
  • What if making someone laugh was a way to show love?

    Today I want to introduce you to Brandon, Brandon is one of those people that will probably make you laugh, but what I learned after spending two weeks working alongside and traveling through Iceland with him is that, there’s a lot behind that desire to put a smile on someone’s face

    We chat about what it means to face fear, to stare it in the face and yell out to it, how life changed for him after those moments, and how experiencing those moments for the first time allowed him to see himself

    He shares what it means to him to be a strong hearted and creative human, why he values honesty and loyalty above all else, and what it means when the effort he puts in for others is reciprocated with integrity

    We chat about what it would mean to him to travel with his parents and not living in yesterday is something he chooses to be reminded of daily

    Brandon is one of those people that will do what he can to create a space for others to grow, get along, and ultimately I believe has a heart to bring joy to another; be it by listening, making them laugh, or doing what he can to show up for a friend

    So tune in today and meet Brandon, someone I think so many of us can feel seen in, be reminded to keep going, and ultimately see a bit of ourselves in

    And to you Brandon thank you, thank you for being you, becoming a friend, for your countless help and talent in working alongside you during this project, for your sincerity and sub par driving (jk). I really am so glad I get to know you and looking forward to next time

  • What would someone say about you after only knowing you for 5 minutes?

    Today I want to introduce you to Bjarni, I’m here in Iceland and many of the places we have stayed have been small fishing villages, but our stop in Dalvik was different.

    From the moment I met Bjarni I knew he was one I wanted to sit down with and learn more about; from the way he was so quick to treat us all like friends, share a coffee, and his towns history with us, I’m so honored to be able to share more of this truly lovely human with you all

    We chat about what it’s like living in and doing what he can alongside his wife to preserve the history and culture of his hometown, how he looks forward and is aspiring to become a full time grandfather, and the fear of outliving another of his children.

    He shares why he believes the way we view difficulties in life is a choice, how some heartbreaking and trying moments have impacted that view, and the reality of what real problems are in the world

    We chat about the impact of war and climate change, and how when something is detached from our personal experience we can often struggle to empathize or take action towards righting such wrongs

    Bjarni is one that offers a gentle and yet confident reminder that life is a gift, that sharing space and time with others in this life is of immense value, and that we always have something to give to another

    So tune in today and meet Bjarni a man that will walk around in shorts and a t shirt when everyone else is in a winter coat, and I think that is not unlike his heart; that maybe when so many of us are closed, needing more, or afraid to let the world see us, Bjarni is filled with the joy of what each day has and is giving him, he is one that will sit with you, share what he knows, and in what I found to be the most precious of all, allows others to know him and feel welcomed around him

    And to you Bjarni thank you, thank you for your hospitality, for the ease in which you show up in the world, for the time you shared in allowing me to hear your story. You are a man filled with integrity, one that is easy to trust and one that is deserving of such trust. I’m so grateful our travels brought us to Dalvik and for the joy in sharing a cup of coffee with you.

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  • Have you ever expected someone else to “have it all together?” As if being in a certain stage of life made them less eligible to be “human.”

    Today I want to introduce you to Caoilfhionn, Caoilfhionn is one of those people that you meet and instantly makes you feel as though just being around her will somehow make you more joyful and confident yourself. She is one that I’ve known to have an infectious character, the kind that lifts the standard, and honestly, the entire vibe of whoever is around her.

    I had the pleasure of meeting this gem a human a few years ago, and every time I see her it only reinforces what I know to be true; she is passionate, caring, so so much fun to be around, and above all, I’ve seen her make myself and others feel seen.

    We chat about what life is like for her as one often able to make others laugh, how at the same time she is stepping more and more into letting those close to her know her more, and what it means to hold space for our parents and the reality that they are allowed to be human too.

    She shares why “saying yes and figuring it out after” has been something that has served her well in her business, and why taking time for herself and holding space for what, “sets her a light” has been something she is pressing into more

    We chat about what it looks like to let go of pleasing others, what it feels like to have your mind in more than one place at a time, and what it means to “pebble” love in the lives of those close to you

    Caoilfhionn is one that has lived through dark times, she is one that brings an undeniable light with her wherever she goes, and she is one that I admire and hold in the highest regard

    So tune in today and meet Caoilfhionn, someone that I am confident you will learn from, see parts of your own journey in, and be reminded that being human is so ok but doesn’t for a minute mean you can’t accomplish every last one of your dreams

    And to you Caoilfhionn thank you, thank you for taking the time to share such an intentional chat, for sharing your heart, your light, and your love with me. Thank you for the way you have confidently stepped into every space I’ve seen you in and how in doing so you remind me to do the same. You are a walking, living, breathing work of art, and the world is lucky to see and be impacted by your heart as it is displayed in your work ,wherever and however you continue to share it.

  • What if the only impact you had on the world was the work you leave behind; not your name, not fame, just simply the impact of what you chose to do?

    Today I want to introduce you to William, William is one of those people you meet that from a distance could feel like you might not be cool enough to hang with; but oh man! Get within 5 feet of him and you will find a human bursting with creativity, joy in the form of one who can give and take a joke, and warmth that is felt when you step into his presence

    William is one that finds joy in supporting and showing up for his friends, one that quite literally is the life of the party, as possibly one of, if not the best DJ around, and one that is able to be present in a comfortable silence

    We chat about what life and his projects look like, from DJ’ing events, to the impact his watch brand is having on children in Africa

    He shares how he used to struggle with acceptance and wanting to fit in, but now being able to let his best qualities out, without needing any of them to stand on their own, define, or externally validate who he is

    We chat about not just what his Ted talk “would be” but what it actually was about and how finding purpose in the pain we experience may be a way we can change the world

    William is not just one that I could talk to, laugh with, or dance to his music for hours, but he is one that I have seen first hand the way he is present with those around him, how he will show up and make the effort to show love, and one that I really am honored to call a friend

    So tune in today and meet William, Dr. William Adoasi a man reminding us all to be proud of our continued existence, to still dream, to not let your heart betray the joy and purpose that this life can hold

    And to you William thank you, thank you for sharing your time, your sarcasm, your wisdom and your journey in such a way as to allow me to not only know you more, but for granting me the honor of sharing a bit of that journey with others. You are one who is intentionally leaving humanity better than you found it and this world is a better place with you in it.

    Follow along with William HERE

  • Have you ever heard that “the measure of someone’s character is how they treat those who have nothing to offer them” well what would it look like to be that person? Have you ever experienced being treated poorly or with greater esteem because someone wanted something from you or because you didn’t have anything to offer them?

    Today I want to introduce you to Ali, I have known Ali for 4 years now and from the first time I wandered into his shop until now I have not only experienced this but also witnessed how he genuinely treats every person that comes through his door with the same value.

    In his own words, “my goal is that people would go out of my shop with happiness

    I simply wonder what a world would look like if we all approached each day, “wishing people left time with us happier?”

    This is a conversation I know has impacted me and one I’m excited and honored to share with you all

    Ali shares with me why he is someone who loves humans, why he has taken the time to learn different languages to connect better with others, and why being a good father and a good husband is what he is most proud of

    We chat about his soccer teams recent win, how Turks are not Arabs, what it would be like to live in a world without war, and how the most difficult thing he’s done is something I am sure I will never accomplish

    He shares how his time living in the United States changed him and the way he does business, why he doesn’t negotiate but instead deeply values running his shop with integrity and genuine connection

    I have been back to Cappadocia 5 times now and visiting Ali, sitting over a tea or a beer, hearing how life is, is one of the things that makes this place so special

    Ali is one that will greet you with a smile, one that shares practically what it looks like in his life to show others they hold value, and one that I know is worth learning more about

    So tune in today and meet Ali, and I hope if it inspires you to visit Cappadocia, make sure you go tell him I say hi

    And to you Ali thank you, thank you for sharing your time over the years, for the honor of getting to call you a friend, for the way you have cared for everyone I have brought into your shop, for the genuine and warmth that you have always welcomed me with, and your sparkling personality. You are a fabulous human choosing to leave people better than you found them and I’m grateful to know you

  • Today I want to introduce you to Lita, a woman who has defined and found purpose in what it means to pursue ones passion, to allow tradition to live fully and for change and growth to live hand in hand with the impact she is making on humanity. To be a woman means to be a leader. what is your. mission on this earth?

    watch the full story on YouTube here https://youtu.be/M8tcohpcwgs?si=oI7vb2UttYfaQxUO

  • Do you have a friend you can call that always comes through?

    Today I want to introduce you to Angela, I met Angela at JFK and from the way she interacted with her son, me, and everyone else’s around, I knew she was someone I wanted to get to know. So a few weeks later we met up in Brooklyn and had one of my favorite chats

    We talked about everything from what it means to be there for your friends and chosen family, to what food is getting served at her funeral and why

    She shares why the thing that brings her joy is also what her husband fears might kill her someday, how the pandemic made her re evaluate her life and the realness of the brevity of life overall, and her hope that she doesn’t raise a bad kid

    She shares how in her culture “yelling and nagging” come from a place of love and care, how she wishes for change when it comes to our political situation here in the states, and why as an ER Doctor it matters to talk about what you want the end of your life to look like

    Angela shared with me how she believes everyone is just a friend waiting to be met, and I couldn’t agree more or be more grateful that she became just that

    Angela is one that reminds you instantly to smile, that she sincerely cares to help in any way she can, and that she isn’t afraid ti be human in all that it entails

    So tune in today and meet this amazing human, someone who sees people so often on their worst days and yet holds firmly that people are good

    And to you Angela thank you, thank you for the reminder that people like you exist, for the way you so intentionally and genuinely choose to believe that someone’s best might not be who we meet them as, for the way you are intentionally impacting those that get to know you by showing up for them, for the time you so graciously shared with me, and for the honor of getting to share a part of your story with others. You are a remarkable human and I’m so grateful I get to know you.

  • Have you ever been reduced to a label someone else gave you?

    Today I want to introduce you to Michael, Michael and I met back in December by the pool in Tahiti, I was ending a trip and he was just beginning what would be a 6 month adventure he had planned a couple years for. We chatted briefly and stayed in touch, I got to see his adventures and as he made his way back to New York we met up again and had a chat

    He shared how his experience traveling changed him, for the time traveling with someone and the time traveling alone, how laughter and contentment aren’t always the same but how he witnessed and took part in them as he went from place to place

    He shared in one of the most honest and sincere ways the difference between how he feels about joy and yet what he wants more of in his life, how relationships and people are at the core of what it all comes back to, and how taking positive feedback is a thing we can learn to be ok with

    We chat about one of the scariest moments on his trip as he fell sick in the worlds largest cave and how day three in the cave and making his way out became such a valuable lesson, I think for all of us in tough times

    Michael is one of those people that you meet and you feel as though when he asks how your day is, he means it, like when he smiles at you it is genuine, and like when you get to spend time with him he values you.

    I believe people like Michael are the ones we need to make sure we all have in our lives, the kind that plan, but don’t, in his words “defer their dreams” the kind that do big things but aren’t afraid of making small impactful changes in the world, and the kind that truly do make humanity better

    So tune in today and meet Michael, a human that will remind you to accept a compliment, to let your dreams evolve, to be you, and to be there for those you love

    And to you Michael thank you, thank you for saying hello back in December, thank you for sharing your adventures, your journey, and your time with me, and thank you most of all for being someone who values connection and was willing to make a new friend

  • What if you weren’t what people expected you to be?

    Today I want to introduce you to Daniel, Daniel is someone that at first glance you notice a tall strong man, maybe one that you can’t read right away, maybe you even have an idea of what he is like

    I want to invite you to listen to this, to listen to Daniel as he shares life and how it has impacted him

    Speaking to Daniel gave me in so many ways, permission to slow down, to be present myself, to not rush through something but to listen in whatever time passed

    Daniel is one of the most genuine and gentle souls I’ve ever met, someone that sees intentionally and values deeply not just human life as a whole; but in what you will hear, human life in a single soul

    There are people I meet from time to time that remind me to simply be in a single moment, not just to “not worry and focus on the present” but to truly, in that conversation, be fully present

    We chat about his journey as he is biking across Italy, about working in healthcare with a post war generation, about what is said at the end of life and what is not

    He shares why saying goodbye well, and giving a heartfelt thank you can be the difference of valuing someone, seeing someone, and giving them peace as life comes to an end

    Daniel has this presence about him, not overbearing, not timid, but present; and in a way I am truly grateful for, he gave me space to do the same

    So tune in today and meet Daniel, hear what has excited him, and even what chased him while on his bike in Tuscany, learn what life has taught him, and if you will, allow it to impact you as it has for me

    And to you Daniel thank you, thank you for seeing me and valuing this conversation, for the heart in which you are so intentionally impacting humanity, for your sincerity and trust in allowing me to share a part of you with others in this conversation. You are a beautiful human and it is an honor to know you

  • What does it feel like when someone speaks well of you?

    Today I want to introduce you to Liliana, Liliana is this beautiful free spirited human, one that defines well with her actions what it is to respect another and be willing to ask or give space for the why behind who someone is

    Liliana and I got to spend some time together in Palermo, and in addition to those times being filled with laughter and good wine, they were also times where deep conversation about life took place. I had the chance to hear about who this human is and how she so sincerely cares for life and those she gets to know

    We chat about what it means to be simple decent and “normal,” what it is to speak well of others when they aren’t around, the impact of someone caring without expectation or control, and a desire to experience life not simply watch it

    She shares what it feels like to know her strength as a woman while simultaneously giving space for the way situations can feel uncomfortable, she shares how being grounded in what you want doesn’t eliminate FOMO but it does make trusting your decisions easier, and why it’s important to be caring but also to care for yourself

    Lily is one of those humans that you meet and you know you are going to miss when you have to say goodbye, she is one that holds love and respect, one that will care but not get caught up in what doesn’t hold weight, and one that I am so happy to call a friend

    So tune in today and meet Liliana, a compassionate, caring, cute, and absolutely incredible human being

    And to you Lily thank you, thank you for being you, for the late night walks and talks, for the joy so genuinely share, for the light that radiates from you that you so sweetly give, and for the time to be in your presence. You are a gift to this world and I am so grateful I get to know you and call you a friend.

  • today is a short message from me; today I turn a year older and as it brings up thoughts and an odd sense of settled peace; I wanted to share some thoughts and some of the way things have felt over the years. My hope is that they will remind you wherever you are, however old you are, you've got this.

    your fellow human

    we grow and evolve over time, and our story gets chapters added to it as life happens; we aren't who we were at 16, or even 20, but we still have so much of our story to be written.

    so from one human to another, don't be afraid to keep growing into yours.

  • What do you think would make the world a better place?

    Today I want to introduce you to Claudio, Claudio and I met in Palermo and I was instantly aware of his cheerful spirit and kind heart

    Claudio like my guest last week was also managing the space at Ostello Bello and graciously carved out some time to let me share a bit of his easy going, kind, and positive heart with you

    We chat about why travel is important but how it doesn’t always mean getting on a plane, how seeking out new ways to see where you are can impact us, and how the belief that people are good impacts how we see life as a whole

    He shares the value of being a person others can trust and be heard by, why he is proud most of his relationship with his wife and the value they place on individuality, and why slowing down and giving your morning coffee the time it deserves can change the way you go about your day

    Claudio is one that walks as though something is lifting him, maybe it’s the smile he shares always with others, maybe it’s the way he handles with care and sees the person in any situation, or maybe it’s the peace in being close to the sea; or maybe it’s just who he is

    So tune in today and meet Claudio, someone who reminds you to focus on the little things, that kindness really can save the world, that being content with what life has given you is not a bad thing, and most of all to enjoy the process not just the end result

    And to you Claudio thank you, thank you for being such a warm soul, for your ability to share life and who you are in such a genuine way, for taking the time to have a chat with me, and for the chance to know more of who you are. I look forward to seeing you again soon

  • What if curiosity didn’t kill the cat?

    Today I want to introduce you to Maura, Maura is someone that has this way about her, you know those people that are able to multi task impressively well, and those people that are able to make you feel as though you are the most important person when they speak to you

    Well, cue Maura, she works hard at what she does, but she is at the same time so able to see those around her, as one that manages Ostello Bello where I stayed in Palermo I got to watch her as she led her team in the opening days of a new place, how she noticed every guest as they arrived, and in something truly special as she took time out of her busy day to share this chat with me

    She shares why she believes what matters most is the impact we have on someone else and how we make them feel, why time to explore and be with people matters so much, and the joy she feels in seeing people come together through her work in hotels

    We chat about driving in Sicily, about some deep similarities her and I share in observation and the way we express ourselves, and the importance and peace in having a certain type of thing planned

    Maura is one that speaks of life and others with understanding, from a place of care, and a place of curiosity, she is one that will greet you will a smile and a “ciao regazzi” in a way that makes you feel like a friend is happy to see you

    She is one that I believe is worth knowing, worth learning from, and worth hearing how this life has made her the incredible human that she is

    So tune in today and meet Maura, a curious and cheerful life, and a reminder for you to always do the same

    And to you Maura thank you, thank you for the warmth in which you greeted me each day, for the time you gave me in having this conversation, for your open and sweet heart, and for the way you allowed me to see parts of myself in a new way. You are a gem sweet girl and I’m so glad I got to meet you

  • Today I want to introduce you to Max, Max is one that has this genuine warmth about him, you know those people you meet that just make you feel as though they value getting to know you and actually want to hear what you have to say; well that’s Max

    Max is the type that will make a meal for someone else, the kind that will listen, and the type that has space to truly connect with someone else

    We chat about the times life requires a step back and the fear that can come from knowing the value of that but also wanting to not let momentum gain in the wrong direction, about the value of time that we give and can’t get back, and the internal monologue of overthinking that impacts so many of us

    He shares a time in his life that he shifted and began to value who he could become and what that meant for what got his energy, why solitude is a good thing and doesn’t mean something is wrong, and the impact of another giving their time to him

    We chat about what it would be like to live in a world without one of the simplest barriers we face, why a smile is the easiest and often the most valuable thing you can give, and why we agree that Britts are some of the kindest and funniest people you can meet

    Max is one that will share what he has, will give you his time, will do what he can for another, he is one that understands what it is to express value to another human in simple acts of sincerity, and more importantly does so with a kind and warm smile and a heart that desires to connect

    So tune in today and meet Max, someone that will remind you that you can choose to work towards who you want to become and someone who will remind you to smile and not miss out on another human

    And to you Max thank you, thank you for taking the time, for letting me get to know you, for sharing food with me, and for being a human that continues to prove that this world is full of good that simply needs to be seen and known

  • Today is just a short episode on what I feel defines success; call it the sister episode of my recent thoughts on failure, but this one is short and sweet and I'd love to know if it resonates with you

    so tune in and shoot me a message when you've tuned in


    Your fellow human

  • When was the last time you felt seen?

    Today I want to introduce you to Lisa, how I met Lisa is almost as unique and fun as she is, but however life brought this human into mine, I’m so grateful (full story of how we met in this episode😉)

    Lisa is one of those people that you meet and feel as though your faith that life is getting better as you get older, is possible, that being a parent actually is about giving another human a chance to become a good human, and that seeing someone is the most important thing we can do for them

    As the birds chirped in the background I got to hear Lisa, to hear the life both that excitedly poured out of her and the life she has lived so far and how it has taught her how she wants to keep on living

    She shares why her kids enjoying time with her and her husband is one of her greatest joys, why being an open and nonjudgmental person is who she is, but that we all have to see our ability to not always be our best selves at times

    We chat about why family is a place that all should feel welcome in, and what it means to highlight the soft voices of this world

    She tells me what her greatest wish is, and how you can help make that come true, haw she plans to dance all the way to her grave, and why getting an automatic discount wasn’t a little jarring recently

    So tune in today and meet Lisa, hummingbird in human form; beauty, fierceness, and presence that remind you just how possible and relevant life and you really are

    And to you Lisa thank you, thank you for the way you have seen me, for the way you have made me excited for what life is going to look like, for being a women I look up to and respect, for sharing your light and your undeniable joy with me. May the world never forget what it is to speak your name and the beautiful impact you are having on it and its humans. I am so grateful I get to know you.

  • Do you ever feel out of your league; or do you really think we are all just on the same lever?

    Today I want to introduce you to Justin, in addition to being a part of the community at my local co working space R5, Justin is someone I have come to know and enjoy conversation with. Whether it be when we are supposed to be working, or over lunch, Justin is one who views himself and humanity as simply that

    We chat about what it means to not be labeled or boxed in, what leaving a legacy means to society and to him as an individual, and why deep connection and the memories that trigger nostalgia hold a deeper sense of value

    He shares why failing fast may be one of his life mottos, but that he also believes failure is dumb and would be fine doing without such feelings

    He shares about the dirtiest job he’s ever had and how it pushed him to not settle, and to pursue what his best is in life, about his thoughts on the patriarchy, and what his tattoo would be if he ever got one

    Justin is one of the humans I get to know in this world, one that intentionally values differences, chooses to see the “why” behind an individual, and one that shares a sense of humor I appreciate

    So tune in and meet Justin, a humans human, and one that I know will add something not just to your day but to the way you view another and maybe even yourself

    And to you Justin thank you, thank you for taking the time to let me ask you some deeper questions, for being a part of the community that I love, for inviting me to our fresh air annex “work” sessions, and for being you, you are a pleasure to know and I’m grateful I get to share a small part of that with others

  • Have you ever been questioned for doing what was right for you?

    Today I want to introduce to Kate, I’ve had the honor of knowing Kate for some years now, and from the first time I met her until now, she continues to be someone I admire and respect both in how she runs her business and how she shows up in the world

    We chat about what defines success for her, how it is not just financial but is more connected to the people she chooses to work with, what it means to be in business as an individual but also as a woman, and why as an entrepreneur there seems to never be a shortage of dopamine

    We talk about the impact alcohol has on conversation when we choose to step away from it and how so often removing it from our lives makes others uncomfortable, how so often others need a reason for some of the health choices we make for ourselves, and the freedom in not letting those opinions impact our choices

    She shares what trend she is actually into and why it has impacted her so positively, how worrying what others are doing, what’s current, and what’s “in” is not on her list of priorities, but this one is thing is different

    Kate is a human that will welcome you quickly, one that may read 8 books at a time, but one that will give you her full attention as you step into her shop. I have known her to be human, to be real, to allow empathy, sincerity, and realness to be qualities that mark who she is

    So tune in today and meet Kate, learn a bit of her journey, of what it means to be raw and real, of what it looks like to live a life that is fulfilling

    And to you Kate thank you, thank you for taking the time to have this intentional conversation, for the value you place on connection, for the way you show up as you, and for the impact I know your openness and sincerity will have on those that get to hear this. You are a treasure and I’m so grateful to know you

  • What if you stopped and truly smelled the flowers?

    Today I want introduce you to Alex, a self proclaimed optimist, a girl that will make you feel like who you are is exactly who you should be, and a human that embraces life for all it was meant to be

    We chat about her time as an elite rower, the dedication and commitment to what it meant to be a part of that team, and how her time in Australia in competition impacted so much of her defining success and failure as an individual

    She shares how she is an ideas girl, and how that part of her creative brain works and thrives in the early morning, how she loves looking at her work and creating a way to make something different and unique, and how her work at times can be hard to explain to others for the way she spends her time

    We chat about our lack of impressibility for those that are famous, the reality of financial struggle in the creative industry in the current market, and how brand success will decline if marketing is not seen as the necessary investment that it is

    I have an immense admiration for Alex in so many ways, for her dedication to what it meant to be on her rowing team, to the joy she so infectiously shares with anyone around her, to her ability, or inability to hide her emotions on her face

    So tune in today and meet Alex, a human full of intentional optimism, a willingness to put in the work, and one that will always stop and smell the flowers

    And to you Alex thank you, thank you for sharing your joy, your wisdom, a bit of your journey in this chat, you have been absolutely fantastic to get to know and I can’t imagine our Madeira team without your joy. You are a truly lovely human.

  • We all start out unable to succeed, but we all start out able to succeed

    But what does that mean for how you live your life?

    Today I wanted to share just a few thoughts on what and how failure has played a role in my life lately and why taking on tasks that initially make us feel inadequate, is something I believe we all need to do more of..

    So tune in today for a short episode and a little look into what goes on in my head from time to time