Episode 11 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Scott Peterson, joining us from Melbourne Australia representing Barry Pang's Kung Fu School. Scott has been training with Barry since 1991 largely with a focus on Wing Chun but also exploring some of the other southern kung fu systems. He shares with us some of his personal experiences and thoughts on the strengths and synergies of the various systems he practices.
Episode 11 Highlights:
- Personal stories of training with Barry Pang
- Exploration of various southern kung fu systems; Wing Chun, Lung Ying, Liu He Ba Fa, Tai Chi Chuan
- Stability / Root training
- How to deliver and receive forces in fighting
If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Website: https://wingchundiscussion.com
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com
Guest Facebook: https://barrypangkungfu.com/ -
Episode 10 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Keith Mazza, a closed door disciple of Grand Master William Cheung joins us from South Jersey in the USA. He has a practical approach to Wing Chun and martial arts in general, much of his experience and training is centered around application and effective use of the arts. Keith also shares with us details about his personal relationship with William Cheung and even some stories passed to him about the legendary Yip Man.
Episode 10 Highlights:
William Cheung and Yip Man stories
Chi sao applications
5 stages of contact
The martial artist legacy
If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Website: https://wingchundiscussion.com/
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com/
Guest Facebook: www.kungfurichmond.com -
Puuttuva jakso?
Episode 9 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Derek G Chan, a lifelong martial artist and committed fitness coach shares with us his perspective of Chinese Martial arts and Wing Chun in particular. Beginning his training at a young age, Derek has experienced the full range of Chinese martial arts, both internal and external styles.
Episode 9 Highlights:
Internal and External are not separate
Structure and Training Curriculum
Six Pilars of Wing Chun
If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Website: https://wingchundiscussion.com/
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com/
Guest Facebook: www.kungfurichmond.com -
Episode 8 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Moy Tung, a closed door disciple of Moy Yat shares with us his journey learning and teaching kung fu. He shares private stories and fond memories of long training hours and rigorous routines that forged his martial arts abilities. We even get some insight into what Yip Man's real life was like, much different from what we see in the movies.
Episode 8 Highlights:
Training Wing Chun and Meeting Moy Yat
Old school intense training sessions
History of Yip Man and influence on Wing Chun
If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our YouTube channel! And don't forget to watch the full episode #8 of Wing Chun Discussion Podcast with Moy Tung.
Website: https://wingchundiscussion.com/
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com/
Guest Facebook: www.kungfurichmond.com -
Episode 7 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Larry takes us through his experience Learning Wing Chun under the legends Augustine Fong and Jack Ling. He shares with us his perspective of today's Wing Chun practitioners as well as his distaste for online Wing Chun training programs. Larry emphasizes integrity in training and in teaching, preserving the art with new generations.
Episode 7 Highlights:
Training with the legends
Preserving the art with future inheritors
Opinion of online Wing Chun training
Wing Chun If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our YouTube channel! And don't forget to watch the full episode #7 of Wing Chun Discussion Podcast with Larry London.
Website: https://wingchundiscussion.com/
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com/
Guest Facebook: www.facebook.com/londons.wingchun -
Episode 6 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
A black belt of both BJJ and Wing Chun, Andrew Nerlich of Red Boat Kung Fu in Sydney, Australia shares with us his perspective of Wing Chun fighting on the ground. With each art having its own obvious advantages, is Wing Chun effective in ground fighting?
Episode 6 Highlights:
Wing Chun in tournaments and combat sports
Is Wing Chun effective in ground fighting
BJJ and Wing Chun Compared
What is Wing Chun's role in the world of martial arts
If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our YouTube channel! And don't forget to watch the full episode #6 of Wing Chun Discussion Podcast with Andrew Nerlich.
Website: https://wingchundiscussion.com/
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com/
Guest Website: https://www.redboatkungfu.com/
Guest Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wingchunkungfusydney/ -
Episode 5 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Kai explores the underlying theory of Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, and Biu Jee forms and recalls what it was like to train under Chu Shong Tin. Kai provides fascinating metaphors to explain difficult concepts of Wing Chun practice.
Episode 5 Highlights:
Layered approach to training and stages of development
Deeper understanding of Wing Chun forms
Training under Sigung Chu Shong Tin
Sensitivity feinting in chi sao and sparring
If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our YouTube channel! And don't forget to watch the full episode #5 of Wing Chun Discussion Podcast with Kai Taylor.
Website: https://wingchundiscussion.com/
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com/
Guest Website: https://www.kaiwingchun.com
Guest Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaiwingchunuk/ -
Episode 4 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
From his humble school in the small town of Westville, NJ, USA Andy Masterson has been teaching students kung fu since the 1990's. For many years a dedicated student of local kung fu Master Ron Wilson, Andy still continues his learning today as an active disciple of Tai Chi Master WIlliam Ting. Aside from kung fu, Andy spends alot of time reading history. So much that he has compiled a beautiful timeline of Kung Fu tracing the origin of martial arts in China. In this episode we explore the history of China, Kung Fu, and ultimately Wing Chun. He even gives us some insight to the secrets behind the power of the Wing Chun style. Join us for a listen and don't forget to comment!
Episode 4 Highlights:
Martial arts origins in China
Daoist influences on martial arts
Common thread of power in Chinese kung fu systems
Making Wing Chun more effective
If you love Wing Chun, please support us and subscribe to our channels! And don't forget to watch the full episode #4 of Wing Chun Discussion Podcast with Andy Masterson.
Our Website: https://wingchundiscussion.com/
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com
https://wingchundiscussion.com/martial-arts-discussion-groups/mastersons-kung-fu-andy-masterson/ -
Episode 3 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Sifu Jimmy Manfredy is Sifu at the Twisting Tiger Academy in Lakeland, FL, USA. Manfredy is from a family martial artists who all take their training very seriously. In this episode we explore the origins of the term "martial art" and we get a peek into how Wing Chun is practiced at the Twisting Tiger Academy, pressure tested and effective for self defense.
Episode 2 Highlights:
8 core martial arts values
Definition of "martial art"
No mysticism, pressure test everything
Wing Chun as a life skill
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com
Connecting Wing Chun instructors and practitioners, expanding the world of Wing Chun.
Join our effort to bring the art of Wing Chun and Kung Fu to more people around the world. Wing Chun Discussion is dedicated to highlighting kung fu schools and their Sifus. Using our resources to connect practitioners with teachers and to promote community events and online practice. -
Episode 2 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Sifu John Turnbull is the Instructor at Immortal Palm Internal Martial Arts Association in Cleveland/Parma, Ohio, USA. Turnbull is a graduated student and Wing Chun master of the Leung Sheung Lineage. In this podcast, we speak with John about the things he likes to focus on with his students and his approach to transmitting the arts. His training takes emphasis on structure and balance between hard and soft.
Episode 2 Highlights:
Challenges of teaching Wing Chun online
How to gauge your level of development in Wing Chun
How to balance strength with structure during drills and sparring
Becoming supple, balancing hard with soft
Music by qoq: https://www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com
Connecting Wing Chun instructors and practitioners, expanding the world of Wing Chun
Join our effort to bring the art of Wing Chun and Kung Fu to more people around the world. Wing Chun Discussion is dedicated to highlighting kung fu schools and their Sifus. Using our resources to connect practitioners with teachers and to promote community events and online practice. -
Episode 1 Wing Chun Discussion Podcast
Join us for our series opener as we talk with Sifu Adam Williss of the Dragon Institute in Orange County, California, USA. A dedicated student of Wing Chun for the last 24 years, Adam has practiced under the instruction of his Sifu William Graves of the Leung Sheung Lineage. In his training and with his students, Adam stresses the Wing Chun principles of simplicity, directness and efficiency. With an emphasis on reality, training at the Dragon Institute is pressure tested - sometimes even without gloves!
Episode 1 Highlights:
Getting hit while sparring and checking the ego.
How to communicate with your students on their level.
Focus, flow, centerline; the state of mind in combat.
Using a sound metronome to amplify your kung fu training.
Wing Chun Kids: How active should a kung fu training program for children be?
A comparison of Combat sports vs. traditional martial arts.
Wing Chun life skills; harmony and self mastery.
Music by qoq: www.qoqaqola.bandcamp.com