‘The ladder of success is never crowded at the top’.
A half a year ago, Brian reached out to me. He started my Panda Diet and was cruising.
I helped him with a few simple tweaks and he is now down over 100 pounds!
In this episode of Unlocking Your Inner Strength, I interviewed him about what it took to achieve that and his mindset about maintaining it.
He had tried and failed so many other programs that this was his last hope and he nailed it.
I’ve forgotten more than most people in the fitness field ever will know.
And I know this because while doing private Coaching sessions, we will get into some great conversations where I recall secrets that someone like Louie Simmons or JB have shared with me.
In today’s episode, I am going to go over some of those insider secrets such as:
-> How much stress your nervous system can handle and how a workout serves two sides of the stress equation
-> Why the strongest guys in the world never do a maximum bench press or squat or deadlift two weeks in a row, however, they do perform a maximum lift every week. Hmmm…
-> Why training one limb at a time is often more beneficial, especially when dealing with an injured side.
-> How to recover from a muscle pull in record time and what to look out for in the future in terms of it happening again. Hint, rest is not the answer.
-> Why using a fat grip can dramatically increase your strength…
-> Why the core is usually the limiting factor when it comes to doing full range of motion squats..
-> One BIG secret that I figured out that work over 80% of the time when it comes to chronic elbow tendonitis
I am sure you’ll pick up a bunch of other secrets in this episode too, and if you like it, please like it for me and share it.
Puuttuva jakso?
I sat down with my buddy from Alabama, Lane Bulger, for a great conversation recently.
I always love talking with Lane because he is open minded. Did you ever notice how terrible conversation is with someone that is totally closed minded and makes you avoid certain topics?
Anyways, he asked me some next level questions on fasting and we also began diving down the rabbit hole of addiction and vices. How do we conquer them? Are they genetic? A generational curse?
You can take a listen grab some good take aways, I’m sure.
And don’t forget, if you like it, like it and share it!
My Top 3 Daily Practices
My mind has been all over the place lately.
I suppose having baby #4 and a new puppy and a lack of sleep will do that to you.
I’m human just like you.
As I share my journey with you, I think it’s important for you to know that I have struggles, sometimes immense struggles.
Lately, I have certain daily, minimal practices that are helping me to stay centered and at peace with life.
These are things that anyone can do, as I feel that it’s important not to give examples of stuff that not everyone has access to.
I hope you find at least one useful tip in here that you can start working on and implementing into your daily practice. Because, afterall, that’s what it is, a practice. Practice makes us better.
If you'd like to book a call about potentially working with me to get you to the next level, you can check my availability here: https://app.form.pandamanofficial.com/book-a-call-page
Be Unconventional,
Kyle aka Panda Man
I’ve got a little secret for you….
I’ve been studying marketing, influence and personal brand building for 17 years now.
And, it wasn’t until a few years ago where I fully accepted that I was weird in many ways and I was just going to flat out embrace it!
Combine those two aspects and you have a ‘character in the making’. I’ve got so many unbelievable stories from my life that it just made sense to start sharing my views, experiences and knowledge, pure 100% authentic!
Anyways, a lot of you and people on the Internet have asked me about teaching them how to create content, built a personal brand and then some.
In today’s episode, I am going to share a few of my secrets, including how to get started and how to know what your ‘purpose’ is, how to stay inspired, what I do when I get down and even a few things to think about when you start building your personal brand (highly, highly valuable in terms of $$$$, companies hire me to speak privately to their organizations about this).
Wow, I can’t believe I am going to start pulling back the curtain for you guys, but I am, God has put that on my heart just NOW.
Be Unconventional,
Kyle aka Panda Man
P.S. - If you are a father in his 30's or 40's, and have at least 20 pounds of fat to lose, with a dire need for more energy, then inquire about my Coaching program for men just like you here: https://app.form.pandamanofficial.com/book-a-call-page
Do you want to pack on some muscle?
Can it be done with my Panda Diet? Isn't that counterintuitive?
To the average minded fake fitness expert, yes, it seems impossible.
But, I assure you, it's not impossible.
Today, I go over my best practices for putting on muscle and the levers you need to pull in order to get your body to adapt by coming back bigger, stronger and faster.
There's a lot of gold in this episode, take a listen and let me know any questions.
Be Unconventional,
Kyle aka Panda Man
P.S. - If you are ready to take your body and mind to the next level, book a call with me and we can chat to see if my Coaching program is a good fit for this stage of your life. https://app.form.pandamanofficial.com/book-a-call-page
In today's episode, I pull an old notebook off the shelf. It is full of cursive handwriting and contains a lot of my notes on Mind Mapping.
If you are interested in what Mind Mapping is and the thought behind it, then this is a must listen.
No, it's not drawing bubbles on paper...a lot of people mistakenly think the Mind Mapping that I talk about is like the old 'brainstorming' when I was in school and having to map out my writing project.
That type of stuff is very useful for clarity but it is not Mind Mapping.
And if you are interested in Mind Mapping, then you'll love these 3 foundational Mind Map principles that I go over in this episode and how they show up in your LIFE.
If you like this, plese leave me a positive review and share the episode!
Be Unconventional,
Kyle aka Panda Man
P.S. - If you are ready to receive Coaching and finally want to overcome that invisible barrier that has been hindering you for so long, then you can check my availability for a call to discuss further, here: https://app.form.pandamanofficial.com/book-a-call-page
I don't believe in massive will power for creating a transformation.
It doesn't work.
I've noticed 3 distinct behaviors that occur when someone sticks on my Panda Diet.
First - The desire for booze goes way down
Second - Desire for sweets goes way down and the desire for good, nutritious food goes way up
Third - Your ability to take control over your thoughts and inner dialogue goes way up
All of this happens organically, there is no need to force it. In today's episode, I cover this in much more detail. If you want to master the art and science of fasting, then this is a must listen!
If you are ready to make the change, but feel stuck, you can book a call with me. All you have to do is go here and I will be in touch: https://app.form.pandamanofficial.com/book-a-call-page
Be Unconventional -
Kyle aka Panda Man
We all have an internal thermostat with one area or another.
I don't care how far you've come, you won't ever be able to proceed past that internal meter.
In today's quick episode, I go over the wealth consciousness mindset and how it applies to transforming your body.
You must get this if you are to succeed permanently, in any area.
Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to leave a review for me.
And if you'd like to set up an exploratory call to see if my Coaching program is good for you, you can book a call here after filling out this short application: https://app.form.pandamanofficial.com/book-a-call-page
I am super pumped that I will be launching my famous Ripped Dads program to the entire country upcoming. I’ve been running this at Newell Strenght for over a decade and in that time, so many fathers have transformed into ‘Ripped Dads’.
Ripped Dads is a way of being, it’s not necessarily about becoming ripped, but for some dads, that’s exactly what happens!
Anyways, a big component of the Ripped Dads we’ve run in the past is packing on as much muscle as possible.
Now, not everyone has a way of measuring this, so I went ahead and put together some strength and performance standards that even Al Bundy would be able to train for and do.
I am going to be diving deeper into this in this month’s Ripped Dads newsletter (ships out in the last week of the month) and of course in my upcoming Ripped Dads manifesto.
If you want to know:
-A good solid number to aim for on the bench press, so your kids are proud to say, ‘Yo, my dad can bench press more than your dad!’...
-Where to begin with functional cardio (cardio with a performance purpose) so you could pass any stress test on the planet…
-What distance you should be able to run in the event of zombies (did you know the government actually has an official document on its website about this???)
-How much weight you should be able to move on the hex deadlift so even the most seasoned muscle head knows you aren’t to be taken lightly…
Then tune in and enjoy the experience!
I had a thought this morning, while reflecting back on playing some Sunday morning basketball yesterday.
More often than not, the team I am on, wins. We don't win every single time, but a large percentage of the time.
I love playing basketball and I realized long ago that a great player should be able to dominate the game without ever taking a shot. How could that be?
Well, we have the gritty stuff like rebounding, assists, playing defense and hustle plays.
And there is a lesson in each category, for how it correlates to life and how you can use it even when the 'shots' aren't falling.
One of the reasons that fasting is so powerful is because it is the best defense in the world, where we ask you to do less and get more results. What other thing in life functions like that?
Tune in to find out how we can use lessons from basketball to start winning more in life.
Also, if you want to make 2025 the year that you get into the best shape of your life, then check out what I have cooking up in the upcoming Panda Challenge. You can go here to find out more: https://pandachallenge.pandamanofficial.com/Register
Be Unconventional,
Kyle aka Panda Man
If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Today, I held a goal setting workshop for my clients.
I went through the session with them and let me tell you, it was work!
My brain was fried afterwards!
In this episode, I share with you the process I took them through.
There's a reason people don't plan and set goals, it will put pressure on them to achieve more. If you just want to be average, then do average things, and act like everyone else.
However, if you want to be the best you that you can possibly be, then you are going to want to take a listen.
I have spent years and a lot of money in learning these strategies, so take advantage and let me know what you think!
P.S. - If you are interested in the upcoming Panda Challenge, you can go here to find out how you can make more progress in 6 weeks than you have in the prior 6 years of 'dieting'. And feel free to reach out with any questions! https://pandachallenge.pandamanofficial.com/Register
In today's episode, I chat with the Alabama Gunslinger about the drone invasion and then some!
We are being put through yet another psyschological operation, don't fall for it.
This is how they ran the Covid scam too.
Are they aliens? Are they are own government? Did nukes go missing? We go over all that and more..
Anyhow, with all this craziness, I am having a 'Fasting for the Apocalypse' edition of the Panda Challenge. If you are interested in finding out more, go here: Fasting for the Apocalypse
I switched up my scheduled episode today because of requests coming in to do a show on the drones here in NJ.
If you haven't seen anything about this, we have been having mysterious drones, some the size of cars, flying all over the great state of NJ since November 20th.
The way I see it, there's 2-3 possibilities as to what or who is behind these. I will tell you though, whatever it is, it's nefarious. I don't like it one bit.
If you want to hear my take on it, you will have to give this one a listen. But be warned, this might lead you far down the rabbit hole with the bread crumbs I leave here and there in my take on it.
Let me know what you think!
Kyle, aka Panda Man
Have you struggled in your past with fat loss?
If you're like me, then you've gone through this multiple times, each time, thinking that it would be different the next go around.
Silly if you think about it. Nothing magically changed within our body just because we wanted it to.
I am giving a live seminar this week here in Hunterdon County, NJ and one of the main points I am going to drive home is to recognize the mistakes you've made in your fat loss efforts so you stop making them and actually start doing what works.
I have always said that any diet must be functional and sustainable for long term compliance.
I can assure you that if you have made any of these following mistakes, it is neither functional nor sustainable, and this is just for starters:
♻️ You count your calories...don't worry, I made this same stupid mistake for over a decade!
♻️ You do endless 'junk cardio' trying to burn fat off your body...sorry, it doesn't quite work that way
♻️ You ignore the critical signals your digestion is telling you which will tell you if you are on the right track or not
♻️ You aren't paying attention to something known as N.E.A.T, which is a clear indicator if what you are doing will burn fat and be sustainable
♻️ You aren't strength training...this isn't 100% essential, but I'd say 95% if you want to reach the upper limits of fat burning and weight loss
Take a listen and let me know what you think.
And if you want to know how to correct all this and get on the world's most sustainable fat loss program, then check out what I am cooking up for you in next week's Super Secret Webinar on my Panda Diet: https://www.pandamasterclass.com/webinar-registration
Be Unconvnetional,
Kyle aka Panda Man
5 Secrets from My Upcoming Panda Diet Master Class
Someone asked me earlier where they can located research as to what I teach and how it work. Short answer is my book, the Panda Diet.
But if you are the type that wants peer reviewed, industry research, then you aren't going to find it in my work. Not because I make up stuff, but because they haven't studied what I teach. It simply doesn't exist because it doesn't fit inside their little box or propoganda.
What I do works, plain and simple, way better than any little diet that the FFEs teach (fake fitness experts).
I've got an upcoming Super Webinar all about the Panda Diet...
And it’s jam packed with secrets I’ve compiled and discovered over the past 27 years in the deep weeds and trenches.
Anyhow, in this short episode, I share 5 of my secrets with some context.
And, if you are interested in grabbing one of the remaining seats, you can do so here: Panda Diet Master Class
Be Unconventional,
Kyle, aka Panda Man
P.S. - I will be turning this into a product 2 months after the class and it will be retailing for $497 at that point. Don't say I didn't tell you so. Or you can hop in and have access to the recording forever for just $49 NOW.
Yesterday, I ran in the Princeton Half Marathon.
Admittedly, I probably should have trained more for it.
I hit a wall around mile 10 and yes, I know my build isn’t ideal for distance running.
At my first ‘dark valley’, I spotted Devon with the kids and my mom! I wasn’t expecting her to be there.
It gave me a boost to get through the next 2 miles, at which point, the wheels came off a little bit. Ha! My legs were giving out, cramping pretty severely.
I called Devon as I sat in the middle of the road, trying to get my right leg to unlock. I heard her say to my mom, ‘I knew it! He’s cramping! Boys, go help dad…’
Could it be that they were right around the corner?
Indeed they were.
My mom, Brad and Colty, appeared and they ran the last half mile with me, willing me on and cheering me on.
The boys kept saying, ‘Dad, don’t stop.’
It was a beautiful moment and one that I will never forget.
As we crossed the finish line, the boys walked with me to get our medal. 🏅
I then embraced my mom and unexpectedly, she embraced me for about 2 minutes while tears of happiness ran down my face. ❤️
I couldn’t have scripted it any better.
Remember, it’s always darkest just before dawn…
Be Unconventional,
Kyle aka Panda Man🐼
P.S. - If you already to break through the glass ceiling you have, schedule a call with me to find out about my Black Friday special for any of my programs! I got you! 📲
Many, many years ago, I discovered a man named Elliott Hulse. Elliott is somewhat of a legend and he even Coached me for a while back in 2010.
As destiny would have it, he came onto my podcast last week and boy, let me tell you, this is going to blow your mind.
Elliott has lived quite the life and has been a pioneer in the field of self-development for quite some time.
He has over 2 million followers on social media and this conversation is one that I could charge a lot of money that people would happily pay.
You can follow Elliott on YouTube and see all that he's got going on at elliotthulse1.
Be Unconventional,
Kyle, aka Panda Man
P.S. - If you like to learn the best, permanent way to lose 7 pounds over the next 20 days, then head over here for a FREE PDF I've got for you: https://pandamanofficial.com/
P.P.S. - I've got a killer Black Friday deal going on where you can get 33% off my Coaching programs! This goes away after November 29th. If you interested, shoot me a text at 908-229-6666. If you are looking to make 2025 the best year of your life, then look no more!
The time has come. Election day 2024 is upon us.
If you are expecting a result tomorrow, you are going to be disappointed.
I believe this is a kick start for the chaos I have been predicting for a number of years now.
Realize that this is a not a left v right fight, that's what the powers that be want you to buy into.
Listen in for my predictions about what will happen in the short term and what will happen over the next 6 months.
I may be wrong, but I don't think so.
At least my thoughts will make you think.
Be Unconventional,
Kyle aka Panda Man
P.S. - If you want to find out how my 'diet' can help you lose weight, fast, and keep it off, go download this FREE PDF I put together for you right here: https://pandamanofficial.com/
I remember as a kid when Freddy Kreuger captured my mind.
I was terrified yet fascinated.
As time went on, my brothers and our neighborhood gang would fantisize about who would win a battle, Freddy or Jason (from Friday the 13th).
A couple of decades later, they came out with the movie.
In today's episode, I give you my top horror movies, top horror characters and some Mind Mapping of how and why Halloween became a staple in my house.
*If you are looking to change your body over the next 20 days and keep those changes permanently, go download the FREE PDF I put together for you right here: https://pandanationonline.com/freeguidepanda
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