
  • [Female Health, Physiotherapy]

    Join me in and epic conversation with Jaime Singleton, a women's health specialist and therapist with over 15 years of experience in the field. Jamie shares her expertise and insights on the often-misunderstood topic of pelvic floor health and explains why the commonly used cue "draw your belly button in towards your spine" is incorrect and can cause more harm than good.

    Listen in as Jaime shares her understanding of pelvic pain and discusses how conditions like endometriosis, pelvic girdle instability, and irritable bowel syndrome can all contribute to pelvic pain. We explore the complexities of pelvic pain and the importance of understanding the root cause in order to provide appropriate treatment. Jaime also helps us understand the impact of hypermobility on the body and how it can affect various aspects of women's health and fitness.

    Finally, we discuss the value of mentorship and collaboration within the women's health and fitness industry and how professionals can work together to ensure clients receive the best possible care. Jamie and I also talk about the importance of finding a qualified women's health or pelvic health physio to work with and how to create effective client-therapist relationships. Don't miss this enlightening and informative conversation with Jaime Singleton!


    ⚡ The Training Women podcast by Nardia Norman is where fitness business, female physiology, + soul conversations collide to help you raise the bar on how you coach and do life.

    Be sure to subscribe and leave an encouraging message on Apple podcasts so other heart-led, ambitious coaches can be in the know.

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected], and you can also DM on Insta.

    👉 Join our Training + Coaching Women FB Page.

    🖥️ www.nardianorman.com

  • [Brand, Leadership]

    In this episode of the Training Women podcast, Nardia shares valuable insights on how personal trainers can build a recognisable and memorable brand. From recognising the value of their profession to seeing themselves as experts and leaders in the fitness industry, Nardia emphasises the need for concerted efforts over time to stand out from the competition.

    As she says in the show, "What are you willing to do that others won't in order to be in the top 1% of Fit Pros?".

    Even though there are more personal trainers and fitness coaches than ever, there is a significant need for high-quality fitness guidance, education, and information.

    This episode provides actionable advice for fitness professionals looking to make a lasting impact and income.


    ⚡ The Training Women podcast by Nardia Norman is where fitness business, female physiology, + soul conversations collide to help you raise the bar on how you coach and do life.

    Be sure to subscribe and leave an encouraging message on Apple podcasts so other heart-led, ambitious coaches can be in the know.

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected], and you can also DM on Insta.

    👉 Join our Training + Coaching Women FB Page.

    🖥️ www.nardianorman.com

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  • [Business, Leadership]

    👉 Women's Health + Program Design Mentorship program, get on the waitlist here.

    In my early days of certifying Personal Trainers at various registered training organisations, I would always ask the students the following question:

    "Should Personal Trainers hire their own Personal Trainer?"

    This simple question always led to vigorous debate much to my amusement, so in this TW episode, Olivia and I unpack this and share our thoughts around this.


    ⚡ The Training Women podcast by Nardia Norman is where business, female physiology, + soul conversations collide to help you raise the bar on how you do coaching + life.

    Be sure to subscribe and leave an encouraging message on Apple podcasts so other heart-led, ambitious coaches can be in the know.

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM on Insta.

    👉 Join our Training + Coaching Women FB Page.

  • [Business]

    My husband and I have worked from home for almost 7 years, and while I am accustomed to managing our spaces well, I've been yearning for another space.

    A gym space to be precise. Over Project Undo I realised that I need to be around other humans; to have conversations with someone other than my husband and my coffee guy.

    As much as I love training from my home gym, I had to get out of the house.

    So I took advantage of a paid one-week trial at Legacy Through Movement, dusted off my workout shoes and headed in.

    What I've experienced with them has been nothing short of awesome. In fact, they have done some basic things, exceptionally fkn well.

    So well, I am compelled to share these with you, as both a reminder and a refresher of how you can be competitive in a market full of gyms and big box clubs.

    Tune into this episode where I jam on 3 powerful topics:

    1. Your unfair competitive advantage (that you probably take for granted)

    2. Why competing on price is a race to the bottom (you don't win by being the cheapest)

    3. The power of a paid trial (it's 2022 people, let's stop the free fkn trials already!)



    The Training Women podcast by Nardia Norman is where business, female physiology, + soul conversations collide to help you raise the bar on how you do coaching + life.

    Be sure to subscribe and leave an encouraging message on Apple podcasts so other heart-led, ambitious coaches can be in the know.

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM on Insta.

    👉 Join our Training + Coaching Women FB Page.

  • The long-term consequences of Covid restrictions and all-around fkery are taking a toll on everyone, particularly Fitness Business owners and coaches.

    I've witnessed, and heard, the stories from coaches who are feeling let down, unmotivated, tired and unsure because of ongoing client illnesses and financial changes. Leading to an uptick in client cancellations, no-shows, a decrease in membership growth and an intense mental burden.

    If you resonate with this, then please know I SEE YOU.

    I see your struggles, your doubt and the wobbles in your conviction.

    Sure, it may all feel fken hard, and heavy right now, but let me assure you, this will pass.

    I promise you.

    In today's Training Women podcast episode, I share a love bomb from my heart to yours. Consider it a punchy little pop of cheerleading motivation coupled with some tough love strategy.



    The Training Women podcast by Nardia Norman is where business, female physiology, + soul conversations collide to help you raise the bar on how you do coaching + life.

    Be sure to subscribe and leave an encouraging message on Apple podcasts so other heart-led, ambitious coaches can be in the know.

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM on Insta.

    👉 Join our Training + Coaching Women FB Page.

  • Both Olivia and I have noticed a problem that's been popping up in the fitness industry, more so of late. And that is the issue of injecting women into workouts or training programs that include high-intensity interval training, or high-intensity resistance training, without a foundation of aerobic fitness.

    We see it all the time. While the responsibility falls on the trainer, part of this can also be blamed on the way the fitness industry has set up expectations.

    Many clients enter our training partnership with the preconceived idea that the trainer's (Gym) job is to make them sweaty, exhausted and feel 'as if they've done something hard'.

    The trainer then feels pressure to meet this expectation out of fear of losing the client if they don't give them what they want and expect.

    It's a vicious cycle that keeps both the client and trainer stuck in an inefficient (and potentially harmful) way of being. It's a lose-lose situation.

    When a fitness professional keeps prescribing high-intensity activity without first establishing a solid foundation of movement and capacity, it limits the client's potential.

    This is why both of us put a lot of attention on building a solid base of aerobic conditioning when building out programs (regardless of the goal).

    Tune in to hear us talk about:

    1. Why skipping aerobic conditioning is problematic

    2. Our definition of aerobic conditioning

    3. The big difference between developing fitness and just 'doing' fitness

    4. How to build this into your programming

    It's juicy so get ready to take notes!!


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page. Join our Fitness + Business Coaching Tribe Page too.

  • There's an unfathomable amount of free and readily available information on the interweb. If you want to learn about random obscure things, you can. If you want to become an expert in a field you can by watching YouTube videos; you can.

    So then, why would someone pay you for something when it's free on the webs?

    This commonly asked question came up in a recent workshop training that I delivered; 10k Idea - How To Turn Ideas Into Income + Impact. To give you context we were discussing price points of different types of information or experiential products.

    I encouraged the students to explore their limiting beliefs around selling their knowledge and this one came up. It also came up as a genuine question.

    Since this question is one that I'm regularly asked, I thought it would make for a great Training Women Podcast quick-y.

    So here we are.

    Although the length of this show is short (it's a 10 min lesson), it's extremely potent. Revolutionary in fact. I say this because I wholeheartedly believe in the power of the lesson I share in this.

    When you grasp the gravity of what I'm saying it will change the way you package and sell everything.

    I don't say this lightly.

    If you're ready for this jelly, get at it.



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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page. Join our Fitness + Business Coaching Tribe Page too.

  • Have you ever thought about throwing your business in and starting again from scratch? Or perhaps you're feeling 'off' about your business and you don't know why.

    Whatever it is for you, these feelings are an indicator or soul nudges that something isn't in alignment for you.

    And that's a good thing. Too often businesses get stuck in the 'I have to stay the same' way of operating, and *that* my friend is a one-way ticket to business resentment, burnout, sabotage and loss of clients.

    Not long ago, after experiencing months of uncertainty, and unsureness in my business, I made the decision to do a rebranding experiment.

    As a result of this rebrand, I realised that the Fitness Legitness Podcast needed to follow suit.

    In today's episode, I talk you through the reasoning (and sometimes non-reasoning) behind the newly Glowed up podcast Training Women, and of course, I introduce you to some of the changes.

    I'm so happy with my brand re-alignment and what I'm bringing to the world.

    Already, the new energy has generated a gazillion new ideas (and things I want to create for you), and my business model feels a million times lighter.

    Remember, it's your business your rules.

    You get to determine how it looks, what you do within it, and how you operate.

    Tune in to hear my perspective. There's some learnings that I think will land with you.


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page. Join our Fitness + Business Coaching Tribe Page too.

  • Have you ever felt down about the size of your social media following? Perhaps you put in a ton of work, but the followship doesn't grow, and as a result, you find yourself wondering whether it's all worth it?
    If so, today's Fitness Legitness quickie is for you.

    In this conversation, I ask you to flip your perspective.

    This isn't about strategy or tactical tips to grow your following, rather it addresses the mindset and energy you bring to it.

    Because you've got two choices - the first is to keep complaining about it and let the number negatively impact your headspace.

    Or choice number two - you look at your numbers from a different point of view.

    Trust me when I say, if you look at your number of followers through the example I share in this episode, you WILL start appreciating them a whole heap more.

    Get at it.


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page. Join our Fitness + Business Coaching Tribe Page too.

  • A new year is typically a time for new ideas, enthusiasm and motivation. However, my observations of late have led me to believe that many (many) women in fitness have started the year feeling the opposite.

    That is, they are tired, overwhelmed, unsure of what direction to take their business, and are on the verge of quitting.

    I don't blame them, and if this is also feeling familiar to you, then know you aren't alone.

    The past 2 years of C-Fkery have taken a toll. Businesses, relationships, finances, physical and emotional health have all taken a hit. From what I've observed people are operating from a depleted cup.

    The physical and emotional depletion that I've witnessed leads to feelings of fear, anger, confusion and uncertainty.

    And, that state my friend, is a freaking hard place to be.

    The question I keep getting asked is 'how can I hold space for my clients, and be their cheerleader, guide and support person when I'm drowning on the inside?'

    Sound familiar?

    I can totally resonate with this, which is why in today's episode the conversation is around how to feel more legitimate in your business and the fitness space (even if you don't right now).

    I share 5 ways you can start to be and feel more legitimate.

    Three of these are practical, tactical action steps that you can do right now, and two are mindset based.

    If you need a boost of inspiration, motivation or any sort of 'tion' word then this is the show for you.

    Remember, your business your rules, so get at it.



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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page. Join our Fitness + Business Coaching Tribe Page too.

  • Goals are great, and I still set them each year but once I've set them I only tend to revisit them during my scheduled review times.

    This is a big shift for this notorious goal-driven woman.

    In the past, I would set lofty goals then go out and chase them down. Often at the expense of other things. I just wanted to achieve the goal.

    Unfortunately once I achieved the goal, it felt empty.

    I was quick to dismiss it and move on to the next big thing (if you're a Type A personality this probably resonates big time).

    It got to the point where my goal setting become transactional and quite frankly boring.

    After months of having a goal to 'not set goals' and digging deep into why the hell I thought this way, I realised that my approach needed to change.

    Through my daily mindset work and following my mindset bae BB (Brendon Burchard) I realised that setting intentions was a better fit.

    To me the word 'intention' invites more emotion, connection, and flexibility.

    It just seems less rigid and formulaic than goal setting.

    For the past 3 years, I have focussed on setting Intentions.

    I set yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily intentions.

    Yes, I know this may sound like a lot, but it's not. Often my intentions are single words or a sentence that describes how I want to feel or behave.

    I jot them down in my journal and check in with them regularly.

    All of this leads to today's podcast.

    The first episode for Season 3 and the year - Setting Business Intentions for 2022.

    In today's session, I share with you the top 3 intentions I have set for the year (and they will be a struggle!).

    I'm truly putting myself on the hook by publicly sharing these intentions.

    Tune in if you're interested to hear what I'm going to be focussing on this year, and to follow my journey as I figure it out (hopefully it doesn't become a trainwreck).

    This will also be helpful to you if you feel like you waste time on social media, aren't being productive and are not sure what kind of content to be putting out this year.

    I share a pretty awesome concept that you may want to implement.


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps! Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page. Join our Fitness + Business Coaching Tribe Page too.

  • You've done the hard work to create a lead magnet and attract a subscriber to your email list. Now what?

    Getting the subscriber is the first part, the second part is building a relationship with them so that eventually, they buy from you.

    All subscribers are potential customers which is why the emails that you send after the sign up are important. If you miss this step then you are leaving money on the table.

    In this episode, I share with you all the steps that you need to do to make sure you turn your email list into a business asset.

    I cover everything from automation, what platform to use and what type of emails need to be in your follow up sequence.

    Plus I share with you a super hot tip that will guarantee you increase people clicking on your email links!

    To get the most out of this episode make sure you've listened to the other Fitness Legitness episodes about emails - Episode 027 Why you should focus on your email list and 031 How to build an email list


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page. Join our Fitness + Business Coaching Tribe Page too.

  • In a recent coaching call inside my membership area, one of the trainers was sharing her disappointment about a 'failed' launch she'd just completed.

    She was upset with her results but more so she was struggling to understand why it had happened.

    When I asked her to break the whole thing down, from how she advertised her new class (the new product), to the number of enquiries to trials she gave, right down to the experience of the trial, we found that the launch was not the failure she thought.

    In fact, it was the opposite - it was a success, but she couldn't see it.

    In today's episode, I go over the situation in detail so you can see exactly what numbers and variables you need to be looking at.

    I also share a key step in the process that most trainers neglect to include but are the one thing that will increase your conversion rates.

    This will change your perspective and give you the clarity to launch and sell a new product with confidence.


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page. Click here to join our Fitness + Business Coaching Tribe Page too.

  • Being nice, kind and empathetic are great traits to have, especially in the field of health and personal training.

    However, is there a point at which your 'niceness' is making you a walkover?

    "I'm just too nice" is a statement I am hearing a lot in my coaching consultations with fitness professionals.

    Which is usually followed up with "I don't enforce my cancellation or terms and policies, and I'm getting tired from all the text messages at random times"

    Does this sound familiar?

    If so, then today's episode is for you.

    If you're not following through on your Terms and conditions, clients are cancelling without paying, you're chasing owed sessions and you're too available for your clients, then you've got to listen to this quick and punchy episode.

    I share why having strong business boundaries is critical for your mental health and career longevity, and how to set clear expectations.

    Learn how to train your clients to respect your boundaries, Terms and Conditions, and expectations.

    And most importantly, learn how to do all of this in a powerful way without feeling guilty, anxious or icky.


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page.

  • There was a time in my life when I thought it was normal and OK to not have a regular period. In fact when I realised that a regular cycle comes every 30 odd days I was shell shocked.

    I didn't get a regular cycle until I was around 32 ish, and that was a combination of having Polycystic Ovaries and engaging in training and situations that led to low energy availability.

    It took a few years of constant focus to heal both my HPO and HPA axis to restore good health and cycle.

    This is not an uncommon story. Menstrual cycle dysfunction is common in both recreational exercisers and athletes. It's just not talked about often.

    Olivia sought help for her Menstrual cycle dysfunction over ten years ago, but poor advice from her doctor meant she felt disempowered to follow the advice and so continued living life as normal.

    It's only now, that she's made a concerted effort to heal.

    In today's episode, Olivia and I candidly share our experiences with Hypothalmic Amenorrhea.

    We discuss our health struggles, what it meant for us and how we started the healing journey to restore our cycles.

    This is important listening - the more awareness we can bring to this topic, the more helpful we can be to our clients.



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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page.

    Oliva can be found on IG here

  • What's the *best* way to build an email list these days? Do you use the same techniques as 5 years ago or have things changed?

    These common questions will be answered in today's Fitness Legitness quickie.

    In episode 027 I talked about why it's important for you to build an email list, but I didn't go into the 'how to'.

    If you're still sitting on the fence about email lists, or you're not sure whether you should focus on it or not go back and listen to that episode first before listening to this one.

    It's important to understand the reasoning behind building your list. Ok, onto today's show

    In this episode, I share with you a very simple 3 step approach to building your list. It's simple, but it works.

    Enjoy the show.


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page.

  • If you work with mums of any age, then you are working with a post-natal woman.

    Yep, you read that right. Postnatal training and knowledge aren't exclusive to those first few months post-birth. As today's guest Jen Dugard always says, "if you're training a Mum, then she's still postnatal".

    Let that sink in.

    This crucial paradigm shift is just one of the many societal and fitness industry misconceptions that Jen is on a mission to change.

    If you don't know Jen, she is a good friend of mine, an absolute rockstar educator and the leader of a whole new way of working with Mums.

    Her certification Safe Return To Exercise has been completed by thousands of fitness professionals and has revolutionised Personal Trainers approaches to training.

    In this value-packed episode, Jen shares her insights of working with women, what fitness professionals need to know (but probably don't) about working with Mums, and some key things you need to look out for.

    Enjoy the show....

    PS Jen can be found at @jendugard, and you can register a spot in her course here > Get Certified

  • One of the main struggles that most of my coaching clients share is fatigue. My clients are typically solo operators who are wearing every hat in their business and have families/friends to take care of on top of that.

    Couple that with the energetic demands of running a business and working with clients day in, day out for years; there comes a point when burnout becomes a real threat.

    Both Olivia and I have suffered from burnout in our business, in fact, that's how Olivia and I met. She came to me as a tired and exhausted fitness professional who didn't know what steps to take next.

    In this episode, we share our experiences with burnout, how to identify if you're in the burnout zone and practical tips to help you recover


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page.

  • Hold on to your hats, because this conversation is a doozy. It's a concept that took me many years to learn, and honestly, I still have to remind myself from time to time of it.

    Have you ever spent time stressing over clients who don't get results or don't progress?

    Or have you invested a time of time, energy and effort in trying to get someone to change?

    If so, this episode is for you.

    As awesome as you are, you can't make someone do something they don't want to do. You can't make a client change - they have to want it for themselves.

    Meaning, you are not responsible for whether they achieve their results or not.

    Your responsibility is to them - that is, your responsibility is to support, guide, teach, provide appropriate information and create space for them to change. You're responsible for coaching, questioning and nudging them in the right direction.

    That's it.

    It's then up to them to take all of that and apply it.

    This is what personal responsibility is, and something you want to teach your client.

    If this all sounds scary, or you're unsure as to how you go about it, then get this into your earholes stat.


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    Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you're feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page.

  • Building an email list refers to you collecting emails from potential customers and your audience.

    You do this so that you can build relationships with these people via email marketing, and ultimately, so you turn those followers into customers.

    Your email list is a business asset, yet in my observation of trainers, they tend to put their email list into the ‘don’t want to think about it’ basket.

    (Don’t worry if this is you, I did too for a while until I realised how powerful it is!) So their email list is not given the focus and attention it deserves.

    In this short and punchy episode, I share with you the key reasons why focusing on building your email list is one of the best things you can do for your business, what you need and how often you *should*be emailing.



    Subscribe + Review in iTunes Are you subscribed? If not, I encourage you to do that today so you never miss an episode. And, if you’re feeling the love please leave me a review. These reviews help others to find this podcast which means, together, we can help a lot more female fitness peeps!

    Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM at my Instagram page.