Then & There - a vintage travel podcast
Yhdysvallat · Ceridwen E McKenna
- Arts
- Society & Culture
- Books
- Places & Travel
Ceridwen E McKenna is your time traveling tour guide, reading from historic travel narratives before flight shrunk the world. From medieval times to the last century, experience travel through vintage eyes through your modern ears.
20 minute episodes include whole serialized books and travel journals (in public domain) and may include short personal stories, excerpts of newer publications or occasional interviews.
Books that capture the imagination of faraway places jostle against our ears in both literature style and old-world references that may seem quite strange. How places have changed over time, and what people find important in different eras fascinates and delights the senses like a slow, rainy afternoon in a treasured bookstore. Snuggle in and be transported through time and space.