
  • Enough with the boomer vs zoomer discussion. It’s time to be open-minded and accept that, in business, ANYONE can be a successful, at any given age.

    In this episode of the Young Achievers Podcast, Caiden talks to Joe Valente from The Apprentice UK. He focuses his discussion on how exposure helped him achieve his goals, and also how exposure is an advantage that every young achiever should know about. Some of the topics discussed today were the pros and cons of social media, principles of the law of attraction, and the importance of support group.


    If there’s one thing that The Apprentice UK did for Joe’s success, it’s exposure. He wished he knew better before. Then, everything in his life could’ve happened early. He may have achieved goals earlier, and maybe would have even retired earlier.Social media helps you in exposure. But you’ll have to check first if it’s really for you. If your demographics comprise of old people (who aren’t mostly on the social med platforms), then you should consider another marketing strategy. For Joe, who also offers online classes, social media is a great strategy, since he needs to reach out to the keen learners and techy students.4 Principles in Law of Attraction that could help you build an unstoppable mindset.Know what you want.Convince yourself the future is yours.Speak it.Believe it.The people around you greatly influence your thinking, your behaviour, your success…everything, really. It’s important to be discerning when it comes to those who you let in your life. Some are there to see you be happy, some just want to see you burn to the ground, and some, sadly, aren’t meant to stay for the rest of our lives because they don’t fit in right anymore.Always know your edge over your competitors. Most young people are knowledgeable about innovations and technology. You can use that at your advantage. But you have to prove that you really are what you say. Build your credibility.


    “A lot of people are making noise, but not a lot of people are making sense.”“Don’t get caught in the BS; don’t get caught into other people’s drama.”“Being successful is results-based. If you can continue to achieve, then that’s what success means.”“Mindset is about having focus and having a purpose.”“No one is coming to save you… If you really want something in this life, it’s down to you to get it.”


    Know more about The Apprentice UK: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0071b63Read Jim Rohn’s Seasons of Life on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Seasons-Life-Jim-Rohn/dp/0939490005Young Achievers Podcast


    Valente founded ImpraGas in 2012 when he was just 22 years old. The company's initial focus is simply on installing new, energy-efficient boilers for its customers' homes. The company also provides smart home installations in partnership with Nest. Valente was also the winner of The Apprentice UK in 2015.

    Source: https://www.forbes.com/profile/joseph-valente/#429a4bcc7472

    Follow him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrJosephValente/


    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.


      Caiden Santineer Instagram  Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel  Caiden Santineer - Twitter

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • In this episode of The Young Achievers Podcast, Caiden once again looks over his take-aways from ‘The Seasons of Life’ by Jim Rohn. Caiden analyses how we can analyse life to make the most out of the obstacles that can present themselves. In order to be successful we must remain positive to overcome our obstacles, taking out setbacks in our stride and evolving our circumstances to enrich our opportunities. Putting in effort to change your mindset can create a resistance to negativity and help you embrace challenge! The path to success isn’t supposed to be easy!



    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • In this episode of the Young Achievers podcast, Caiden Sanitneer gives us his main take-aways from his most recent read, ‘Seasons of Life’ by Jim Rohn.

    ‘ The thoughts we think are who we are, everything we’ve experienced has an effect on us, so who we are and what we have, has been brought upon ourselves by us.’

    Caiden explores how we can fine tune our lives to create a prosperous environment. Changing elements of our lives to create a more productive and successful future. Caiden explains why we should learn from the past but stay focused on the future and why we should eliminate our bad habits.

    Learn the difference between those who are toxic and those who are supportive, distance yourself from any friends that don’t nurture your success. Caiden gives advice on how to choose your friends to create a positive support network.



    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • In this episode of The Young Achievers Podcast, Caiden goes over his takeaways from ‘The Seasons of Life’ by Jim Rohn. He discusses why we should never expect others to change and why we should focus more on self-development, why we should calculate our self-worth and give ourselves higher goals!

    Everyone on this planet has great potential, it is your job to see it! YOU are in control of your actions and you cannot pass the blame onto to extraneous factors. Caiden lays down some harsh truths about why we may be failing in life and how we can pick ourselves up and find wealth, happiness and fulfilment through hard work and graft. There is no easy way to get to the top!



    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.



    Caiden Santineer Instagram

    Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel

    Caiden Santineer - Twitter


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Caiden interviews Jake Davey Founder of Instagalactic, business coach, mentor and public speaker. Jake specialises in the Instagram space and shows people how to move their business online and how they can start and find more customers using Instagram.

    He began his professional career as an educator but has been able to reach a global audience, influencing and impact on a whole new level through his work helping business owners and entrepreneurs become the go-to authority in their niche on Instagram.

    Hear about his journey and how he has created a business that means he can work from anywhere and have a global impact.



    It’s about becoming an expert in one specific area, developing in-depth knowledge and expertise and there is still a huge amount of opportunity on Instagram.The advantage of online business is that you can set up a lot of things very quickly, within a few hours, if you know the system. this allows you to know very quickly if an idea works.If you test it and it gets a good response you can move forward investing more and advertising to generate further business.In business, you have to be prepared for things to go wrong and be prepared to fail, learning from the mistakes and moving forward towards success.When you are building an online business building an email database is key, even if you lose your platform your database is the way your business can continue.You must always be honest, open and have integrity.You must run your business the right way -  treating others as you would want to be treated.More and more companies are going to move online so the importance and cost of advertising can only rise.By 2021 the prediction is that everything online will be video and if companies are not producing video content then they are going to get left behind.There are a lot of people who don’t understand the potential or how to build your brand and get yourself more seen across social media.To increase your visibility;Run adverts on most platforms to raise brand awareness using video - if people are seeing you more often they are going to like and follow you.Contact bigger accounts and ask for shout outs and promotionsUse engagement groups and comment pods - these are a great way of getting lots of people to comment and like your post at the same time, the Instagram algorithm recognises this and gives more visibility to your content and posts.



    ‘When I’m realised I could work from anywhere and have a global impact I started attending training right away’

    ‘Failure is on the road to success; you have to make mistakes and fail in order to achieve success’

    ‘When I was young I was concerned about how others perceived my success now I understand that success can be different for each individual’



    Young Achievers Podcast

    Jake Davey website



    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.



    Caiden Santineer Instagram

    Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel

    Caiden Santineer - Twitter


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • This is part 2 of Exploring ‘Why’ and Caiden continues to discuss how he is moving forward as a young entrepreneur.

    The focus of this episode is how technology can be used to facilitate business and develop self-education.

    Technology can break down the barriers for young entrepreneurs because if you are getting the job done and doing it well then your age shouldn’t be important.

    The social media space is a second home for the majority of teenagers so running a business as a young entrepreneur has many positives but this has to be balanced with interaction with real people it is a continual learning process for everyone involved.



    They’ve helped me a lot with the different things I’ve done I couldn’t have done what I’ve done with anyone elseThe challenge is how to keep young people involved as they move forward.The challenge is once they’ve been ‘Ultraed’ how do they keep in contact with everyone.Could technology play a role in keeping those connections?The struggle as entrepreneurs is achieving a balance between their educational commitments and developing as entrepreneursThe business App will allow young entrepreneurs to connect and network globally without interrupting their studies.My business is built around social media so this is the technology I use on a continuous basis.Technology allows me to connect with anyone I want to whenever I want to.The advent of social media has enabled more interaction between generations people don’t know how old you are.If you can get the job done and do it well it, your age doesn’t matter.The barriers can be broken down because of social media.I have both personal and business devices.I research trends and products using technology.Developing my business is key so I’m particularly interested in self-education that will contribute towards my entrepreneurial journey.



    ‘It’s not about your age it’s about your following and credibility’

    ‘Social media has helped people to connect with big influencers from older generations’

    Lots of school homework is set online’

    ‘He is a strong-willed person but he is getting to an age where he has to be responsible for himself’



    Young Achievers Podcast



    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  



      Caiden Santineer Instagram  Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel  Caiden Santineer - Twitter


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • ‘They are always passionate about what you are passionate about’

    In this episode, Caiden discusses his journey with Ultra and the role they have played in the development of his multiple businesses.

    He has been involved with them for several ways and attended numerous events so is able to offer a great perspective on what has worked for him and why.

    Listen in and find out what this young entrepreneur thinks in this inspiring episode.



    First impressions It took time for me to get involved but now I’m able to take advice when and where I need itUltra provided an opportunity to meet and discuss our businesses with an international brand consultant.A live streaming event by Ultra provided a great opportunity for networking and the opportunity to see what the next level of Ultra looks like. What you could aspire toTakeawaysIf you want to be successful you need to be determined and understand when you want to achieve it by.Having goals are vital if you want to achieve your vision and get where you want to be.Having the right mindset is vital.Early on with Ultra, I spent the weekly sessions working on what my passion was and how I could develop my business idea.I was able to build my social media presence and brand in preparation for the launch of my business.The strength of Ultra lays very much in their child and person led approachThe students have complete ownership and its inspiring for them.They are good at extracting the lessons from one experience and exploring how it can be used moving forward to the next business.They are always passionate about what you are passionate about.



    ‘We wanted Caiden to have every opportunity and junior entrepreneurship was a great way to further his entrepreneurial journey’

    ‘It was very useful to me working 1 on 1 because he was working only with me and focusing on my business’



    Young Achievers Podcast



    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  


    Caiden Santineer InstagramCaiden Santineer - YouTube ChannelCaiden Santineer - Twitter


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Grow your fan following and knowledge by collaborating with other people. 

    There are several different ways to collaborate with other people, one of which is doing a joint venture with someone else. Joint ventures are also known as 'JV's. These JV's are usually where both partners work together and put their fair share of money and knowledge into a project which they both benefit from.

    Another way to collaborate is where a business will pay you money for you to advertise their brand to your following/supporters. This could be, for example, in the form of a shout out. This form of collaboration is also known as sponsorship.

    Affiliate schemes could be another way to collaborate with businesses. This is where you sell their product for them and gain a commission from the sales you make. This could be beneficial to you if you're the affiliate or the business because both parties will gain money from this type of collaboration.


    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  


    Caiden Santineer InstagramCaiden Santineer - YouTube ChannelCaiden Santineer - Twitter

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Welcome to the Young Achievers Podcast! In this episode, your host Caiden Santineer discusses e-commerce and how to earn money (actively and passively!)

    Whilst it does require lots of groundwork, it pays back with minimal effort once you get it all set up! 

    Caiden discusses how you can sell a whole multitude of items; you can sell a smaller niche of products but also sell a large variety. This is also known as arbitrage, which Caiden will discuss in detail in another episode so make sure you’re subscribed for more content. Any online retailer or business is an e-commerce business in its own way. Many well known and larger brands have moved from high street to online, becoming e-commerce retailers in the process. 

    Listen to the episode in full to hear more and let Caiden discuss at length the advantages involved by utilising this passive income stream.


    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  


    Caiden Santineer InstagramCaiden Santineer - YouTube ChannelCaiden Santineer - Twitter



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Be Unique to yourself; Be your Unique Selling Point!

    On this episode of the Young Achievers Podcast, your host Caiden discusses U.S.P's and their importance to your Brand!


    Your U.S.P. is one of the most important things you can have; It is one of the most important character traits in any industry you are a part ofCaiden equates it to a singer/rappers identifiably unique tone& style, with which they stand out against the crowd and connect with their intended audience (which equals more reach!)The biggest identifier of a successful brand is having a U.S.P. If you are a motivational speaker or podcast host, your U.S.P. is YOU!Be you; not for others, but to stay consistent. Don't chop& change who you are for your audience, it is harder to 'play' the role of someone else and easier to be honest; to be yourself.


    "You are your U.S.P."

    "Some people will just dislike you"

    "No one will be liked by everyone; not a single person on earth"

    "It is hard to come to this realisation, but once you do it will change your life!"


    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  


    Caiden Santineer InstagramCaiden Santineer - YouTube ChannelCaiden Santineer - Twitter

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Today on the Young Achievers Podcast, Caiden talks about the third-third-third rule. Ever heard of it yet?

    If you haven’t, discover why this is the best budgeting rule that you’ll need in your life! This tool can quickly help you on how to manage your finances.  You just have to remember the 3 key pieces of this rule: savings, self-investment, and wants. Caiden cannot emphasise more on how important it is to invest in yourself. You have to target to improve every day, so you continue doing what you love doing (i.e. growing your business.)


    The third-third-third rule is an excellent tool on how to manage your money and this how you break down your money when it comes in:1/3 of it goes to savings1/3 of it goes to self-investments1/3 of it goes to expendituresInvest in yourself by taking classes, listening to podcasts, going to the gym or getting a life coach. Through these, you improve your skillset, grow your knowledge, and nurture your soul.Always have savings. In everything that you do, there will be risks. Remember that there are two sides to a coin. You can either get your desired outcome or not.Treat yourself! Get a relaxing massage. Hang out with your friends. Sometimes, you have to take time off from the hustle to get your mind and body re-energized.


    “You may not think that investing in yourself is a good thing, but trust me, it’s one of the best things.”“There is pretty much a course out there for every single thing in the planet.”“Savings is very important since you can’t ever rely on the money that is coming in.”


    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  


    Caiden Santineer InstagramCaiden Santineer - YouTube ChannelCaiden Santineer - Twitter

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Instagram; How can you use it for your Business? Why should you use it for your Business?

    In todays episode, your host Caiden Santineer outlines the importance of using social media and, specifically, the How, What & Why? of using Instagram for marketing! Caiden goes into detail on specific methods, metrics/analytics and tools within the platform and exactly what to do to utilise this to promote and grow your business!

    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.   

    Caiden Santineer Instagram
    Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel
    Caiden Santineer - Twitter

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Welcome to another episode of The Young Achievers Podcast, on this episode,  your host Caiden Santineer interviews inspiring 11-year-old, Vanessa.

    Vanessa is an inspirational speaker, YouTuber, entrepreneur, child’s presenter and published author. Learn Vanessa’s tips to success, how she is fulfilling her passion for helping others, plus discover more about her journey as a Young Achiever.

    Vanessa describes her passion for helping others and her love for public speaking. She explains how public speaking has given her great confidence and why it's important to be organised and to create a routine in order to be successful. Finally, Vanessa and Caiden discuss the benefits of networking and connecting with others, that's how you can grow your online channels.


    Doing and helping people was completely ideal for me. I would get in trouble for talking too much at school, so public speaking and talking has become a passion of mine.Once your network, people will start to contact you. You can't get anywhere without talking to people and networking, that's how you grow your channelsThe best thing about Youtube for me is you don't see that many young entrepreneurs creating inspirational content.


    Caiden: Who is the best person that you've met and why?

    Vanessa: The best advice I've been given is that 80% of people will not support you or understand what you do, but the 20% who do,  will make you famous, make you happy and support you throughout your whole entire journey. This is something that took me a long time to understand, but now I realise that if you keep going you grow.


    Caiden: What does Young Achievers mean to you?

    Vanessa: Young achievers helps young entrepreneurs get noticed, you don't need to wait until you're an adult to start a job. Children have huge potential and can be a great inspiration



    “Children might have more potential than adults have in their entire life.""What you're doing with the Young Achievers podcast is inspirational and can help children everywhere."“Show people the meaning of something and you can impact people in a more meaningful way.” 



    Vanessa's book of quotes - Inspirational quotes on the go.

    The five secrets to public speaking success - five chapters of public speaking secrets.


    [email protected]



    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high net-worth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  



    Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel


    Caiden Santineer - Twitter


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Welcome to another episode of the The Young Achievers Podcast

    On this episode of the Young Achievers Podcast Caiden Santineer interviews personal mentor and founder of ‘Ultra Education’ Julian Hall.

    ‘Ultra Education’ teaches entrepreneurship to young people from the ages of 7-18 years old and aims to be the leading brand and #1 provider of entrepreneur education in the world.

    Caiden and Julian discuss why having a great attitude in business is extremely important and how you too can how to have the confidence to take the opportunities that come your way.


    Caiden - What is your favourite part of being able to teach and spread your message to as many people as you can?Julian - I guess it’s the impact Ultra is having on the lives of others around us, it’s also helped me to grow personally as an entrepreneur.Caiden - What’s the difference between an ‘Ultrapreneur’ and an entrepreneur?Julian - Great question, entrepreneurs are usually associated with people that make money, ‘Ultra’ is derived from the latin word ‘beyond’ Ultrapreneurs go beyond making money and think about environment, think about their community and really are the new wave on entrepreneurs.Caiden - Your called the serial entrepreneur why is that?Julian - For the last 25 years, I’ve ran lots of businesses, some of which I’ve been good at but not passionate about and some which I’ve been passionate about and not good at. Ultra Education is a project that not only needs a lot of work but if filled with amazing teachers and students so it’s certainly something that will stick around.Caiden - When Ultra was founded what was your goal?Julian - We are just scratching the surface, it may take another 5 or 10 years to go global. I want Ultra to be a brand as big as Apple or Coca-Cola.Caiden - What is your biggest goal?Julian - My biggest goal in business is to help hundreds of millions of children have access to entrepreneurial education, my life goal is simply to be as happy as I can.Caiden - What does Young Achievers been to you?Julian - It means you don’t need to be an adult to achieve, you don’t have to be an adult to do something that you love, something that’s impactful you can do it now. It’s really about giving young people time and space to exercise their abilities. The future will be run by young people it’s our responsibility to give them the tools to be successful, to run the world.Caiden - What do you do to give back?Julian - We do lots of free workshops andCaiden - What's the most important thing in business for you?Julian - It’s about being exciting about what your doing, to stay motivated and improved the product or service you’re selling and having an unwavering belief in yourself in order to succeed.Caiden - Who is your idol?Julian - My mum, she has always supported me and really put in the work in order to give me the life that I live today.


    “Ultrapreneurs go beyond making money and think about environment, think about their community and really are the new wave on entrepreneurs.”

    “We are just scratching the surface, it may take another 5 or 10 years to go global. I want Ultra to be a brand as big as Apple or Coca-Cola.”

    “Young Achievers means you don’t need to be an adult to achieve, you don’t have to be an adult to do something that you love, something that’s impactful you can do it now.”



    [email protected]


    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high networth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  


    Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel


    Caiden Santineer - Twitter


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Welcome to another episode of the The Young Achievers Podcast

    On this episode of the Young Achievers Podcast Caiden Santineer interviews Henry Patterson, the founder of the ‘Young & Mighty Foundation’ and owner of British children’s lifestyle and gift brand ‘Not Before Tea’. 

    Caiden discusses Henry’s new book ‘Young & Mighty’ a book that helps you start and grow your business, overcome problems when running your business, quick and easy ways to make money, how to fundraise, branding, marketing and business basics and interviews with celebrities.


    Caiden - What was your favorite part about writing the book Young & Mighty?Henry - Interviewing the celebrities, we interviewed 15 different celebrities and they gave us some fantastic information.

    Caiden - What was it like saying you’re an author for the first time?Henry - It was a surreal feeling, because the book was in planning for so long, but it was a crazy feeling, in truth it’s was a group effort.Caiden - Is the book aimed at a younger or older audience?Henry - You could be aged 8 or 800, it’s a book you can pick up anywhere and pick out something of value.Caiden - Where did the idea for your foundation Young & Mighty come from?Henry - I started to get lots of letters from young people wanting to start a business, so that’s where the book came from, although I also wanted to do something a bit more personal, so I created a website with downloadable content and online courses, such as the ‘Idea into a thing’ course and the ‘build a business course’ to help you both start and grow businesses.Caiden - What is the best part about having a foundation that helps other people?Henry - The best part is helping other people, I’m trying to give back to others.Caiden - Can you give us some more information on your other venture ‘Not Before Tea?’Henry - ‘Not Before tea’ is a children’s brand that sells merchandise from a book I wrote when I was 10, although I’m focusing more of my time on ‘Young & Mighty.Caiden - Where did the phrase ‘Young & Mighty’ come from?Henry - I really wanted something that is specifically for young people, and that isn’t patronising.Caiden - What does the phrase Young Achievers mean to you?Henry - Young Achievers means success isn’t just for adults, young people are independent and successful in their own right.


    “Your business always needs to give back, and you always need to give back” Sir Richard Branson“Your business has got to speak and breath, through you”“In business just be yourself, don’t listen to people telling you how to dress or act, there is no stereotypical business person.“


    Young & Mighty Foundations - https://www.youngmighty.com/
    Young & Mighty book - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Young-Mighty-Henry-Patterson/dp/085719657X

    Not Before Tea - https://www.notbeforetea.co.uk/
    Twitter - @henryjpatterson

    Twitter - @youngmightyhq


    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high networth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  


    Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel


    Caiden Santineer - Twitter


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Welcome to another episode of the The Young Achievers Podcast

    On this episode of the Young Achievers Podcast Caiden Santineer discusses how to deal with the haters. The implication of social media and why it gives people the excuse to be rude and hateful. Everyone has haters in some shape or form and it’s the way you deal with them that’s important.

    None of us really like the idea that people aren't going to like what we do, who we are and what we say, and be criticised. So, how do you deal with haters? How do you silence them? We can either be bitter or be better. Caiden touches on the lessons learnt from the haters, why it’s not really about you and why you have to embrace the hate to grow.


    People who live their life daily all attract haters, it’s how you deal with them that’s important.None of us want to be criticized or like the idea of people not liking what we do, who we are or what we say! But there’s not need to fear the haters, if you fear them they’ve won!There’s no point growing a thicker skin, hurt is hurtful and pain is painful. Learn a lesson from the experience.


    “The best way to silence to haters is to do more of what they hate”

    “Don’t apologise for being the best version of you” 

    “They’re just craving a reaction, so don’t play that game”

    “Hate has nothing to do about you but a reflection of themselves”


    Caiden Santineer - YouTube Channel

    Caiden Santineer - Twitter


    Caiden Santineer is an inspiring young entrepreneur, sharing ideas and experiences to help you achieve your goals and dreams, however young you are. Caiden Santineer is an Author and YouTuber interviewing high networth individuals and business owners bringing you their tips to success.  

    Music by Dewolf  http://www.dewolfemusic.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there”. So, in this episode, Caiden shares on some tips in pushing beyond the comfort boundaries, to take risks and embrace uncertainty in a healthy way so as to achieve your dreams and advance towards success in every aspect of your life.

    Music by Dewolf  http://www.dewolfemusic.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Do you want to break the mould and do something with your life? Whether you already have a business or are just starting out, or you just want to make a difference, then this podcast will be a resource and benefit for you in whatever you're doing. This introductory episode explores the story behind the podcast and gives you a taste of the upcoming topics including business, mind-set, mentors, challenges and results which will be covered in future episodes.

    Music by Dewolf  http://www.dewolfemusic.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • In this episode Caiden discusses finding your passion, harnessing the power of the internet, setting goals, procastination and dealing with failure and success.

    Music by Dewolf  http://www.dewolfemusic.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.