
  • Attention all Think Blockchain fans! Get ready for an exciting bonus episode with a big announcement.

    We are thrilled to reveal that the Think Blockchain podcast is merging with the Art of Automation podcast, creating a brand-new show titled "The Art of AI." This podcast will be your go-to destination for exploring the world of trustworthy AI for businesses.

    In this episode, we'll discuss how the concepts and techniques from blockchain can be put to excellent use in building trust within AI systems. We'll delve into why AI has taken the lead in innovation investment budgets, leaving blockchain in the back seat, and how this merger creates a unique opportunity to leverage the best of both technologies.

    Stay tuned for the inaugural episode of "The Art of AI," where we'll dive deep into the exciting world of AI with a sprinkle of blockchain's cryptography. Don't miss out - tune in to the Art of AI now!

    Catch this bonus episode and watch out for more updates on our brand-new podcast adventure. Thank you for being part of our loyal audience, and we can't wait to explore the Art of AI with you!

    Listen to the Art of A.I. podcast here!

  • In short bonus episode, Jerry Cuomo discusses the relationship between AI and blockchain, debunking the notion that the combination is hyped and stating that they both enforce each other.

    Cuomo highlights how blockchain provides authentic data, bringing trust to AI and augmenting decision making, while AI brings intelligence to data. Cuomo also mentions how the combination of AI and blockchain could benefit industries such as healthcare and finance by providing better data and identity protection. Cuomo suggests starting with incremental steps and dreaming big to improve everyday life. Ultimately, the combination of AI and blockchain can lead to authenticity, augmentation, and automation.

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  • In this bonus episode, you’ll have the pleasure to meet one of Jerry’s creative North Carolina State University students, Anna Hagedorn. Listen in, as Anna shares her innovative class project that she calls Pete’s Poems NFTs.

    Anna’s work on Pete’s Poems is a fun and inspiring example of how best of breed technologies like Blockchain and Generational AI, in the form of ChatGPT, can come together and produce one-of-a-kind digital assets, that make you smile.

    Get your copy of Think Blockchain today here! Royalties from the book are donated to advancing cancer research for children.

    And if you like this podcast, check out Jerry Cuomo's other podcast, The Art of Automation.

    This podcast is sponsored by IBM Blockchain and Kaleido. Comments by Jerry, DJ, and Guests are their own and don't necessarily represent the sponsors position or opinions.

  • In this episode, Jerry Cuomo and systems of engagement expert, Chris Hay, step into the metaverse and discuss how this new medium holds the potential to greatly enhance our ability to connect and engage with the world around us.

    Listen in to hear Chris demystify the metaverse, with examples of how to utilize its immersive engagement model to advance day to day business. Chris and Jerry also discuss the connection between the metaverse and blockchain technology and how blockchain could be used to create a decentralized system for identity verification and access control within the metaverse, allowing for greater security and privacy for users.

    Chris is a Distinguished Engineer, at IBM Consulting. To read more about what Chris and IBM is up to in the metaverse space read:

    Beyond the Hype: Explore five ways retailers and brands can drive value in the enterprise metaverse.

    And if you’re enjoying these podcasts, we suspect you’ll enjoy Jerry’s new book, also titled Think Blockchain. Order your book today here thinkblockchain.org… with royalties donated to advance cancer research.

    This podcast is sponsored by IBM Blockchain and Kaleido. Comments by Jerry, DJ, and Guests are their own and don't necessarily represent the sponsors position or opinions.

  • In this episode, Jerry is joined by Nitin Gaur from State Street, for a timely discussion on Decentralized Finance or DeFi.

    Listen in to hear both sides of the coin (pun intended) on the benefits that it can bring to today’s banking, lending, trading, etc... As well as the risks associated with this emerging system of blockchain-based finance.

    Order your thinkblockchain.org book today and get a free copy of artofautomation.org - with royalties donated to the American Cancer Society

    This podcast is sponsored by IBM Blockchain and Kaleido. Comments by Jerry, DJ, and Guests are their own and don't necessarily represent the sponsors position or opinions.

  • In this quick bonus episode, DJ and Jerry discuss quantum computers and their potential impact on blockchain technology. Quantum Computers are real and continue to become more powerful and can soon be practically used by businesses to solve problems yet to be solved by classic computers. While quantum has a wondrous upside, this power can be used for malicious use, including tampering with modern encrypted data. So, it’s time to understand quantum enough to both be safe, while also learning how to harness its power.

    Jerry was challenged to keep this episode at or around 5 mins, just to touch on a quick definition of quantum computers as well as provide the “two sides of the coin” of what they can do. The short answer is, we are safe for now. But it’s time to establish your quantum offense and defense.

    As mentioned in this episode, here is a good YouTube video explaining quantum:

    A beginner's guide to quantum computing | Shohini Ghose

    Also here is the quantum computer homepage from IBM, with instructions on how to start experimenting with a quantum computer, on the IBM Cloud, to write your first “Hello Quantum” program.

    IBM Quantum Computing

    Quantum computing and Blockchain are covered in Chapter 7 of my new book, Think Blockchain. Order your thinkblockchain.org book today - with royalties donated to the American Cancer Society

    #blockchain #quantum

  • In this episode, Jerry is joined by Loni Mahanta, VP of Policy & Government Affairs at OpenSea, where she is evolving the worlds thinking of digital assets at the intersection of law, technology, and policy.

    On this trending topic of NFTs, Loni helps broaden our thinking, going way beyond what they are today, testing what they can be, and represent, in our highly digital world.  Including our own digital identity as a type of non-fungible digital-asset.

    Loni goes on to explain that NFTs are the first building blocks for consumer ownership, allowing digital assets to be attached to the owner and move with them around a decentralized landscape.

    Oh… and just for fun, right before this episode, Jerry created a small test collection of Blockchain-Jerry NFTs, on OpenSea... Click here to view.

    And remember what Loni alluded to around consumer protection in this emergent space… Please follow this link to the Opensea, NFT Security Group – for more details on what you should be aware of.

    Get your copy of Think Blockchain today here! Royalties from the book are donated to the American Cancer Society.

    This podcast is sponsored by IBM Blockchain and Kaleido. Comments by Jerry, DJ, and Guests are their own and don't necessarily represent the sponsors position or opinions.

  • On the trending topic of Web3 digital identity, Jerry is joined by the ever amazing Lisa Seacat Deluca, leader of Web3 identity at Unstoppable Domains, WITI Hall of Fame, 3x LinkedInTopVoices, inventor, speaker, and author of 2 children’s books!

    “The internet is an unstoppable force, and for 50 years its drummed the rhythm of humanity's march forward. But somewhere along the way, we missed a few beats. Surrendered our data and privacy. And became ‘users’ instead of people.”

    This is part of the Unstoppable domain’s mantra, in which Lisa and Jerry deep dive into, describing how a new style of “easy to read” domain names (e.g., LisaSeacat.x) is the ticket to becoming people again and defining the future of Login and Identity for Web3.

    Here are links to the articles Lisa and Jerry referenced.

    If Superheroes Owned Domain Names, They'd Be UnstoppableUnstoppable Women of Web3LisaSeacat.com


    Get your copy of Think Blockchain today here! Royalties from the book are donated to the American Cancer Society.

    This podcast is sponsored by IBM Blockchain and Kaleido. Comments by Jerry, DJ, and Guests are their own and don't necessarily represent the sponsors position or opinions.

  • Another in a series of short and unique bonus episodes. Given the title of the podcast, and associated book is Think Blockchain… Jerry and his digital-twin DJ teed up some key takeaways from the book that make you think and go... Hmm.


    In this bonus episode Jerry discusses that Bitcoin is just one of one thousand applications of blockchain... and that blockchain technology is powering 999 other styles of applications that are equally interesting. Some of these applications including:

    Registries for land, vehicles, and collectables       Medical data and clinical trial marketplaceReal estate managementMusic rights and royalties trackingIdentity management for people, places, and thingsSupply chain, logistics monitoring, and dispute managementjust to name a few.

    Get your copy of Think Blockchain today here! Royalties from the book are donated to the American Cancer Society. So, buying is donating!

  • This is the first of a set of short and unique bonus episodes. Given the title of the podcast, and associated book is Think Blockchain… Jerry and his digital-twin DJ and I have teed up some key takeaways from the book that make you think and go... Hmm.

    In this bonus episode a few thoughts are shared regarding how to define blockchain. In Chapter 1 of Think Blockchain book, Jerry starts his definition of blockchain with "if databases were birds, then blockchain would be a duck." This silly comparison starts by using a generic Database as a reference point. (i.e, a database-bird), then extending it with the unique DNA that Blockchain-ducks possess… including shared ledgers, consensus, and generous amounts of cryptography.

    Get your copy of Think Blockchain today here! Royalties from the book are donated to the American Cancer Society. So, buying is donating!

  • Another in a series of short and unique bonus episodes. Given the title of the podcast, and associated book is Think Blockchain… Jerry and his digital-twin DJ teed up some key takeaways from the book that make you Think and go... Hmm.

    In this bonus episode Jerry discusses how decentralized blockchain establishes unprecedented trust. Jerry poses the design “How much decentralization is good enough to establish trust” when designing a blockchain application (or DApp).  Does every transaction need to run on chain? And how many nodes is the perfect number to have in your blockchain network? The answer can be found in the concept of a Minimally Viable Decentralization strategy.

    Get your copy of Think Blockchain today here! Royalties from the book are donated to the American Cancer Society. So, buying is donating!

  • Jerry is joined by Matt Zarracina, CEO and Co-founder of True Tickets - a scalable and secure digital ticketing delivery experience that integrates with many of today’s existing ticketing platforms.

     “What exactly is a ticket?” is one question they discuss. Can it be viewed in the same class as a digital asset, token or NFT? Or is it a license, with a set of business rules outlining terms of an experience?

    Matt explains that True Tickets plays a similar role in a ticketing industry, to what Sabre (airline reservation system) plays in the travel industry.  As “the Sabre” of ticketing, True Tickets provides the transparency, chain-of-custody, and engagement rules of how tickets can be security managed across an ecosystem of ticket companies.  Matt describes that being the custodian of tickets is a distributed computing problem, hence permissioned blockchain, as a distributed shared ledger system, is well suited for rules management across a diverse ecosystem of ticket vendors.

    To quote the Think Blockchain book, “if there are 1000 applications of blockchain, bitcoin is just one”… True Tickets certainly is a standout amongst the other 999 applications.

    Here are links to the articles Matt and Jerry referenced.

    NFTs shouldn’t be tickets and here’s why     Ticketing and Web 3.0: Bridging the Metaverse and the “Actual-verse”Ticketing, the “Actual-Verse”, & NFTs — 2.0

    Get your copy of Think Blockchain today here! Royalties from the book are donated to the American Cancer Society.

    This podcast is sponsored by IBM Blockchain and Kaleido. Comments by Jerry, DJ, and Guests are their own and don't necessarily represent the sponsors position or opinions.
  • Welcome to Think Blockchain - A podcast for those curious about blockchain’s evolution to a Web3 future. This is it… The start of a new podcast… hosted by Jerry Cuomo relating to topics covered in his new book of the same name.

    In blockchain, a genesis block is the very first block of data committed to the chain. So, in a sense, this episode is the genesis block of this new podcast series. In this episode, Jerry is joined by his digital twin, DJ. Together they introduce the podcast, describe who it’s for, and hint at some guests and topics that we’ve teed up for future discussions.

    Jerry describes the book and the podcast share the same goals which related to shaping the future of the Internet, which many call Web3. But to improve our future, we need to understand the issues of today’s Web2 world.  Issues like…

    Identity theft,      Issues with data privacy, A balanced rewards system for those creating and contributing valuable data to the internet,Going beyond the 2D internet into an immersive 3D metaverse,And a safe, easy and trustworthy approach to digital money.

    All these topics are areas that need attention and are areas that Jerry feels blockchain technology's unique attributes can take a real run at solving these problems. Hence, the title of the podcast and book, Think blockchain.

    Get your copy of Think Blockchain today here! Royalties from the book are donated to the American Cancer Society.

    This podcast is sponsored by IBM Blockchain and Kaleido. Comments by Jerry, DJ, and Guests are their own and don't necessarily represent the sponsors position or opinions.