as a Holistic Health and Eating Disorders Coach

    Her top tips for coping with body image, hunger and craving changes and communicating with your doctor about weight during pregnancy

    If you’re interested in learning more from Sara, email her at [email protected] or checkout her website, sunflowerhealthcoaching.com

    Follow her on Instagram @sara_sunflowerhealth

    Apply for her group coaching program: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-aOXT_qSPmM9Xy7LEfgv36bwjcfoJp-E_3eHK0K1gjM/viewform?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABptcBJ60KQoLboB3wdHtyPpXN7Ma9DWkUTMD5sgijMlccNoPZvBrdIaMehQ_aem_Ac2tPX9uTakPyud4Nq3IeVnHXhDNZ5SBA2L1hQZUDIsyeAMGVmNHCISzUyBy0K8M4w8&edit_requested=true

    PS: to download my (Elena here 😁) FREE Binge & Period Recovery Meal Plan…click here: bit.ly/bprmealplan

  • I’m getting annoyed with these posts talking about how weight loss medications like Ozempic are the solution to “food noise”...

    …with no mention of the fact that SO MANY WOMEN struggle with constant food thoughts and extreme cravings because of chronic dieting, a restrictive mindset around food, and under eating.


    And have worked with hundreds of clients who’ve eliminated these nagging, obsessive thoughts about food through learning how to eat enough for THEIR unique needs and healing deeply held limiting beliefs around food and body image.

    So I decided to do a podcast episode on it.

    This episode is here to help you make an INFORMED CHOICE about whether or not to take these medications. No pressure or judgment either way.

    I try my best to put my biases at the door while helping you identify:

    How to know if your “food noise” is coming from under eating or a restrictive mindset around food

    How and why chronic dieting and fat loss phases cause constant food thoughts

    Health considerations when taking GLP-1 medications to reduce “food noise” or binge urges

    An alternate approach to addressing the ROOT cause of your “food noise” instead of taking GLP-1s

    Enjoy and feel free to DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird with any questions!

    Or send me an email at [email protected]

    FREE Binge & Period Recovery Meal Plan: bit.ly/bprmealplan

    1:1 Coaching: bit.ly/coachingwithelena






  • 🔊“We live in an environment that promotes obesity”

    🥸“The food industry intentionally creates these foods so that you can’t stop eating them”

    🍩“These foods are addicting…I just don’t have enough willpower to stop binging on them!”

    Anyone with a pulse in our society has heard these things over and over again.

    The solutions we’ve been offered up are to cut out these high-sugar, high-fat foods, be VERY careful around them and only allow ourselves on special occasions.

    But this doesn’t seem to be working very well.

    And for my clients who are Type-A, perfectionistic women who have achieved high levels of “health and fitness”...

    …but are behind the scenes feeling obsessed and/or out of control around food…

    …this messaging around processed foods like chips, sweets, and ice cream is only making their issues worse.

    In this episode I break down:

    ➡️How hyperpalatable foods impact our hunger cues and weight

    ➡️How our culture influences our relationship with these foods

    ➡️How to build a healthy relationship with these foods so you don’t overeat them but also don’t restrict them to the point of making yourself want them more

    Enjoy and feel free to DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird with any questions!

    Or send me an email at [email protected]

    FREE Binge & Period Recovery Meal Plan: bit.ly/bprmealplan

    1:1 Coaching: bit.ly/coachingwithelena

    Set point theory study:


    This is not the study I was initially referencing but I wasn’t able to find it - this one is talking about similar things though!

  • I’ve gotten a few questions in my Instagram DMs lately about constant food thoughts and the mismatch when you feel PHYSICALLY satisfied but can’t stop thinking about and wanting chips, chocolate, cereal, peanut butter, etc. 😵‍💫

    So this episode dives into MENTAL HUNGER and how to regulate it so you can become a NORMAL EATER.

    Ya know…someone who can just eat when they’re hungry, stop when full and move on with the damn day 👏.

    Listen in to learn:

    The difference between physical hunger and fullness and mental hunger and fullness (🤓nerding out on how this *actually* works in your body + how each of them feel)

    WHY mental hunger increases when you have a history of dieting, under eating, and overexercise

    How to decrease mental hunger and become a ✨normal eater✨ (aka your physical and mental hunger match up)

    We also talk about the 3 characteristics of normal, healthy eaters…

    …so you can see what to aspire to on your path to being FREE from binge eating, getting your period back without the pill and being healthy and fit without obsession 🎊.

    If you love the podcast - please leave a rating and review!! It helps me so much and I would really appreciate it.

    ➡️Click here to learn more + apply for 1:1 coaching: bit.ly/coachingwithelena

    ➡️Click here to get my FREE guide ✨How to Stop Binge Eating and Get Your Period Back✨: bit.ly/ekfreeguide

    ➡️Click here to submit a question for the next podcast: https://forms.gle/zyyc2MMksyeMHwjVA

    Follow me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Email me: [email protected]

  • This is a super special episode because the dietitian who’s practice I WORKED WITH back in 2018 to heal MY binge eating, missing period and f*cked up relationship with food is interviewing ME on her podcast.

    Full circle moment.

    I share my story and what I learned from years of body image issues, losing weight and getting fit, living the “bodybuilder lifestyle” and spending 4 years feeling absolutely consumed and out of control with food.

    If you can relate to my story - this episode is going to educate and inspire you to move forward to a HEALTHY and FREE relationship with food, exercise and your body.

    We discuss:

    “How come all these other fit women can cut and bulk without binge eating or losing their periods?? What’s wrong with me??”

    Confusion when you lose your period but you’re not underweight and you think you eat enough and aren’t overexercising

    Reverse dieting and if it’s a valuable process to go through to help your binge eating and get your period back

    Weed use 🌱when you struggle with binge eating, anxiety around food, and a missing period

    …and SO MUCH more!!

    Learn more about Victoria and her practice here:



    Nourishing Women Podcast


    Get my FREE guide: How to Stop Binge Eating + Get Your Period Back, here: bit.ly/ekfreeguide

    Apply to work with me 1:1 - bit.ly/coachingwithelena

    Follow me on Instagram: @elenakunickird

    Submit a question to be answered on the podcast! https://forms.gle/tWMSohjBSkgYCtKU8

  • If you lost your period after losing weight, exercising more, or eating “cleaner” and you want to get your period back so you can be TRULY healthy…this one is gonna interest you.

    It’s always super exciting when my clients start seeing these signs because it’s an affirmation that they’re doing the RIGHT thing for their body’s by giving themselves more food, more rest and more permission to eat the foods they love and crave. 🥰

    I hope learning these 7 signs helps you better understand your menstrual cycle and gives you progress measures to look for as you embark on your period recovery journey!

    I also answer this listener question on this episode:

    👉“what if someone has a special diet like keto or low carb and does not mind not eating carbs and does not crave them so much. you say about eating carbs in recovery time (allowing myself everything) do i need to force myself to eat pasta or bread if i dont miss it?”

    If you loved this episode, please consider leaving a rating and review! It helps more people find the podcast 😻.

    PS: My group program NORMAL EATER is now open for enrollment.

    This is a 6 week experience where I’ll be guiding you + a group of maximum 9 other women through the process of FINALLY being free from binge eating, getting your period back without the pill, and finding peace and balance with food and exercise.

    ❗Enrollment closes on March 26th.

    Click here to learn more + fill out an application! *before March 26th, 2024


    Click here to submit your questions to be answered on a future podcast episode!


    Episodes referenced in this podcast:

    Menstrual Cycle 101

    #14 The Cause of your missing/irregular period & how to get it back

  • It’s SUPER common for my clients who struggle with constant food thoughts, binge eating, and missing periods to ALSO struggle with digestive issues.

    …then to be diagnosed with IBS in their Gastroenterologist’s office and handed a “Low FODMAP diet” sheet 🙄.

    If something similar happened to you - you’re gonna want to listen to this episode..

    For someone who’s struggling with symptoms like food anxiety, urges to binge and missing periods…a VERY restrictive diet like Low FODMAP is often the exact OPPOSITE of what you need.

    The vast majority of people with disordered eating also struggle with digestive issues...because of the STRESS and MALNUTRITION that under eating, over exercising and restrictive food rules cause!

    The last thing you need in this situation is more restrictions.

    So in this episode, we’ll be covering:

    How disordered eating impacts digestion

    WHY the Low FODMAP diet is not recommended for those with disordered eating

    And what to do INSTEAD to heal your gut health


    Click here to join my FREE class March 14th or March 15th where I’ll be going over the 7 steps you need to to take to stop binge eating, get your period back and become TRULY healthy and fit: https://6c4aacdb6e461e386fe04ab2538fc20f.mykajabi.com/binge-freedom-period-recovery-call

    Click here to submit your questions to be answered on a future podcast episode!


  • I’m doing a FREE class March 14th and March 15th called ✨Binge Freedom & Period Recovery: The 7 Steps to FINALLY be free from binge eating, get your period back without the pill and reach fitness and physique goals without obsession

    Click here to sign up: bit.ly/ekfreeclass

    Submit a question for me to answer on the podcast: https://forms.gle/1nbreb65vwbrD9Qv6

    Follow me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Follow me on Tiktok @elenakunickird

  • You’ve tried meditating, calling a friend, drinking some tea, shaking your body, setting a timer for 10 minutes, taking a walk…and basically every other strategy out there to NOT eat when the urge to binge hits.

    But once that little voice in your head says “f*ck it…let’s open the floodgates and eat everything we want.” all your best laid plans go out the window.

    You end up waking up the next day with that terrible sinking feeling as it sets in that you lost control and “ruined your progress” yet again.

    You’re not alone.

    So what DO you do when the urge to binge hits?

    In this episode I share the strategy that has allowed me + hundreds of my clients not only NOT binge in the moment but also be completely free from the urge to binge FOR GOOD.

    ✨Download my FREE guide: How to Stop Binge Eating + Get Your Period Back via this link:


    ❤️Learn more + Apply for 1:1 Coaching via this link:


    Submit questions for me to answer on a future episode: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329

    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

  • If you started binge eating, lost your period and developed digestive issues after losing weight, getting “fit” and “eating healthy”...this episode is for you!

    The MAIN reason why the “everything in moderation” approach hasn’t completely freed you from the urge to binge?

    👉You have something called EXTREME HUNGER - where your body and mind are requiring extra food to feel satisfied and refeed after years of undereating and overexercise.

    You’re expecting to jump from this very restrictive place to totally “balanced” with food, and that’s not how the human body works.

    You CAN get to a place where you NATURALLY crave all of your current “trigger” foods in “moderation”.

    You just have to restore balance to your hunger hormones, metabolism and relationship with food in order to get there!

    This episode will teach you how to do that.

    ✨Download my FREE guide: How to Stop Binge Eating + Get Your Period Back via this link:


    ❤️Learn more + Apply for 1:1 Coaching via this link:


    Submit questions for me to answer on a future episode: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329

    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]

  • The fear of weight gain is the number one thing holding most of my clients back from stopping binge eating for good, getting their periods back without the pill and finding peace and freedom in their relationships with food and fitness.

    In this episode we’re going to outline the 6 most common fears related to weight gain and I’m going to give MY take on each of them to help shift your mindset so you can take the steps you need to become TRULY healthy and fit.

    Book a free discovery call here: bit.ly/discoverycallwithelena

    Submit questions for me to answer on a future episode: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329

    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at [email protected]