TV & Film – Slovakia – Uudet podcastit
David Lynch, who passed away in January 2025 at age 78, embodied a rare combination of uncompromising artistic vision and broad cultural influence. This portrait explores Lynch beyond his filmography, focusing on his physical presence, personal philosophy, and cultural impact. From his signature appearance - the carefully maintained white hair and buttoned-up white shirts - to his distinctive speaking style and daily routines, Lynch cultivated a consistent persona that reflected his artistic authenticity. His approach to creativity, deeply influenced by Transcendental Meditation and characterized by a unique blend of discipline and intuition, reshaped how artists could engage with commercial media while maintaining creative integrity. Lynch's working methods, marked by meticulous attention to environment and openness to collaboration, demonstrated how structure could support rather than inhibit artistic expression. His emergence as a cultural icon proved that experimental artists could achieve mainstream recognition without compromising their vision. The term "Lynchian" entered common usage, describing experiences where the normal reveals underlying strangeness, reflecting how thoroughly his artistic vision permeated contemporary consciousness. Through his foundation work, teaching, and various creative pursuits, Lynch showed how artists could extend their influence into social realms while preserving their artistic identity. His legacy continues to influence how contemporary artists approach the balance between commercial success and creative authenticity.
Listen to the wonderful stories we tell in this podcast.
We'll talk about the most fun and adventurous movies!
You'll learn about castings, plot lines, cinematography and much more in the meantime!
So, Sit back and lose yourself in the various adventures. -
Le podcast qui vous propose un voyage en quatre étapes pour chaque drama coréen (Kdrama) :
- résumé 🎬,
- ressenti 🤔,
- anecdotes culturelles 🎭 🥢,
- et traduction en herbe de coréen 🪴 📝 pour le plaisir !
Nos plateformes d'écoutes : YouTube , Spotify, Apple Podcasts ( gratuit pour les utilisateurs d’Apple) et Deezer.
Notre Instagram :
Nous contacter : [email protected]
✨ Emma, Ninon, LNA et Sarah ✨ -
This podcast is going to reflect and give a review on my opinion on “the Ted Bundy tapes“. I will dive deep into finding articles and readings to see if they match up with the tapes based off of the true story.
Обсуждаем новинки кино, пересматриваем нестареющую классику и залипаем в лучшие (и не только) сериалы!
"Des images qui bougent" est une nouvelle émission de Glitch Publishing animée par Seb Joncoux, passionné de cinéma et de séries. Sébastien, créateur de contenu audio immersif et fondateur de Glitch Publishing, vous propose de découvrir réguliérement son analyse des films qui l'ont marqué.
"Les images qui bougent" n'est pas une simple revue de films, mais plutôt une invitation à la discussion et à la réflexion. Sébastien partage ses coups de cœur, ses déceptions, et explore les thèmes, les techniques de réalisation et le jeu des acteurs qui font de chaque film une expérience unique. -
Blic i Blenda, nakon što su pokorili i YouTube i svijet komedije bacaju se na filmske klasike da svoje frustracije podijele sa generalnom populacijom.
Films motivate us to imagine. They capture and reflect the meaningful elements of human existence; death, love, friendship, pain, achievement. This podcast looks at the important role that film and the film industry plays on the Great Continent, Africa.
Can movies save the world? Can anything? Join us on our journey as we try to answer this question. Tune in each week for a new movie matching a pre-selected theme. Judge us as we attempt to bring our limited intellects to bear pushing movies through the contrived meat grinder of social significance. Can movies save the world? Let's find out.
Molnár Csaba szlovákiai magyar rendező podcastje arról, mit is jelent a szlovákiai magyar film, és milyen szlovákiai magyar filmesnek lenni. Aki segít: a Napunk két újságírója, Bilás Zsuzsanna és Finta Márk.
Lucia a Adam točia o filmoch, seriáloch a celebritách. Podcast Pukanec prináša novinky, recenzie, témy a rozhovory s hostkami a hosťami priamo z brandže. S vždy čerstvou dávkou pukancov vám neunikne nič z aktuálneho diania v Hollywoode a premiér v kinosálach.
Join hosts and film critics Kaveh Jalinous and Cortlyn Kelly as they explore the world of cinema, the current state of the industry and film culture, and what we can expect from movies in the future. New episodes biweekly on Thursdays at 12PM.
A father is joined by his son and daughter-in-law to watch, review, and discuss a different film each week. The films range from classics to fringe titles you may never have seen. The discussion comes from two sides of the generation gap. Plus a weekly look at new Blu-ray and DVD releases as well as what's new in theaters.
Behind The Player is a podcast brought to you from the creators of Survival Challenge where we interview past SC Contestants on their stories, gameplay, and strategies they had during their season including the infamous "What If" scenarios.
Hosted by Jason Szczurowski, William Hermonat, John Vataha, Andy Baker, Michael Allbright, Ryan Kaiser, and Kelsey Marlow! -
No, seriously....WTF Carrie?
Sex and the City (1998-2004) is a TV series created by Darren Star and produced by HBO. The show is based on writer Candace Bushnell‘s book, compiled from her column with The New York Observer. Set and filmed in New York City, Sex and the City follows the lives of a group of four women who, throughout their different natures and ever-changing sex lives, remain inseparable and confide in each other. SATC has multiple continuing storylines that tackle relevant and modern social issues such as sexuality, safe sex, promiscuity, and femininity while exploring the difference between friendship and romantic relationship. On the surface at least.
A deeper dive into its 94 episodes reveals a lurid tale, and perhaps even sinister motives, as it’s titular character traverses the urban terrain of an idealized New York with the same old tired patriarchal tropes. -
Zwei Drehbuchautorinnen - Anne Keßel & Lisa van Brakel - labern über nicht-deutsche Serien und Filme.
Als Serienjunkies und Filmfreaks, aber mit der Extraportion Expertise und Ahnung von hinter den Kulissen.
Und Spaß haben sie bei der ganzen Sache auch noch - und ihr hoffentlich auch. -
Follow Veggy and MrsVeggy as they watch anime for the first time. The Veggys talk about highs and lows of each episode. Listen for their thoughts and questions about Demon Slayer Season 1!
Follow The Veggys on twitch at and -
Мой аудио подкаст будет про молодёжь, которые с раннего возраста открывают свой бизнес. Я уверенно, что многие из вас хотят открыть свой бизнес, но не знают с чего начать. Поэтому я хочу, чтобы вы могли прослушать интересную информацию в любом месте, где нет возможности для чтения, но есть свободное время.
In questo show troverete le interviste che facciamo ai tecnici del mondo cinematografico, principalmente Direttori della Fotografia, Registi, Case di produzione, Colorist, Rental, Film Commission e molti altri ancora. Se lavori in questo settore o se ci vuoi entrare, ascoltare queste testimonianze sarà sicuramente utile :)
Join HeelvsBabyface, Nerdrotic & Mauler while they discuss Comic Books and pop culture. Check them out on YouTube: @HeelvsBabyface | @nerdrotic | @MauLerYT
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