
  • Welcome back to Your World of Creativity, where we travel to creative capitals around the world and talk to creative practitioners about their inspiration, idea organization, and confidence in launching their work.

    Today, we stamp our creative passport in Nashville, Tennessee, with Grammy-winning jazz pianist and composer, John Novello.

    John's Website

    John's Facebook page

    John shares insights from his musical journey and his transformational self-help book, *The Invisible Architect*. This episode dives into his inspirations, key moments in his career, and the principles of his book aimed at designing a perfect life from within.

    Key Highlights:

    - **Early Inspiration**: At three years old, John’s fascination with a keyboard set him on a path to a music career, highlighting the importance of early inspiration and intuition.

    - **First Gig**: His first paid gig at 13, where he learned the power of music to engage and captivate an audience, setting the stage for his future success.

    - **Breakthrough Opportunity**: A serendipitous encounter during a snowstorm led to his band getting a record deal, illustrating the impact of being prepared for unexpected opportunities.

    - **Transition to Writing**: After a successful music career, John wrote *The Invisible Architect*, focusing on how internal thoughts shape external realities.

    - **Mentorship**: John’s one-on-one mentorship program helps individuals apply the principles from his book to achieve their personal and professional goals.

    Pull-Out Quote:

    “We are not the power; the architect is the power. The way we design our lives is by networking with the architect, sharing our desires, and collaborating with this quantum intelligent energy field.”

    Recommended Music:

    - Artist: Gonzalo Rubalcaba. Described as the Franz Liszt or Vladimir Horowitz of jazz piano, Gonzalo's work is a must-listen for any jazz enthusiast.

    Thank you for joining us on this inspiring journey with John Novello. Stay tuned as we continue our global exploration, talking to creatives about their processes and experiences in bringing their visions to life.

  • Welcome back to *Your World of Creativity*, where we explore the inspirations, processes, and journeys of creatives from all corners of the globe.

    Today’s episode dives into the power of differentiation with Barry LaBov, a renowned expert in marketing and branding. Barry, who has just released his new book, *The Power of Differentiation: Win Hearts, Minds, and Market Share*, shares his insights on what it takes to stand out in a crowded market.

    Barry's Website

    Barry on YouTube

    Barry's Facebook page

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Differentiation-Barry-Labov/dp/1954676867/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GMSGp42GMOAmYgyzEH19tqKEDbdNobhSY_7xhA3a9lo.rbMxlQs3MQmOCStR7d8W_VD8wpL4Rn3tbWbMr6ZqzG4&qid=1716999973&sr=1-1

    Key Highlights:

    - **Understanding Differentiation**: Barry discusses the importance of making your brand stand out by winning the hearts and minds of both your employees and your customers.

    - **Engaging Employees**: Emphasizing that employees need to be deeply connected with the brand, Barry explains how this internal alignment drives external success.

    - **Real-World Examples**: Barry shares case studies from working with major brands like Audi, demonstrating how standing firm on brand values can lead to long-term growth.

    - **Creativity and Leadership**: Barry talks about his unique approach to leadership, inspired by his experience as a rock musician, where every team member's strengths are utilized to the fullest.

    - **AI in Creativity**: The discussion touches on the potential and pitfalls of AI in the creative process, stressing the importance of maintaining a genuine voice amidst technological advancements.

    Pull-Out Quote:

    "I would rather have an army of people who feel that what they're doing for me is meaningful and significant than have a bunch of robots out there that say, 'I don't care.'"

    Join us as we uncover the strategies and stories that can help you unlock your own creative potential and set your work apart in today’s competitive landscape.

    Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations on *Your World of Creativity*. We continue to explore the innovative minds and creative journeys that shape our world. Don’t miss our next episode as we travel to new destinations and unlock more secrets to creative success.

    Remember to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoyed this episode. Your feedback helps us bring more inspiring content to you.

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  • Welcome back to "Your World of Creativity," where we celebrate creativity and innovation around the world, particularly in sustainability. In our latest project, we've brought together diverse talents to produce a collaborative book, "Creativity for a Sustainable Future," showcasing contributions from around the globe.


    - Diverse Collaborations: We're joined by Katja Tschimmel, Sandra Horlings, Daniela Marzavan, and Dorte Nielsen, all contributors to the book, to discuss the process and outcomes.

    - Creative Initiatives: Katja explains the origins of the project, linking creativity with sustainability during the World Creativity and Innovation Week. Daniela highlights the snowball effect in networking, fostering global collaboration.

    - Global Perspectives: Sandra emphasizes the importance of diverse viewpoints in addressing complex challenges, while Dorte underscores the actionable nature of the book, promoting real change through creative thinking. 

    - Practical Applications: Daniela discusses bridging the gap between academia and practical application, showcasing the book's mix of theoretical and practical contributions.

    - Design and Artistry: Katja elaborates on the book's design, emphasizing its sustainability and creative elements, including innovative cover designs and interactive features.

    - Call to Action: The panelists emphasize the book's role as a catalyst for action, inspiring creatives across disciplines to contribute to a more sustainable future.

    - Future Directions: The conversation concludes with reflections on the ongoing journey of creativity and sustainability, with plans to continue fostering collaboration and innovation.

    Pull-out Quotes:

    - Katja Tschimmel: "Creativity in the context of sustainability acts as a catalyst for innovative solutions for a better world."

    - Daniela Marzavan: "The book serves as a call to engage in dialogues between worlds, bridging academic depth with practical application."

    - Sandra Horlings: "Creativity is not limited to creatives; it's a strength within everyone to spark change and enable a sustainable future."

    - Dorte Nielsen: "The book demonstrates how creative thinking can be applied universally, offering hope and inspiration for a more sustainable future."

    - Mark Stinson: "If you're a creative working in sustainability, I'd love to hear from you. Let's continue unlocking creativity and innovation together."

  • In this episode of "Your World of Creativity," host Mark Stinson welcomes Jeff Wetzler, author of the new book "Ask."

    Jeff's Website

    Jeff on YouTube

    @askapproach on Instagram

    Jeff delves into the simple yet profound idea of asking questions to unlock hidden wisdom and insights from those around us. He explores the psychological and practical barriers to asking and provides a structured approach to overcoming them. This episode is packed with actionable advice and reflective insights that emphasize the transformative power of curiosity and inquiry in both leadership and life.

    Key Takeaways:

    - Choose Curiosity: Embrace a mindset of curiosity to unlock new perspectives and insights.

    - Make It Safe: Create a safe environment for open and honest communication.

    - Pose Quality Questions: Ask questions that elicit valuable information and insights.

    - Listen to Learn: Practice active listening to truly understand and absorb what others are saying.

    - Reflect and Reconnect: Reflect on the information gathered and reconnect with the person to acknowledge their contribution.

    Pull-out Quote:

    "When you ask someone for directions, maybe you're not just going to find out the fastest route, but also, 'Hey, by the way, there's this great coffee shop that you should stop by.'" - Jeff Wetzler


    - Barriers to Asking: Jeff discusses common reasons people avoid asking questions, such as fear of appearing ignorant or imposing.

    - The Power of Curiosity: Emphasizing the importance of staying curious to continually learn from those around us.

    - Creating a Safe Space: Tips on building trust and ensuring others feel comfortable sharing their honest opinions.

    - Quality Questions: Examples and strategies for asking questions that lead to meaningful conversations and insights.

    - Reflective Practice: The importance of reflecting on the information gathered and closing the feedback loop with the other person.

    Join Mark and Jeff as they explore how the simple act of asking can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and deeper connections. Tune in to learn how to harness the power of questions in your personal and professional life.

  • In this episode of "Your World of Creativity" with Mark Stinson, we journey to Atlanta, Georgia, one of the most vibrant creative hubs in the U.S., to chat with Forrest Tuff, a filmmaker, producer, and entrepreneur. Forrest shares insights from his multi-talented journey, emphasizing the fusion of creativity and business acumen in his career.

    Forrest's Website

    @forresttuff on Instagram

    Forrest on YouTube

    Forrest's Facebook page

    Key Highlights:

    1. Dashes and Slashes: Forrest reflects on his diverse roles as a filmmaker, producer, and entrepreneur, tracing back to his early days of balancing academics and athletics, which laid the foundation for his multifaceted career.

    2. From Athlete to Entrepreneur: Transitioning from a career-ending injury in Division One sports, Forrest found his entrepreneurial calling, initially experimenting with retail before venturing into media production with One Vision Productions.

    3. Jumping In: Forrest describes his approach to new projects as a fearless plunge, embracing challenges and learning along the way, a philosophy that has driven his unconventional path in the creative industry.

    4. Balancing Creativity and Business: As an ambidextrous personality, Forrest navigates seamlessly between creative expression and business strategy, leveraging both skill sets to drive success in his ventures.

    5. The Filmpreneur Mindset: Forrest coined the term "filmpreneur" to encapsulate his holistic approach to filmmaking, emphasizing the importance of treating creativity as both an art form and a business endeavor.

    Pull-out Quote by Forrest Tuff:

    "I understand both [creativity and business], which is, it's a weird thing. You know how they say in school, when kids have that what is this attention deficit thing that they say? I have that... I'm able to flip-flop back into both of these modes, and I get a joy from both of them."

    Forrest Tuff's journey exemplifies the symbiotic relationship between creativity and entrepreneurship, offering invaluable insights for aspiring creators and entrepreneurs alike. Tune in to unlock more wisdom on navigating the dynamic landscape of creativity and business on "Your World of Creativity."

    Thanks to our sponsor, White Cloud Coffee Roasters, https://www.whitecloudcoffee.com/

  • In this episode of "Your World of Creativity," host Mark Stinson delves into the theme of unlocking creativity through adversity. He invites Michael W. Allison, founder and CEO of the Adversity Academy, to share his insights and experiences.

    Michael's Website

    Michael on YouTube

    @iammichaelwallison on Instagram

    Michael's Facebook page

    **Key Highlights:**

    - **Collaborative Creativity:** Michael discusses the importance of collaboration in overcoming challenges, drawing from his experience in building leadership teams in the government sector.

    - **Military Experience:** Reflecting on his time in the Marine Corps and surviving a car bomb in Iraq, Michael emphasizes the value of perspective and living life to the fullest.

    - **Personal Transformation:** Michael opens up about his struggles with PTSD, trauma, and suicidal thoughts, highlighting his journey of seeking help, finding purpose, and undergoing personal development.

    - **Service and Impact:** Inspired by his own journey, Michael shares his commitment to helping others overcome adversity, leading to the creation of the Adversity Academy and his various endeavors in public speaking and coaching.

    - **Vision for the Future:** Michael envisions the Adversity Academy becoming a global brand, offering transformative programs to individuals and organizations worldwide.

    **Pull-out Quote:**

    "I live my life honoring those guys and telling my story... because tomorrow is not promised." - Michael W. Allison

    The episode concludes with a message of resilience and the power of embracing adversity to unlock creativity.

    [If you or someone you know is in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text "HELLO" to 741741 for the Crisis Text Line.]

  • Welcome back to "Your World of Creativity," where we dive into unique stories from creators worldwide. Today, we explore a fascinating project with John Lumgair, animation director at Quirky Motion Studios in London, crafting a tale of resistance against technocracy through the eyes of a jazz-playing cow.

    John's Website

    John on YouTube

    @quirkymotion on Instagram

    John's Facebook page


    - **The Jazz Cow Concept**: Jazz Cow follows the story of a bohemian cow leading a resistance movement against encroaching big tech, with a heist to retrieve his saxophone as the central plot.

    - **Influences and Symbolism**: Influenced by classics like "1984" and the symbolism of jazz as freedom, Jazz Cow juxtaposes the liberty of music with the control of technology.

    - **Creative Process**: The project evolved from a humorous concept about a jazz-playing superhero cow into a deeper narrative confronting societal issues, driven by collaborative creativity.

    - **Artistic Vision**: Drawing from traditional 2D animation, Jazz Cow blends noir aesthetics with vibrant colors and incorporates influences from artists like Aaron Douglas and jazz album covers.

    - **Funding and Engagement**: Lumgair adopts a crowdfunding approach, engaging audiences early and offering pre-sales of merchandise and streaming to fund the pilot episode, emphasizing the importance of audience involvement.

    **Pull-out Quote:**

    "I think in many ways, we've got to laugh at this stuff because everything's got so serious... Satire is good to get us to look at ourselves." - John Lumgair

    This episode offers insights into the challenges of animation production, the importance of maintaining relationships, and the journey from concept to execution in creative projects.

    As we anticipate the Jazz Cow Kickstarter campaign, let's continue supporting independent creators like John Lumgare, fostering connections and unlocking diverse worlds of creativity. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories on the next episode!

    Thanks to our sponsors, White Cloud Coffee Roasters and Exact Rush Publishing.

  • Welcome back to *Your World of Creativity*, where we dive into the minds of fascinating creatives. Today, we explore the journey of Costas Schuler, founder of Envisionary Design.

    costas's Website


    - **Creative Triumphs:** Costas shares his unique blend of humor and deep insights that have fueled his decades-long career in design.

    - **Intuition in Creativity:** Embracing a childlike state allows for intuitive and innovative thinking, leading to effortless creativity.

    - **Fractional Creative Direction:** Costas introduces the concept of a fractional creative director, blending a subscription model with high-quality, personalized design services.

    - **The Power of Truth:** Through his involvement in the Warrior Week community, Costas emphasizes the importance of truth-telling for personal growth and creativity.

    - **Gratitude and Ego:** Costas highlights the role of gratitude in maintaining a fresh perspective and overcoming creative obstacles, cautioning against the pitfalls of ego-driven behavior.

    Pull-Out Quote:

    "The simplest thing I've discovered is the ego. When the ego gets in the way, things go badly. When it becomes about you and you're blaming other people, you're in for a world of hurt." - Costas Schuler

    Thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey with Costas Schuler. Be sure to check out Envisionary Design and stay tuned for more captivating conversations on *Your World of Creativity*.

  • đŸŽ™ïžđŸŒ Welcome back to "Your World of Creativity" podcast! 🌟

    On this show, we've journeyed through various creative experiences, from entertainment to furniture, and today, we're diving into the world of organic juices with Uncle Matt's Organic.

    🍊 Founder and Chief Uncle, Matt McLean, joins us to share the remarkable story behind Uncle Matt's Organic and its journey from farm to bottle to local stores.

    Here are 5 highlights from our conversation:

    - **Roots to Fruits:** Matt shares how Uncle Matt's Organic started from humble beginnings on just three acres in his father's backyard, following devastating freezes that wiped out their citrus groves.

    - **Navigating Challenges:** Facing obstacles ranging from weather calamities to citrus greening disease, Matt discusses the resilience needed in the agricultural industry and how organic farming remains central to their mission.

    - **Creative Innovations:** From developing a full line of organic beverages beyond orange juice to infusing functional ingredients like elderberry for immune-boosting properties, Uncle Matt's Organic stays ahead of emerging trends with creativity at its core.

    - **Distribution Dynamics:** Matt delves into the intricacies of building distribution channels, from local health food stores to larger supermarket chains, and the logistical challenges of maintaining freshness in perishable products.

    - **Commitment to Mission:** Uncle Matt's Organic is not just a brand; it's a mission-driven endeavor committed to organic farming practices and consumer health, fueled by a dedicated team aligned with their vision.

    đŸŒ± Pull-out Quote from Matt McLean: "In America, no profit goes up unchallenged. Similarly, no good idea goes unchallenged. Business is the ultimate game of creativity."

    Join the conversation and connect with Uncle Matt's Organic:

    Website: unclematts.com

    Social Media: @unclematts (Instagram, TikTok)

    LinkedIn: Matt McLean

    Keep unlocking your world of creativity with us as we explore inspiring stories and innovative ideas from around the globe. Until next time, I'm Mark Stinson, signing off from Clermont, Florida. Stay creative, stay inspired! 🚀 #YourWorldOfCreativity #OrganicInnovation #CreativeJourneys

  • In this episode, we travel to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to chat with Ricky Zhang, the Founder and CEO at Prince of Travel.




    Ricky shares insights into his journey from a passionate traveler to building a successful travel brand.

    1. **The Birth of "Prince of Travel":** Ricky explains how the name "Prince of Travel" originated from his desire to start a travel blog and the struggle to find the perfect domain name. "Prince of Travel" captured the essence of traveling the world on one's terms.

    2. **Inspiration Behind the Venture:** Ricky's upbringing, marked by family travels and exposure to diverse cultures, fueled his passion for travel and eventually led to the inception of Prince of Travel.

    3. **Strategies for Travel Rewards:** Ricky delves into the world of travel rewards, emphasizing the potential to leverage loyalty programs and credit card optimization to stretch travel budgets and unlock premium experiences.

    4. **Building a Strong Digital Brand:** Ricky discusses the importance of upholding high standards in content creation, from video production to website design, to cultivate trust and engagement with the audience.

    5. **Navigating the Digital Space:** Ricky offers advice for aspiring entrepreneurs entering the digital space, highlighting the significance of creativity, consistency, and community-building for long-term success.

    **Key Quote from Ricky:**

    - "The world's becoming more connected...there's more lands of opportunities out there." - Ricky Zhang

    Mark expresses gratitude for Ricky's insights and encourages listeners to continue their journey of creativity and exploration. He invites them to join in for future episodes as they unlock the world of creativity together.

  • Welcome back to "Your World of Creativity," where we explore inspiration, idea organization, and launching creative work into the world. Today, we're thrilled to speak with Angie Elita Newell, author of the captivating new book, "All I See is Violence," recently released by Greenleaf Book Group.

    Angie's Website



    1. Angie's book weaves together the stories of a woman warrior, a ruthless general, and a single mother, offering a unique perspective on the legacy of a stolen nation.

    2. Drawing from her background in history and literature, Angie discusses her journey of blending academic research with creative writing and her First Nations heritage.

    3. Angie shares insights into her creative process, highlighting the importance of vulnerability and expressing truth in storytelling.

    4. Through her novel, Angie explores deep historical and cultural insights, challenging romanticized versions of history and emphasizing the need for critical thinking.

    5. Looking ahead, Angie provides a glimpse into her next project, a story about Geronimo and the Apache community, promising another fascinating exploration of history and wisdom.

    Key Quote from Angie:

    "I think you get to these points when you're writing and you're working as an artist where you have a small moment where you're like, I wonder if I should not write that. I want to write that, but I wonder if other people read this, should I not write that? Should I not share that, be, like, that vulnerable? And you said that in your beginning, so you have to and in choosing vulnerability, which I did, you learn a deeper version of yourself. Yeah. You end up, you're expressing truth now. You're not expressing an illusion."

    Don't miss this insightful conversation with Angie Elita Newell, available on all major podcast platforms. Remember, embracing diverse perspectives and telling untold stories can pave the way for a more enlightened world.



    Tune in next time as we continue our creative journey around the globe. Until then, keep unlocking your world of creativity.

  • Welcome back to "YOUR WORLD OF CREATIVITY"! Today, we're exploring the vibrant landscape of creativity in the San Francisco Bay area with our special guest, screenwriter, filmmaker, and producer, Jayson Johnson. Join us as we delve into Jayson's multi-faceted creative journey and discover the secrets behind his signature style.

    Jayson's Website

    Jayson on YouTube


    - Jayson's diverse portfolio showcases a range of styles, from moody club scenes to outdoor landscapes, reflecting his eclectic creative vision.

    - His experiences growing up in Chicagoland and exploring the diverse environments of San Francisco have shaped his preference for varied experiences and aesthetics.

    - Despite working on notable projects for networks like Discovery, ABC, and Netflix, Jayson remains committed to telling compelling stories that resonate with audiences.

    - He emphasizes the importance of collaboration in the creative process, valuing the input of fellow filmmakers and artists.

    - Jayson's journey from an entry-level job at Francis Ford Coppola's winery to founding Strike Five Films is a testament to the power of perseverance and seizing unexpected opportunities.

    Key Quote from Jayson: "I want to be a filmmaker of the people, for the people. I would love to have your support. Love to earn your support."

    Tune in to gain insights into the practical aspects of bringing your creative vision to life and unlocking your full potential in the world of creativity. Until next time, keep creating!

  • Welcome back to "Your World of Creativity"! Our guest, Zandra Zuraw shares insights into her journey as an interior design coach and podcaster, offering valuable tips for listeners seeking to transform their living spaces into personalized havens of beauty and functionality.

    **Key Points:**

    - Zandra introduces herself as the host of a podcast and a professional interior design coach, emphasizing her passion for helping individuals become their own interior decorators.

    - She discusses the genesis of her approach, coined "Slow Style Home," highlighting the importance of a gradual, mindful process in creating meaningful and sustainable living spaces.

    - Zandra unveils her innovative quiz-based assessment tool designed to help individuals identify and address design challenges in their homes, empowering them to make informed decisions.

    - The concept of "Slow Style Home" is explored further, emphasizing the significance of creativity, resourcefulness, and individual expression in interior design.

    - Zandra shares insights into her upcoming book, which delves into the foundational principles and practical elements of the Slow Style framework, offering readers actionable guidance for crafting their signature style.

    **Key Pull-Out Quote:**

    "I want to teach people how to do it. It's not for everybody...but for the people who are interested, that's what I do." - Zandra Zuraw

    Listeners are encouraged to explore Zandra's work at slowstylehome.com, where they can access quizzes, podcasts, and membership opportunities to embark on their own creative journey in interior design.

    Join us next time as we continue to unlock your world of creativity with inspiring conversations and practical insights from creative practitioners worldwide. Until then, I'm Mark Stinson, urging you to embrace your creativity and make your mark on the world.

  • Welcome back, listeners, to "Your World of Creativity", where we explore the journeys and insights of creative practitioners worldwide. Today, I'm honored to have Dr. Esther Sternberg as our guest, exploring the intersection of integrative medicine and workplace well-being.

    Dr. Sternberg's book, *Well at Work: Creating Wellbeing in Any Workspace*, offers a comprehensive exploration of integrative health principles applied to the workplace, blending storytelling with scientific evidence to engage readers in a transformative journey.

    Listen in the episode as she reads from a chapter in the book.

    Key Points from the Episode:

    - Dr. Sternberg's journey from rheumatology to research, emphasizing the impact of stress on health and well-being.

    - The pivotal role of workplace design in influencing stress levels and overall well-being, illustrated through studies with the General Services Administration.

    - The evolution of workplace dynamics post-COVID, highlighting the importance of community and collaboration.

    - The concept of an "ecosystem of work" and the need for balance between in-person and remote work.

    - Dr. Sternberg's approach to collaborative research, emphasizing multidisciplinary teams and shared insights.

    Key Quote:

    "The greatest source of creativity is at the interface between different disciplines."

    For more insights from Dr. Sternberg and to dive deeper into the discussion, check out the full episode on Your World of Creativity podcast. Don't forget to subscribe for future episodes and unlock the potential of your creativity journey!

  • In this episode of "Your World of Creativity," host Mark Stinson interviews award-winning musician, speaker, and filmmaker Stephen DiJoseph.

    Stephen's Website

    Stephen on YouTube

    @stephendijoseph on Instagram

    Stephen's Facebook page

    Stephen, a neurodiverse musician, has released international albums with the Deko label and the ADA group of Warner Music. With 10 albums, award-winning films, and numerous live performances and TV appearances, Stephen shares insights into his creative journey and personal experiences living with Tourette's syndrome.


    - Stephen's creative process evolves constantly, with creativity waiting for no specific time, leading him to prioritize inspiration and organization.

    - His multiple genre disorder challenges him to create full albums for each project, bringing organization to his diverse musical styles.

    - Stephen's filmmaking and speaking engagements complement his music, allowing him to tell his life story and advocate for neurodiversity.

    Key Quote from Stephen:

    "Creativity waits for no one. That's what I could say, any time of the day or night. And most people who are, should I say in service to it, know that and they go for it. At all costs."

    Join us as we continue to explore creativity worldwide, learning from practitioners like Stephen DiJoseph who inspire and innovate in their respective fields.

  • On this episode of YOUR WORLD OF CREATIVITY, welcome singer-songwriter Victoria Simmonds.

    Victoria's Website

    @officialvictoria_music on Instagram

    Victoria's Facebook page

    Victoria's Musical Journey: From performing in theater and cabaret acts to discovering and creating her own music, Victoria shares her evolution as an artist, driven by her passion for creativity.The Inspiration Behind "Let's Do Happy": Victoria discusses the irony and relevance of her debut album's title, reflecting on its origins and the impact of her music during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic.Recognition by BBC Introducing Solent: Victoria recounts the excitement of having one of her songs featured on BBC Introducing Solent, highlighting the importance of platforms that support local talent.Influences and Musical Style: Victoria shares her eclectic influences, from Neil Diamond to Spice Girls, and describes her music as a personal expression across various genres and styles.Future Projects and Collaborations: With new collaborations on the horizon and plans for festivals and competitions, Victoria gives insight into her upcoming projects and musical endeavors.

    Highlight Quote from Victoria: "When you enjoy creating things, you want to try all sorts of different methods... my own music ends up being a very personal expression through creativity."

    Victoria Simmonds is a local independent pop/ alt-rock singer-songwriter. Having been raised in both the New Forest and Western France she has benefited from a wide variety of musical styles.Her passion for music has always been strong. After performing in musical theatre and cabaret acts she started her journey to discovering her own music. In 2021 she released her first album “Let's do Happy” and since then has continued to release new and meaningful songs, one of which was recognised by BBC Introducing Solent in 2023 and performed at gigs, concerts and festivals.During her career she has amazed audiences across Europe including France, Cyprus, Germany, Belgium and Mallorca with her powerful tones.

  • On today's YOUR WORLD OF CREATIVITY: Kiaundra Jackson, licensed marriage and family therapist, author, and media personality, discusses her multifaceted career.


    @kiaundrajackson on Instagram

    Kiaundra on YouTube

    Kiaundra's Facebook page

    Kiaundra's Website

    - Navigating Identity and Profession: Kiaundra shares her challenges explaining her diverse roles to her parents, highlighting the complexity of her career.

    - Therapy Approach: Kiaundra emphasizes her raw and authentic approach to therapy, focusing on deep emotional work while providing support and guidance.

    - Media Attention and Authenticity: She discusses media interest in her authentic approach, emphasizing the importance of consistency and personal branding.

    - Cultural Awareness and Mental Health: Kiaundra advocates for cultural inclusivity in therapy, striving to make mental health resources more accessible to people of color.

    - Starting Therapy: She advises clients to approach therapy with honesty and openness, emphasizing the importance of building rapport and setting realistic expectations.

    - Personal Journey: Kiaundra shares her non-linear path to becoming a therapist, highlighting the importance of perseverance and self-discovery.

    - Crafting Stories in Writing: She discusses the challenge of sharing relatable stories while maintaining client confidentiality, emphasizing the value of authenticity.

    - Entering the Speaking Industry: Kiaundra advises aspiring speakers to focus on honing their craft and building a personal brand to stand out in the competitive speaking industry.

    - Balancing Work and Personal Life: She stresses the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care to maintain balance amidst professional commitments.


    - Kiaundra's raw and authentic therapeutic approach resonates with clients, attracting media attention and establishing her as a thought leader in mental health.

    - She emphasizes the need for cultural inclusivity in therapy, striving to make mental health resources accessible to marginalized communities.

    - Kiaundra advises aspiring speakers to focus on honing their craft and building a personal brand to succeed in the competitive speaking industry.

    - Maintaining work-life balance is crucial for Kiaundra, who prioritizes self-care and sets boundaries to preserve her well-being amidst professional commitments.

    - Through perseverance and self-discovery, Kiaundra navigated a non-linear path to becoming a therapist, emphasizing the importance of resilience and determination.

    Key Takeaway Quote from Kiaundra:

    "Your therapist can't want you to heal and be better more than you want to heal and for you to be better. So you have to have that tenacity to want more for yourself."

    Join our journey of unlocking creativity again in the next episode!

  • Welcome to Unlocking Your World of Creativity with today's guest, Diana Kokoszka


    - Diana shares insights from her new book, "Becoming More," and discusses the power of training the brain to think differently for enhanced creativity and success.

    - Neuroplasticity and Thought Patterns: Diana explains how repetitive thoughts create neural pathways, likening it to walking the same path across grass, and emphasizes the importance of breaking old thought patterns to foster creativity and growth.

    - Creative Problem-Solving: Diana shares her journey from a struggling single parent to a successful real estate agent through innovative approaches like door-to-door networking and creative marketing strategies.

    - The Role of Mentors: Reflecting on her mentors like John Maxwell and Zig Ziglar, Diana emphasizes the importance of learning from both successes and failures, highlighting the value of mentorship in personal and professional growth.

    - Overcoming Challenges:*Diana candidly discusses facing financial setbacks and emphasizes the importance of resilience, mindset, and facing challenges head-on, rather than avoiding or denying them.

    - Abundance Mindset and Legacy: Diana advocates for cultivating an abundance mindset, combating scarcity and doubt, and shares practical techniques from her book to retrain the brain for confidence, gratitude, and success.

    Key Pull-out Quote: "No one succeeds alone. Every single person that has ever made it big... always had others that helped them... It's not the circumstances we're in that make our life journey. It's the decisions we make around the circumstances we're in that cause our life journey."

    Listeners are encouraged to explore Diana's book, "Becoming More," and her upcoming events for practical strategies to unlock their creativity and achieve personal and professional growth. Join the journey of unlocking creativity in the next episode!

  • Join us on "Unlocking Your World of Creativity" as we dive into the musical journey with the incredible Nismah Osman.

    Nismah's Website

    @nismahosman on Instagram

    Here are some key takeaways:

    Nismah's early music exploration began with an old piano, leading to a lifelong passion for songwriting and recording.

    She shares insights into her creative process, emphasizing the importance of a strong concept as the heart of a song.

    Nismah's dedication to her craft led her to study under industry legends, shaping her songwriting skills.

    Sync licensing became a pivotal avenue for Nismah, with placements on major networks, demonstrating an alternative path for musicians beyond traditional avenues.

    Nismah's mission is to empower emerging artists, guiding them through the complexities of the music industry, with a focus on sync licensing as a viable and lucrative option.

    To punctuate the episode, enjoy snippets of Nismah's original tracks: "Have You In My Dream," "Sexy Today," and "Nasty Woman." (All music is copyrighted by the artist and used with permission.)

    Connect on her website www.nismahosman.com or find her on Instagram @NismahOsman. She's not just sharing music; she's sharing a roadmap to success!

    Thanks to our sponsor: Exact Rush B

    I'm Nismah, a songwriter, music producer, vocalist and businessperson with a penchant for outside-the-box thinking. I help musicians of all kinds & from all walks of life to increase their income while honoring their passion and working LESS. My expertise primarily caters to aspiring musicians of all kinds who are struggling to make music their "full-time" job. I understand the challenges they face and offer tried and true strategies for increasing cash flow in their music business. Over my 17-year career in music, I've secured over 200 sync licensing placements in films and tv shows, studied hit songwriting techniques with pop songwriting legend Kara DioGuardi (P!nk, Jason Derulo, Kelly Clarkson, American Idol), and taught songwriting and music business classes to the next generation of songwriters at my alma mater, Berklee College of Music ('19, '22).

  • Welcome back, friends, to our podcast, unlocking your world of creativity.

    In our globetrotting adventures, today we're in Zurich, Switzerland, chatting with the multi-talented Susan Steiner.

    Susan's Website

    Susan's Facebook page

    She's not just an author but also a human design aficionado, executive coach, grandmother, and more. Our conversation dives into the intriguing intersection of her diverse roles and her unique approach to creativity.

    Susan shares how human design, a technology she uses in coaching, shapes her characters. Through her August Burns series, she crafts individuals based on her grandchildren's human design charts. In this creative fusion, characters feel authentic, relatable, and delightfully flawed.

    In a lively excerpt from "Murder by Manuscript," we witness the charming meeting of August Burns and the cowgirl of his dreams, Rita. Susan's writing is both approachable and detailed, setting the stage for a thrilling murder mystery.

    Five Highlights:

    1. Susan's multidimensional roles, blending into a theme of embracing individuality.

    2. Human design as a tool for character development, creating relatable and authentic personas.

    3. Susan's engaging and relatable writing style, illustrated through a snippet from "Murder by Manuscript."

    4. The family and friend collaborations enriching Susan's writing process.

    5. A sneak peek into the upcoming third book, promising more excitement and a diabolical villain in Texas.

    Key Quote from Susan:

    "I don't tell my clients what to do. I don't tell my characters what to do. I don't like to tell people what to do. And I definitely don't like to be told what to do."

    Murder mystery novelist Susan D. Steiner is a Human Design aficionado, grandmother of four, and Executive Coach, living in Switzerland. Currently busy writing book three in the August Burns series, she bases her characters on the Human Design charts of real people, including her four grandchildren. This makes for fun, in depth stories of real-life heroes and villains set in Zurich, London, Charlotte, and San Antonio.

    Thanks to our sponsor,

    Exact Rush B