In this episode of You Do You, Yuna and Hana dive into the art of forming habits that truly stick. Whether you’re looking to kickstart a new routine or break free from old patterns, they’ve got you covered. Tune in as they share practical tips, personal stories, and cultural insights from both Japanese and Western perspectives. Learn how to craft habits that fit your unique lifestyle, helping you become the best version of yourself—one small step at a time.
In our latest episode, we delve into the world of trolls and negative comments as we explore the recent backlash Yuna has faced after publishing her book. Join us as we discuss troll behavior in Japan and share valuable insights on how to effectively deal with negative comments.
Puuttuva jakso?
Do you know what imposter syndrome is?? Have you felt it? If so, how do you overcome that feeling??
インポスター症候群って、日本であまり聞かないよね。自分の能力や実績を認められない状態を指し、 仕事やプライベートを問わず成功していても、「これは自分の能力や実力ではなく、運が良かっただけと思ってしまうこと。主語が大きくなってしまいますが、まさにこれって、日本人あるあるなのでは!?
we talked about "things we dont want to talk about"in our last episode. Finance/money was one of them. So here we are talking about it specifically!
Catching up with a friend is always a good time (hopefully) but what about when one starts to talk about a specific topic we want to avoid? Or what about when we want to talk about something in particular but feel anxious that the other person will feel uncomfortable about it?? お金、宗教、政治、性、わたしたちがなんとなく「避けろ」と言われてるような気がする話題ってあるよね。そういうことについて話したい場合は?もしくは話したくないときは?
We talk a lot about love-related break ups but what about breaking up with your friend(s)?? Friendship break-ups can also be very painful too, right?Friends that were close to us while growing up, sometimes don't 'fit' anymore. Maybe its not about the time but more about the timing.
-Since it’s almost mothers day in Japan, here’s an episode about “parents”. What are the things that your parents passed on to you that you are grateful for? And what are the things you do not want to repeat?
Apologies for the long break but we are finally back, since its been a while, we would like to go back to the basics for this episode and talk about selflove, self confidence, self care, which is our main theme of this podcast.おひさしぶりです、長い長いおやすみをいただいておりました!この期間に、いろんなことがあったんですけど笑、ようやく戻ってこれたので、今回は私たちの原点であるセルフラブ、セルフケアの話に戻りたいと思います。今回はインスタライブを繋いで録音してみたのでいつもと少し違う録音環境になるので不備があったらごめんなさいー!(インスタのライブ配信のアーカイブからもご視聴いただけます)
このポッドキャストでは、日本文化における文化的な横流しの問題について探究します。日本文化における文化的な横流しの例を挙げ、その問題点について考察します。このポッドキャストを聴くことで、文化的な横流しの本質やその影響について深く理解し、他の文化から要素を借りる際に注意深く敬意を払うことがなぜ重要なのかを学ぶことができます。#文化的な横流し #日本文化 #マインドフルネス #敬意
In this episode, we delve into the issue of cultural appropriation within the context of Japanese culture. We discuss examples of cultural appropriation of Japanese culture and explore why it is problematic. By the end of this podcast, you will gain a deeper understanding of cultural appropriation and its impact, and why it is important to be mindful and respectful when borrowing elements from other cultures. #culturalappropriation #JapaneseCulture #mindfulness #respectful -
このポッドキャストのメインテーマであってわたしたちがよく話している「自分らしく生きる」こと、そしてセルフラブ、これを実現するにあたり、どうしても意に反して出てきてしまう「嫉妬」という感情。英語ではJealousy。仕事、友達、恋愛、どんな場においても嫉妬はあるし、最近ではマウントをとる、なんて言葉もありますが、今日は私達のjealousy episodeをお話しします。Hannah and I have talked a lot about self love and learning to embrace our own selves in this podcast, but its so hard when the feeling of jealousy interferes and we really cant control that. So today we will be talking some of our episodes related to jealousy whether its with friends, relationships or work.
突然ですが、私Yuna、もCo hostのHannahは大人になってから出会ったのですが、たまたま2人とも同い年、30代の独身起業家でした。そんな私等、やっぱりこの年代になると、「settle down」つまり、直訳すると「落ち着く」「安定する」ですが、結婚や定住居やら,,,色々settle downするプレッシャーを日々感じてます。特に私達の場合は、まずはどの国から、というところから。今日はPressure to settle downについて!So Hannah and I met a few years back but we were coincidently the same age, both entrepreneurs living in tokyo. which means, theres quite a lot of pressure to settle down considering our age, work and the culture here in japan. Soooo that's what we will be talking about today!
一ヶ月ほどお休みをいただいておりましたが、we are back!! 今日のトピックは相変わらず私たちのpodcastで大事にしているself-loveやbeing yourselfと繋がる、「生理と付き合いながらの運動」です。So it's been a while, but we are back, today we will be talking about Sports and Period! We've covered a lot about "sports" in this podcast now and then and we also talked about "periods" before, so we wanted to talk specifically about how we move around or not during periods. 生理の出血1日目から換算して、いつが一番運動の効果が出るのか、怪我がしやすい時期はいつなのか、ご存知ですか??こういうの学校で習いたかった〜!
It’s that time of the year called VALENTINES dayyyy where shops are full of chocolates and hearts, and love is in the air. But we’re having enough of all that so on the contrary we decided to talk about how love sucks lol. もうすぐ、バレンタイン!お店はチョコやハートまみれで、デートしてるカップルで溢れてる、とっても商業用的で、独り身にはさいあくにつまらない時期?笑。ということで、キュンキュンな話は他のpodcastがカバーしてると思うので、私たちは、LOVE SUCKSと題して、今までの最悪なデートエピソード、及びバレンタインはall about self-loveということでhappy valtentines day to MEという感じで今日はtalkしていきます!
Do we feel Japanese or not so Japanese here in Tokyo? Hannah is half Japanese half Dutch while being raised in England with family members all over the globe. Yuna grew up in England and the Netherlands, went to school in the US and worked in Sri Lanka but blood wise completely Japanese. Today we wanted to share what it’s like to be Japanese but also not so Japanese , living in Tokyo.
すでにご存知の方も多いと思いますが、このポッドキャストをお送りしているユナとハナは、日本のバックグラウンドをもちながらも、イギリス、オランダ、アメリカなど多岐にわたるアイデンティティももちあわせています。そんなことからも、東京で生活していく中で、アジア人であることを感じる瞬間や逆にアジア人として受け入れられていない、GAIJINと感じる瞬間についてお話します。 -
REAL TALK about freezing eggs (in Japan, where not much is provided for single women), the pain(both emotional and physical), the loneliness, all that stressful reality that we’re facing. ALL ENGLISH for this ep.!
今週は、卵子凍結、迫る体内時計のリミット、孤独との戦い、現実的なアレコレ。実はライブ配信で先日話したものになるので、 @yuna_maekawa のアカウントにもアーカイブがあります!今回は英語のみになります🎙
今日は栄養について!Today we will be talking about NUTRITIONS! We’ve talked about are relationship with food in episode 12, so we’re gonna dig a bit deeper and talk about whether we use supplements or not and other detailed things about nutrition. 食事との付き合い方は以前お話しましたが、具体的にどういった栄養素にこだわっているか、サプリ的なものをを使ってるか、もしくは使わないか(なんで?)をgirls talkします!YUNAはフィットネスオタクで、そういった面でも栄養へのこだわりはある...かも?HANNAHは化学専攻の料理好きなので、色々詳しい話がある...かも?
SEX EDUCATION. 今日は性教育について。
We talked about what our sex education was like growing up and how we feel about sex education in Japan, compared to other countries.
Have you watched the show "Naked Attraction"? Did you know that the sexual scenes in Japanese media is soooooo limited? How do we even learn and handle things when the real deal happens?
Today’s topic is….Periods and PMS! That time of the month agh.
How do you all feel before or during your period? Crappy? Sad? Bloated?
And do you use Cloth napkins or cups or regular tampons or sanitary shorts?
今日は私達の生理事情をgirls talkします!
今回は「容姿とファッション」について。 私たちは生きていく中で、容姿は変化していくものです。 身長が伸びたり、体重が増えたりへったり、筋肉質になったり、筋肉が落ちたり、肌が焼けたり、見えるところに怪我を負ったり。 みなさんは、そういった容姿の変化とともに、選ぶお洋服も変わっていきますか?それは、自分に自信がついたから好きな服を着る様になったのか、それとも何かを隠したいと思って思い通りにファッションを楽しめていなかったりしませんか? 私は昔はノースリにショーパンで露出をたくさんしていましたが、15kg近く体重が増えてからは年々それはしなくなり、昨年からようやくまたショートパンツを意識的に履いてリハビリしています!
Today we will be talking about “Fashion and our relationships with our body/appearance”. All of us go through changes in appearance through our life, some grow really tall, some gain weight while others lose weight, some become muscular while others become tanned and maybe some of you might have gotten an injury/scar in a revealing place. When your appearance changes, do you also change the way you dress? Is that in a positive way where you got more confident and was able to dress any way you wanted? Or is it in a way where you wanted to start hiding some parts of your body and couldn’t really dress freely? I used to wear really short skirts and tank tops when I was in my early twenties, but after gaining 15kgs, I started to stop doing that (even though I liked that kind of fashion) and started to hide all parts of my body and fashion was based more on hiding then expressing. Since last year, I started to intentionally wear shorts again and im still currently in the rehabilitation process!!
Today we will be talking about MISTAKES. Not FAILURE, but MISTAKES, because we think mistakes are also an important part of the process to success.In this podcast, Hannah and I have talked about multiple topics with transparency, such as how we started our own business, how we set goals, and are relationship with our body and mind and so on.Today, we will especially focus on allllll our mistakes in life. IF you’re having a bad day with some kind of mistake, this episode might cheer you up, you’re not alone!!
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