For all our advancements, open mindedness still seems to elude us. We war with each other of beliefs, promote misinformation in order to have our opinions heard, then stifle the opposition, dismiss new ideologies and try as hard as possible to ruin anyone who dares to say... "What about this?"In a lot of ways we are better than we were. However, in a lot of ways we aren't. One person who knows this all to well is Graham Hancock. He is a journalist with a show on Netflix called "Ancient Apocalypse" it's a docuseries focusing on the possibility that our history may not be as accurate as we thought. He poses the concept that civilization may date back farther than we believe and there seems to be a some archeological evidence to support this suggestion.Because of these views he's been shunned and miss-labeled a quack and a crazy person. The archeological community completely disregards him and actively tries to discredit and silence his findings. Seems a little odd that people would be so viscerally opposed to even think about the idea that more research and investigation could be done in to these possibilities.Some times those in an industry or heading up projects can find themselves to close to idea or concept, to truly see the potential of possibilities. It benefits us all to entertain new concepts and ideologies, or at least the potential of. To better progress the human race. We should be capable of digesting good and bad information. That's how we learn and progress.I personally find his concepts quite intriguing. I love the idea that we don't know as much as we think we do and our ancestral past may have wholes in it. Pockets of lost information if you will.Besides there are people out there who truly believe, without a smidge of a doubt that, there was a guy who walked on water, that wasn't ice. There was a guy who parted the sea and it wasn't in his bathtub. There was a guy who built a boat the size of a city, put all the animals in the world on it and there wasn't a blood bath. If you can believe all that, shouldn't you be able to at least entertain the possibility of human history stretching a little farther back than previously discovered?Hope you enjoy the sesh!Like, Share, Subscribe and visit Tots420.com
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Can someone please explain to me what is wrong with dudes?
Seriously! I get that we like to have fun and do dude things. However I do not understand why dudes seem to think that the best move is the first move.
Like for example: showing a questionable set of pictures to your co-workers. Why show someone and unsolicited pic of nakedness. No one wants to see that, let alone have it shoved in their face in the middle of a mall food court.
Have you ever sat around with woman and heard any of them say "geeze I wish Tom would send me a picture of his junk already". No you haven't. Do you know why you haven't? Well... because as much as Becky wants to see Tom's junk, she wants to see it under her own determination. Besides if you're gonna show your junk there needs to be context fueled by the dumping of hormones.
Maybe it's because that's all we are as dudes. Walking hormones. We never really grow out of that teenage mentality. It's the same mentality that allows us to think farts are funny and cleanliness is a virtue best left in the corner of the closet with our crusty socks and 4 day old skid mark riddled underwear.
That's the type of mentality that leads us to believe that mopping a floor is beneath us. Ask us to do menial tasks and it will illicit an ape like tantrum that ultimately leads to us fighting with our peers and coworkers, ultimately leading to our dismissal from the group.
All I'm saying is, keep it in you pants, mop the floor and act like a man not the child you wish you were.
Hope you enjoy the sesh!
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Puuttuva jakso?
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
This week on Thoughts Off The Stem we're reading Christmas classics. The Christmas stories you loved as a kid with an infused twist.
Join the sesh with your friendly neighbourhood Christmas stoner. Load yourself a jolly old bowl, roll yourself a delicious candy cone, gather a plate of infused cookies and a tall glass of milk. Then curl up by the fire and enjoy some holiday giggles!
Hope you enjoy the Sesh!
Have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and wonderful time with family.
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Have you ever been convinced you were born in the wrong era? Over the years I've occasionally wondered if I was better suited for life in the 1950's. It seems like some of the values of a different time better suite my personality.There's just so many aspects of that time period that I think I would enjoy. The style, the cars and the sense of community to mention a few. It was just a simpler time and maybe that's what I am really looking for.While thinking about all the possibilities of living in a different area my mind may have wandered in to thoughts about reincarnation. I also think that would be cool as hell. The possibility that you could come back as another person would be amazing. The only thing I would want to know for sure, is whether or not you would have the knowledge of your old self. Could you use the information you gained in your past lives to make your new life more enjoyable or prosperous?Hope you enjoy the sesh!Don't forget to like, share, subscribe and visit Tots420.com
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem we're talking about Hawk Tuah girl, her Hawk coin and the stupidity that is investing based on celebrity.I mean really, who in their right mind invests in an unstable currency because some 20 something kid decides to put her name on a form of it. The funniest part to me is that, people were surprised they lost all their money. I'm not well versed in investing however, I can say without a doubt there is no chance I'm investing in someone who's claim to fame is the best way to make a guy happy and "spit on that thang".Have we learned nothing from the Logan Paul fiasco? Internet celebrities, celebrities in general are not the people you should look to for financial advice. First of all they are getting paid more money than you could make to be the face of a series of imaginary numbers. Secondly they aren't the ones calling the shots. Someone behind the scenes advising them on what to do next, and their motivation is most likely an attempt to capitalize on that persons fame.This is the kind of stuff that makes me worried for the future of humanity. We really are moving in the direction of "Idiocracy". Is this seriously the pinnacle of humanity?Hope you enjoy the sesh!
Talking about marijuana with your kids can be a bit uncomfortable. I get it. It's not something we as parents really want to do. But just like talking about the birds and the bees, it is our responsibility to make sure that they get the correct information.As a pot shop manager I have always been very open and honest with my kids. I don't see any value in hiding my use of marijuana from them. In many cases I have customers who do their best to keep their use hidden from their kids. I personally don't think this is the right move. I think if you normalize marijuana on the same level as booze you'll have less young people inappropriately using marijuana. Or at the very least using it at a point in their lives, when it's detrimental to brain development.Having said all that, I don't think we should be talking to our toddlers about weed. This type of conversation should probably coincide with school lesson plans about drugs and alcohol. Besides hiding your use of these substances from your kids really cuts into your credibility. There is nothing worse than your kids potentially losing faith in you because you're being hypocritical.Hop you enjoy the sesh!Don't forget to like, subscribe, share and visit Tots420.com
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem, we're telling university party stories. I have a huge appetite for fun. My first year at university consisted of a lot of drinking, laughs and good times and very little school work. I'm not saying it was the right move but it definitely left me with some fun stories to tell.When I was younger I was always looking for the party. Once I got to university I was ready to do whatever I wanted. Without someone to over see what I was doing, I neglected everything that wasn't at the bottom of a bottle. Partying was me jam for sure. I met a lot of cool people and spent many nights with a bunch of the football team testing the limits of my chugging capabilities.The combination of free flowing booze and the wheel chair my roommate had stolen from his grandmother. He used it as a desk chair. We used it as a party favour, traversing the hall ways doing wheelies and spins seeing who could hold their wheelie as long as possible without up ending ourselves in a door way.This one fate full night, I may or may not have commandeered the chair on a trip to the bar. Being 18 and in university I had missed out on a few bar trips at this point. So with a stomach full of booze, wobbly legs, a fake id and a simple mode of transportation I decided to tag along on a night out. So load up your bong, heat up the dab rig or roll up your favourite strain and join the sesh for some hijinks.Hope you enjoy!Don't forget to follow, like, share, subscribe and visit Tots420.com
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem, we're talking about the Jake Paul, Mike Tyson fight. That's right, just like you, I allowed myself to get suckered in to the fantasy of it all. So my son and I decided to make it bro time in the living room and watch the fights.It was definitely quite the spectacle, that's for sure! There actually was a good boxing match in there too. A few things needed a tweak here and I'm sure you've heard all the talk about Netflix crashing. There was definitely a lot going on, which left us with quite a bit to talk about. So roll up your favourite strain and join the sesh!Hope you enjoy!Don't forget to like, share and subscribe to the channel. Check out Tots420.com for mor cannabis related blogs.
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem we are talking about logical potheads, societies fascination with idolizing idiots and a review of Dealer's Blueberry Frost pre roll.If you haven't watched the last podcast you should check it out. This seshisode starts with a mini discussion related to seshisode 155. Basically as a pothead I feel like non potheads judge us with the assumption that we are lazy and stupid.Last weeks episode was about an incident at school where I, Justin Barone, your friendly neighbourhood pothead was the voice of reason. Or rather at least more level headed than some of my parenting peers. Which surprised me because I am the pothead of the group. In this instance, where everyone reacted rather than thinking it through. I prevailed as the more level headed member of the group.I attribute that to the fact that I smoke weed quite honestly. It got me thinking that in most cases if there were an issue at hand. A group of people would not necessarily look to the pothead for guidance or leadership. But in this case, I reacted to the situation and reached out. Everyone just said, "ok lets see what happens after Justin does a little digging." Quite honestly it amazed me that everyones reaction was going to be based on what I was able to do about the situation. Ultimately it got me thinking about how in society we still have a misconception of the capabilities of potheads. All I'm saying is, it's ok to trust a pothead.In that vein I some how got around to discussing Lt. Dan. You know the Florida man who tried to live through Hurricane Milton on a dingy in the ocean.It just amazed me how quickly society idolizes idiots. How quickly we support lunacy and urge it to run it's course. I feel like some how those idiots get categorized as potheads too. Which really just hurts our street cred man. Not all potheads are token idiots. Most of us are hard working, logical, laid back people who enjoy introspective thought, silliness and a relaxing time. All we want to do is smoke a joint think about life's possibilities and eat our favourite snack.Hope you enjoy the sesh!
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem I'm discussing a situation at my oldest kids highschool.The teacher decided to use the special needs class to represent toddlers for a day in order to prepare her students for a toddler play date the following month.There is something seriously wrong with this don't you think?Is there no one around this teacher proofing the lesson plans?This to me was a major problem. It turns out it was a problem for a few of the parents. I reached out to find out what the logic was here. Lets just say the response left me less than happy or satisfied that this would further anyones education.I'm not trying to be any kind of social justice warrior here. I'm just saying that using anyone for to represent something they aren't is not the best look. There should have been way more thought put in to this. The practice of using someone with a disability to represent toddler is just wrong. The needs of both people are vastly different and in my opinion are not in any way similar or representative of the other.I also find it hard to believe that parents of the students in the special needs class, had they known this was going on, would have been overly accommodating or happy about having their kids involved in such an experiment.I just don't think it's right to use people like that.Join the Sesh and let me know what you think. Do you think the teacher was in the wrong?visit tots420.com for cannabis blogs and seshisode links
This week on Thoughts Off The Stem I felt like I had to address a few comments I was getting on youtube short I put out. The content was supposed to be about a humorous interaction I had with a customer. I think I failed at cutting it correctly.The topic of the clip was how we have to sell products in the cannabis industry. So as I was receiving comment after comment about ripping people off I realized I had to respond and clarify the situation.Since comments don't always drive the point home I figured this seshisode would be the perfect opportunity to clarify in detail the concept. So this sesh is a pretty well detailed description of how the retail cannabis industry operates.The biggest misconception is that retail cannabis is a kin to Walmart style retail. It is not. Weed is a regulated good. So if you are going to compare retail operations you have to compare what it is like to sell regulated goods, like alcohol and cigarettes. You can't compare buying a bag of weed to buying pencils at staples.We are bound to the regulations the government has imposed on the industry and the operating procedures enforced by the parent companies/head offices that run these business's.Hope you enjoy the seshDon't forget to share, like, subscribe and visit Tots420.com
This week on Thoughts Off The Stem. I thought it would be fun to give you my top 10 stoner horror movies to watch on halloween.There are some spoilers in here. So if you haven't seen some of the movies I talk about, maybe skip through to the next one. Just in case.I think you'll find this list perfect for a stoner fueled fright fest. Well honestly some of them are cheesy but, you know, that's kinda part of halloween too right?Spark one up and lets talk murder, gore and silly horror.Hope you enjoy the sesh!Don't forget to subscribe, like, share and check out Tots420.com for the full catalogue of seshisodes.
This week on Thoughts Off The Stem I was wondering to myself what would the apocalypse look like?
Based on all the craziness that is going on in the world today I think people are more aware than ever that we might be headed to end times. I'm just not that sure what our end times looks like. So in this sesh I'm posing the question of what you think an apocalypse would look like.
Is it filled with fire and brimstone, a nuclear war, aliens or is it something we won't see coming?
This is always a fun topic to explore considering there are so many different possibilities and my imagination runs rampant with this kind of thought exercise. I really do want to know your opinion so please leave a comment and let me know what you think. Even if that means letting me know you think I'm off my rocker.
Hope you enjoy the sesh!
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem. We are talking about corporate greed in the weed industry. The level of greed in the weed industry is astronomical, but I guess it's just a reflection of the societal greed we see on a personal level, every day on social media.In Canada the weed industry is a budding industry new to the game and I understand that the people involved want to see massive and extreme growth very quickly. The problem with that, is that, while try to expand at a rapid pace. These corporations tend to make major missteps, which lead to quite a few operational mistakes.I think this comes from a lack of experience by the heads of these companies to understand the legitimate market. I say this because, in the canadian cannabis industry, there are quite a few business owners that started out on the black market. Their success there, doesn't necessarily translate to a legitimate business. They are still trying to operate with an underground mindset. I'm sure there is room for some of those practices to help grow these companies, however, there needs to be a shift in the quality of leadership within the cannabis industry.Hope you enjoy the sesh!Subscribe, Like, Share and visit Tots420.com to listen or watch the whole podcast catalogue.
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem we're smoking some East Coast Dank'z by MTL Cannabis. The lineage is Grape Gas and Gelato 41, making it a 29% THC Indica. I am smoking Orange Juice, Cured Resin by 1964, in the Stundenglass. It's an 83% THC Cured Resin.This sesh we're talking about the eclectic group of customers we see on a daily basis. Being that retail cannabis is a relatively new development in society. There is a lot of interpersonal carry-over from the black market.We used to have a schedule a time to go visit a guy in a basement or a garage. Upon arrival we had to commit at least 45 minutes to visiting this individual. In some cases you ended up getting sucked into helping with chore list or entertaining kids while they complete some of the tasks on their list.This meant we had to build relationships with our plugs and has carried over to the retail industry where, there is an abundance of people who come into the shop with, at least a small amount of intent to inform you of all the goings on in their lives.I know that we are called "Budtenders". It sounds similar to "Bartender" and there is a clear expectation that we lend a sympathetic ear to our customers. This means that in some cases we get high jacked and ear beaten with peoples problems from time to time. Though I don't mind sharing my years of wisdom to help someone out. Maybe the time to acquire some life advice is not in a packed pot shop.All I'm saying, is that it's a business. Would you go to Walmart and tell the employees there all about your last colonoscopy? I don't think so.Hope you enjoy the sesh!Subscribe, Like, Share and visit Tots420.com for links to all our episodes.
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem we're talking about what everyone is talking about. P Diddy and his recent indictment. From freak off parties, to racketeering, to murder plots, to human trafficking. This dude is insane. Since this is pretty heavy and we like to keep things light around here we're dabbing up 1964's Orange Juice cured resin. For a little extra pop, we mixed in a bit of Terra Labs Cherry Ak resin. Lets just say it added a nice little energized kicked to the sesh.I gotta ask though, did we really not see this coming? I mean the dude has been marred in controversy since the beginning of his career. It's alleged that he put out a hit on his own artist, Biggie Smalls. Not to mention his possible involvement in the shooting of Tupac in New York at a recording studio. This guy has always done whatever he can to maintain power over the music industry.His label is called Bad Boy records. He named himself Puff Daddy, then P. Diddy, then shortened it to Diddy. Started throwing Freak Off parties where almost immediately there were low level rumblings of nefarious on goings. Yet celebs and high powered people attended these parties and worked with the man because of the money he was pulling in and the power he held.Maybe I am naive but it's appalling to me that, as rumblings of Diddy's behaviour started to reach the public, those in the know protected this predator. I don't understand how these powerful people just sweep these kinds of things under the rug. What does this say about the psyche of people seeking fame and fortune? Does it suggest that the morals of the famous go to the highest bidder?Hope you enjoy the sesh!
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem Justin and Tyler are trying out Blue Dream from Space Race, a 30% hybrid pre roll. As always they start the show with a hit from the Stundenglass, this week they had a little Live resin Orange Juice by 1964, an 83% sativa.This week Justin and Tyler are discussing TikTok culture and work ethic. Each generation is obviously different from the one before it. With the constant need for technological advancement, human interaction suffers. Social awareness declines and interpersonal skills seem to meet an end similar to that of the do-do bird.The mentality of young people has been pressed and adapted to changing technologies that suck the life out of engagement. Leading to a work force that thinks swipe culture actually applies in the real world. As great as technology is, it seems to be diminishing our ability to interact, thus creating a disconnect between reality and the virtual world. All that applies online does not necessarily add to a functioning individual in the real world.Many kids are coming into the work force with impatiently short attention spans. Lacking the ability to work through real world problems in real time and not being able to adapt to issues that need progressive problem solving skills.A lot of these green individuals lack the ability to form their own opinions, discern between fake or bad information and complete tasks on their own. If you are given a problem to solve then figure it out. Don't walk around asking everyones input about the problem you are facing. Learn to solve the problem and find the answer. Basically put in the work, that's how you make yourself valuable in the workforce.Hope you enjoy the sesh!Like, Subscribe, Share and visit Tots420.com
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem, we're talking about being an adult. The balance between maturity and fun.As we age we forget what it's like to be a kid. we fall in to our responsibilities and we loose sight of what's important. Sure i understand that we have to take care of our obligations and be leaders to our children.I don't necessarily believe that we have to do it in a stuffy and so called proper manner. I think that we can have fun and take care of business. However I find myself in a pretty consistent debate about my level of fun and silliness.I have been dating a lovely woman who is definitely to good for me. She is very proper and particular about how she conducts herself and what she expects of those around her. I'm an anomaly to her, I think. Where I'm 80% silly and childish. She's 80% serious and mature.She believes there is a time and place for everything. Often that means I have to stop making silly voices or acting like a child. Though I don't disagree, I do think that most adults try to stifle their silly. When I was a kid I would imagine what it would be like, to be an adult. Now as an adult I find most are trying to find their childhood again.I vowed early on in life that I would make a conscious effort to maintain a sense of childish fun. As we get older we lose our wonder. Everything is new and exciting as a kid. There are many experiences that haven't been had and when they are the tastes, smells, feels of that experience stay with you and give you that warm and fuzzy feeling.I think that as an adult our goal should be to maintain that feeling. So instead of being 80% serious and 20% childish. That should be flipped. Besides what's the point of having adult money if you can't have kid fun?Hope you enjoy the Sesh!Don't forget to Subscribe, Like, Share and visit Tots420.com
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This week on Thoughts Off The Stem, we're discussing implants, specifically Neuralink, conspiracy minded people and the irony that is their arguments and actions.Everyone know's someone that goes deep down the rabbit hole. You know the ones. They think everything the government does is evil and controlling. The type of person that thinks that, only the news they are privy to, is the right information.They spout off all day about how the government is trying to deceive you. How covid was a mass experiment designed to asses the worlds governments ability to control the population, on mass.This type of paranoia doesn't normally go hand in hand with the concept of inserting a chip in to your brain. In fact, having a Neuralink implanted pretty much voids all previous worry that the government is out to control you, doesn't it?With everything we know about media, propaganda and government influence. It doesn't concern you that one of, if not the, smartest people on the planet wants to chip us all. Sure you can say it's in an effort to progress humanity and develop a global consciousness. But if we've learned anything from any sci-fi movie ever. It should probably be that, the guy who wants to chip us may have some nefarious plans.Seriously this would potentially make us human puppets. I can't fathom the idea of someone influencing my decisions let alone having total control over my mind. The thought is seriously bananas.Hope you enjoy the Sesh!Don't forget to Share, Like, Subscribe and visit Tots420.com
This week on Thoughts Off The Stem Lets talk about the fact that Boeing has stranded 2 astronauts in space on the international space station.Could you imagine training all your life to be an astronaut and go into space. You finally get called up to the big leagues. They tell you, you're going to man this new space craft but it's just gonna be a quick trip out an back. Next thing you know you're barely out of the atmosphere and you start hearing some rattles and clanks. One of your engines goes and you all of a sudden have a structural problem. Now you have to doc at the international space station and try to fix it.You work on fixing and find out the problem can only be fixed back on earth. Ok cool. You figure no problem we'll hop back on this sardine can and ride it back to earth. Nope! Can't do that. The probability of this piece of junk getting humans back to earth is pretty slim.Now you find out the whole time you've been off the planet. Congress has been hard grilling Boeing on their inability to make a viable space craft. Even though this one took some where near 11 years longer and quite a bit more money than they anticipated.I guess my question is... As an astronaut would this be exciting or terrifying? Part of me thinks it would be exciting because you get to stay in space longer than expected. However the sane part of me thinks you might go a bit bonkers realizing you're trapped in space, with no way home and you can't rely on the people that got you there because, well, they didn't really know what they were doing in the first place. Did they?Hope you enjoy the Sesh!Don't forget to Share, Like, Subscribe and visit Tots420.com
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