#GoyFriendly es el resultado de un experimento: aprovechar el material de una serie de conversaciones entre dos amigos tuiteros judíos sobre los diferentes aspectos de vivir y disfrutar el judaísmo. Estas conversaciones se organizaron en videoconferencias durante 2020, con un público de 10 participantes no judíos (Goys o Goym). Luego se sumaron diferentes invitados para enriquecer los intercambios sobre temas como los judíos y el dinero, el Estado de Israel, los judíos y la izquierda, vertientes étnicas dentro del pueblo judío y el rol del rabino entre otros temas accesibles para todos.
« Juives par choix » est un podcast de Léa Taïeb pour Le Lab de Tenou'a. Il est consacré aux femmes qui se convertissent au judaïsme en France.
Ici, on se demande pourquoi elle s’engagent dans un tel processus. Pourquoi ces femmes sont-elles prêtes à consacrer plusieurs années de leur vie afin d’être reconnues juives ?
Beaucoup choisissent de passer par le Consistoire, l’institution qui gère la plupart des conversions en France. En effet, seul le Consistoire permet de voir sa conversion reconnue par la majorité du monde orthodoxe.
D’autres optent pour une conversion chez les Libéraux ou chez les Massortis; une démarche tout aussi exigeante et reconnue par l'État d'Israël.
Écoutons ensemble les histoires de ces femmes. -
As you continue on your Jewish journey, join rabbis, cantors and other Jewish educators in exploring many facets of Judaism. Contact us on [email protected].
Progressively Jewish is a collaboration between Liberal Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Leo Baeck College.
Remember to subscribe to Progressively Jewish and, if you like what you hear, leave us a podcast review. -
Midrash provides the psychological backstory to the Torah and changes your spiritual thinking patterns. You will soon realize that the Torah cannot be fully understood without Midrash. The written Torah is hiding the true meaning and spiritual nourishment that you are meant to extract. Learning Midrash is a great source of faith because the Midrash pulls back the curtain to reveal God’s hiding places - you see how God operates at the intersection of free will and Jewish destiny.
Pour la première fois en Europe sur les ondes d'une radio juive, des femmes nous parlent de leur vision du judaïsme.
Chochmat Nashim was founded to fight injustice in the Orthodox Jewish world and bring about positive change. Join Anne Gordon and Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll as they speak from within the community out of love for Judaism, respect for tradition, and the need for justice.
Scholarly, Compassionate, and Practical Jewish Teachings on God, Prayer, Torah and Kabbalah with Rabbi Nadav Caine (ravnadav)
Do you have questions that the educational system didn't adequately address? Today, there are many who don't find Torah to be compelling or relevant as we are faced with unprecedented challenges such as the OTD phenomenon, suppression of ideas, cover-ups, assimilation, skepticism, biblical criticism, charlatanism, atheism, and a slew of other existential threats. As 2 lifelong Sepharadi friends, we decided to create the Torah content we couldn't find elsewhere: long-form discussions with thinkers from various areas of expertise, presenting unique insights that inspire a return to fundamentals.
Explore Judaism through a spiritual lens, with episodes focused on understandings about your soul, your character traits, and your life. In a short amount of time, you’ll feel that you're on a spiritual journey, hearing new and meaningful ways that Judaism speaks to you. I’ll also introduce you to the practices of Mussar, an ancient practice devoted to realizing your own spiritual potential. The development of your soul takes time, so listeners often return to episodes to hear the lessons again. Through Inner Judaism, I hope you discover a new connection with Judaism.