An in-depth study of D&C 18 - a revelation to Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer about the worth of souls, crying repentance, the name of Christ, the calling of the Twelve Apostles, the Lord's voice in scripture, and more.
0:00 Introduction and Overview
3:08 Each Has a Role to Play
11:08 The Worth of Souls
26:41 Churches Fighting Churches
37:26 Taking the Name of Christ
47:49 The Twelve Apostles
59:59 Recognizing the Lord's Voice in Scripture
1:09:00 Heart and Hand
1:16:29 One-Liners
An in-depth study of D&C 12-17 - revelations to Joseph Knight Sr. and David, John, and Peter Whitmer Jr., as well as events surrounding the experience of the 3 Witnesses and the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.
0:00 Introduction and Overview
3:03 Burning Daylight
11:37 Preparing the Way
24:27 The Greatest Gift
33:06 Form Letters or Individual Attention
45:52 Witnesses and Witnessing
57:09 The Meaning and Intention of Scripture
1:11:32 Tapping into Transcendence
1:24:43 One-Liners
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An in-depth study of D&C 10-11 - a revelation to Joseph Smith as he resumes translating the Book of Mormon after the loss of the 116 pages, and a revelation to Hyrum Smith about the Spirit and preparing to share the gospel.
0:00 Introduction and Overview
4:29 Lost and Found
12:37 Sustainable Pace
22:36 Prayers of Faith
30:59 Ahead of the Game
45:35 The Church and Other Churches
1:05:08 The Compass of Conscience
1:15:45 Preparing to Preach
1:27:00 One-Liners
"Unshaken Saints" TikTok channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@unshakensaints
"Unshaken Saints" Instagram channel (video clips, visuals, quotes, and print-outs): https://www.instagram.com/unshakensaints/
An in-depth study of D&C 6-9 - revelations to Oliver Cowdery about revelation, testimony, and the Book of Mormon translation; and a revelation to Joseph Smith about the apostle John.
0:00 Introduction and Overview
6:01 Discovering Life's Purpose
17:03 Taking Correction
29:22 Remembering and Reconfirming
43:47 Faith, Doubt, and Fear
53:52 Extending Your Mission
1:01:31 Mind and Heart
1:14:21 Why Didn't It Work?
1:27:34 One-Liners
"Unshaken Saints" TikTok channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@unshakensaints
"Unshaken Saints" Instagram channel (video clips, visuals, quotes, and print-outs): https://www.instagram.com/unshakensaints/
An in-depth study of the visitation of D&C 3-5 - a revelation to Joseph Smith and Martin Harris about the loss of the 116 pages, a revelation to Joseph Smith Sr. about being called to the work, and a revelation to Martin Harris about gaining a testimony through faith rather than sight.
Transcript of this episode:
An in-depth study of the visitation of the angel Moroni to the young Joseph Smith, as found in Joseph Smith-History 1:1-26.
0:00 Introduction
3:09 Teenagers
24:34 The Three Shelves
31:32 Joseph Smith's Reputation
38:13 Planting Priesthood Promises
54:30 Prophecies Fulfilled
1:02:06 Responding to Revelation
1:15:34 Protecting the Plates
1:24:45 One-Liners
Transcript of this episode: https://drive.google.com/file/d/164OqgnzL_ysMWDgTRTkWn3sp8lYx-rIT/view?usp=sharing
"Unshaken Saints" TikTok channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@unshakensaints
"Unshaken Saints" Instagram channel (video clips, visuals, quotes, and print-outs): https://www.instagram.com/unshakensaints/
An in-depth study of the 1838 account of the First Vision, as found in Joseph Smith-History 1:1-26.
0:00 Introduction
1:11 TikTok Announcement
2:16 Topic Previews
3:11 Millennial Choirs and Orchestras: The Vision
6:03 Abusing the Mind
14:38 The Three S's
19:51 Design and Disposition
22:11 Presenting, Promiting, or Proving?
37:40 Mixed-Faith Family
50:57 Let Him Ask
1:05:13 Darkness and Light
1:16:29 Opposition and Persecution
1:35:49 Independent Witness
1:45:29 One Liners
Transcript of this episode: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VJJ6jYyeyBdmNhmKQA5exYvs5b08vRM7/view?usp=sharing
"Unshaken Saints" TikTok channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@unshakensaints
"Unshaken Saints" Instagram channel (video clips, visuals, quotes, and print-outs): https://www.instagram.com/unshakensaints/
"Unshaken Saints" podcast links:
Podcast Website: https://unshaken.podbean.com/
On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unshaken-saints/id1535358465
An in-depth study of Doctrine & Covenants section 1, the Lord's preface to His "Book of Commandments."
0:00 Introduction
11:17 Hearken to the Voice of Warning
33:58 Delegated Authority
37:18 The Lord Is Nigh
44:24 The Great Apostasy
53:57 The Promised Restoration
1:02:46 Olive Osmond and Queen Elizabeth II
1:05:36 Divine Truth in Mortal Language
1:10:16 The Only True and Living Church
1:19:50 Polarization in the Last Days
1:28:32 One Liners
1:30:22 Conclusion
Transcript of Episode: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dSCjHM8AC99QO_E0F9VRsxd5NONkRGGd/view?usp=sharing
"Unshaken Saints" TikTok channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@unshakensaints
"Unshaken Saints" Instagram channel (video clips, visuals, quotes, and print-outs): https://www.instagram.com/unshakensaints/
"Unshaken Saints" podcast links: Podcast Website: https://unshaken.podbean.com/
On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unshaken-saints/id1535358465
An in-depth study of the proclamation to the world read by President Russell M. Nelson during the April 2020 General Conference, marking the bicentennial of the First Vision. Entitled "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ," it proclaims the reality of the restoration and invites the world to receive its glorious message. This lesson focuses on proclamations, the First Vision, the Father and the Son, the Prophet Joseph Smith, Apostasy and Restoration, the Book of Mormon, continual revelation, and more.
0:00 Introduction
1:24 The Plan for What Lies Ahead
9:50 Studying the Doctrine & Covenants
14:49 Bicentennial Proclamation on the Restoration
22:49 Celebrating the First Vision
35:49 God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son
41:55 Joseph Smith
46:05 The Apostasy
54:11 The Restoration
59:39 The Book of Mormon
1:03:47 Continuing Revelation
1:09:57 Conclusion
Among the beloved musical masterpieces of Christmas, Handel's Messiah stands out for the majesty of its melodies and the power of its lyrics, all of which come directly from Scripture. In this special Christmas episode, we ponder the many names and titles given to Jesus throughout the scriptural lyrics of Handel's Messiah. Like the facets of a diamond, each name and title reflects an aspect of Christ's divine character and mission. Honor Him as mighty God, everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace, as we study the many names by which He is known. Merry Christmas!
An in-depth study of Moroni 10, covering Moroni's final exhortations and farewell. This lesson focuses on endings and exhortations, a merciful God, the purpose of the Book of Mormon, Moroni's promise, a God of miracles, a God of gifts, come unto Christ, perfection in Christ, and more.
An in-depth study of Moroni 7-9, covering Mormon's sermon on faith, hope, and charity, and Mormon's letters to Moroni on infant baptism and the depravity of the Nephites and Lamanites. This lesson focuses on the collapse of civilization, obedience to the unenforceable, faithfulness in the face of wickedness, raising children in a wicked world, rhetorical situations, dead works, ultimate hope, sufficient faith in sufficient grace, the gift of charity, and more.
An in-depth study of Moroni 1-6, covering Moroni's instructions regarding the Church. This lesson focuses on why church matters, the Holy Spirit, the priesthood, the Sacrament, Church meetings, remembering and nourishing every member, and more.
An in-depth study of Ether 12-15, covering Moroni's discussion of faith and the ultimate demise of the Jaredite civilization. This lesson focuses on beginnings and endings, faith unto repentance, ultimate hope, trials of faith, the hall of fame, inadequacy, sufficient grace, weakness and strength, charity, cautionary tales, and more.
An in-depth study of Ether 6-11, covering the arrival of the Jaredites in the Promised Land, and the succession of kings over the people. This lesson focuses on shining stones, redemptive turbulence, praise despite of darkness, honoring agency, secret combinations, eliminating evil, ambition and greed, rejecting prophets, and more.
Article on the Jaredite Migration: William Harold DeVaney, "Buoyed by Faith: The Jared Migration," Cumorah - The Journal of Book of Mormon Geography (Salt Lake City: FACT Press, 2018), 192-245. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1puu8pFKEwZBR13neqvIPcnvuXv0oLSVB/view?usp=sharing
An in-depth study of Ether 1-5, covering the journey of the Jaredites from the Tower of Babel to the Promised Land, including the brother of Jared's vision of the Lord. This lesson focuses on a message to the Gentiles, persistence in prayer, rest stops and camping grounds, tight like unto a dish, perilous journeys, the Lord's light, faith and knowledge, pragmatic epistemology, and more.
An in-depth study of Mormon 7-9, covering Mormon's final farewell and Moroni's first farewell. This lesson focuses on conclusions and clarifications, true identity, peacemakers needed, the Bible and Book of Mormon, solitude and sorrow, inadequacy and imperfection, plates vs. record, latter-day description, breaking the 4th wall, skepticism and pride, faith and doubt, and more.
An in-depth study of Mormon 1-6, covering the ministry (both military and prophetic) of Mormon. This lesson focuses on holding onto our potential, stiff-arming God, shutting our mouth, godly sorrow, a limited Title of Liberty, losing faith and hope, Mormon's "pivot," a dying wish, softening our stance, the power of the word, sorrowing over sin, self-destruction, and more.
An in-depth study of 3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi 1, covering the conclusion of Christ's ministry among the Nephites and the "mini-Millennium" that followed, including its ultimate demise. This lesson focuses on linking our identity to Jesus, shifting from Church to Gospel, moving up and down the 4th Article of Faith, Jacob's Ladder, fearing others' opinions, message to the Gentiles, Zion and Armageddon, descent toward destruction, and more.
An in-depth study of 3 Nephi 20-26, covering the continuation of Christ's ministry among the Nephites, particularly His teachings on the Gathering of Israel. This lesson focuses on the Sacrament, the Gathering, the threshingfloor, the "family business," the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the Father's "go-time," confirming scripture, and more.
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