
  • Have you ever thought about giving yourself permission to stop, sit, and read a book in the middle of the day? Giving yourself that gift of it being okay to do nothing? Our guests for today are an incredible sister-duo, Michelle Anderson, and Laura Massarella, hosts and creators of Cozy Conversations with The Sister Project. These are two ladies that talk the talk and walk the walk and live their lives in all things cozy. With a finger on the secret to destressing, being fully engaged in their lives, and getting all the good feels, they live by following the Danish principle of Hygge (“hoo-gah”). This is a Danish word that means the art of living in coziness. It’s all about surrounding yourself with things like smells, textures, tastes, people, etc., that make you feel happy, or in other words, cozy. In our conversation today, we hear how they became rooted in mindfulness and the role therapy played in their healing journeys. We are introduced to the Danish principle of Hygge and what it means to live by it. They share key insights on how to approach slowing down and truly being okay with doing less, or nothing, for even a little while. If you want to learn more about embracing the Hygge way, then don’t miss out on this great episode!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    How they became rooted in mindfulness.How therapy played a role in Michelle’s healing journey. A thought on finding healthcare professionals to facilitate healing in our lives. The Danish principle of Hygge and what it means to live by it.Lauren talks about the Blue Zones and the importance of connection.An elaboration of the difference between mindfulness and Hygge.What Hygge and the associated lifestyle can offer to people who embrace it.Lauren and Michelle share their process of embracing the Hygge lifestyle.How to approach slowing down: be okay with doing less or nothing for a little bit.Finding the Hygge for you.Michelle shares her favorite definition of Hygge.They share their red flags; a signal to return to self-care and Hygge.The best piece of advice they’ve ever been given.

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  • Happy summer, mamas! Today we’re talking with pediatric physical therapist, early development enthusiast, and mama Kailee Noland. Kailee speaks with us about movement milestones, those stages of development that give you feedback on your baby’s progress and needs. Kailee knows firsthand what it’s like not only to give advice to parents, but to be the parent getting the advice herself, and how difficult that can be. She shares with us her tips for getting the care you need for your baby should you need it, as well as information on her upcoming Thriving in the First Year Summit–a completely free summit for parents and clinicians to learn all about how to help their babies (and themselves) thrive in that first year of life.

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  • Hey there, Zen Mamas. As many of us head into menopause, every news story or medical pamphlet seems to be warning us that our sex lives (and our lives in general) are about to become very bleak. And yet, studies show that menopause and the years after can be some of the most exciting years of our lives. Here to talk with us about the entirety of our sex lives is Mary-Margaret Sweeney, a certified sex therapist, sex educator, and licensed clinical social worker in the state of Indiana. Mary Margaret is adamant that so much of what we’re told about our sexuality is an incomplete truth, and that by communicating and exploring further, we can discover a sex life that is more connected and passionate than we’d ever imagined.

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  • Hey there, Mamas. We know that life as a parent can get so overwhelming that there are those days when it feels overwhelming. We forget dentist appointments and picture day and it’s all normal, but if it feels like we can never catch up to our lives, maybe there’s something else going on. Today we’re talking with Franki Bagdade, a master-level educator and clinical social worker. Franki specializes in ADHD and is a published author, speaker, therapist, ADHD coach, and mom. With ADHD diagnoses among women skyrocketing in the past few years, we’re here to give you the facts and the necessary info so that you can be empowered to find out more for yourself or for your kiddos.

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  • Hey there Zen Mamas! This week, we’re working with a mantra meditation that will help bring a smile to your face. “Everything works out for me” is one of those things that instantly puts us at ease. So get cozy, whatever that means for you–lie down, sit in your favorite chair, go for a walk in the woods–and listen in to connect with yourself for this short meditation.

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  • Hey Mamas! Have you ever had a parenting moment of chaos and then burst out laughing? Isn’t life just so much easier when we’re making jokes and having fun? This week, we’re speaking to comedian and mom Alyce Chan. A standup comic who performs all over the world, Alyce has a dedicated fanbase of moms all over the world who adore her for both her unique brand of humor and her honesty about life as a mom.

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  • What if there were a relatable team of superheroes to intervene and teach your kids bravery, kindness, calm, and grit when they need it most? Julie Anne and Darren Penn wanted their son to grow up understanding that true power comes from within, so they wrote a series of books to help him find the necessary tools to navigate life. Their books are designed to teach children the importance of regulating their emotions and provide parents with the resources to help when they need it most. Their four books, Benny the Brave, Keisha the Kind, Chloe the Calm, and Gen the Grit empower kids to take control of their feelings and give parents the vocabulary to guide their little ones through day-to-day challenges. Tune in today to hear their story, the response they've received, and an outline of the basic principles kids can connect to in the book, which they can carry throughout their lives. Thanks for listening!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Welcome to today’s guest duo, parents and authors Julie Anne and Darren Penn. What motivated Julie Ann and Darren to write the books.Input that led to their choices of the four superpowers.Why, if they had to choose, Keisha the Kind would be their favorite book.The response from children and parents across the nation.What parents love about the series: you can take it as far as you choose.How the books grow with kids as they age. The appropriate age group for the books.What Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on and how the book draws from these principles.How looking at your thoughts from an outsider's perspective can help diffuse a situation.Applying CBT to everyday life.How adults can apply the same principles to emotional management. Something that happens when you know you have the power to change. A reminder that you never know when your kids will tap into what you have taught them. How representation is embedded in the brand. What’s next for Supercrew. Owning and embodying the characters and their superpowers.All the factors leading to a loss of control and the need to educate our kids.How the characters guide kids through a simple CBT process to empower them when they need it most.Why it's so important to be selective about the stories you tell your children. Where to find Supercrew online.

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  • Hey there, all you Zen Mamas! Have you gone through breakup after breakup and noticed that you seem to be dating different versions of the same person? Have you struggled to define your “type” or to articulate exactly what it is that you’re looking for in a relationship? Today, we’re speaking with Tal Yardeni, a relationship coach who teaches that the most important thing we can do to build a great relationship with someone else is to first learn to love and trust ourselves.

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  • Hey there, mamas! Take a deep breath, summer is here. It’s time for lazy days, sleeping in, and the best parties of the year! This week, we’re chatting with Marley Majcher, CEO of The Party Goddess, event planner to the stars, and author of the book “But Are You Making Any Money?” Marley gives us tips and tricks for how to throw great parties (even on a budget!) and also shares a bit of that Hollywood insider gossip that we all love and crave. With a client list that includes Pierce Brosnan and Sofia Vergara, she’s got enough experience and ideas to keep you inspired for a lifetime.

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  • Hey there, Zen Mamas! So many of us spend time focusing on our romantic relationships and on being great parents. But what about our friendships? Do we even need them at our age? And if we do, where can we find new ones, and how do we keep those relationships healthy? This week, we’re chatting with moms Keri Setaro and Ashley Hearon-Smith, two “accidental besties” and co-hosts of the hit podcast “Momtourage.” Keri and Ashley met after answering a casting call looking for moms to co-host a podcast. Initially, they were only co-workers, but over time, the two have not just managed to develop a hilarious show, they’ve also built a great friendship. Listen in for the rest of their sweet, funny, and informative story.


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  • Hey mamas! During this season, we’ve talked about a number of alternative healing modalities. Today’s guest is Tracey Tee, co-founder and CEO of Band of Mothers Media and creator of Moms on Mushrooms, a micro-dosing course made exclusively for moms. With over ten years of experience in the mom sphere, Tracey has recently created an intimate, sacred space for mothers to explore the use of plant medicine. Join us to hear what she has to say about the difference between traditional healing modalities, recreational drug use, and microdosing in order to go inward and begin a healing journey. You’ll learn how Tracey navigated difficult changes in her own life with the support of psilocybin, and how plant medicine works to repattern the triggering aspects of the brain. Tracey shares advice from her own journey and research, reminding us of our skewed attitudes towards drugs based on the government’s approval, and encourages listeners to open their minds to this powerful healing modality today. Thanks for tuning in.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Today’s guest: co-founder of Band of Mothers Media and creator of Moms on Mushrooms.The micro-dosing course Tracey offers and why she has chosen to target moms.Tracey’s relationship with drugs and alcohol leading up to this point.The mindset shift from getting fucked up to using drugs to heal.Band of Mothers Media, turning 40, and the journey of spiritual growth that Tracey went on.How losing everything in 2020 led to an out-of-body experience.The support she found in microdosing that helped her to alchemize it all.How psychedelics bring the dark stuff to the surface, empowering you to face it.Growing mushrooms at home, and how they grow everywhere on earth.What a microdose is: a sub-perceptual dose of psilocybin with no psychotropic effects.How plant medicine can help the triggering aspects of your brain to repattern.The difference between the effect of SSRIs and psilocybin as healing modalities.Frequency around microdosing: five days on with two days off, or four days on with three days off.What the digital microdosing course consists of: a three-month course with six biweekly calls and six biweekly lessons.How she learned about the value of community and therapy.What she tells naysayers: open your mind with a reverence towards other cultures.Advice for mamas who want to slow down: take it slow, learn how to be vulnerable, and learn to reject the idea of being a supermom.Changing your life to look how you want it to, and beating skepticism to find real solutions.Where to find Moms on Mushrooms online.Her $50 discount on the microdosing course for today’s listeners.

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  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Zen(ish) Mommy Podcast! There are so many names, and so many functions for the range of anti-aging aesthetics on offer today. While we can’t stop Father Time from knocking on our door, many of us want to slow the aging process and age as gracefully as possible. Whatever your pain tolerance and need, there seems to be something for everyone. But sometimes that can make it even harder to find what works for you! Today’s guest, Merry Thornton, is a skincare expert here to help today’s listeners navigate the options on offer today. She is the founder of Element Medical Aesthetics, a premier medical spa in New Canaan, Connecticut, with a wealth of wisdom about which treatments work best, and an additive approach to preventative and restorative skincare. With the aim to help her patients to look like the best possible version of themselves, she generously shares her knowledge with us here today.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    An introduction to today’s guest, Merry Thornton, with Element Medical Aesthetics.How she got involved in medical and aesthetic dermatology before starting her business.The role of filler and lasers in combination with surgery.Why women have become more honest about what they have had done.Where aesthetics fits into the continuum of makeup, hair dye, and more.The additive approach she takes with procedures. Why she recommends starting botox when you are young.Why the goal is to make you look like the best version of yourself instead of someone else.The size of a syringe of filler: only enough to fill a blueberry!Fast botox metabolizers and how long you can generally expect your treatment to last.The correlation between dosage and duration.Why product selection is so important on different parts of the face.Which products Merry is loving the most on the face.A recommendation never to try to insert your own filler.Why you shouldn’t take advice on drugs that are invested or inhaled via social media.Why it is better to be preventative than corrective.Sunscreen and why you should use it everyday of the year.The daytime protect and nighttime repair routines she encourages. What brings Merry inner peace including nature, taking a bath, and coloring with her kids.Why it is so important to get sufficient sleep, eat healthily, and take care of our health.Living free of judgment and embracing what boosts your confidence.


    “There’s always going to be a need for surgical procedures. There are certain limitations to what we do. But even if you get a facelift, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get filler or lasers because with a facelift you are repositioning tissue, but if you’re lacking volume you’re still going to need filler.” — Merry Thornton [0:06:20]

    “We want you to be the best version of yourself. We’re not trying to turn you into someone else.” — Merry Thornton [0:20:01]

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  • Hey there, Mamas! Today, we’re working on something that most of us struggle with: a mentality of abundance and prosperity. Many of us feel like we’re stretched pretty thin, either financially or energetically. We want more flow, more time, more energy, and yes, more money. Maybe you have a money story that isn’t serving you anymore, or maybe you’d just like more abundance in your life. Well, get yourself in a comfortable position or even out in nature where you feel relaxed and inspired, pop in those headphones, and get ready for a powerful meditation to manifest and bring more of what you want into your life.

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  • Do you struggle with sleep? Falling asleep? Staying asleep? Yoga Nidra is a form of psychic sleep that helps to prepare your body for sleep and reset. While you can do this practice during the middle of the day, it’s best used at night in bed, with all of the evening’s errands finished so you can fall peacefully to sleep with nothing else on your mind. So get snug, pop in your headphones, and get ready for the best sleep of your life!

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  • Naming a child is one of the most important decisions you will make. In 2022, people are getting more creative than ever before, with websites like Nameberry leading the way. Joining us in conversation is baby name expert Sophie Kihm with Nameberry. Join us today to hear the story of Sophie’s unconventional career path, and why her work in the field of baby names encompasses so many different fields. She believes that names are important, but not for the reason you might think. Tune in today to hear Sophie weigh in on what Jessica’s choice of baby names says about her, what influences your child’s life far more than their first name, and common trends in the world of baby names today. You’ll hear about the Name DNA tool on Nameberry, as well as how the website leverages the power of the Zodiac to help you find and understand your baby naming style. Sophie reassures listeners that it's totally normal not to be in love with your child’s name when you first choose it, and shares some interesting predictions for our society’s next chapter of choosing names. Tune in to hear all this and more today.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    The story of how Sophie Kihm became an expert in baby names.Different points of view from which you can approach the study of baby names. How the book Beyond Jennifer & Jason forms the basis for the Nameberry website.The unexpected reason that names are important.What influences your child’s future far more than a first name. Jennifer, Jessica, and Michael; popular names before the advent of the internet.What Jessica’s choices, ‘Eva’ and ‘Iyla’ say about her as a person.A trend towards creativity.Name trends influenced by the digital world.How the Name DNA generator on Nameberry’s website helps you find your style. The pressure that people experience today while choosing a name for their child.Why people usually fall in love with their child’s name.Rare name regrets and what causes them.Naming babies according to astrology.The Zodiac Name tool on Nameberry which focuses on the parents’ names. Sophie weighs in on Jessica and her husband’s baby name personalities.Why it’s totally normal not to be in love with your child’s name when you name them.2023 trends for baby names: Miles and Josephine to reach the top 50, fun old-school nicknames, and more.How people are starting to use names to signal what they are interested in.

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  • Toxic Diet Culture is all around us, and today we’re going to talk about it. Our relationship with food and with our bodies is fraught, but unlike drugs or alcohol, we have to recreate that relationship and make peace with the ongoing changes in our bodies. Joining us in conversation today is Lauren Dorman, a registered dietician with over 20 years of experience behind her. Tune in today to hear Lauren’s perspective on what diet culture actually is, and why you should choose self-care instead of restriction. While recognizing that food guilt is a part of our conditioning, she offers us practical alternatives to change our attitudes and benefit our digestion! Hear the real reason most diets don’t work, how you can be a better parent by teaching your children good habits, and what you can gain from scheduling two appointments per year with an anti-diet registered dietician. Join us as we talk mindset shifts, and Lauren introduces us to five ways to eat from a place of self care instead of restriction. Thanks for tuning in to hear all this and more today!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    The reality of toxic diet culture in our world today. How Lauren’s theory and relationship with food and nutrition has evolved since she first trained as a dietician.Why flexibility is so important instead of the restriction ingrained in our culture. What diet culture actually is.Self-care instead of restriction and giving yourself grace for food guilt.Mindful eating and digestion.The real reason most diets don’t work.What she teaches parents to help them to create a good relationship with food.Hidden adverse effects of dieting on the body and mind.Internal dialogues and assessing whether you would say those things to a child.Reducing the impact of diet culture by meeting with an anti-diet registered dietician twice a year.Mindset shifts from fear and anxiety to satisfaction and peace.Five ways to eat from a place of self care including breaking the fast in the morning.How mindfulness changes your relationship with food, starting with taking more time to eat each meal.What changes when you start to think about which foods feel best for you.How awareness empowers you to make better decisions.

    “The main reason diets don’t work is not because a person failed, not because they didn’t have the motivation or the willpower, it’s because your body wants and needs to be regularly fed throughout the day with enough energy.” — Lauren Dorman [0:12:10]

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  • Thank you all for 4 incredible season. I am beyond grateful for all your support. While this may be good bye for now it is not forever!

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  • Hey there, Zen Mamas! We know you love your kiddos, but do you sometimes feel that you can’t remember who you were without them? In a society that focuses exclusively on new babies rather than on new moms, have you ever felt that, in the process of becoming a mom, you lost a piece of yourself? This week, we are talking to Marnie Madras, a business owner and mom of four. Marnie is the rare mom who LOVED being pregnant, and she’s on a mission to help other women feel the same. She shares with us her story of motherhood and how she learned that prioritizing herself is the only way to enjoy the process. She also shares her motivation in creating Rumbly, a subscription service delivering curated boxes to expecting moms. Listen in to be inspired!


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  • Hey there, Zen Mamas! You may have noticed that, as years go by, discussions of trauma are everywhere. Trauma is endemic in our culture, and sometimes it feels like there’s nothing we can do to avoid or overcome it. But this week, we’re joined by Dominiece Clifton, who has made it her life’s mission to heal her own trauma, and to assist others in their own trauma journeys. A registered yoga instructor and certified trauma-informed breathwork and meditation facilitator, Dominiece is the host of The School of Healing podcast and founder of Move and Still, which focuses on trauma recovery and holistic stress management. Dominiece is here to remind us that there is always hope, and even trauma isn’t forever.

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  • 5 Minutes per day is all you need to increase the presence and joy in your life. Come back to this short mediation as often as you like.
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