Jarrad Wright, creator of The Big Lez Show and Sassy the Sasquatch, join up in an epic conversation the day before Your Mate Tom’s Wedding to talk about the universe, being and growing as a human, crazy peyote desert story, mushroom spirits and jesters, and the insane YouTube censorship going on. Plus much more, you know how it is with me and Jarrad mate.
0:00 Mike Nolan, Sassy & Donny introduce the Your Mate Tom Podcast
7:50 The internet is savage
15:29 Jarrad’s last profound mushroom trip
25:29 Jarrad’s BIG W job ironing shirts
28:26 Official start of the podcast GETTING MARRIED TO YESENIA
33:18 Projecting your issues on your partner (SHADOW)
39:18 Tom’s vape addiction vs ciggies
41:45 YouTube insane censorship
46:49 MEDITATION: The art of doing nothing
57:37 Overconfidence and narcissism
1:01:29 The world has gone bananas
1:09:59 Indeginous DNA
1:12:45 Bloody Australian mart
1:17:19 Tom’s INSANE Mexico Peyote Odyssey
1:31:32 San Pedro vs peyote
1:36:54 Tom & Jarrad Uluru fire retreat (yourmatetom.com)
1:49:58 Primordial fire
2:05:51 Why are people still asleep?! (Spiritual awakening) -
0:00 Intro
5:47 Mayan mysteries Retreat with Dakota and Tom
14:59 Mayan Archetypes
20:30 Someone got deported from Mexico
22:59 Tom & Dakota Archetypes
30:00 Tribalism manifests everywhere
32:17 The most predominant Religion in 20 years
34:10 Toxic Spirituality and extremism
39:49 Dakota's first mushroom experience
41:24 Dakota meets all the OG YouTubers
42:34 Will YouTube shorts overtake TikTok?
43:59 China owning your information
52:13 Clean your room ya bloody hippy
58:56 Having children
1:06:36 Upcoming India adventure
1:10:30 Epic Retreats -
Puuttuva jakso?
Your Mate Tom talks to PsychedSubstance about overcoming drug addiction, his family leaving him and putting the pieces back together. We also go deep into my existential crisis with Iboga, weed addiction and the dark side of psychedelics.
You mate Tom talks to Dakota of Earth about the turmoil times we're in, symbolism, culture, spirituality and religion.
Part 1 (Dakota's podcast): https://youtu.be/efNgvePYHEY
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3120234&ty=h
0:26 Language & Symbolism
4:24 Did Christianity reset the clock?
8:55 The Batman & Movie symbolism
17:40 Moving to Mexico
20:06 Do animals have a collective unconscious?
23:42 Aboriginals and indigenous culture
24:27 Are psychedelics really “plant medicines”?
34:29 Doesn’t matter what you do, people will still hate you
39:51 How spirituality has been hijacked
44:05 Learning another language (Turkish)
52:49 We’re all going to die one day
1:04:47 War is ALWAYS started by disinformation by the media
1:17:06 Alan Watts
1:37:38 Modern False Idols -
Your mate Tom & Jarrad Wright talk about Australia: The Multiverse of Madness, The Big Lez Show, How we met our soul mates, and Marvel Symbolism.
Topics discussed:
The “Devil’s Breath”
Running over a tiger snake
Jarrad’s Arachniphobia
It’s all confusing, anyways let’s talk about the Big Lez Show
New mini-series
Inviting Jarrad to my wedding
New spider-man movie is so good
Yesenia enters the chat
Jarrad’s green goblin and Mary Jane synchronicity
Tom & Yesenia love story
Jarrad lost his kangaroo hat
Jarrad’s interesting Van life
“Prison” life in Victoria
Jarrad’s mum’s UFO experience
How good is coconut water
Playing the high school level in life
Being a nerd in high school
The origins of big lez drawing comics in school.
Dealing with idiots at the cinemas: Spider-man No Way Home
Norman’s on sabbatical honey
The Multiverse of Madness
Interdimensional Aliens? -
Zuby joins the Your Mate Tom Podcast and talks about music, culture, and the insane times we live in today.
Jonathan Pageau talks to Your Mate Tom about Symbolism, revelations, aliens, book of enoch, christ, the heroes journey & much more.
0:00 Jonathan Pageau Teaser
2:25 Jonathan joins the chat
4:40 Symbolism behind these chaotic times
6:33 There is nothing outside the system. You’re with us or against us.
12:31 Is this a start of a new Age?
16:05 Symbolism 101
21:52 Are Patterns fundamental? (Chicken or the egg)
25:03 Fake Vs Real Spiritual People
30:14 The Christ Story sounds ridiculous
36:46 Spiritual War
39:03 Shadow Integration
41:18 The Heroes Journey & CHRIST
45:05 Lord of the Rings SYMBOLISM
49:57 Literal vs Symbolic interpretation of the Bible
58:03 The “Absolute” Spiritual experience
1:10:09 Recognising Patterns
1:16:42 The lAnguage of Creation & Genesis Symbolism
1:24:16 The reconciliation of the Holy Trinity
1:30:31 Is CHRIST truly the first dying & resurrecting God?
1:32:29 UFOs and dark entities
1:34:40 it’s JUST Placebo
1:36:26 DMT Machine elves
1:39:10 Book of enoch & the “watchers” (aliens)
1:49:40 It’s SOO much more than just a substance
1:52:56 Video game Symbolism -
Your Mate Tom chats to UberBoyo about Music, Satanism, Magick, Carl Jung Archetypes, Jesus Christ, Christianophobia, Islam & Nihilism.
Your Mate Tom & Dakota Wint talk about Christianity, Islam, Satanism, India, mushrooms, and crazy stories from our travels.
0:00 Intro
2:55 Dakota of Earth joins the chat
10:54 My YouTube Play Button
16:31 Ethiopia, Africa Trip
25:44 Mohamed & Islam
32:18 Samsara & H3LL
36:57 Mexico Sonoran Vision Quest
45:34 Malana, India Adventures & Jesus Tomb
49:05 Gospel of Thomas
54:52 False Idol Worship
1:07:21 Peyote Shamanism
1:11:04 Mushrooms Vs Ayahuasca
1:13:23 The Mushroom reveals its true self to Dakota
1:21:00 Cohesive Truth & Patterns
1:30:37 Weed Addiction
1:32:39 Proposing to Yesenia on a mountain
1:40:57 Explaining Christianity to Dakota
1:48:50 Being a “good” person is rebellious in today’s age
1:51:23 Only Fans & Dysfunctional Relationships
2:06:00 Your Mate Tom & Dakota’s Wild India Adventures -
Your Mate Tom talks to Tommy Chong & Dakota Wint about weed culture, spirituality, Christianity & philosophy.
0:00 - Start
4:00 - Dakota joins the chat
9:15 - Your Mate Tommy Chong
11:55 Cheech and Chong up in smoke
15:54 What Tommy thinks of cannabis culture today
27:18 Ancient Civilisations
29:55 UFOs
30:46 Tommy doesn’t like Star Wars very much
33:53 Tommy Chong is a student of The Bible
39:08 The spiritual realm & Tommy’s philosophy on life
44:26 Tommy doesn’t like going on bad trips (horror movies)
46:53 The good things about getting old
51:19 Tommy’s thoughts on the After Life & spirituality
1:01:08 Praying with love & forgiveness (Christianity)
1:03:12 The amazing specimen that is salmon
1:07:50 Moses & Exodus -
Jay Dyer talks about The great reset, Esoteric Hollywood, MK Ultra, new age spirituality & atheism.
0:00 Intro
0:56 Jay Dyer enters the chat (Alex Jones Protest)
5:18 Terence McKenna
7:13 Esoteric Hollywood & the occult
19:44 Alien entities
21:53 The reality of spiritual realms & shamanism
25:39 MK Ultra
39:04 Timothy Leary & his CIA involvement
41:33 Atheism & materialism (sucks)
51:17 Is mathematics discovered or invented?
55:51 Matt Dillahunty Debate
58:12 The great reset
1:06:00 Veganism
1:08:34 Humans are not one with animals
1:11:58 Non duality -
Your Mate Tom talks to Uberboyo about Carl Jung's AION, end times prophecy, collective ego death & psychedelics.
0:00 Intro
1:38 UberBoyo enters the chat
3:45 Carl Jung’s AION: Dissolving the Western EGO
8:09 Ego Death & The Psychedelic Community
13:08 Terence Mckenna and his last mushroom trip
19:53 The perils of opening up Pandora’s box (Collective unconscious mind) - Carl Jung
23:37 Early Religion, Shamanism and the psychedelic experience
27:23 ORDER & CHAOS Cycles throughout human history
29:18 System Collapsing (End Times)
34:46 Christians were the OG open “psychedelic” minded rebellious “Left”
38:55 Direct experience does not equal TRUTH (Dogma in psychedelic culture & Christianity)
47:22 Rome EGO DEATH
51:40 The end times and how the Cross Triggers
56:45 The perils of Dissolving the EGO
1:03:06 Ancient pagan views of God & SATAN
1:07:42 Screw Paganism let’s just focus on Building the Church
1:17:11 The neuroscience of EGO DEATH (Left brain Vs Right Brain)
1:22:13 Who is Satan?
1:31:56 Moral relativism Vs Objective Morality
1:44:52 Christianity is both stoic and loving -
Your Mate Tom interviews Brian Muraresku (author of Immortality Key) about the secret psychedelic history of early Christianity.
0:00 - Intro1:20 Brian Muraresku living in Uruguay
2:17 Joe Rogan Experience and being a psychedelic virgin
5:57 Immortality Key Overview
8:47 Why Brian became interested in religion, psychedelics & the Immortality Key
13:44 Brian’s Catholic background
15:30 Greek Culture, Eleusinian Mysteries & the psychedelic Kykeon
22:38 Greek beer to Christian Wine Sacrament
24:36 RELIGION is the ENGINE of Civilisation
29:35 The Roles of witches & women in religion & early christianity
32:47 Jesus Christ Myths, did the son of God exist?
38:52 How did Christianity, an illegal cult turn into a Roman world Religion?
41:23 What’s the line between Christianity & Paganism?
43:25 Why do fundamental christians believe that psychedelics are demonic tools? (Pharmekia)
49:42 Greek Orthodox vs Catholic Christianity VS Protestant
54:17 The Gnostic Gospels (Gospel of Thomas)
58:15 Psychedelics and early christianity | Scholars Opinion
1:03:13 St. Paul struck blind by an angel
1:03:32 The Jesus Resurrection
1:06:28 Blind people having visionary experiences & the nature of consciousness
1:11:15 Tom’s Psychedelic EGO Death
1:17:28 Oregon Legalised Psilocybin Mushrooms
1:21:01 Preparing for your first High Dose Psychedelic experience
1:27:50 Dealing with the fear of Death
1:33:39 Brian’s next book and documentary
Your Mate Tom talks to Mike Jay, author of, "Mescaline: A Global History of the First Psychedelic [YMT Podcast #30]
Mescaline is one of the most least talked about psychedelics, yet it has had a profound effect on psychedelic culture, both religiously and scientifically.
Mike Jay talks about the western and native history of peyote & San Pedro cactus (Huachuma), the synthesis of the mescaline compound, phenethylamine vs tryptamines and more.
Connect with Mike at mikejay.net
Ex New Age Teacher Steven Bancarz debunks New Age Jesus Christ Myths such as Christ consciousness & Jesus being a mushroom. [Your Mate Tom Podcast #29]
#newage #christianity #jesuschrist
Your Mate Tom interviews Steven Bancarz about Christianity, the History of scripture (holy bible), and new age spirituality myths such as Jesus was a buddhist, Jesus was a mushroom, Jesus never existed, christ consciousness, and more.
We challenge popular spiritual and religious beliefs, and even invite Leo Gura for a debate with Steven about non-duality and challenging the extraordinary claim that "We are all Gods". -
Your Mate Tom talks to Uberboyo about Carl Jung, the collective unconscious, archetypes, shadow work and the infamous red book.
0:00 Intro
3:12 S’goin on boyo?
4:10 Why Carl Jung?
8:19 Jordan Peterson popularises Jung again
9:20 Who is Carl Jung and why is he so important in psychology? [Jungian Psychology 101]
16:34 Dreaming consciousness Vs “normal” consciousness
21:22 Facing the Unconscious and healing hidden parts of the human psyche (PTSD & Depression)
34:49 Beware of the Red Book & psychedelics, start with the personal stuff first (beware of unearned wisdom)
37:33 Facing the shadow archetype
39:52 How to develop your imaginative mind for authentic creativity
42:16 Why Carl Jung was afraid to write the Red Book & Schizophrenia
44:22 Modern society and the undeniable feeling of an upcoming war & chaos
46:56 Practical methods of integrating the Shadow, Left Vs Right Brain & neuroscience
1:01:26 The ANIMA / ANIMUS, the MUSE and Mental GENDER
1:09:18 The “Reddit” Personality (arrogant unoriginal left brain unintegrated critic)
1:11:34 Can facing the shadow be dangerous, or is it Saul Goodman?
1:16:05 The Vegan Shadow (psychological dark side of veganism)
1:30:34 The Modern Meat Eater Shadow
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Dakota Wint joins the Your Mate Tom podcast and talks about Psychedelic Witchcraft, The nature of Evil & Jesus Christ our lord and saviour.
0:00 Dakota Joins The Your Mate Tom Podcast!
0:56 Quarantine 2020 apocalypse
4:32 Dakota’s Peru quarantine lockdown experience
6:34 Ayahuasca Vs 5-MeO-DMT Toad
9:00 Do humans suffer significantly more than animals + “normal” humans
11:00 Having a normal job
12:05 Am I touching the wall or is the wall touching me?
13:03 Spirituality is a form of punk rock
18:56 This current earth saga is ending and we are entering a new phase
22:45 South America horrible drug education
26:23 The magical Mescaline San Pedro Cactus
31:49 Shamanism, Good & evil & plant medicine.
35:27 Calling out for Jesus Christ during a bad trip
38:00 The psychedelic real: A real place or unique dimension?
42:00 Nightmare ayahuasca trip and calling out to Jesus
51:45 Heavy existential realisations & Dakota working at the morgue
56:12 Jesus was a GOAT
58:00 Scary demons on ayahuasca
1:03:30 Dimensions and the nature of reality
1:04:41 Is Dakota Wint A Flat Earther?
1:09:15 Space freaks Tom out + Interstellar + LOVE
1:17:13 Dakota & Tom would get scarified during the medieval time
1:21:54 CHONTAS [Shamanic Surgery]
1:26:00 Taking psychedelics for Mystical studies
1:27:32 Is evil/demons real?
1:40:49 Cocaine is a soul sucking demon drug
1:45:10 Hitler is as natural as a hurricane.
1:46:37 The Kybalion, Hermeticism & THOTH
1:51:30 Profound Spiritual Books
1:54:30 What is MIND? All is Mind.
2:00:40 Our brains did not invent DUALITY, DUALITY created our brains.
2:03:05 My podcast with The Quentin Experiment
2:06:35 5-MeO is bloody intense and not something I would do often
2:07:25 Mushrooms ceremonies Vs Ayahuasca
2:12:00 Maria Sabina the shaman who brought magic mushrooms to the world -
Shaman Oaks chats with Your Mate Tom about his Psychedelic YouTube Journey, meeting the DMT lady, having a nightmare ayahuasca ceremony, Deep spiritual mushroom journeys, energy healing and more weird rabbit hole type conversations. My kind of stuff..
0:00 - Shaman Oaks Joins the Your Mate Tom Podcast
1:00 - Energy Healing
6:00 - Shaman Oaks talks about the DMT lady
8:45 - Salvia
10:45 - First mushroom trip
11:27 - Are psychedelic entities “real”?
19:17 - Shaman Oak’s Ayahuasca experiences
37:00 - When Ayahuasca gets WAY too overwhelming!
41:17 - Mother Ayahuasca spirit
46:57 - My first 5-Meo-DMT Experience
50:30 - DMT The Spirit Molecule
57:21 - What’s the purpose of being a human on Earth?
1:02:16 - Going too far with Psychedelics
1:07:30 - My most profound trip (San Pedro)
1:15:25 - My first TRUE LSD Trip w/ PsychedSubstance
1:26:43 - I used to be EMBARRASED of my YouTube channel (STIGMA)
1:32:25 - Charlatan Shamans - Näytä enemmän