
  • Samantha Bradford IFA

    Sam is a multi-award winning chartered financial planner and advisor. She lives in a 400-year-old cottage with her husband, 2 dogs, 5 chickens and 3 beehives. She has volunteered as a scout leader for over 15 years and is a bell ringer too!

    In this episode we talk about:

    The six steps to planning your financial future. How to recognise and reconcile with money mindset blocks. How to be with the reality of your situation and feel empowered in your actions.

    Connect with Sam

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samanthabradfordfpfs/

    ☎️ 07887 832222
    📩 [email protected].uk
    💻 www.simplicityfp.co.uk

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    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers™ workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah




    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Nicola Newby

    After 25 years at GSK, in a variety of positions including director level operations management and co-chair of the Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI), Nicola has taken voluntary redundancy to explore ‘what’s next?’ in her own career and has already taken a voluntary board position with the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA).

    In this episode we talk about:

    How DEI has evolved over time and the move towards allyship and gender equity for all. Sage advice on handling change and redundancy in the workplace and seeing opportunity in the uncertainty. The magic triangle of health – wealth – time.

    Connect with Nicola

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolanewby/

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers™ workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women': Amazon link here

    Connect with Hannah




    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Chiara is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow and Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano as well as an Optica Ambassador.

    In this episode we talk about:

    The importance of trying out new opportunities before committing to them long-term (such as moving countries).

    How our Pusher part gets driven by the need to avoid failure so can result in overcompensating with overworking.

    Separating your career from your identity, ensuring that successes and failures such as winning grants are not attached to your self-worth.

    Connect with Chiara

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chiaratrovatello/

    X: @ClaireFoundling


    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers™ workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women': Amazon link here

    Connect with Hannah




    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Dr Kat Fish – Client Story

    Kat is a Research Fellow at The University of Sheffield. When Kat was diagnosed with endometriosis, she often employed the push through and reactive approach to work, but this came at a cost. When she was diagnosed with a second chronic health condition ME, this strategy (and others she had tried) were no longer working effectively. Her intention for coaching was to find a sustainable way of working in academia with her conditions. As with any chronic health condition, it is a unique journey for that individual.

    In this episode we talk about:

    The major insights she gained from our sessions including a particular pertinent conversation with her Perfectionist on the bathroom floor.

    Making the shift from time to energy management, employing ruthless prioritisation, saying no gracefully, and asking for what you need. Including research from Cal Newport’s book Deep Work.

    Learning how to flex leadership styles to get the result with minimum energy consumption.

    Connect with Kat


    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women': https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intentional-Careers-STEM-Women-confidence-ebook/dp/B0CGXRNFZ3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ROKZ7OEFHC64&keywords=intentional+careers+for+stem+women&qid=1693918605&s=books&sprefix=intentional+careers+for+stem+woemn%2Cstripbooks%2C66&sr=1-1

    Connect with Hannah




    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Dr Lauren Mullin CLIENT STORY – Part 3

    This is the final part in our three-part series with Dr Lauren Mullin. Just as a reminder, Lauren is Lead Analytical Scientist at Arxada and founder of ChemHerstory blog, which is dedicated to communicating the stories of the lost women in the history of STEM. You will be blown away are the details Lauren shares.

    In this episode we meet:

    Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu (1912-1997) was a Chinese-American physicist who has been referred to as the First Lady of Physics for her contributions to the field. After working on the Manhattan Project, Dr. Wu produced elegant experimental data that refuted a long-held belief in nuclear physics (the law of conservation of parity). This work and its implications were so ground-breaking that it was awarded the Nobel Prize in that same year (1957)--but only to Dr. Wu's collaborators, not to her. Despite this, she continued to conduct stellar research and act as a true leader in science for the rest of her career.

    Connect with Lauren



    Drawing Ada Lovelace (For Children) | New Macclesfield Sch (newmacclesfieldartschool.com)

    Life Drawing: Ada Lovelace | New Macclesfield Sch (newmacclesfieldartschool.com)

    Ada's Legacy: Talk and live music | New Macclesfield Sch (newmacclesfieldartschool.com)

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women' available on Amazon here.

    Connect with Hannah




    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 053 - Dr Lauren Mullin - Client Story (Part 2)

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    This is the second part in our three-part series with Dr Lauren Mullin. Just as a reminder, Lauren is Lead Analytical Scientist at Arxada and founder of ChemHerstory blog, which is dedicated to communicating the stories of the lost women in the history of STEM. Over the next three episodes we meet one inspirational woman from history and you will be blown away are the details Lauren shares.

    In this episode we meet:

    Dr. Kamala (Bhagvat) Sohonie (1911-1998) was the first Indian woman to receive a doctorate degree in science (Cambridge University, 1939). Before that, Dr. Sohonie directly challenged her initial rejection based entirely on her gender from a graduate programme in her home country by sitting in protest until finally admitted, paving the way for other woman to study after her. Dr. Sohonie was a biochemist, and her research covered a lot of ground--including improving nutrition for impoverished children and pregnant women.

    Connect with Lauren:
    LinkedIn: Lauren Mullin

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey:

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 052 - Dr Lauren Mullin - Client Story (Part 1)

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Lauren is Lead Analytical Scientist at Arxada and founder of ChemHerstory blog, which is dedicated to communicating the stories of the lost women in the history of STEM. Over the next three episodes we will meet one inspirational woman from history and you will be absolutely blown away are the details Lauren shares.

    In this episode we meet:

    Hertha Ayrton (1854-1923) was a British inventor, mathematician, engineer, and physicist who was also a highly active suffragist. She was the first woman to read a research paper at a Royal Society meeting, and first woman to win the Hughes Medal. This is a story of female friendship, male allyship and cool science.

    Connect with Lauren:
    This Week in ChemHerstory: 24th-30th April
    LinkedIn: Lauren Mullin

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey:

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 051 - Dr Antigone Marino

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Antigone is a research lead at the Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems (ISASI) at the Italian National Research Council (CNR). She also holds many leadership positions from President of the IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter, member of the board of directors of the Italian Physical Society (SIF) to member of the board of directors of the OPTICA Foundation.

    In this episode we talk about:

    The role of philosophy in physics. The confidence challenge for non-native English speakers in science, leading to internal comparison of performance when in native vs non-native interactions. The importance of examining your fears and comfort zone when faced with new opportunities.

    Connect with Antigone

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antigonemarino

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antigone.marino

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/antigone_marino

    X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/AntigoneMarino

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey:

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 050 - Anna Fuller - Client Story

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    With more than 20 years’ experience in scientific research and management, Anna is now the Operations Manager at star* scheme in Cardiff.

    In this episode we talk about:

    Not letting other people’s advice and opinions knock your confidence or dictate your choices.

    The different stages of the Intentional Careers™ Journey and how Anna went from unfulfilled to feeling purposeful and valued in the workplace using two Career Pivots®.

    How coaching can support your self-discovery by understanding your motivations and what will actually make you happy and fulfilled in your work.

    Connect with Anna

    LinkedIn: Anna Fuller

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey:

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Anna Fuller – Client Story

    With more than 20 years’experience in scientific research and management, Anna is now theOperations Manager at star* scheme in Cardiff.

    In this episode we talk about:

    Not letting other people’s advice and opinions knock yourconfidence or dictate your choices.

    The different stages of the Intentional Careers™ Journey and how Anna went from unfulfilled tofeeling purposeful and valued in the workplace using two Career Pivots®.

    How coaching can support your self-discovery by understanding your motivations and what willactually make you happy and fulfilled in your work.

    Connect with Anna


    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women': https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intentional-Careers-STEM-Women-confidence-ebook/dp/B0CGXRNFZ3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ROKZ7OEFHC64&keywords=intentional+careers+for+stem+women&qid=1693918605&s=books&sprefix=intentional+careers+for+stem+woemn%2Cstripbooks%2C66&sr=1-1

    Connect with Hannah




    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 049 - Dr Helen Bridle - Client Story

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Helen is an Associate Professor in bioengineering at Heriot-Watt University and Director of Let’s Do Engineering, an EPSRC funded engagement project designed to tackle stereotypes around engineering with interventions for children aged 3-7 years.

    In this episode we talk about:

    Overcoming the critical mindset surrounding perfectionism and people pleasing. Ensuring we don’t use avoidance and procrastination tactics when it comes to feedback so it can be tackled constructively using the 4A’s framework. Tools to overcome overwhelm and burnout and being back the intentionality in your career.

    Connect with Helen

    LinkedIn: Helen Bridle

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey:

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 048 - Professor Melissa Gladstone - Client Story

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Melissa is a clinician and a professor in international child health and neurodevelopmental paediatrics at the University of Liverpool.

    In this episode we talk about:

    Managing the guilt of multiple different competing areas of life How to move beyond disappointments and set backs at work Making the shift from comparing yourself unfavourably to others (or your idealised version of yourself) to grounded self-compassion

    Connect with Melissa

    LinkedIn: Melissa Gladstone

    Liverpool University Profile: Melissa Gladstone

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey:

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 047 - Lily Satterthwaite

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Lily is a Regional Lead at Microsoft, the Global Technical Women Committee Lead and a Board Member of the Asian & Social Mobility ERG.

    In this episode we talk about:

    Lily’s top tips for negotiating salary and compensation packages Developing a team charter when working across time zones to ensure you don’t end up working all the time Managing menopause in the workplace and advocating for more allyship and support As a leader, your voice really matters and what we don’t say also speaks volumes.

    Connect with Lily

    LinkedIn: Lily Satterthwaite


    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 046 - Dr Joanna Martin

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Jo is founder of One of Many™, the fastest growing women’s leadership and empowerment organisation. It is a real privilege for me to interview Jo because her description of superwoman was the catalyst to me becoming a certified coach and she has also been my business mentor for the last two years.

    In this episode we talk about:

    The identity shift that comes when you change careers Why coaching isn’t effective if we are directing questions to superwoman A reality check on how far women’s equity has really come, and what it will take to reach parity

    Connect with Jo



    Instagram: @drjoannamartin

    Facebook: DrJoannaMartin


    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 045 - Professor Angela Davies - Client Story

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Ang holds a dual role at The University of Manchester as a Professor in Healthcare Science & Education and as an academic leadership position within a strategic cross-institutional change programme, leading on transformational lifelong learning.

    In this episode we talk about:

    Fierce prioritisation through discernment of priorities, how to say no, and delegation Effective communication strategies for senior leadership teams How to influence without authority

    Connect with Ang

    LinkedIn: Professor Ang Davies

    Flexible Learning at UoM: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/teaching-and-learning-excellence/flexible-learning/

    PGCert Clinical data Science: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/list/20306/pgcert-clinical-data-science/

    Digital interventions for genomics and genetics education, empowerment, and service engagement. A systematic review: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12687-023-00648-w

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey:

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 044 - Debbie Neiteler

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Debbie is a mother of two children and a Partner at Austin and Carnley Solicitors. At heart Debbie is a humanitarian and is constantly seeking ways in which she can make impact through her work both for the planet and its inhabitants.

    In this episode we talk about:

    How to create impact through legacy Her four-pillar approach to legacy: Connection - Creation - Celebration – Curation Questions to ask yourself before working with a solicitor to manage your legacy and create the biggest positive impact in the world.

    Connect with Debbie


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-neiteler-5b0821b/


    Explore your legacy with Debbie email [email protected].uk


    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 043 - Dr Alice Redmond

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Dr Alice Redmond is the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at CAI with over 30 years’ experience.

    Alice is a founding member of Women in Technology and Science (WITS) and is on the ISPE Women in Pharma (WIP) committee.

    In this episode we talk about:

    The theme of being a trailblazer How to bring your unique perspective to leadership Managing a lack of confidence through overpreparation and how this has changed for Alice over time. Getting the best out of your career development through mentorship and networking.

    Connect with Alice




    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 042 - Dr Lucy Fernandes - Client Story

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Lucy is a Senior Customer Success Scientist at Protein Metrics and has a really interesting career journey that completely makes sense when you connect the dots looking backwards.

    In this episode we talk about:

    Making the shift from superwoman fuelled by fear to authentic feminine leadership How our thoughts shape our reality Using a coaching tool called batching for energy matching to be more effective with productivity and time management

    Connect with Lucy



    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah

    Website: hannahnikeroberts.com

    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Kate Marshall – Client Story

    After 17 years working at GSK, Kate made the big bold move to join Protak Scientific Limited and is now their Technical Director.

    In this episode we talk about:

    How Kate believed so much in the technology it enabled her to take the leap to Protak. Overcoming her fear of public speaking and now it is an integral part of her role. Understanding her personality profile which enabled her to flex her leadership and communication effectively.

    Connect with Kate


    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah


    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts

  • Inspiring Stories 040 - Dr Margaret Dominguez

    Subscribe to the Women In STEM Career & Confidence Podcast on your favourite platform and stay tuned.

    Margaret grew up on a pig farm in Mexico and her love for Physics fuelled an incredible meteoric journey to becoming an optical engineer at NASA.

    In this episode we talk about:

    A serendipitous moment enabled her to apply for an internship at NASA. How support systems make us brave because they believe in us until we can fully believe in ourselves. The work from her PhD thesis now being a component of the mission to launch the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope in 3-4 years.

    Connect with Margaret

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/margaret-dominguez-a4593524

    Twitter (X): @MargaretD_NASA

    Insta: @MargaretD_NASA

    Kickstart your Intentional Careers Journey

    Take the Career Accelerator Scorecard: https://scorecard.intentional-careers.com/strategy

    Register for a free Intentional Careers workshop: https://intentional-careers.com/workshop/

    Read The Book 'Intentional Careers for STEM Women'

    Connect with Hannah


    LinkedIn: Hannah Roberts Coaching

    Facebook: Dr Hannah Roberts

    X (Twitter) @HannahNikeR

    Instagram @drhannahroberts