
  • Should you eat meat before you sleep? Before or after you work out? How much protein should you be having every day? What are the best eco-friendly protein sources? Should babies be on a vegan diet? Professor Mikael Fogelholm from University of Helsinki clears up protein nutritional myths and more on this episode of Well, Actually.

    You can find Mikael on Twitter @MikaelFogelholm.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:48 Who's Mikael Fogelholm?

    1:36 Recommended daily protein intake

    3:59 Consuming too much protein?

    5:13 Different amino acids from different protein sources

    5:56 Best protein source

    6:21 Essential amino acids missing from grains and pulses

    7:03 Vegan protein nutrition myths

    9:15 How proteins break down in the body

    11:21 High protein intake is bad for kidneys?

    14:39 Side effects of too little protein

    16:39 Should babies be on vegan diet?

    18:46 Protein powder supplements

    20:19 Does protein powder really help you bulk up?

    22:42 Post work-out recovery: protein intake

    24:07 Post work-out recovery: protein shakes

    24:44 Does protein powder cause kidney stones?

    27:50 The best time to take protein

    29:09 Is it okay to eat meat before you sleep?

    31:32 Why is fish and meat separated in Finnish food pyramid?

    35:16 Why do dietary guidelines limit red meat and processed meat?

    39:02 The sustainability of red meat

    40:03 Is organic meat really more sustainable?

    42:19 How to calculate the sustainability of different protein sources

    45:24 Can you balance your health with the environment?

    46:48 Where to find Mikael online

    47:29 End of Season One

    Copyright 2019 European Food Information Council (EUFIC)

  • Do you get enough fiber in your diet? Are you getting too much fiber? What happens if you have too little or too much dietary fiber? How often should you be passing stool? Prof Joanne L. Slavin answers all this and more on this episode of Well, Actually.

    You can find Joanne at University of Minnesota and can email her at [email protected].

    Copyright 2019 European Food Information Council (EUFIC)

    0:00 Introduction

    2:13 28g of dietary fiber per day

    2:22 What is dietary fiber?

    3:01 Where does fiber come from?

    3:40 Why do we need dietary fiber?

    4:25 Different fibers have different roles

    5:18 Dietary soluble vs insoluble fiber

    7:34 Do we break down fiber?

    7:59 Are fibers really calorie free?

    9:46 Recommended daily fiber intake

    12:06 Tolerance issues with high fiber diet

    13:03 Fiber rich foods

    14:46 Best high fiber breakfast

    15:24 Lowering glycemic index of potatoes

    16:38 Side effects of high fiber diet

    17:05 Too much fiber? Dose matters

    17:51 Eat whole foods to keep fiber form

    18:58 Why dietary fiber causes gas

    21:52 Benefits of fermented foods

    23:23 Proteins and sugar alcohols cause other sensitivities

    23:52 Benefits of low FODmap diet

    25:05 What are isolated dietary fibers?

    26:11 Examples of soluble dietary fibers (gums)

    26:48 Science can help change isolated fibers to lower sensitivities

    28:39 Gluten sensitivities: Bread in Europe vs U.S.

    31:06 Talk to your practitioner about your sensitivities

    31:56 Do fiber supplements work?

    34:15 Side effects of fiber supplements

    36:53 Advantages & disadvantages of wholegrains

    38:02 Fiber impacts weight loss?

    41:06 Fiber lowers risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diverticular disease

    41:55 Fiber & the gut microbiota

    43:21 Where to find Joanne online

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Why do you feel bloated? Which foods can make you feel bloated? And most importantly, what can you do about it? Dr Megan Rossi joins us on this episode of Well, Actually. She talks about things like gut health, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), dietary remedies, kefir vs kombucha, differences in added sugar vs fruit sugar and more.
    You can find Megan on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as @theguthealthdoctor, or on her website at http://www.drmeganrossi.com/.

    0:00 Introduction

    1:04 Who is Dr Megan Rossi

    4:28 Why gut health is so important

    5:47 Common gut problems

    6:42 Gut problems: men vs women

    7:42 Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms

    9:54 Causes of IBS

    11:31 Can you cure IBS?

    12:53 What is SIBO?

    15:30 SIBO treatments

    15:59 Foods that trigger IBS & SIBO

    16:29 IBS & SIBO: Low FODmap Diet Helps?

    18:53 Importance of gut microbes

    19:41 Is SIBO hereditary?

    20:25 Prebiotics/probiotics effect on SIBO

    22:37 Improving gut health with diet

    23:50 Which foods have more fiber?

    25:14 Different foods have different fibers

    25:43 Benefits of fermented foods

    27:46 Kefir vs Kombucha: What’s the difference?

    31:40 How to make kombucha

    33:27 Water-based kefir?

    33:45 Benefits of kefir & kombucha

    34:41 When to start taking probiotics/prebiotics

    37:42 Too much probiotics/prebiotics?

    39:02 Sugars effect on gut sensitivity

    39:48 Sucrose vs fructose

    40:48 Negative effects of too many fruits/fructose

    43:03 Why you should eat fruit

    43:49 Different fruits have different sugars

    45:17 More ways to improve your gut health

    46:06 Where to find Megan online

    Copyright 2019 European Food Information Council (EUFIC)

  • Do prebiotics and probiotics really work? Which foods naturally contain prebiotics and probiotics? How can good bacteria help gut problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? Do prebiotics and probiotics actually cause ‘brain fog’? Professor Glenn Gibson joins us on this episode of Well, Actually, sharing with us all about pre/probiotics. Listen in to find out how they can help improve your gut health, skin and possibly even cognitive function.

    Learn more on gut health with ISAPP (International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics) https://isappscience.org/.

    00:00 Intro

    03:34 How much bacteria is in the human body?

    04:47 What are prebiotics and probiotics?

    05:57 How do prebiotics and probiotics work together?

    06:30 Foods that contain prebiotics or probiotics (GOS, Galacto-Oligosaccharide; FOS, Fructo-Oligosaccharide or inulin)

    08:36 Can prebiotics also feed bad bacteria?

    10:10 How do you lose good bacteria in your body?

    12:42 Which type of bacteria produces gas in your gut?

    13:42 What is irritable bowel syndrome?

    16:24 The Low FODMap diet

    18:13 How to increase good bacteria through food

    20:01 How long does it take for prebiotics to increase good bacteria in your gut?

    21:07 How to spot prebiotics on nutritional ingredients list (GOS, Galacto-Oligosaccharide; FOS, Fructo-Oligosaccharide or inulin)

    23:53 Prebiotics & probiotics can improve the skin?

    27:35 Are prebiotics & probiotics safe for children?

    28:25 Why you should take probiotics after intaking antibiotics

    30:03 Role of prebiotics & probiotics in small and large intestine

    32:12 Is it possible to take too much prebiotics or probiotics?

    32:31 Best strains of probiotics (Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Infantis, Bifidobacterium Longum, Bifidobacterium Breve, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus gasseri)

    36:38 What happens when you stop taking prebiotics and probiotics?

    37:35 Negative side effects of prebiotics and probiotics?

    37:47 What time of day you should take prebiotics or probiotics

    39:52 Don't cook your probiotics

    41:47 Can prebiotics or probiotics cause brainfog?

    43:25 Prebiotics/probiotics have an effect on cognitive function

    45:18 Where to find more information on prebiotics and probiotics

    46:24 Credits

    Copyright 2019 European Food Information Council (EUFIC)

  • Iron is essential for your body to function. Some symptoms of iron deficiency include hair loss and fatigue, but what else? How can you raise your iron levels? Which foods have iron? Can iron supplements cause bowel cancer? Dr. Dora Pereira, Cambridge University's "Iron Lady", answers all these questions and more in this episode of Well, Actually.

    0:00 Intro

    0:42 Experiencing iron deficiency

    1:15 Easy ways to check if you’re iron deficient

    3:39 What is iron? Why does the body need it? How does it work?

    4:38 How much iron does the body need daily?

    5:30 Eating to reach daily iron levels

    6:35 Which foods have iron naturally

    7:17 Iron fortified foods: Do they really help?

    8:49 People at high risks for iron deficiency

    9:10 Children and iron deficiency

    10:35 Vegans/vegetarians recommendations

    12:11 Foods that prevent vs. help iron absorption

    18:57 Why does the body even lack iron in the first place?

    20:26 Short-term effects of iron deficiency

    24:01 Long-term effects of iron deficiency: anemia

    26:24 Restoring your depleted iron storage

    27:24 Iron supplements dosage recommendations

    29:42 Side effects of iron supplements

    31:50 Risk of overdosing on iron (children and adults)?

    34:01 True/False: Iron supplements cause bowel cancer

    36:37 A global issue

    37:22 Low-income countries & iron supplements

    39:00 Iron deficiency: Pregnancy complications/maternal death

    40:41 Problem with normal iron supplements in Gambia

    41:24 Effect of infections on iron supplements intake

    43:37 Hope for iron supplements?

    44:33 New iron supplements with minimal side effects?

    46:22 Credits

  • What was the last thing you read in the news about which foods you should avoid because they cause cancer? Or what foods you should eat to cure your cancer? And, which of those things were actually true?

    There are so many exaggerated nutritional and health claims floating around the media space. Some of them can be pretty scary.

    “I don’t want to eat something that might cause cancer.”

    Other times they can make huge promises or give false hope.

    “Wait, if I drink this then my skin will be clear forever and ever?”

    So, how do you separate fact from fiction? And what’s really good for your health and nutrition?

    My name is Jane Alice Liu, and I am the Communications Officer for the European Food Information Council. We created this podcast to bring you real experts on real health and nutrition news.

    We explore exaggerated media claims and talk with experts on what is actually scientifically supported. In our first season of Well, Actually, we talk about things like iron supplements, how much iron you should be taking in, fibre, probiotics, prebiotics, gut health, protein intake and more. We chat with professors from University of Cambridge, dieticians, and other experts around the world.

    So, listen in for the latest research so you can be confident about making the right choices for your health. Don’t forget to subscribe and let us know what health and nutrition topics you want to hear more about.

    We bring you Well, Actually.