We’ve reached the culmination of almost 8 years of storytelling with Reckoning, Part 2 and yet there are still three more episodes left in the season!
It’s still weird that nobody mentions anything about Daniel until the very end of the episode.
We’re always amused at how easy it is for Earth technology to interface with Ancient technology. And also that there’s always an interface at the ready to decipher/translate whatever data is being read.
Ba’al is just amazing in this episode. He’s so smarmy and smug and we love it. But tell us, what is Ba’al’s hacker alias?
And Wagner asks a Very Important Question: Where are all the fatherships?
Will a Space Gun Always Hit Something? (w/ THE EXPANSE): https://youtu.be/FnWctwhHJH4?si=VBd9o2iTtdrNTqhm
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It’s time for a good old-fashioned treasure hunt as the team contend with The Brotherhood. But first, have a sneak peek at our new podcast - Sound Effects with Kerri and Rachael. J/K That’s not a thing.
This episode is really fun. All the little puzzles and problems they come up against really work for us and make sense in the historical context. We also love all the stuff between Rodney and Allina. It’s just adorable and funny. Until the very end, at least….
But the ending could have gone a very different way if they’d just explained that they ARE descendants of the Ancestors. Atlantis originated on Earth. The ZPM was left for them.
And just what was that wraith dart doing in the city? We’ll find out in a few weeks….
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Puuttuva jakso?
The goa’uld and Asgard and Replicators! Oh, my! Everyone’s here in Reckoning, Part 1. Except for the Furlings. They’re always left out of everything. We do like this episode but some plot points are just a little too glossed over for our liking.
What is the context with people needing to be dying before they can ascend? Death has nothing to do with Ascension, right? It’s just about knowledge and enlightenment. Has that changed since the Ancients first did it? Why is Ascension now a “cake or death” situation?
We have now trademarked Baalogram.
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The expedition finds an Ancient in stasis deep in the city. Or is she? Indeed not! Elizabeth Weir has traveled back in time and, with the help of an actual Ancient, has corrected the problems that led to the catastrophic failure of the first Atlantis mission in Before I Sleep.
The old age make-up done to age Torri is reall, really well done. There’s a few things this episode does that are really interesting: it uses time travel to help explain some of the “It’s TV! Of course it all worked out!” things from previous episodes; it shows us that the timeline we’re watching as viewers was not the prime timeline, which it usually is.
There might be an issue with the overall Stargate timeline as the evacuation of Atlantis back to Earth is happening at roughly the same time Ra discovers Earth and starts kidnapping people to make them slaves. How close in time did those two events actually happen?
The Stargate Master Timeline: https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Timeline
And, of course, we hear from Wagner and how accurate the time travel and Rodney’s comments on it are in this episode.
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It’s time for a clip show so we’re doing it commentary style! Break out your DVD, get Amazon cued up, and watch along with us as we revisit Citizen Joe. NOTICE: Since this is commentary style, there may be periods of dead as we just watch what’s happening. Don’t worry. We’ll be back with the witty commentary soon enough. (Also, Rachael is watching on Amazon with commercials so have your remotes ready to pause as needed…)
The story frame for this episode is pretty good as far as usual clip shows go. It was nice to revisit some storylines we haven’t seen in awhile - Skaara, Hathor, the Reetou! And, luckily, the stones will return in future episodes.
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John gets his Captain Kirk on this week in Sanctuary. It is an episode that makes us ask, “Why?” and wonder if John is just kind of dumb. Could it be down to a new (and one-time) writer perhaps not having a great grasp of the characters?
But, back to break it all down with us is Evelyn! You asked and we listened. She has returned.
Why aren’t ZPMs rechargeable? They should be. Thank Athar for Teyla this episode. She truly is the voice of reason. Everyone else is so out of character that the choices they make and the things they do are just wrong and weird.
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Kinsey is back but not quite himself this week in Full Alert.
While the plot of this episode is rather interesting and we’re glad they’ve wrapped things up with The Trust, there are a few dangling threads we would like addressed: What actually happened to Kinsey? Are there any more goa’uld still hiding on Earth?
The reveal of Kiselev being a goa’uld, while cool, is kind of anticlimactic. As is the ending. This is an episode that really could have used a debriefing from Daniel and Pendergast about what happened in Russia and onboard the Prometheus.
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Nobody makes good decisions this week when an Ancient viral lab is discovered in Hot Zone. This episode is just one massive NO for Rachael while Kerri can kind of see both sides of the issues between Weir and Sheppard. However, both of them do agree that it is very difficult to understand Peterson’s thought process which lead to him trying to make his way back to the city.
In the end, though, it comes down to the plot dictating what they characters had to do rather than the characters’ actions dictating the plot.
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SG1 find Maybourne doing just fine for himself this week in It’s Good To Be King. Though the planet may be under imminent threat by the goa’uld Ares, he’s not worried. SG1 are there to save the day! The prophecy says so.
Where is the lost episode of what happened when Harry arrived on that planet? Also, we’re really not that surprised that Maybourne became the king. He is Maybourne.
Do the Jaffa do improv? Have they created Whose Jaffa Is It Anyway, yet?
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Sheppard must face off against a lone wraith that’s been trapped on a planet for 10,000 in The Defiant One.
Joining us to start the New Year with a bang are Rachael’s nephews! They’ve barely seen any Stargate episodes but they love it and will hopefully watch more.
Are all wraith left-handed? Can/do they feed with both hands? Where exactly did the puddle jumper shield come from? Has the jumper always been able to do that or did it come from the wraith?
Also, continuing in the tradition of “where’s the bathroom in this thing”, the jumpers don’t seem to have toilets so how can they take 15-hour trips in it?
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Daniel is captured along with the Prometheus by the most beautiful super soldier you’ve ever seen in Prometheus Unbound. That’s right. Vala’s here!!
Perhaps some of the jokes didn’t age well, but we still love it. And Claudia Black is just perfect.
It’s also really fun seeing Hammond out there doing the thing that he never got to do in his time as commander of the SGC.
Also, we end with an interesting discussion about why the SGC doesn’t have golf carts (or something similar) for when the teams go explore off-world.
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The storm finally arrives in Atlantis in The Eye. This episode is great. Sheppard is a badass. And also really smart. But was all the death he caused strictly necessary?
It’s awesome that Ford finally has some awesome stuff to do but how he treats Beckett as the episode continues is a bit much.
The visual effects in this episode are truly outstanding. The awards it was nominated for and won were well deserved.
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Sam meets her Replicator double and makes some very bad choices this week in Gemini. Returning to chat about this episode with us is our good friend and soon to be yours, Evelyn! (Apologies in advance for the many tangents we go on.)
This episode does the twist reveal really well. You know something’s up because it’s the Replicators but when you learn what’s actually going on, it is shocking. Also, they finally use the Alpha Site for what they should have been using it for all along!
Who would you like to have seen cameo as a random fourth member of SG1? They could have had fun with that.
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The Atlanteans go into Survival Mode as they prepare to face The Storm. But then the Genii show up to throw a massive wrench into their plans. The one good thing this episode does give us? The start of the Rodney & Zelenka fun times. The two Davids just play off each other so well.
The Genii plan is quite a genius one, really. Why not try and take over a city when most of its inhabitants are gone?
There’s also another round of Live Googling. This time by Rachael! And RIP Cory Monteith. You are missed.
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The Trust goes to war with the goa’uld (and Jaffa) this week in Endgame. The opening scene of this episode is one of the best in a long time. It’s just fun and really feels like the random conversations people working together would have.
The one weird thing with this episode, though, is Daniel doing the various interrogations. The first especially reads like it was originally written for Jack. There’s discussion about how far you have to move a gate before its address no longer works. Also, how does ventilation work inside the goa’uld pyramid buildings?
We end with a brief discussion about how we’re feeling with season 8 so far with the extremely reduced Jack time and how SG1 is operating as an exclusively 3 person team. What are your thoughts? Let us know!
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The Atlantis team heads back to Earth in Home. Or do they?
Rachael raises some excellent points about how the “mist beings” operate and that it doesn’t seem to be an effective way of keeping themselves alive. Of course, that would lead to a much shorter or non-existent episode. Whoops….
We desperately wanted to see Teyla’s shipping montage. We LOVE a montage! Give it to us now! They did do a really good job of interlacing everyone’s realities in such a way that it was immediately obvious what was going on. Overall, though, this is a fun twist on a fairly common scifi trope that we enjoyed. Kind of. Maybe…
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Teal’c faces two problems this week on Sacrifices - the Hak’tyl are under attack and his son is getting married!
At this point in the life of the SGC, why do they not have a designated off-world base specifically for refugees? It really doesn’t make sense to keep bringing people to Earth all the time. It is interesting to see the change in heart the SGC has had concerning the killing of the goa’uld from how they faced things at the start of the series.
WHAT IS THE RITE OF ORNOC??? Tell us your thoughts!!
This episode makes some interesting points, but there are just a few too many, which ends up muddying everything up too much.
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We meet the Atlanteans' best adversarial ally (thank you, Rachael) this week when we find the Genii Underground. Did you know Genii is the plural form of genie?
What were the circumstances in which Tyrus and sora changed into their military uniforms after being told to bring Ford and Teyla to Cowen? Cos that’s a little weird if you stop to think about it. And, if you know anything about us, you know Rachael has Things To Say about the fact that the Genii know what uranium is and call it by that name.
Weir’s little rant about how she just sent them out for food and now they’re plotting a war is just perfection.
And there’s a little bonus for those that listen all the way to the end….
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The story being told this week in Covenant is one that has been touched on several times - should the Stargate be made public? This specific iteration is interesting as it's from the civilian point of view but, again, some of the specifics end up letting us down a little.
We do think the animation they did on the Asgard clone Alec had was really good. Sam is also excellent during her interview with Julia Donovan and talking around the truth while also not actually lying.
The one big issue we do have is with where Sam takes Alec to try and get him to understand what revealing the Stargate actually means to a society. Taking him to the Alpha Site doesn’t do anything because it’s just fun toys and technology. They should have taken him to Kelowna so he could talk to Jonas!
We’ve also forgotten that episode where Teal’c only has one line of dialogue again….
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The Atlanteans come up against a moral quandary this week in Poisoning the Well. Even if the Hoffans are able to make the Wraith unable to feed on them, it is highly unlikely they will just be left alone. The storing of knowledge they do is a really great way to ensure they don’t regress too far when their population is culled.
John getting Steve to tell him all the hive ships have become active isn’t really useful because how many is all?
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