
  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Season 4! What a year! Our season began with an epic Coldplay concert and ended with a love filled retreat in Naramata. Today we reflect on an incredible journey filled with heartwarming moments, challenges and transformative experiences. There has been so much growth this past season.

    Have you ever considered the idea that the purpose of life's journey is to choose and lean on love, even in the midst of challenges? We dive into the profound message from Spirit, sharing how it has resonated within our community and personal lives. We celebrate the mutual learning and growth we've experienced, expressing gratitude for the joy and wisdom our listeners have brought into our lives.

    Discover the transformative power of self-compassion and joy as we explore the benefits of letting go of rigid beliefs and expectations. Learn why setting boundaries and making space for fun is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life. We share heartfelt stories about the privilege and joy of being a home for our children, emphasizing the importance of living authentically and joyfully. Don't miss our invitation to join our vibrant Instagram community for additional insights and interactions. Thank you for walking this journey with us, and we look forward to continuing this beautiful adventure together! Happy, happy summer to you!

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Have you ever felt an inexplicable bond with someone, as if you've known them for lifetimes? This episode of Walk Together Fiercely promises to unlock the mysteries of soul family relationships. Join us as we define what a soul family is and explore the deep, spiritual connections that go beyond earthly ties and blood relations. Discover the instant recognition and comfort felt upon meeting a soul family member, and learn how these relationships can both nourish and challenge us, ultimately leading to personal growth and spiritual evolution. We share personal anecdotes about how meeting soul family members has impacted our lives, emphasizing the significant bonds that travel through history with us.

    We dive into the characteristics of higher vibrational frequency relationships and the importance of unconditional love, support, and feeling of safety these connections provide. You'll hear about the unique emotional resonance that sets soul family relationships apart from others, offering unwavering support and celebrating our successes. Through our stories and experiences, we illustrate the humanness and imperfections that exist within these relationships, reminding us that it's okay to be imperfect and to rely on the support of our soul family. Don't miss our discussion on recognizing soul family connections and the synchronicities and coincidences that often accompany these meetings, suggesting a higher power at play.

    To wrap up, we emphasize the importance of intuition and recognizing the energy we feel from others. By trusting our instincts and avoiding those who drain our energy, we can foster more meaningful and reciprocal relationships. We highlight the value of investing your energy in connections that truly nourish and uplift you, even if they are not blood relatives. Join us on Instagram @walktogetherfiercely for community interaction and additional insights! Now, let's Walk Together Fiercely through Discovering the Truth About Your Soul Family!

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

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    Have you ever wondered what happens to the soul after death and how we can maintain a connection with our loved ones who have passed? Join Michelle Morrison, a gifted medium and intuitive, and Dr. Tara Drummond, a compassionate naturopathic doctor, as they delve into the mysteries of the afterlife and the enduring energy of the soul. Discover insights that may resonate with your own experiences and beliefs as Michelle shares her personal journey in connecting people with their deceased loved ones, emphasizing that intuitive abilities lie within us all. Tara underscores the power of community and personal growth, highlighting the significance of maintaining these connections for our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

    The episode unfolds with a deep exploration of what occurs during and after the passing process. Michelle describes how our spiritual teams, composed of angels and spirit guides, provide a comforting presence during the transition, enveloping us in ethereal colors and symbolic journeys that assure peace and unconditional love. These vivid depictions offer solace to those who are grieving, reinforcing the idea that the soul's journey continues beyond physical existence. As we navigate the emotional and psychological challenges associated with end-of-life situations, Michelle and Tara provide practical advice on how to recognize and embrace signs from the universe and our loved ones, transforming grief into a celebration of life and ongoing connection.

    We round out the conversation by focusing on the importance of living fully and finding joy in our current life paths. Understanding that our loved ones want us to thrive, Michelle and Tara discuss how to maintain a balanced desire for life and how to call in that connection with the spirit from a place of gratitude. They share personal anecdotes and tips for recognizing signs, ensuring that listeners feel supported and encouraged to trust in these meaningful moments. Let's Walk Together Fiercely through the transition process and the transformative power of embracing life's spiritual journey even in the face of loss.

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    We are very excited to release this episode today! Over the past few months, we have recorded one on one readings with guests and a few listeners. Today we are sharing the recordings of those readings with you and our gratitude to our courageous guests Lynn, Christine, Nicole, and Tara. The messages from Spirit bring so much love, connection and confirmation that life goes on. Their narratives weave a tapestry of legacy and connection, offering solace and understanding to anyone seeking comfort from beyond.

    This heartfelt episode explores the emotional journey of ancestral healing, the reassurances whispered from the afterlife, and the profound impact of receiving guidance from our departed kin. Michelle delves into the lives touched by spiritual presences, a beloved father, the tale of a mother's love reaching out to her grandchildren from the other side, grandparents visiting, a brother's enduring love and legacy. Michelle loves sharing the incredible signs that loved ones show you and your family that your loved ones are still with you, watching out for you and sending you so much love. Each reading unfurls the richness of the unseen threads that bind us, celebrating the magic that exists within every day life and showing us how much support and love is all around us.

    Each story shared is a beacon for those navigating the complexities of grief, change, and the joy of embracing new beginnings. It is such a beautiful way to experience the miraculous connection there for us all. Let's Walk Together Fiercely through, The Messages From Spirit.

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Embarking on a journey of self-discovery can often feel like navigating through a dense fog, but what if you had a compass to guide you towards resilience and self-acceptance? Today we are speaking about resiliency and acknowledging just how resilient we all are. In this episode, we share our own deeply personal paths as we embrace vulnerability and take stock of how resiliency has shaped, helped, and keeps us moving forward.

    Have you ever felt the harsh sting of body shaming or found yourself at odds with the 'perfect' standards set by society? In this heartfelt conversation, we confront these cultural and self imposed expectations as we look at where we are now and what we have learned and how we are so much stronger than we think. We highlight the necessity for a cultural pivot towards body reverence and recognizing our bodies' unique capabilities, offering a beacon of hope and empowerment for anyone struggling to find their footing in the world of body positivity and self-love.

    If you have had to navigate challenges and perhaps even felt like for a moment or for a time that you were lost or didn't know what to do, you are so not alone. Sometimes the challenges can be seen as "cracks" or something that seems broken. Yet, that is how the light is seen. Resilience is a muscle, one that requires constant nurturing and strength within your own being. We invite our listeners to acknowledge their own resilience and join us in this ongoing practice, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion and the acceptance of life's uncontrollable events. We extend an invitation to our growing Instagram community @walktogetherfiercely, where the conversation continues and where each of us can find solace in the shared experience of walking together, fiercely and lovingly. Let's Walk Together Fiercely through Celebrating Your Resiliency and the Journey of Self Acceptance.

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Are you tired of the endless cycle of dieting and the guilt that comes with every bite you take? Feel the liberation as Jenn Messina, our vibrant anti-diet dietitian and wellness coach, joins us to share her empowering approach to intuitive eating. Our conversation will guide you through shedding the shame from your meals and learning to listen to your body's needs. Jenn's insights into how societal pressures can distort our self-image and our children's relationship with food are nothing short of a revelation.

    This episode goes beyond simply what we put on our plates, delving into the psychological tango between our emotions and food choices. Imagine understanding your cravings without judgment, satisfying your hunger with kindness, and reshaping the narrative around food from a tool of punishment to one of nourishment. We'll unwrap the layers of food neutrality and tackle the 'all or nothing' mindset that so often sabotages our eating habits. Indulge in a serving of wisdom as we explore the balance between enjoying life's treats and meeting our nutrient needs, especially when it comes to guiding the little ones in our lives.

    Lastly, prepare to challenge the deeply-rooted beliefs instilled by the beauty and diet industries that have long influenced how we perceive our bodies. Jenn illuminates the path towards body positivity and acceptance, encouraging us to embrace diversity and reject unrealistic standards. This conversation is an invitation to foster a supportive environment for our children, teaching them to grow in confidence and well-being, no matter their shape or size. Tune in for an episode that's not just about food, but about nourishing your whole self – body, mind, and soul. Let's Walk Together Fiercely through Empowering Your Relationship with Food and Intuitive Eating with the amazing Jenn the Dietician!

    Check out Jenn's website and follow her on social media!
    Jenn Messina

    Instagram: @jennthedietician
    Facebook: North Vancouver Dietician

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Do you strive for perfection? Do you ever have unrealistic expectations for yourself, yet compassion for others? In this episode, we are speaking about those high expectations we set for ourselves and the magic that happens when we untie the knots of perfectionism and let that cape flutter away. This episode of Walk Together Fiercely is a heartfelt voyage through the perils of the perfectionism trap, set against the backdrop of the transforming April 8th eclipse. We share our personal anecdotes and laugh at the absurdity of holding ourselves to impossible standards, especially poignant in an era where everyone's domestic life is under a microscope.

    Have you ever felt like your daily contributions are swallowed by the black hole invisibility? In a candid and authentic confession, we speak about the feelings of holding so much responsibility and the simplicity it takes to shift our perceptions. As we laugh over the skewed lens of domestic partnership dynamics, we invite you to join us in finding serenity amidst life’s perfectly imperfect state and embracing the beauty of a lived-in home.

    There's magic in your imperfections, and we're here to spotlight that luminescence. This episode isn't just about sharing our struggles with the need to be flawless; it's about the power and self-confidence that come from dancing with our flaws. As we encourage you to step into your light and share your gifts unapologetically, we hope to inspire you to manifest your inner glory and shine as a beacon for others. So, connect with us on Instagram for an interactive journey, and let's walk together fiercely — because when we illuminate our imperfections, we guide and support each other as we walk this journey together!

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Wow, this is a big one! So many emotions releasing this episode! Join us today for a powerful conversation as we delve into being diagnosed with an incredibly rare disease and cancer. We are joined by the incredible Will Wise, a former pro basketball player, living his life as a pro athlete and within the course of one day, all of that changed. However, when life threw a curveball at Will, he caught it and threw it right back. Diagnosed with a rare tumor and genetic mutation called Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Will's journey from athlete to cancer advocate is nothing short of remarkable. Our latest episode takes you through this profound narrative, where Will's creation of CancerBae stands as a testament to his dedication to empowering those affected by cancer. We strip away the uniforms and delve into the raw emotions and spiritual awakenings that accompany such a personal battle, discussing Will's transition and how his powerful message of unity brings light to the darkest of times.

    As we navigate the rollercoaster of living with cancer, we speak about the dichotomy of outward appearances and the inner turmoil of fighting this disease. The conversation takes a turn towards the significance of energy healing, the power of reframing life's toughest questions, and the comfort found in spiritual awareness. Will speaks about his street interviews on cancer, which reveal the yearning for knowledge and empowerment over sympathy, with insights that will reshape the way you approach conversations about health challenges. Join us for this heart-to-heart as we share ways to communicate empathy and encouragement, offering a guiding hand to those on this path, and anyone who's ever faced a storm in life.

    For more information, for CancerBae merchandise and to follow Will on Instagram visit: @willwise24

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Happy Solar Eclipse today! This special episode is being released in conjunction with the Solar Eclipse and for these really interesting energetic times.

    Have you ever felt the magnetic pull towards understanding the unseen forces that guide us? Today we open the doors to such mysteries, inviting you to a space where spiritual exploration meets personal empowerment. In this episode, Michelle channels her own spirit guides and angels, The Beings of Light. Tara comes with questions as Michelle channels the answers from that Universal support and energy that surrounds us all. This episode is an opportunity to embrace your curiosities about connecting with higher energies, be it the spirits of loved ones, angels or spirit guides. Unlock your intuition's full potential and find a heartfelt community that affirms: you matter, and you are never alone.

    Our conversation takes a heartfelt turn, acknowledging the shared journey of humanity. We reflect on the profound impact of our collective experiences and the weight of responsibility they carry. We are reminded of the power of love, compassion, and support. By fostering environments for ourselves and for our children and community to thrive, we not only contribute to our individual growth but the evolution of our planet and our souls. It's a dialogue that celebrates both the joys and challenges of nurturing the next generation towards a world filled with greater love and understanding.

    As we wrap up our exchange, we explore the pursuit of joy and the profound healing it can bring to our lives and those around us. We discuss the legacy of our departed loved ones and the growth opportunities Earth provides for souls in search of evolution. With a guided breathing exercise to ground you, we invite you to continue this journey with us, sharing insights and supporting one another in our vibrant community. Let's get into it and walk together fiercely as we navigate the waters of spiritual connection, personal growth, and the shared pursuit of happiness and fulfillment.

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Have you ever felt torn between the confident voice of your ego and the gentle whisper of your intuition? Join your hosts, Michelle Morrison and Dr. Tara Drummond, as we share our personal tales and insights on navigating this complex dance. Our conversations, seasoned with laughter and authenticity, peel back the layers of our spiritual and emotional journeys, revealing the significance of embracing every part of ourselves, shadows included.

    We're taking you through the practicalities of harnessing your inner instincts for success. From the power of gut feelings to the enchantment of synchronicities and the wisdom of dreams, we invite you to uncover the inherent guidance waiting within you. Through stories of toxic relationships and lessons in self-worth, we delve into the transformative act of listening to our bodies and honoring our personal truths. And we don't stop at just talking; we offer strategies for creating the stillness in your life that allows your intuition to truly shine through.

    As we wrap up, we connect the dots between gut health and happiness, diving into the fascinating gut-brain connection and its influence on intuition. With my hand on my heart chakra, I encourage you to do the same, to trust your instincts, and to remain open to life's magical moments of serendipity. For those yearning for more, our community awaits with open arms to support you on this journey of self-discovery.

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Have you ever wondered what happens when spirituality and sex intertwine? When you deepen your spiritual connection, you actually have the ability to create an explosion of joy and fulfillment in your sex life! That's right! This conversation is a journey that we embark upon, in an episode that's equal parts enlightening, entertaining and inspirational as we bask in the humor of our everyday experiences while peeling back layers of self-acceptance and inner peace, revealing how they can transform not just our sexual encounters but our very approach to love and trust. Together, we celebrate the sacred dance of consensual adult relationships, emphasizing the importance of safety, respect, and our absolute sexual sovereignty.

    The art of intimacy isn't just about the moments we share but also about the personal spaces we cultivate for ourselves and our partners. Throughout the conversation, we open up about our own body image journey, illustrating how finding acceptance in the mirror can lead to a more secure and passionate connection in the bedroom. By focusing on sensation over self-critique and emphasizing clear communication, we learn to honor the divinity in our partners and ourselves. We discuss strategies for maintaining a flirtatious spark and the subtle art of building anticipation for deeper, more meaningful and pleasurable encounters.

    But what about the afterglow? We weave through the perspectives of Chinese medicine on orgasms, contrasting their effects on men and women, and lean into the empowering process of prioritizing pleasure and self-care. Women listeners, in particular, will find a wealth of insights and advice on reclaiming their sexual power. And for everyone tuning in, we extend an invitation to join the dialogue on our Instagram community, Walk Together Fiercely, where the conversation continues with gusto. So, snuggle in and prepare for a podcast episode that's as thought-provoking as it is heartwarming and inspirational. Let's Walk Together Fiercely through Enjoying Great Sex!

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Embark on a transformative journey with us as Dr. Jenny Cundari shares her profound insights on the healing powers of psychedelics. Together, we navigate the landscape where emotional breakthroughs and therapeutic applications intertwine, offering hope for those grappling with the depths of depression and the echoes of trauma. Our conversation delves into the potential certain natural substances may be as an aid to emotional and traumatic healing, emphasizing their role in facilitating a deeper connection with one's authentic self and unlocking the door to personal growth.

    As we traverse the realms of naturopathic medicine, we uncover the delicate balance between mind and body, illuminating the intricate dance of emotions, hormones, and overall health. Dr. Cundari, with her rich experience at Sage Integrative Health, brings to light the critical role of psychoneuroimmunology and psychoneuroendocrinology in our well-being. We explore how the ripples of chronic stress manifest physically and the ways in which addressing trauma stored in our bodies can lead to profound healing.

    Closing out our session, we zero in on the paramount importance of safety, guidance, and integration post-psychedelic therapy. While sharing personal anecdotes from our own healing odysseys, we discuss the heightened neuroplasticity that paves the way for long-lasting change. From the preparation needed for such a journey to the indispensable support systems, we equip you with the knowledge to navigate the psychedelic path responsibly. Join us as we not only peer into the science and soul of psychedelics but also how they can be harnessed to foster a life of connection and wholeness.

    This podcast is just a conversation and is not medical advice. This podcast is educational only and should not be used as medical advice, nor is it a substitute for any medical advice. Recreational Psychedelic use is illegal in Canada and in the US. We are in no way promoting the use of these substances outside of designated and approved clinics. Always seek professional medical advice with questions you have have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking help when you need it.

    For more on Dr. Jenny Cundari, you can find her on Instagram at: @drjennycundari
    You can find all about Dr. Jenny on her website: DrJennyCundari.com

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Seeing the world through the eyes of love is a choice. To look at yourself and others through a lens of compassion with the energy of grace is what you and everyone needs. Michelle and Tara weave a tapestry of shared experiences to emphasize the profound impact of self-understanding and community support. As we compare our individuality to unique snowflakes, our conversation stirs a sense of wonder about the diverse energies that define us. We delve into the significance of embracing one's journey and the collective strength found in walking together, armed with love and empathy to navigate life's multifaceted challenges.

    This episode is a heartfelt exploration of the human experience, examining the fluctuating spectrums of mental and emotional wellness, and the intricate ballet of relationships. By sharing personal stories of managing stress and practicing self-care, we illuminate paths to resilience and reveal how vulnerability can lead to authentic connections. Discover how being true to oneself can foster a supportive network, enabling us to lift each other up during life's inevitable ebbs and flows.

    We conclude with an invitation to engage with our vibrant community on Instagram, where the conversation continues to blossom. Join us at Walk Together Fiercely to exchange dialogues, pose questions, and uncover additional insights. Whether you're looking to enhance your well-being or comprehend the unique paths others tread, this episode is a clarion call to celebrate the diversity and intrinsic beauty woven into our collective human fabric. Let's Walk Together Fiercely through The Art of Authentic Living and Compassionate Connection!

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Prepare to unlock the celestial secrets of 2024 as we traverse the Year of the Dragon! Joined by our special guest Sam Plovie, we'll unravel the mysteries hidden within your complete zodiac chart, going beyond just your birth year animal to include month, day, and hour animals. Discover the profound impact these elements have on your life and learn how they provide tailored guidance for the year ahead. We'll venture through the dynamics of love, wealth, and spiritual growth, revealing the influence this energy can have on your relationships, career and financial prosperity. Embrace the opportunity to foster love connections and seize leadership roles in the workplace, all through the lens of Chinese astrology.

    With the Dragon year upon us, those born under this sign are poised for a transformative journey. We'll explore how Dragons can navigate challenges with humility and seize the opportunities for mentorship and entrepreneurial ventures that await them. Not a Dragon? Fear not, for we've also got personalized predictions for each sign! Find out what the stars have in store for you, whether it's tips on financial planning, embracing new business ventures, or making strategic career moves. Our conversation with Sam will also enlighten you on how to use these predictions to your advantage, turning potential obstacles into stepping stones for success.

    Finally, we wrap up with an array of tailored financial and spiritual advice. From the significance of the 'dog' in personal finance to the 'heavenly horse' leading you towards market dominance, we've got insights that will help mold your year into one of fulfillment and prosperity. Join our thriving community on Instagram at Walk Together Fiercely, where we share additional wisdom and encourage interactive growth. So, connect with us there and let's embark on this empowering journey through 2024 together, harnessing the power of Chinese astrology to illuminate your path forward.

    We have created chapter markers so that you can listen to just the animals that pertain to you or your household!

    To capture your personal Chinese Zodiac, visit Sam's website and use the free calculator to see what animals are in your own chart! Visit: qiprosam.com and click on the calculators on the right hand side. You can use any of the calculators, but the Day Master Calculator is the one that Sam speaks of in this episode!

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    There are numerous ways in which we relinquish our power, opting for the wisdom of others over our own. Have you ever found yourself thinking or feeling that someone else knows better than you? That they might understand what's best for you more than you do? You are the one inhabiting your body; you know it best, and it's crucial not to disregard your inner wisdom when it speaks to you.

    Even when seeking support, guidance, or help from a professional, it's important to recognize that you are not powerless. Our overwhelmed medical system has, in many ways, lost touch with the human element. We must reclaim our power, learn how to trust our intuition, and reconnect with our bodies. What is your body telling you? What do you know to be true? In what ways have you felt unheard? Identify what you need to improve your well-being and regain the help, support, and trust necessary.

    This dynamic isn't limited to doctor-patient relationships but extends to various aspects of our lives. Giving away our power was never the intended path. While each of us possesses unique qualities and characteristics, we are also inherently powerful. Reclaim control in your life and health, and let's Walk Together Fiercely through Power, Pedestals, and Medical Gaslighting.

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    We are engaging in a profound discussion about the current era being a time of awakening, marked by significant changes and challenges. As this year unfolds and numerous shifts occur, it becomes crucial to establish effective self-support mechanisms to navigate this extraordinary period successfully. Maintaining a mental or journal inventory of reliable go-to resources can be instrumental in promoting your overall health and well-being.

    Consider contemplating: What actions will you take during challenging moments? How do you plan to cope, and what strategies have proven to be beneficial for your support? In today's enriching conversation, we aim to compile a thoughtful list of tools that you can readily access, ensuring you always have a recourse to find peace and reinforce your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

    Building resilience and strength is paramount as we traverse through these dynamic times. We encourage you to proactively incorporate elements into your life that uplift your spirits, enhance your energy, and contribute to maintaining a positive vibration. Embrace what you know supports you the most, actively participating in your own well-being. Say yes to those practices that elevate your sense of self and keep your vibrational frequency high! Together, let's boldly navigate What You Cannot Do Without in 2024.

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Happy Chinese New Year and welcome the year of the Dragon! We are thrilled to have the amazing Sam Plovie joining us today to speak all things in Chinese Astrology for the year of 2024. We have been speaking about the big shifts coming in 2024 and beyond and Sam brings her brand of magic and wisdom to this conversation and speaks about all the empowering ways that not only you can meet the changes coming but that you can use them to your advantage. Sam firmly believes and knows that this is the year to step fully into your power, to embrace your authentic truth and to get clear about what you really want and what energy you are putting out there. You are going to love this conversation! Grab a tea and let's dive in, let's Walk Together Fiercely through The Year of the Dragon and Chinese Astrology with Sam Plovie.

    You can find more about Sam on her website and get your own free Qicast: https://qiprosam.com/qiprosam.com
    You can follow Sam on Instagram at: @qiprosam
    You can also listen to Sam's own podcast: Qi Pro Sam Knows

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    You are profoundly intuitive. You have these incredible instincts and intuition that are hard wired into you, they are a huge part of you in a human experience. Inner instincts is how we are most connected to our truth. Our inner instincts are always guiding us, always looking out for our best interests, our healing, our growth and expansion. We are in so many ways programmed to ignore our instincts and instead depend on and be guided to listen to the wisdom of others, to think that others know better, that somehow we are not good enough, smart enough or special enough to be connected to our intuition or to know that we can truly trust our instincts. None of these things are true. The truth is, that you are profoundly intuitive and it is high time you delve into your intuitive abilities. In this episode, we are speaking about five instincts that you will get or will have gotten recently that you should never ignore. So, when you feel or tap into any of these feelings, it is so important for you to tune in and pay attention. So what do you think those instincts are? Let's tune in and Walk Together Fiercely through the Five Instincts You Should Never Ignore!

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Do you think you might be on the edge of a breakthrough? Are you asking some bigger questions? Are you looking at things from a higher perspective? Do you have a feeling that we are moving towards some big changes not only globally but in your own life? You might be feeling like things are about to shift in certain ways, you might be feeling a bit more challenged and you also might feel like either a push or a pull within, guiding you towards making some changes. You might be more aware of what is harmful to you, you might be feeling pushed to your edge, or that intensity has increased. It might seem that for the past while in life, one challenge comes after the other. What is so important to know is that these are signs that actually you are on the leading edge of a massive breakthrough! You are awakening and your soul is calling you to awaken, to shift, to grow, to change and to come more and more in alignment with the highest parts of your being. Although the actual process make look different for each of us, spiritual growth is quite a journey. It really helps to know we are not alone, that we can walk together fiercely, that we can breakthrough, that we can do this, that we can keep going and that it will get so much better! So, let's Walk Together Fiercely through, You Are on the Verge of a Breakthrough!

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium

  • We would love to hear from you! Send us a message!

    Today we are sharing an incredible conversation with the beautiful Vanessa Ooms. Vanessa is an author, a Reiki Master Teacher, a Meditation Instructor and an incredible artist. Vanessa exudes peace, love and authenticity and conversation with her, was magical. She speaks from real life experience and shares the power of her own journey to inspire others. In her book, Do It For You, Vanessa is passionate about opening the doors that create your very best life, living on purpose and true to you. "Peace and progress are possible when you take your power back, make new choices and dive into the unknown. It might seem scary at first, but if you want your life to change, you have got to change your life, but from the inside out."

    You are going to love this conversation. We could have spoken with Vanessa for hours as she is sweet, genuine, wise and so kind. If you are a people pleaser, or perhaps in people pleasing recovery, this is a powerful conversation that you will appreciate. Why do we put others needs or wants before our own and do we realize how much power we give away when we cave to please another and what is the cost to your health and well being? It has huge consequences to our health and well being! It's time to take your power back and live with more authenticity. Join us for a fantastic conversation, put a stop to your people pleasing ways, take your power back and find so much more inner peace. Let's Walk Together Fiercely through Stop People Pleasing and Finding Peace with Vanessa Ooms!

    For more information about Vanessa, you can find her on her website:
    Join Vanessa on Instagram at: @vanooms
    Check out her videos on You Tube: Evolving on Purpose with Vanessa Ooms

    We would love for you to join us in our community! Find us on Instagram at: @walktogetherfiercely
    Here you can be a part of the conversation! We love when you message us, when you tag us in your posts and stories, thank you so much for sharing!

    For more information about Dr. Tara, you can find her on Instagram at: @drtaradrummond

    For more information about Michelle, you can find her on her website: www.thebalancedsoul.com
    Instagram: @michellemorrisonmedium
    Facebook: @Michelle Morrison Psychic Medium