
  • While there’s no magic “how to lose weight without dieting” formula, there are some easy steps that can help you move away from diet mentality and diet behavior. In this episode of the Too Much on Her Plate podcast, I’m sharing a conversation with a client that helped her make a massive shift that makes overeating less powerful and less of a focus in her life.

    In this episode:

    Understanding your weight loss goal from a non-diet perspectiveWhy food was my client’s main source of pleasure How diet mentality and putting “rewards” after the goal can keep you stuckHow to be at your goal now

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/one-way-to-lose-weight-without-dieting-tmohp-episode-137/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
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  • Let’s suppose that you know you’re an emotional eater. You’ve learned about emotional eating. You’ve spent time exploring your feelings. You can clearly see and describe the situations and feelings that trigger you to overeat. And all that insight hasn’t changed your eating habits at all.

    How do you break out of an emotional eating loop when focusing on your feelings hasn’t helped?

    In this episode:

    It’s not you, it’s that you’re missing some necessary steps for ending emotional eatingThe value of tuning in to feelingsHow thoughts drive energy and emotionNew steps you can take to shift old overeating patterns and break emotional eating habits

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/is-it-really-your-feelings-that-are-triggering-emotional-eating-tmohp-episode-136/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • I propose that we work on cultivating a self-care mindset instead of a long self-care to-do list. In this episode, you’ll also find some self-caring ways to help make true self-care easier and more intuitive.

    In this episode:

    Understanding real self-care: the distinction between faux self-care and real self-care.Practical self-care strategies: a range of actionable suggestions to cultivate a self-care mindset, including untethering from external agendas, sprinkling joy into daily life, valuing ordinary moments, embracing beauty, prioritizing rest, setting boundaries, and practicing intentional wanting.Nurturing a self-care mindset.

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/10-ways-to-cultivate-a-self-care-mindset-tmohp-episode-135/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • In this episode, I’m shining a light on how powerful myths contribute to guilt, self-blame, and a loss of hope in your ability to make lasting changes. I’m also sharing three key points for regaining hope and confidence and creating the changes you desire.

    In this episode:

    How diet mentality perpetuates a cycle of self-blame and may have disconnected you from your hope and confidence.Peace with food creates happiness and happiness creates peace with food.Should you just be happy with the way things are?Resources to support you in growing your hope and confidence and creating freedom from overeating.

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/when-changing-your-overeating-feels-hopeless-tmohp-episode-134/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
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  • Let’s tackle the challenge of emotional eating head-on. In this episode, I’m offering a specific plan centered around the powerful strategy of curiosity. I’ll explore how understanding the reasons behind emotional eating can empower you to regain control over your eating habits. By fostering curiosity rather than self-blame, you can uncover the underlying needs driving overeating and emotional eating and develop tailored strategies for healthier eating patterns. Through prompts and exercises, this episode guides you through a journey of experimentation to cultivate lasting peace with food.

    In this episode:

    The curiosity strategy as a powerful tool for overcoming emotional eating habits.How self-blame prevents growth and change.Practical tips and prompts for you to explore your emotional eating patterns and identify your underlying needs and cravings.Guidance on designing a personalized seven-day experiment to address emotional eating triggers and test alternative coping mechanisms.

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/how-curiosity-can-break-emotional-eating-habits-tmohp-episode-133/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
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  • This week’s podcast episode is about a breathing technique that you can use to interrupt emotional eating, overeating, and even a binge. What does breathing have to do with ending overeating? A lot. If you’re an emotional eater or a stress eater or someone who overeats on autopilot, you know how frustrating it can be to try to change habits that feel deeply ingrained - even automatic. You’ve likely had experiences where, despite your best efforts or intentions, overeating habits have kicked in without much conscious thought. When you’re stressed or overwhelmed or anxious, reaching for something to eat might feel like the natural, easy response. How do you interrupt emotional eating when it’s a habitual reaction?

    I have a tool that can help. The best part is, you can access it anywhere, it’s free, and you can make an impact in as little as 60 seconds. Let’s talk about PACE breathing, how to use it, and why it helps (even if you do a lousy job of it).

    In this episode:

    The power of breathing to interrupt emotional eatingYour stress response vs. the PACE processHow and why to do PACE breathing

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/how-to-interrupt-emotional-eating-in-60-seconds-tmohp-episode-132/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • I don’t believe that you can heal your relationship with food or permanently change your eating in positive ways if you don’t address the emotional baggage of shame. So let’s talk about how to break the cycle of guilt, shame, and overeating.

    You’d have to be superhuman not to have internalized some or all of these beliefs and influences. This episode is about how to break the cycle.

    In this episode:

    The shame/guilt/overeating cycleGetting off the hamster wheelSelf-compassion and shameLetting help in

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/how-to-break-the-cycle-of-guilt-shame-and-overeating-tmohp-episode-131/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
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  • You’ve probably been there. You walk in the door and you head to the kitchen. You hit “end meeting” on a work call and you go for a snack. You finish up dinner and all that you want to do in the kitchen and then you circle back for one more little thing before you leave.

    I’ve talked about transitions before on the podcast. In this episode, I’m sharing why your power to break overeating habits may lie in finding new ways to switch gears.

    In this episode:

    Why you might mindlessly eat at the same time every day (and not feel able to break the habit)What to know about switching gears and overeatingWhat you want vs. what you don’t want

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/when-youre-mindless-eating-at-the-same-time-every-day-tmohp-episode-130/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • Struggles with food and eating take up a lot of mental space. I frequently hear from women who desperately want to put an end to all the drama, the thinking about what and when to eat, and would give a lot to be able to create mental peace with food. If you want to understand what freedom from overeating really is, it’s important to understand cognitive dissonance and the mental tricks your brain might be using that are keeping you stuck.

    In this episode:

    Cognitive dissonance and internal struggles with eatingHow we cope with cognitive dissonance and wanting to overeat (and also wanting to change our eating)Mindless eating or eating to numb as a coping mechanismRespecting vs. gaslighting your cognitive dissonance about overeating and emotional eating

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/fighting-cravings-when-you-dont-want-to-overeat-and-yet-you-do-tmohp-episode-129/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • Whether you choose to or not, it’s difficult to be a woman and not be continually exposed to the assumptions and stresses of diet mentality and deprivation thinking. Recently I experienced a few instances when I was surprised by diet thinking and beliefs and the stress that goes along with them. These experiences, that I’ll share with you, definitely highlight the difference between pursuing freedom from overeating vs. working to get “in control” of it. This episode also covers the difference between advice and support and the way that requests for support might be eliciting the opposite of what you need to end struggles with overeating.

    In this episode:

    Going out to lunch with someone - and the stories they were telling themselves about meWhen weight loss “support” completely misses the markAdvice vs. supportThe role of compassion in healing that so many experts miss

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/diet-mentality-ick-a-rant-tmohp-episode-128/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • There are a few things I’ve learned about managing stress eating that help a lot. In fact, these are life lessons that keep repeating themselves - and that I’ll probably be relearning and remembering for the rest of my life. Imperfectly. In this episode I’m sharing ten life lessons on managing stress eating that I never stop learning.

    In this episode:

    How to get more help when you don’t know how anyone can help youWhere you are probably tackling someone else’s to-do list most days (and maybe even before you look at your own)The obvious choice between being happy and right that can be incredibly difficult to makeWhere taking more time can give you more time, less stress, and help you be more productiveThe question that works magic when I remember to ask it in the morning

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/a-few-lessons-on-managing-stress-eating-that-i-never-stop-learning-tmohp-episode-127/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • I’m covering what you can do to stop fighting with your inner critic and how to stop negative thoughts from triggering overeating. It’s a two-step process, and the steps I’m sharing probably aren’t the steps that you’ve been trying so hard to implement.

    In this episode:

    How your inner critic and negative thoughts sabotage your work to create freedom from overeatingThe two steps to take to stop fighting with your inner criticWhat your inner critic and a door-to-door salesperson have in commonA simple way to feel more confident

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/how-to-stop-negative-thoughts-from-triggering-overeating-tmohp-episode-126/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
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  • In this episode I’m answering a question about how to be okay - and even motivated - by less than perfect progress. Spoiler alert: less than perfect (and sometimes gradual) progress is the only kind you’ll see if you’re making lasting changes to break overeating and emotional habits. So how do you stay motivated and feel satisfied? Tune in to this week’s episode.

    In this episode:

    Why making “some” progress can feel discouragingThe progress we miss or disregard and how to capture itCapturing winsWhat to focus on to feel more satisfied and motivated to keep going

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/qa-how-to-be-okay-with-less-than-perfect-progress-tmohp-episode-125/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • Fiona has a great question: “How can I feel delighted with small portion sizes, rather than feeling robbed, disheartened, and treated badly.” Q&A episodes are some of my favorites, because there’s a lot to be learned from a question - and there’s a lot to unpack in this one. In this episode I’m answering Fiona’s question and also tackling some important aspects of making changes to the way that you eat - whether you are adjusting your portions or trying something else.

    In this episode:

    Is choosing “small portions” helpful at all?Why any change you make to your eating is going to require an adjustment period.What to pay attention to before you even begin to change portions.How to create more delight - whatever change you’re making to your eating.

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/qa-can-you-be-delighted-by-small-portion-sizes-tmohp-episode-124/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • Have you ever thought about your pattern of overeating or emotional eating and thought that it’s so entrenched or so tangled up that you’ll never be able to change it?

    In this episode I’m sharing one story that is actually the story for many, many women. Once you understand how trust is lost, you’ll also be clearer on how to begin to rebuild self-trust and ultimately, how to feel confident and powerful with your eating again.

    In this episode:

    When you have a diet program running constantly in your headWhen you don’t know how to trust yourself to make decisions about how much or what to eat anymoreHow you stop trusting yourself with food, eating, and hunger and how to start growing your self-trust and confidence again

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/how-to-trust-yourself-with-food-eating-and-hunger-tmohp-episode-123/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • What if I told you that sometimes trusting your intuition won’t help you break overeating habits? In fact, there are ways that your brain as well as your thoughts and beliefs will actually mislead you - even when you’re determined to stop emotional eating or end a habit of eating too much junk food or using food for self-care. You can retrain your brain. You can build new habits. You CAN create peace with food and freedom from overeating. Sometimes it requires counterintuitive steps and approaches. In this episode I’m sharing some unexpected advice on how to make ending overeating easier and how to create new habits that last with some counterintuitive advice.

    In this episode:

    Focusing beyond what to eat and whenStarting smallHow your brain resists what works (and why)The problem with habit stackingAccountability isn’t always helpfulAvoiding fake positivity

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/counterintuitive-advice-to-stop-overeating-tmohp-episode-122/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • When you’re trying to stop emotional eating, your brain’s default strategy is to focus on “not doing it” or coming up with an alternative to-do list - things to do instead of eating. While this can be helpful, it’s important to remember that sometimes your urge to go have a snack is triggered by already having too many things to do! In this episode of the Too Much on Her Plate podcast, I’m covering tactics that go beyond doing more things or relying on willpower or distraction. The strategies in this episode will help shift you, your brain, and your behaviors toward what you really need to take your power back from food.

    In this episode:

    5 smart things to do instead of emotional eatingWhy your brain will resist these tacticsHow to become more anchored and present so you can make better decisions about eating and taking care of yourselfThe brave step of seeking support

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/short-circuit-emotional-eating-with-these-smart-tactics-tmohp-episode-121/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • In this week’s podcast episode I’m sharing ten questions that can help you lose the urge to overeat. Lose the urge - not control it or temper it or distract yourself from it. When you lose the urge to use food as a coping mechanism, so much gets easier.

    Covered in this episode:

    The importance of getting to the root of your overeating. How to discover why you want to eat and simple strategies to change thisWays to increase your power over cravings, urges to binge, and pulls to zone out and eat mindlessly10 questions that can change your urges to overeat

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/10-questions-that-can-help-you-lose-the-urge-to-overeat-tmohp-episode-120/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • Years of dieting, fighting with the scale, obsessing about the scale and feeling like success always came down to the daily weigh-in. That’s where Chris was, and her decision to pursue private coaching and work with me to change her overeating wasn’t one she made lightly. “I had tried everything… all of the traditional things that women do… it wasn’t working.” In this episode we have a candid conversation about her experience with working with me. What coaching for emotional eating help was like, the parts that were dissatisfying, her growth and wins, and where she is now.

    What you’ll learn in this episode:

    Why it took years before Chris made the decision to work with meThe dissatisfying answer I gave Chris after our second session that had her rolling her eyes and when things started changingWhen things started changingWeight loss results and the growth that happenedWhy Chris felt like she was always letting herself down with food even though everyone else thought she was incredibly trustworthy and how she built her trust and confidence back

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/getting-emotional-eating-help-how-chris-ditched-diets-and-lost-weight-tmohp-episode-119/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH

  • Before you jump into January goal setting mode or dive into another plan to change overeating habits or end emotional eating, it’s always helpful to reflect on what you already know, what works for you, and what you’ve learned from attempts to stop overeating that haven’t worked. As I reflect on last year, there were definitely some lessons learned. In this episode, I’m sharing a few of them, including what helped me through when nothing was working and life went sideways.

    In this episode:

    Satsumas, cuticle oil, and bare minimum expectationsWhy journaling is such a powerful weapon - and why you might want to try it even if you think you don’t like itWhat your default should be when nothing is workingHow I discovered a bunch of mindless eatingWanting to hide and what helps

    Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at https://toomuchonherplate.com/what-i-learned-when-nothing-was-working-and-when-life-went-sideways-tmohp-episode-118/

    Join the 5-Day Freedom from Overeating Workshop for Smart, Busy Women: https://bit.ly/tmohpregister
    Find out what's triggering emotional eating: https://bit.ly/takethefreequiz
    Get updates about upcoming events, free resources, & new episodes: https://bit.ly/tmohpupdates
    Rate and review the podcast: https://apple.co/3i2L8CH