
  • Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, unsure of how to break free from the patterns that hold you back? Whether it's procrastination, perfectionism, or people-pleasing, many of us struggle with these habits because we haven't learned how to process our emotions effectively. In this podcast episode, I explore how our subconscious behaviors and emotional illiteracy contribute to our challenges, particularly when it comes to weight loss and personal growth.

    In this episode, I celebrate the milestone of my 150th podcast episode by sharing transformative insights and success stories from my coaching program. I discuss the importance of addressing the root causes of self-sabotage and emotional struggles rather than just the symptoms. Through powerful personal anecdotes and client experiences, I illustrate how understanding and managing our emotions can lead to significant improvements in both mental and physical well-being. I highlight the impact of embracing rejection, fostering resilience, and developing a positive mindset.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    Emotional Literacy: How to recognize and process your emotions to overcome subconscious patterns of self-sabotage. Resilience Through Rejection: The benefits of embracing rejection to build confidence and expand your comfort zone, inspired by Jia Jiang's book "Rejection Proof." Holistic Weight Loss: A self-love and respect-centered approach to weight loss that focuses on emotional and mental health, leading to sustainable, long-term results.

    Grab your worksheet HERE.

  • Have you ever found yourself not getting everything you want despite being a star student in your youth? This episode is for you. I'm Dara Tomasson, and in episode 149 of "Love Yourself Thin," I'm delving into how seeking external validation, symbolized by the gold star, influences our personal and professional lives. I'll explore this concept from a historical perspective and share personal experiences to help you rethink and rewire your thoughts for better outcomes.⁣

    In this episode, I aim to shift your mindset from relying on others' approval to valuing your own. I'll recount a story from my membership program where a client celebrated an honorable mention at a quilt show, highlighting the shift from seeking first-place validation to appreciating personal effort and growth. I'll discuss the historical roots of seeking approval and how it impacts us today, especially in the context of menopause and perimenopause. I'll also draw parallels between the nurturing environment needed for seeds to grow and the positive mental environment needed for personal development.⁣

    What you will learn in this episode:⁣

    Understanding the roots of external validation: How the educational and industrial systems shaped our need for approval and how it affects our adult lives.⁣ Balancing external and self-approval: Practical advice on identifying areas where you seek others' approval and areas where you need to cultivate self-approval.⁣ Impact of mental health on physical health: Insights into how addressing mental health issues can improve overall well-being and why it's crucial to focus on self-compassion and emotional awareness.⁣

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  • Have you ever felt like you're on your own, lacking support, and continuously failing? In today's episode, I'm diving into these feelings by drawing parallels between weight loss and "Little House on the Prairie." We'll explore the struggles and challenges that come with trying something new. I'm Dara Tomasson, and in episode 148 of "Love Yourself Thin," I'm sharing how connecting with you through my podcast and YouTube channel has been transformative, offering insights and tools to improve not just your life, but the lives of those around you.

    In this episode, I talk about the concept of pioneering, relating it to both historical figures and modern-day challenges. I reflect on my own journey, from being a school teacher and professional quilter to becoming a life coach and weight loss expert. Through stories of my ancestors and personal experiences, I emphasize the importance of taking the first steps in new endeavors and the transformative power of resilience and mindset shifts. I invite you to reflect on your own pioneering moments and challenges, encouraging you to see yourself in a new light and embrace change.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    The definition and significance of being a pioneer in both historical and personal contexts. The impact of mental health on physical health and how to address these issues. Strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving success through mindset shifts and resilience.

    Download the podcast worksheet HERE.

  • Have you ever felt like no matter what you try for weight loss, you just keep falling off the wagon? I get it. I'm here for you. My name is Dara Tomasson and this is episode 147, "Love Yourself in Weight Loss and Falling Off the Bandwagon Again." We often talk about falling off the diet wagon, and today we’re going to discuss all the wagons you’ve been on, the ones you’ve fallen off, and how to stop doing that to create lasting success.

    In this episode, Dara explains the origin of the term "bandwagon" and explores why we fall off various weight loss plans. She emphasizes the importance of creating your own path to success rather than relying on external diets. Dara shares personal stories and practical tips on how to address the root causes of weight gain, focusing on emotional self-awareness and self-love. She also reviews popular diets and encourages listeners to reflect on what worked and what didn’t, to build a personalized and sustainable weight loss journey.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    The significance of building your own wagon for weight loss success.

    How to integrate elements from past diets that worked for you into a personalized plan.

    Strategies for practicing self-love and addressing emotional triggers that impact weight loss.

    Access the podcast worksheets HERE.

  • Have you ever felt like, despite a busy day, you didn't actually accomplish everything you intended, leading to frustration and unexpected late-night ice cream binges? If this scenario sounds familiar, you're not alone. Dara Tomasson tackles this very issue in episode 146 of her podcast, "Love Yourself Thin," titled "Weight Loss and How You Spend Your Time."

    In this episode, Dara not only shares her insights but also brings her personal style to the discussion, complete with visuals for those watching on YouTube. She discusses the ripple effects of proper time management on personal wellbeing and relationships, illustrated by touching stories from her community members. For instance, she recounts a recent adventure of a client's family during a solar eclipse, highlighting how managing time effectively can enrich relationships and personal experiences.

    What you will learn in this episode includes:

    The connection between self-esteem and time management: Dara explains how managing your time efficiently can lead to improved self-confidence and reduce feelings of guilt associated with "wasted" time.

    Practical tips for aligning daily activities with personal values: Through the use of handouts and personal reflection exercises, Dara offers strategies to ensure that how you spend your time reflects what you truly value, enhancing personal satisfaction.

    Techniques for managing physiological responses to stress and scarcity: Dara delves into how understanding and manipulating our body's responses through practices like deep breathing and nature walks can help manage the anxiety that comes from feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day.

    Accesss the podcast worksheets HERE.

  • Have you ever felt like no matter how much effort you put into controlling your life, you can't seem to find peace with your body and your eating habits? You're not alone. Many of us grapple with these challenges, often feeling like a pinball in a machine, bouncing around with little control over where we're headed. In today's episode, we delve into the complexities of our relationship with our bodies and food, aiming to find strategies that foster peace and calm.

    In this episode, we uncover the life of a "control enthusiast" and explore how this desire for control can manifest in unhealthy habits, such as emotional eating or perfectionism. Drawing parallels with a pinball machine, we discuss the unpredictability of life and the stress it brings. We also share insights from the transformative book "When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies," which helps us understand and overcome deep-rooted patterns of behavior. Additionally, I share a personal story from a recent trip, reflecting on how I managed stress and unexpected challenges, embodying the very principles we discuss.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    The analogy of life as a pinball machine and how to regain control without resorting to unhealthy habits. Strategies for addressing the root causes of emotional eating and perfectionism, leading to sustainable change. Real-life applications of these strategies, including a personal anecdote that illustrates overcoming adversity with calm and resilience.

    Join us as we journey through understanding and improving our relationship with our bodies and food, seeking not just temporary fixes but lasting peace and empowerment.

  • Have you ever considered how your mental health could be influencing your journey with weight loss and overall well-being? When we're feeling good mentally, our bodies often follow suit, but if we're struggling, it can sometimes lead to challenges like weight gain or loss. Understanding this connection can be the first step towards healing not just ourselves but also positively impacting those around us.

    In this episode, we take a heartfelt look at the delicate balance between mental health and weight management. We discuss how stress, anxiety, and depression can affect our eating habits and physical health, and what that means for our day-to-day lives. It’s a conversation about transformation, hope, and the powerful ripple effect our health has on friends and family. Join us as we uncover ways to support not only your personal health journey but also how to be a beacon of support and positivity for others.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    How mental health significantly impacts weight loss and management. Simple, effective ways to manage stress that can lead to better physical health. The impact of personal health on relationships and community well-being. Inspiring stories of people who have transformed their lives by addressing both mental and physical health. Tips for creating a supportive environment for yourself and others.

    Check the resources HERE.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

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  • Have you struggled with an ADHD diagnosis or suspect you might have it and are struggling to lose weight? Today I have a special guest, Jenn Watts who is an advanced certified weight loss coach specializing in helping women with ADHD. Together we address the unique challenges women with ADHD encounter, such as misdiagnosis, internalized hyperactivity, and the extra mental effort required for everyday tasks leading to exhaustion and weight gain.

    Jen shares her personal journey of being diagnosed with ADHD later in life and how it sparked her passion for aiding other women facing similar struggles with weight loss. The conversation extends into an exploration of overcoming societal misjudgments, parenting oneself with kindness, and utilizing understanding and compassion to navigate weight loss successfully.

    Jennifer Watts Instagram

    CALM Method for weight loss with ADHD

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/143

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • Are you concerned that regardless of your efforts, you are always going to be addicted to food, unable to break free? Well, don’t worry. I got you! Today, we're embarking on a journey of diagnosis to determine whether food addiction is a factor and how to address it. I offer a quiz to help gauge your relationship with food.

    In this episode, I stress the consequences of ignoring the problem, urging against staying in shame due to fear of societal judgment. I advocate for a method inspired by Al Anon's principles - being Honest, Open, and Willing (HOW) to embark on the path of recovery. I end our discussion by highlighting the advantages of having a life coach and a supportive community when confronting food addiction. The episode encourages candid conversations about food habits and suggests practical measures for healing, such as crafting a 'fail plan' to prevent relapses into former patterns.

    Food Addict Quiz

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/142

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • Do you worry you will be perceived as selfish when prioritizing your self-care? Do you feel that by spending time on your body and your brain to lose weight and by taking care of yourself, other people will think that you're selfish or narcissistic or conceited? Well I am here today to talk about that fear of being selfish and why it isn’t selfish to take care of ourselves.

    First we discuss the definitions of narcissism, conceitedness, and selfishness, while I encourage introspection and redefining self-care. In this episode I discuss the importance of creating our own personal happiness, breaking codependency, and the notion of loving oneself. Listen in to hear how self care and self-nurturing is a path to true happiness.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/141

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • What is your relationship with exercise? Do you ever feel tied down by it, like it's a burden? Do you experience emotions like resentment, frustration, or anger when it comes to exercise? Well guess what? You absolutely do not have to exercise to lose weight! I am here today to challenge the common belief that exercise is essential for weight loss. I will be sharing my personal journey of dropping 50 pounds without relying on traditional workout routines.

    I discuss the impact of exercising out of love rather than obligation and propose alternative methods to incorporate gentle movement into your daily life. There are many negative effects of exercising out of obligation, so I encourage you to reassess your mindset towards exercise, diet, and self-image.

    Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

    Julie Upton

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/140

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • Are you embarrassed about the way you look or the way your life has turned out? Today we are discussing the profound impact shame has on weight loss and personal growth. I share with you my own personal battles with shame and explain how shame has influenced my expectations and self-perception throughout my life.

    The main focus of this episode is the destructive role of shame in self-image and weight loss, proposing empathy, vulnerability, and storytelling as key tools for personal transformation and healing. We will distinguish the differences between shame and guilt and introduce strategies to overcome shame, emphasizing the importance of changing one's attitude towards oneself and utilizing Brene Brown's insights on turning shame into power.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/139

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • Were you a good student growing up? What do you think of when someone is called a good student? Well I am here to tell you about some pitfalls that come with being a stereotypical good student when it comes to weight loss. We discuss the challenges of carrying the mentality of a "good student" into weight loss journeys and personal development.

    The truth is that you can become your own best student and CEO in the journey of self-improvement and weight loss. I emphasize the importance of creating a unique plan for yourself, focusing on your own needs and wants, essentially being your own best student. I end with a few examples of clients from the 'Love Yourself Thin Program, discussing their processes of personal growth, self-discovery and tailored approaches to weight loss.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/138

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • Do you enjoy taking breaks and going on vacations? Today, I want to draw parallels between my lifetime membership, Love Yourself Thin, and an all-inclusive vacation experience. I delve into the significance of dedicating time and energy to both mental and physical well-being, emphasizing the importance of addressing emotional hurdles for lasting results.

    Embarking on a vacation or a weight loss journey requires effort, focus, and investment. Recognizing one's purpose can guide decision-making and aid in overcoming obstacles on the path to achieving goals, whether it be a memorable vacation or successful weight loss. I advocate for prioritizing mental health, encouraging listeners to contemplate joining the Love Yourself Thin program for additional support in their weight loss endeavors.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/137

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • Are you living the life that you really want? Or do you constantly notice yourself becoming jealous and envious of others' lives? If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. Today we explore the significance of self-love, self-fulfillment, and overcoming obstacles in the journey of weight loss.

    I’ll share ways to 'love your own life', including celebrating personal and unique life traditions and embracing the joy of being you. It is crucial to strive to live the life that brings you genuine happiness, regardless of weight or external factors. I also share a few strategies and tips to help you embrace your own life and find fulfillment.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/136

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • In this episode, we delve into the influence of childhood perceptions on present behavior, particularly in how people spoke about you during your formative years. We explore the profound impact these comments can have on your current relationship with food and how we care for ourselves. Often, we underestimate the lasting effects of such remarks on our well-being.

    I encourage you to take a moment in this episode to reflect on past experiences, to identify where you might have formed beliefs that limit you today. Embracing our emotions fully is key, as it can significantly improve self-perception and diminish the tendency to engage in unhealthy habits like overeating. Tune in to discover the empowering potential of harnessing our mind power to achieve weight loss goals and authentically embrace our true selves.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/135

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • Have you considered that hunger serves as a valuable tool for our bodies, playing a crucial role in the weight loss process and keeping the weight off? In today's discussion, we'll delve into the significance of hunger, exploring how we can harness it as a beneficial tool while striving to shed pounds and why it's actually a good thing to be feeling.

    Additionally, we'll explore the hereditary aspects of hunger and how prior experiences of food scarcity can influence our relationship with food. Developing specific eating habits is common, underscoring the importance of comprehending our hunger signals. If you find yourself experiencing anxiety about hunger, that's perfectly normal! Today, we'll address ways to overcome that fear. Recognizing our history and its impact on our eating patterns can be immensely beneficial in the journey toward weight loss. Let's dive in!

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Starvation Study

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/134

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • Do you have a genuine love and appreciation for your body? If you are embarrassed or uncomfortable to say that you don’t, you're not alone. In this episode, we delve into the topics of self-love, body image, and weight loss. It's important to acknowledge and value your body just as it is, recognizing that weight is just one aspect of your identity. While we explore the ways in which weight loss can positively influence your life and enhance comfort, it's crucial to understand that shedding pounds doesn't address all challenges.

    Throughout the discussion, we highlight various ways in which weight loss can contribute to a more comfortable life, all while emphasizing the importance of cultivating self-love. Take a moment to reflect on how you perceive your body and consider the impact it has on your overall well-being. This episode provides insights and suggestions on slowing down, fostering appreciation for your body, and embracing the journey towards self-love.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/133

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  •  Do you feel so frustrated that even at whatever age you are right now, you still have childhood trauma that comes up and holds you back? You still feel like you're trying to prove yourself or you feel like you're not good enough or somehow you're broken? In today's episode, we explore the transformative power of love as a healing tool, specifically delving into its connection with weight loss.

    We delve into the impact of childhood trauma on one's self-image and body perception. I emphasize the importance of self-love and offer tools to create a healthier and more empowering mindset. Additionally, I offer suggestions on how to use love as a self-care tool, focusing on understanding and overcoming underlying negative self-perceptions and past traumas. The episode includes discussions on how to connect the body and mind, nurture yourself, and express gratitude to your body.

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/132

    Download the worksheet HERE!

  • In this inspiring episode, discover the power of small and simple actions in achieving weight loss and keeping it off. So what is one simple thing that you could do today that will transform your life? One thing that you could do differently that would make a huge impact?

    I provide suggestions of simple changes you can start implementing in your life that would make a significant impact. Central to this is the practice of entering your mind without judgment. I discuss how self-love and self-care is another important practice in a weight loss journey. I encourage you to identify small changes that you can start implementing in your daily lives for improved physical and mental health.

    CEO 2024 Showing up as your best self Live Event Jan 25-26, 2024 in Utah

    If you are ready to lose weight and change the way you think, sign up for the lifetime access membership for Love Yourself Thin! You can find all the information by clicking here.

    Get the full show notes and information here: https://daratomasson.com/131

    Download the worksheet HERE!