Time to enjoy the slowest of slow burn found footage horror.
Topics Include: LucasFilm, James Bond, and all the top trailers from February 1995.
This week, the curvy wife saga concludes. Jamie talks to Cate Navarrete of the Body Positivity Alliance and Tigress Osborn of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance about where this moment falls in the decades-long history of fat activism, and how mainstream media narratives tend to depoliticize civil rights issues. Also, Jamie mumbles the lyrics to "Hot Wife" by curvy wife guy to herself. Also, Jamie learns what "hotwife" means. *airhorn*
Learn about NAAFA here:
Follow Tigress here:
Learn about the Body Positivity Alliance here:
Learn about Cate here:
Read Tigress's original essay here:
For more on the history of fat activism and body positivity, start here (curated by the amazing Aubrey Gordon of Maintenance Phase!):
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In 2017, Robbie Tripp posted about his "curvy wife" Sarah, inspiring months of discourse and a permanent internet turn of phrase. This week, Jamie revisits the saga and speaks to Curvy Wife Guy himself ahead of the release of his new single, which is obviously called "Hot Wife." How did a couple build a 'desert empire' on a controversial post, and what does that say about the internet economy?
Tune in next week for part two, where Jamie takes a closer look at how this story resonated with women and fat activists -- featuring interviews with journalist Rebecca Jennings, Tigress Osborn of NAAFA (the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance), and Cate Navarrete of the Body Positivity Alliance.
Stream Robbie's music here.
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Our weirdest episode yet? Let's GO. This week, Jamie gets to the bottom of the backrooms, one of the most famous images on the internet -- posted to a horror-themed 4chan board in 2019, one blurry picture of an empty expanse of offices inspired teenage horror fans, online sleuths, and adults sinking into existential dread alike. We're looking at all three corners of the backrooms' history, from its legacy as a monster-filled creepypasta for the teens, a 'liminal space' for doomscrolling millennials, and a place to be tracked down by the detectives entrenched in lost media. Spoiler alert: the REAL backrooms are alive, well, and started a GoFundMe in Wisconsin.
Give to the Backrooms GoFundMe here:
Follow Sara Bimo's work here:
Follow Peter Heft's work here:
Watch Kendra Gaylord's video on the backrooms:
Watch Farrell McGuire's video here: for privacy information.
A video of two Canadian men screaming at each other about whether Glinda the Good Witch was a witch or a princess has been going viral every six months since 2018... but no one knows who they are. UNTIL NOW. Jamie sits down with living legend Matt Passero to talk about his moment of infinite virality, why he's the rare character of the day who wants nothing to do with the spotlight, and why Glinda is a princess, actually. WE GOT THE EXCLUSIVE, BABY!
Follow Day Bond and see Matt's tattoo here!:
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This week, Jamie hosts the iconic award show THE MINNIES, where listeners voted on their favorite moments on Sixteenth Minute this year and Jamie talks about the year in fifteenth-minute internet history. See you in the new year, babes!
Bechdel Cast tour tickets here:
Learn more about Kulture City here:
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Yarrrrrrrr!!!!!! Where's me BOOTY?!
We all love stories about pirates, whether they're plundering Treasure Islands, fighting an octopus man, or stealing Tom Hanks' job. But did you know that the Middle Ages had pirates? They did! And they were just as swashbuckling, mercenary and unhinged as their later successors.
Set sail with Olivia and Aran on the good ship Podcasting, as they set out to find the secret of medieval piracy! Along the way, they'll meet a vengeful MILF, a queerbaiting sorcerer, and hundreds of venomous snakes.
Further reading:
The Anatomy of Medieval Piracy:
Identity in the Medieval Mediterranean World of Merchants and Pirates
The Romance of Eustace the Monk
Topics Include: All the top films from January of 1995! Plus, news stories and more hype.
Robert and Molly continue their exploration of Venusian health science which apparently involves eating nothing but raw fruit.
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Robert sits down with Molly Conger to explore a book at the foundation of American conspiracy culture that may have helped kill Steve Jobs.
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You earned it, Sixteenth Minute listeners! As a little treat, Jamie talks with fellow Cool Zone Media host Ed Zitron of Better Offline about the nature of the Hawk Tuah crypto scam, and whether he thinks anything will come of the pending lawsuit.
Listen to Better Offline: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeart
Ed's Links:
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Between June and December 2024, Haliey Welch completed one of the most astounding main character runs of all time. Beginning as someone with no social media, catapulted to fame all but against her will after talking to on-the-street YouTubers targeting drunk women, the end of the year saw Haliey "Hawk Tuah" Welch acting as the face of exploitative memecoin scandal. In our final part of the Hawk Tuah series, we look into the history of crypto, a play by play of the Hawk Coin scandal, and what it means when you scam before you can get scammed.
Follow Molly White's work here:
Watch Dan Olson's "Line Goes Up" here:
Watch Coffeezilla's "exposing the hawk tuah scam" here:
List of Displaced Black Families in Altadena:
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In part two of our deep dive into Haliey Welch, aka Hawk Tuah Girl, Jamie looks at the media blitz Haliey was sent on after her viral moment and securing management. Without the Ellen Industrial Complex to reel her in, we dig into the world of vaguely conservative video podcasts, and how all roads lead to sports gambling scams.
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In this Hawk Tuah bonus episode, Jamie connects the man on the street TikTok content that made Haliey Welch famous to its media ancestor — the Girls Gone Wild craze of the 2000s. We talk with former GGW street team member and incredible podcaster Courtney Kocak to learn more about how exploiting drunk women for men’s profit became a million dollar industry.
Follow Courtney’s work @courtneykocak and listen to Private Parts Unknown here:
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Let's do some discourse on that thang. To start our series on 2024's Main Character Haliey Welch, AKA Hawk Tuah Girl, we're taking a closer look at how a Tennessee twenty-something with no social media and a factory job became a household name in a matter of weeks in 2024. Jamie looks at the culture of TikTok and YouTube man-on-the-street surveillance channels, and tracks where the channel that catapulted Haliey Welch to fame failed to get proper consent, what their business model is, and why Haliey decided to go into business for herself. Next time: the debt TikTok owes to Girls Gone Wild, and why Talk Tuah got more downloads than this podcast.
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Nick Calandra, editor in chief for Second Wind Group, melds his love of action films with Jenna's love of action films and the prompts:
shakespearean teaches you how to commit crimes timeloopYou're being hunted by the ultimate assassin, ane he's so good the only person who could him... is himself! "Recyclcide" forces you to maneuver henchmen around to trick an assassin into wiping himself before he can take you out. Thankfully with the power of timeloops in your hands, you have unlimited chances to succeed!
Follow Nick on Bsky at NickJCal, and be sure to subscribe to Second Wind Group!
Visit the DFTBA Big Game Hunger merch shop at Support this show, and submit your OWN random prompts, by subscribing at Gift subscriptions are now available at
Email the show at [email protected].Big Game Hunger is part of the Multitude Collective of podcasts. Created and hosted by Jenna Stoeber.
Big Game Hunger is a weekly video game podcast where Jenna Stoeber and a guest get three random prompts and have to make the big next game based on them.
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The thrilling ornithological conclusion to The Raven Mocker saga! Does it get a little racisit? We'llll seeeee!
Seanbaby & Robert Brockway welcome back special guest, Brendan McGinley
to the DOGGZZONE! Rejoice comic book nerds for today after MUCH anticipation, we FINALLY discuss the LONG AWAITED comic book series extravaganza that is: LIBERALITY FOR ALL! You lucky sonsabitches thought we wouldn't, nay, COULDN'T bring LIBERALITY FOR ALL to the unwashed masses, but after much hardship, handwringing and hangovers we are proud to finally present to you and yours, absolutely NOTHING OF VALUE in it's most perfected and pristine form! -
Seanbaby & Robert Brockway welcome back special guest, Merritt K to the DOGGZZONE! Faith and begorrah! A BloodSport has broken out on the Emerald Isle, and it's heavily underfunded! Join the DOGGZZONE and suffer along to 1998's FATAL DEVIATION, Ireland's first full-length martial arts film starring Jean-Clod Van'Darn and special guest, an utter test of your waning patience!
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