A világ egyre bonyolultabb, alig lehet eligazodni benne, egyre több a kérdés és egyre kevesebb a válasz. Kérdezz bármit, mi válaszolunk.
Since its origins, democracy has been a work in progress. Today, many question its resilience.
How to Fix Democracy, a collaboration of the Bertelsmann Foundation and Humanity in Action, explores practical solutions for how to address the increasing threats democracy faces. Host Andrew Keen interviews prominent international thinkers and practitioners of democracy. -
A podcast about minimalism, technology, and how the two topics interact.
Surveying our audience of more than 5 million, we create this show each week to address the personal struggles our viewers face in attempting to achieve successful relationships, self-mastery, and in understanding their purpose.
Nigerian American explores the stories and experiences of International migrants. Hosted by eLDee, the show features interviews with guests from all walks of life, including entrepreneurs, artists, activists, and more. Through these conversations, the podcast aims to create a platform for Africans in the diaspora to share their stories and perspectives, while also providing a space for dialogue on topics such as identity, society and culture. The podcast also covers a range of topics, including music, politics, business, and more. With its unique blend of storytelling and discussion, Nigerian American is a must-listen for anyone interested in learning more about the unique experiences of Africans on the continent and in the diaspora. eLDee is a popular social commentator and influencer, and acclaimed thought leader. He is an early pioneer of Afrobeats music and an innovator of sorts with many groundbreaking accomplishments.
The Heart Speaks is a curation of interviews with brilliant philosophers, artists, writers and academics who have made a profound impact in the world around us.
Discover great insights from the world of art, creativity, philosophy and culture with unbridled perspectives from the world’s sharpest minds. -
Best Philosophy Podcast Spotify
We Search the Web for the Best Philosophy Podcasts, Lectures and Videos that can be understood by merely listening to save YOU time. Then we make the Philosophy Episodes available on Spotify.
Support this Podcast by getting The Leviathan (1651), The Two Treatises of Government (1689), The Social Contract (1762), The Constitution of Pennsylvania (1776) bound together in ONE BOOK for only 28.84$: -
Here at Organon, we hope to delve into some of the most heated philosophical debates and perplexing problems ever posed to the human intellect
A podcast about the politics of health, medicine, and the body.
Support at -
Curiosities of Valentine's day
- is about Ostad Elahi's philosophy and teachings, and more generally about any rational and open-minded approach of spiritual and ethical questions. From this podcast channel, you have access to all the lectures and interviews of the lectures are a concise and accessible presentation of key features of Ostad Elahi's thought; the interviews are devoted to a personality (philosopher, artist, clergyman, scientist, etc.) who has a point of view on spirituality, ethics and their practical impact on their lives.
With I ask therefore I am we research the philosophies that flow through all aspects of our reality.
We use these insights to find solutions for personal life questions and societal Dilemma's.
We're making this world a little bit better, one question at a time. -
The official podcast of former Space Force Lieutenant Colonel Matt Lohmeier. I talk about politics, the military, religion, and anything else I find interesting.
For more information visit: -
The Shape of Dialogue podcast focuses on the foundational principles that make societies function at their best. It initially started with an investigation into free speech, it continues to discuss relevant and interesting topics about our world and how best to navigate through it.
Un podcast résilient, d'histoires et de pensées.
Turn Up The AC takes an introspective, retrospective, and sometimes biographical look at the roots of our personal philosophies. We explore the motivations behind our realizations. Anyone who listens will quickly notice that we typically leave our stories open-ended. This approach allows listeners to personalize the experience. Turn Up The AC encourages people to explore how they think, and not just what they think.
Философские заметки о каждодневной жизни и чтение книг Пруста и Мамардашвили помогут Вам отключиться или отвлечься от мыслей, а, может, и заснуть.
Law, politics, crime, and culture—in a word, "conflict".
If you have trouble telling the good guys from the bad guys, Law and Legitimacy is your podcast.
Norm Pattis is a trial and appellate lawyer focused on criminal defense and constitutional rights. Norm is also a long-time newspaper columnist and the owner of one of New England's oldest bookstores. A contrarian by nature, he believes that no group is quite so frightening as a self-righteous mob.
His objective? To make you think. Welcome to Law and Legitimacy. -
Chronicles of the mentally unwell Bell Sisters as they discover the meaning of life, heaven, and hell through a series of interviews and conversations.
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