Do you find your failures don't seem to cease? Are you discouraged about the trajectory of your life? Listen in to how our global leadership catalyst and 4L's coach Dr Patricia Murugami invites you to look at failure.
*4L's refers to Life, Love, Leadership and Legacy coaching.
Receive her gift of weekly videos on our YouTube channel Breakthrough and Rise with Dr Patricia Murugami.
Are you trapped and feeling stuck?
Listen in to how Dr Patricia Murugami, your global leadership catalyst and coach, guides you on how to get untrapped and unstuck.
Subscribe and share generously.
Listen in as Dr Patricia Murugami continues to expound on a few more types of wealth for your learning and growth.
Join ARN to elevate multiple types of wealth in 2024
Contact us on +254 748116498 or +254704052225
Dr Patricia Murugami challenges you to think about wealth from a different perspective. Listen in to Part 1 and assess how wealthy you are.
Connect with us on [email protected]
or whatsapp us on +254-704052225.
We look forward to your feedback and insights.
Are you doing well but not really doing good to yourself and others? It's time to rethink your intentions and consider doing good to do well. Contact us on [email protected] or send us your feedback on whatsapp +254748116498
How do you face each day- with excuses or with a no-excuses mindset?
Send us your voice note on what you'd like to hear more about or what resonated with you.
Congratulations on completing the RISE & FLY Leadership Bootcamp! I want to gift you one last time, authentically from me to you.
For more: https://riseschool.academy/rise-masterclass/ email: [email protected]
Today, I honour Women who are wives and who are doing their best to keep their marriage vows. May you remember the power you have in creating the atmosphere of your family and home is a superpower and is invaluable.
We welcome you to continue to raise your bar of leadership and service through our gift of a virtual bootcamp. Register here: https://2r9t00gfm7i.typeform.com/drpatricia?typeform-source=www.google.com
This March series is dedicated to women in Africa and globally. Live and lead with your feminine genius unapologetically. Mothers this episode is for you. Keep your head up and heart strong, our work matters.
To develop a heightened self awareness learn with us on www.riseschool.academy contact: [email protected]
Live your personal and company values with equity. Did you know that mothers can teach us how to embrace equity as they love each child in the best way they can based on each child's needs. Listen in to know what we can learn from the first school of leadership - the family and from work. Connect with us to join the Early Risers Leadership Program for you who is age 21-35 www.riseschool.academy Email: [email protected]
Elevate your communication and see the relationships you have change for the better. T.H.I.N.K first. Then speak.
Join our ARN premium network for less than 25 USD annually on https://drpatriciamurugami.com/product/africa-risers-network/
Contact us on [email protected] for further details.
How wisely do you lead? Listen in to how to raise your team as leading and managing people is one of the hardest and most impactful work you will do.
What is the quality of your network? How can you elevate your leadership? Join our Africa Risers Network on www.drpatriciamurugami.com to learn how to Rise.
In the new space of work, how do you manage your team? Do you have a wheelbarrow mindset or a self management mindset? This year choose to elevate how you work with a purposeful outlook. Join us in my newly launched Africa Risers Premium Network on telegram for daily mentorship and leadership lessons from me to you wherever you are globally. https://drpatriciamurugami.com/product/africa-risers-network/
Are your professional boundaries in our workspaces with colleagues, employees and employers blurry? Listen in as Dr Patricia Murugami proposes and guides you on how you can raise your professional brand by establishing wise and clear boundaries.
If you are wondering how to raise your brand with Grit and Courage, look no further, the 5th edition of our global Your Next Best Self Conference is this month on the 29th of October 2022. Get your tickets today from ticketsasa.com before they get sold out.
Do Board Leadership boundaries matter? Yes. More than you think. Yet, many board members are not aware of the gravity of their roles.
Listen in to Dr Patricia Murugami, your leadership catalyst and board advisor as she shares her insights on how boards can raise their boundaries and become more effective, resilient and impactful.
To learn more practically, enrol into our Breakthrough Board Readiness and Excellence seminar, by contacting us on [email protected]
The Seminar is on 15th and 16th 2022 at Nairobi Serena, enrolment closes on 5th September 2022. www.DrPatriciaMurugami.com
Did you know that Leadership Boundaries are all about leading yourself, self governance and self control so as to master yourself and lead others for a higher purpose? Listen in as Dr Patricia Murugami demystifies leadership boundaries and encourages you to rethink how you are leading and make intentionally positive changes
Visit www.DrPatriciaMurugami.com to sign up for our inaugural Board Readiness and Excellence Seminar to be held in September 2022 and learn how to lead successfully and apply leadership boundaries at board level.
In this podcast, Dr Patricia Murugami speaks authentically and courageously about the sensitive subject of emotional boundaries.
Listen in. Reflect. Reassess. Rethink. Reset. then Rise.
Connect with us on www.DrPatriciaMurugami.com
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