
  • Last episode until July!

    We take a sexy look at two very sexy looking animals: the frilled neck lizard of Australia and the secretary bird of Africa. Both with long sexy legs and bodies these two animals are the envy of all supermodels.

    We look at the umbrella of a beard of this adorable lizard and some of the wacky feather patterns of the secretary bird who was named after a man of the 1800s? Fashion back then was weird.

    Be sure to check out our Instagram and let us know what animals you want to learn about when we return after the break.

    Scientific names
    Frilled Neck Lizard: Chlamydosaurus kingii
    Secretary Bird: Sagittarius serpentarius

    Fun Fact! The secretary bird's scientific names translates to "snake archer."

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  • Yes I might have been editing this Monday night before its release date, but just like that snot in your nose and the allergies that caused it; its here!

    It's Springtime! And with it, in addition to your constant sneezing comes two very spring time animals, ever if you don't think so. Me, having been a zookeeper for ten years can safely inform you that both the beaver and orb weaver spiders of the world are in fact very, very spring time animals.

    Although we don't spend too much time talking about spring we do talk about stinky beaver butts and make some very obvious jokes. As for the orb weavers, they are without a doubt one of the most amazing and frightening spiders you'll find in you garden (but please don't kill them).

    Scientific Names
    American Beaver: Castor canadensis
    Eurasian Beaver: Castor fiber
    Garden spider UK: Araneus diadematus
    Yellow garden spider US: Argiope aurantia

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  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • This is without a doubt the shittiest episode to date. POOP!

    That's right we are talking about animal poop! But not just any poop; some of the weirdest poop in the animal world. Cubed pooped, covering one's self with your own poop, pooping on your own legs, rolling, eating and being born in poop. The uses of poop are endless when it comes to the animal world.

    Scientific names
    Common Wombat: Vombatus ursinus
    Northern Hairy-nosed wombat: Lasiorhimus krefftii
    Southern Hairy-nosed wombat: Lasiorhinus latifrons
    Colorado Potato Beetle: Leptinotarsa decemlineata
    Marabou Stork: Leptoptilos crumenifer
    Turkey Vulture: Cathartes aura
    Dung Beetle: Scarabaeus sacer

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  • This week we take to the ocean so to live out everyone's childhood dream of becoming a marine biologist. But since to ocean is so big and there are too many animals and planet to learn about in 30 minutes we'll just focus on two fish: once from your nightmares and one from the movies.

    Stargazers are in fact a fish. The sneaky ninja ambush predators of the sea. With their large creepy eyes, wide gaping mouths and the ability to poison and/or you. Don't mess with this guy.

    Pufferfish, most of us have heard of. They are a fish that can get 3x their size. But why? And more importantly how? Learn about bones, and lack there off, learn about spines, poison and why maybe you should think twice before putting some tasty fugu into your mouth.

    Scientific names
    Atlantic Stargazer: Uranoscopus scaber
    Giant Stargazer: Kathetostoma giganteum
    Porcupine Pufferfish: Didodon holocanthus
    Tiger Pufferfish: Takifugu rubripes

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  • I hope you all see the irony that for episode 69 we are talking about two of the weirdest and most promiscuous animals in the animal world: Bonobos and Ducks!

    With Spring Break upon us, why would anyone want to work, unless of course its for sex. That's right; we're talking about animal sex. So keep your kids at home as we adults dive on in to the group sex world of bonobos and the beautiful and at time terrifying love life of ducks

    As great apes, bonobos are probably the best at sex. If you will think of this troop of primates as a chill hippie commune. In order to solve problem and keep aggression from escalating their answer is sex.

    As for ducks there are many ways males try to attract the females so to win their favor. It comes down to three thing: a dance, a song and fancy feathers. With every duck species with a different head and/or tail dance so to show off their beautiful plumage, as well as some calls; the female decides which one is the most beautiful. But what about the ones who don't get picked? Well let's just say they turn to the dark side and it has to do with their long and twirly penis. Those poor female ducks...well not really as their vaginal tract is just as weird, long and twirly. ALSO bird calls!!

    Scientific names
    Bonobo: Pan paniscus
    Mallard Duck: Anas platyrhynchos
    Common Goldeneye: Bucephala clangula
    Black-bellied whistling duck: Dendrocygna autumnalis

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  • Just because you're different and/or weird doesn't mean you should be shunned away. Being different shouldn't be frowned upon; its not a curse or a burden. If anything, being different is what makes you, and the animals we're talking about today, amazing! Yes, they are weird but that's all this show is about!

    Vietnamese Mossy Frog: its a frog that looks like moss and is from Vietnam...duh. As weird as it is for a frog to look like moss what's weirder is their sex life. And Yes, they have a very interesting sex life. And more adventurous then most other animals.

    Okapi: you probably have never heard of this animal, but if you know what a giraffe is and a zebra... well you probably still don't really know but at least now you're on the right track. Only instead of the African Sahara its the African forest.

    Be sure to learn even more about okapis by visiting The Okapi Conservation Project and please consider donating so to help protect the engaged okapi.

    Scientific Names
    Vietnamese Mossy Frog: Theloderma corticale
    Okapi: Okapi johnstoni

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  • Happy St. Patrick's Day! And in honor of this day of drinking, we will learn about the animal that the dick Saint Patrick chased out of Ireland: SNAKES!

    Snakes are truly amazing and yes, I have talked about a few snake species as well as their tongue but there's plenty of snake facts for everyone. In this episode we learn about why the world is such a dick to snakes. And -spoiler alert- it has to do with certain cultures (looking at you Christianity and Norse mythology). But don't worry there are plenty of other cultures who get it. They get why snakes are important and they too, like me, LOVE snakes!

    Also, for you horney devils out there who want to learn all about the sex and love life of snakes...well then, this is the episode for you. And let me just warn you...its very, very, very weird. So don't be too creeped out or astonished when you learn the truth.

    Scientific Names
    King Cobra: Ophiophagus hannah
    Eastern Garter Snake: Thammophis sirtalis
    Eastern Diamond-backed rattle snake: Crotalus adamanteus

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  • The two most dangerous birds on the planet are probably taller then you: Ostrich and cassowary.

    Both member of the ratite clan. What's a ratite? Flightless birds (excluding the penguin of course). There are actually five ratite species: ostrich, cassowary, rhea, kiwi, and emu! But what makes them flightless? Why are they flightless? What's the point?

    Ostriches, the African giant flightless bird, could kill you easiest (especially compared to the kiwi) as they are the largest bird who have also been known to kill lions with a simple swing of their mighty backwards legs. Ostriches have a lot of danger about them.

    Cassowaries, although not as large as an ostrich, have killed a human. But they aren't as tall! They do have terrifying red eyes and a deep call that feels like they are ripping out your soul. But they live in the fun world of Northern Australia, New Guinea and surrounding islands! So I think its safe to say they can be chill...if you respect them. So don't be a dick to animals.

    Scientific names
    Ostrich: Struthio camelus
    Southern Cassowary: Casuarius casuarius
    Northern Cassowary: Casuarius unappendiculatus
    Dwarf Cassowary: Casuarius bennetti

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  • MARDI GRAS!! Fat Tuesday! Its time to be sinful with two Louisiana themed animals: American Alligator and Atlantic Blue Crab. Come join our weird parade of sinful animal seduction. After all Mardi Gras is about letting lose and animals are great at letting their natural instincts wild.

    Allow me to set the scene of the sexy swamp for the Louisiana alligator dance of seduction; or a "water dance," as its actually called. The blue crab also does their own type of dance of love but its a bit more onsided as the male is just waiting for her to get naked and vulnerable.

    Scientific Names
    American Alligator: Alligator mississippiensis
    Atlantic Blue Crab: Callinectes sapidus

    Here's how to enjoy your Mardi Gras in a more sustainable way. with Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood watch:

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  • We finish off the month of February by celebrating Responsible Pet Ownership Month with a look at the weird side of exotic pets. Hedgehogs and Chinese Water Dragon.

    In case you don't want to listen to this episode or if you only half listen as you try to get through your twelve hour shift with my voice in the background, then let me give you a simple synopsis: research! Whatever animal you want to bring into your home and add to your family you will need to do RESEACH! Listening to this episode of Weird Animal Facts is a good start but you will definitely need to do more and chat with your household.

    If you find that you are interested in brining in a new animal family member to her home and have listened to all the Responsible Pet Ownership Month episodes and still have questions then please feel free to reach out to me through any of our social media.

    If you're looking into getting lights or other products for your pet; here's a good resource: especially for lights!

    Scientific names
    Africa Pygmy Hedgehog: Ateleric albivensis
    Chinese Water Dragon: Physignathus cocincinus

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  • "Whale-come" to the glorious porpoise of World Whale Day! On February 20, 2022 we celebrate all whales! And yes, technically dolphins are whales. But World Whale Day was started to help protect and raise awareness for humpback whales; but since then all whales have been included! And incase you'd like like know the whole classification of whales then listen in as I poorly attempt to read a few orders, infraorder and suborders...it does not go well.

    Baleen whales VS Toothed whales. Is there a difference? Yes. Their teeth. One has baleen and the other have teeth...but that should be obvious. We focus more on the baleen whales and their huge role they play in saving the planet and phytoplankton. Are you breathing right now? You should thank a whale.

    Thank you Whales!!

    To find a local aquarium that's accredited by WAZA click here!

    To learn about what to ask before scheduling a Whale Tour check out the International Whaling Commission (IWC) click here!

    Scientific Names
    Right whale: Eubaleana glacialis
    Humpback whale: Megaptera novaeangliae
    Blue whale: Balaenoptera musculus
    Sperm whale: Physeter macrocephalus
    Orca: Orcinus orca
    Amazon River Dolphin: Inia geoffrensis

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  • Valentine’s Day! Instead of focusing on the love between a man and a woman (being single myself, I don’t really feel like dealing with that shit), we will be looking at the self-love that some animals are able to give themselves that ultimately results in carrying on their genes! Asexual Reproduction!

    No man needed! There are multiple ways to create life and, good news ladies, you don’t need a man or their sperm (Disclaimer: not available for humans or all species).

    To inspire your self-pleasing Valentine’s Day, look to the few asexual animals of the world by learning about the multiple ways they create babies without a man.

    Fission: I know not really an animal thing. Mostly its bacteria and archaea. But if you google asexual reproduction, you’ll also see this. Don’t want you to get confused....You're welcome.

    Budding: Its like a skin tag…only it creates a second you!

    Fragmentation: …It's what it sounds like. From that “broken” piece of that animal they can create a copy.

    Parthenogenesis: Splitting of the egg without sperm! Reserved for select females!

    Scientific Names
    Hydra: Hydra vulgaris
    Zebra Shark: Stegostoma fasciatum
    New Mexican Whiptail Lizard: Cnemidophorus neomexicanus

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  • Happy Responsible Pet Ownership Month!!

    That's right; the entire month of February is when you should be a responsible pet owner....no wait. I mean... the entire month of February is when we should all learn how to be better pet owners (because you should ALWAYS be a good pet owner. I'll tell you how to do it today).

    For the first week of February we look at two domestic animals (cats and goats), then for the last week of February we look at two exotic pet species. And don't worry, as there will still be episodes for the two weeks between. For today's episode its all about the weirdness that are cats and goats.

    Learn about the 'somewhat' domestication of cat and just what a catio is. Also, we learn the truth about goats: no they don't just eat anything. They have a very, very particular diet.

    Scientific Names
    Domestic Cat: Felis catus
    Domestic Goat: Capra hircus

    If you are interested in bringing a new animal into your home but aren't sure what kind of animal is right for you then feel free to reach out to me:

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  • Time to go down under! Australia! Thanks to a fan request we are taking this episode's journey to the Australia outback! Death Adder and Hawk Moth.

    One of Australia's most deadly snake, thanks to their neurotoxic venom. But don't worry as long as you respect this snake, and give it the space it deserves, and not touch it; you'll be fine. Mostly found in coastal regions of Australia this passive hunter isn't chasing you nor its prey down. Looking similar to the United States viper, this native Australian is NOT a viper. Nor an adder (you know like the puff adder of Africa). Nope. They're in their own family...they just look like those other snakes. And just because the Death Adder is a venomous snake it doesn't mean they don't positively affect us humans. Because they do. Scientist have been able to use their venom to create medicine!

    What's a butterfly and what's a moth? What's the difference? You'll have to listen and find out. But what I can tell you now is HAWK MOTH! Its not a hawk. Its a moth. A big moth! As big as your cell phone. And unlike what you think, moths aren't boring, nor are all drab colored. Some, especially certain species of hawk moths, can be very colorful. Not only are moths much prettier then you may think but they are FANTASTIC pollinators. Do you like papaya? Thank a moth!

    Scientific names
    Common Death Adder: Acanthophis antarcticus
    Desert Death Adder: Acanthophis pyrrhus
    Smooth-scaled Death Adder: Acanthophis laevis
    Pellucid Hawk Moth: Cephonodes hylas
    Vine Snake Hawk Moth: Hippotion celerio
    Double Headed Hawk Moth: Coequosa triangularis

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  • Hey Weirdo family! For those of you who enjoyed the Red Panda episode with Jon Rossi (host of the Rossifari Podcast), and want an exclusive interview with your favorite, impropriate, explicit host (...um... that would be me...Deidre) then check out Jon's interview with me from his podcast: Rossifari Podcast.

    Those that don't know, Rossifari Podcast is a podcast where you get to hear first hand experiences from zookeepers of all kinds. Learn about their journey, their inspiration and just how wild and wonderful the animal world is. In this BONUS episode Jon interviews ME (Deidre)! So, for you die hard Weird Animal Facts: Explicit fans, be sure to check it out to learn about my animal career journey. And if you are someone interested in learning more about what it takes to work with animals from the 'mouths of babes' in the zoo setting then check out more Rossifari episodes (or just click on the links)!

    Here's how you can reach or learn more about the Rossifari Podcast
    Instagram @rossifari
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    Let me know what you think by reaching out to me (Deidre)!
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  • Today's episode is a special one! Not only do we learn all the weirdness of the red panda but we have a guest (a real guest, its not just me talking to myself as usual)! Meet Jon Rossi ; the host of the Rossifari podcast, who guest stars as we do a much less scripted talk about animals (well, really one animal).

    From the forests of Asia (the red panda no Jon Rossi), this critter who is NOT related to the stupid panda, still has some 'panda-like' qualities. 1) SUPER, SUPER CUTE; you might just die. 2) pseudo thumb. Yep, just like that useless giant panda, the cuter, better, red panda also has a pseudo thumb. But unlike those overrated giant pandas the red panda isn't just restricted to only eat bamboo. Plus they're way cuter.

    They're cute, they're fluffy, you just have to love the red panda!

    Scientific names
    Red Panda: Ailurus fulgens & Ailurus styani

    To help save red panda's then consider donating some of that Christmas money to the Red Panda Network!

    Also, be sure to check out the Rossifari Podcast to hear fun stories about animals and the zoo life. Jon Rossi visits zoos around North America and interviews zookeepers to hear some wild and educational stories from the direct mouths of zookeepers. This week he interviewed me! So to learn about my zookeeping journey [Deidre] the go check it out wherever you listen to podcasts!

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  • The Holiday season is here! And for the last four weeks we have taken some weird looks into some weird Winter wonderland animals of the world. Today is the last of our four week journey into the chilly world of wildlife as we head to the ocean to learn about the cute adorable harp seal and the weirdly nosed elephant seal.

    We learn; the differences between true seals, sea lion and walruses, the 3 very useful uses for blubber and just why the heck those giant ass elephant seals have that wacky and weird nose.

    Scientific Names:
    Harp Seal: Pagophilus groenlandicus
    Northern elephant seal: Mirounga angustirostris
    Southern elephant seal: Mirounga leonina

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  • "It’s the most wonderful time of the year,

    With the frogs that are freezing,

    The snow buntings leaving. Oh this is so weird!

    Its the most wonderful time of the year!"

    In our second to last winter week, we take a look at two winter themed animals that appear to be.... normal. But this show is not called Weird Animal Facts for no reason. These two seemingly ordinary bird and frog are anything but. For the cold weathered snow bunting, that beautiful white plumage isn't even their winter plumage. They're white in the summer (which is the opposite of most Europeans)!

    Guest appearances by "Julia Child" for a new segment of "The Bird Chef" teaches us just how to make a snow bunting and Funky-Chill Snow Blunt as he gives us a tour of his "Crib."

    Wood Frog...Its a frog. That looks like a frog...and its brown...its small... yep. Its a frog. But as normal as this frog looks its actually a very wintery weirdo. Here's the only hint I'll give you. Wood frog cocktail: blood + sugar + urine = Not dying when frozen.

    Scientific Names
    Snow Bunting: Plectrophenax nivalis
    Wood Frog: Lithobates sylvaticus

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  • Baby its cold outside! But it could be colder. Just ask the giant emperor penguin and the tiny snow flea (who isn't a flea!...its called a springtail).

    For our second week into our Weird Winter Wonderland Animal Fact episode we learn just how these two animals are able to withstand to cold. For the springtail the answer could have come from their ancestry and their special insides. And the emperor penguin, well, they've got some real fancy feathers that may not help them fly (in the air that is, as they fly through the water), but their feathers are a key element in their winter survival.

    Bundle up, pour yourself something warm to drink and let's get weird!

    To help protect penguins, their food and all critters of the sea, check out Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch by clicking on the links below.


    Scientific Names
    Snow Flea (Springtail): Hypogastrura nivicola
    Emperor Penguin: Aptenodytes forsteri

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  • Sometimes our lives depend upon another. Perhaps not as dramatic as the Canada Lynx and snowshoe hare; as the population of one goes up, so does the other, and vise versa. Obviously from Canada, these two species rely on the other for survival.

    Not only are we taking a somewhat close look at the two animals' relationship, but also their adaptations. FEET! LONG LEGS! BIG EARS! FUR! Shall I say more? Also we'll understand the difference between hares and rabbits and the differences between lynx and bobcat.

    If you'd like to help support and save the wild cats of the world then click on the links below to learn more and/or donate:

    Scientific Names
    Canada Lynx: Lynx canadensis
    Iberian Lynx: Lynx pardinus
    Eurasian Lynx: Lynx Lynx
    Bobcat: Lynx rufus
    Snowshoe hare: Lepus americanus

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