
  • This is a very special episode for this podcast as Laura Monaco Torelli joins me to share her personal and poignant experience from a traumatic dog attack that occurred two years ago.
    I want to thank Laura for trusting me as a friend and colleague to have a safe space to talk about the terrifying events from that day.

    I also want to give a trigger warning for this episode as we discuss a dog attack that resulted in injuries to both Laura and her beloved dog Vito. We don’t often discuss the impact on victims of dog bites, so our hope is that this show will provide some solace that you are not alone. If you have experienced trauma from a dog bite incident, there is help available, and there is a link below for emotional and crisis support.

    Laura's Website

    American Psychology Association
    APA Psychologist Locator

    If you want to learn more about helping dogs with aggression, we offer webinars, courses, conferences, and more!
    Aggressive Dog Educational Offerings
    Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

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    We’re talking about trick training for dogs; it’s fun and easy! Can you remember the very first thing you trained a dog to do and how you went about training it? The first thing I trained a dog to do was to dance. It was when I was a kid with our family dog, Tina the Poodle. Training tricks with our dogs is something I consider important, and there are three favourite tricks that I think all dogs should learn.

    In the episode you'll hear:

    • About our feelings when we are training tricks.
    • What I noticed about my Border Collie, Stoni, in the Obedience Ring.
    • Why everything can be a trick to bring joy to us and our dogs.
    • My progression as a dog trainer and transitioning to shaping behaviors.
    • How trick training provides a model for clarity for our dogs.
    • Why trick training teaches our dogs never to give up.
    • About the elements of strength, flexibility and proprioception when choosing tricks.
    • How to train your dog to hand target.
    • About the ways to shape your dog to pivot on a perch.
    • The steps for training your dog to wave.


    • Recallers -
    • Home School the Dog-
    • Video: Target Training for Dogs Part One - All About Targets -
    • Video: Target Training for Dogs Part Two - Step by Step Training Plan -
    • Podcast Episode 62: 12 Keys to Helping My Dogs Live a Long and Happy Life -
    • Game: Learn How to Play ItsYerChoice (IYC) -
    • Crate Games Online -
    • Podcast Episode 59: Why Your Treats Aren’t Working for Your Dog -
    • Podcast Episode 22: The Invisible Bubble of Pressure and Your Dog -
    • *Cato Board: Receive 10% off with the use of this link -

    • Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

    Links Disclosure: Susan only recommends products she uses herself, and all opinions expressed here are her own. The link above is an affiliate link that, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a small commission if you decide to buy from it. Thank you!

  • Visit us at

    I’ve been thinking about stress and how we deal with it. Consider your dog and any challenges you might have in your training. Those challenges could be creating anxiety for you, and your dog will pick up on your emotions. You are not alone if you find yourself stressing about your dog.

    In the episode you'll hear:

    • What happened with my dog Shelby when I locked my keys in the car.
    • Why I check in with myself when I feel stressed.
    • How I look for every day with my dogs to be a great day.
    • An update on my puppy’s resource guarding.
    • The science of our dogs taking on our emotions.
    • About thinking of the future rather than the past.
    • What we can do for our dogs by being curious.
    • How we are all in the same place with our dog training and why to do one thing.
    • The reason I end all of my blog posts with gratitude.
    • All about the exercise of behaving gratitudinaeously and the dog you love.


    • Podcast Episode 66: Resource Guarding: Dog vs Dog Aggression-
    • Paper: Interspecies transmission of emotional information via chemosignals: from humans to
    dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)-
    • Susan Garrett’s Dog Training Blog-
    • Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

  • Visit us at

    The first day with your new puppy is a critical start your relationship. When a puppy comes into your home, they are fully capable of learning the moment they arrive. It’s super important to be intentional about how your puppy goes about life from the moment they join your family.

    In the episode you'll hear:

    • The essential things to do during your puppy’s first 24 hours at home.
    • What to avoid doing with puppies in the first few days.
    • Why to talk to your puppy’s breeder or rescue organization.
    • What to know about what your puppy has been eating, their potty training experience and if they have had any crate training.
    • What I feed my puppies and how to select dog food.
    • Why to plan to be home for a few days when your puppy arrives.
    • About the importance of protecting your puppy’s mental and physical health and how to create positive associations with you.
    • How puppies explore with their mouths and five ways to set your pup up for success.
    • Where to create puppy zones and what they are.
    • About the importance of creating a schedule for a puppy to thrive and the schedule I use for a pup.
    • How to make your puppy’s first week one of comfort and confidence.
    • The games to play with puppies and the toys I use.
    • Why your puppy needs to know who is safe and about socializing with people and dogs.
    • What not to do with your puppy.
    • Why to write to us [email protected] with the subject line “I am committed”.


    • Ex-Pen: Rover Modular Pet Enclosures-
    *Ex-Pen: Plastic 8 Panel -
    *Ex-Pen: Folding Metal -
    • Gunner Crate Crash Test-
    • Blog Post: A Day in the Life of a Susan Garrett Puppy-
    • Video: 5 Games for Puppies-
    • 4MyMerles Creations Toys-
    • West Paw Toppl Treat Toys-
    • Podcast Episode 10: What to Know Before Getting a Puppy or Dog-
    • Podcast Episode 17: Help! How do I STOP Puppy Biting?!-
    • Podcast Episode 18: 4 Puppy and Dog Training Games for Acquired Bite Inhibition-
    • Podcast Episode 26: Pro Dog Training Tips to Get Your Puppy to Sleep All Night-
    • Podcast Episode 30: Why Dog Crates Are Not Dog Cages-
    • Podcast Episode 32: 20 Easy Ways to Exercise Your Dog at Home-
    • Podcast Episode 41: Get a Behaved Dog by Celebrating Milestones!-
    • Podcast Episode 44: Using Coincidences and Positive Associations in Dog Training-
    • Podcast Episode 48: Potty Train Your Puppy in a Week (Easy 3 Step Process)-
    • Podcast Episode 58: How to Create Kid Friendly Dogs and Dog Friendly Kids-
    • Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

    *Amazon Links Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

    Susan only recommends products she uses herself, and all opinions expressed here are her own. The link above is an affiliate link that, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a small commission if you decide to buy from it. Thank you!

  • Visit us at

    Safe, structured introductions for a new rescue dog or puppy will set everyone up for success. When you have two or more dogs, your wish as a dog owner is that they all get along. But sometimes, that just does not happen. Living with multiple dogs should be intentional. We can help by implementing “Project Togetherness” to condition dogs to like and look forward to seeing each other.

    In the episode you'll hear:

    • When to see a Veterinary Behaviourist.
    • The times to put your togetherness project plan into action.
    • About the signs your dog will give to show they are not comfortable with another dog.
    • Why to recognize your dog’s emotional state.
    • The importance of paying attention to your dog’s body language.
    • How dogs don’t need other dogs putting them in their place.
    • What happens when my dog Feature looks out the window.
    • About starting Project Togetherness.
    • When to use a muzzle and why to desensitize your dog to wearing one.
    • Why to use high value treats that are special.
    • About the importance of supervision and safety for all dogs.
    • How to use “Easter Biscuits” as part of Project Togetherness.
    • What a “Friendship Bed” is and why to use it.
    • How I use dog mealtimes for togetherness.
    • Why to record keep and why to know where your dog’s comfort level is with other dogs.
    • The reason you should celebrate your progress!


    • 4MyMerles Creations (Shaped by Dog Podcast Hoodie) -
    • Podcast Episode 71: Pro Dog Trainer’s Secret to Help Your Naughty Dog -
    • Blog Video: Understanding Your Dog’s Triggers -
    • Podcast Episode 4: T.E.M.P. (Tail, Eyes/Ears, Mouth, Posture) -
    • Podcast Episode 6: The Art of Manipulation -
    • Podcast Episode 14: Creating Intentional Multi-Dog Household Harmony -
    • Podcast Episode 15: CSI Tips for Managing a Multi-Dog Household -
    • Podcast Episode 68: 3 Easy Tricks Every Dog Should Know -
    • Video: Target Training for Dogs Part Two - Step by Step Training Plan -
    • DogsThat YouTube Channel (Watch Shaped by Dog Podcast Videos and More!) -
    Ex-Pen Information:
    • Ex-Pen: Rover Modular Pet Enclosures -
    • *Ex-Pen: Plastic 8-Panel -
    • *Ex-Pen: Folding Metal -
    • Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

    *Amazon Links Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

    Susan only recommends products she uses herself, and all opinions expressed here are her own. The link above is an affiliate link that, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a small commission if you decide to buy from it. Thank you!

  • Visit us at

    If you are like most people, you take your dog for a walk for exercise or for a potty break. Surprisingly, one of the questions I get asked frequently is when and how I walk my dogs. There are five main reasons I walk my dogs, and the walking is always intentional. Those reasons are for elimination (toilet breaks), relationship building, to give my dogs a chance to sniff (read the pee mail), exercise, and sometimes to socialize.

    In the episode you'll hear:

    • The types of walks I take with my dogs.
    • How I walk my dogs, and when I choose off-leash or on a leash.
    • About Tater’s LOVE of people and what that means when walking him.
    • The reasons I am cautious and intentional when walking in new places.
    • Why I am always on alert when walking my dogs on leash in a city.
    • What I do to keep my dogs safe when walking in new places.
    • When and why I use a head halter, a harness or a flat collar.
    • About how I start when walking the dogs at home.
    • The games I play on walks with my puppy for relationship building.
    • About letting dogs scent on walks and sniffing to read the pee mail.
    • What I do when my dogs don’t come when called.
    • How Tater, Momentum and This! love to use their noses.
    • What I do to be intentional about my dogs sniffing on walks.


    • Podcast Episode 48: Potty Train Your Puppy in a Week (Easy 3 Step Process) -
    • YouTube Video: Susan Garrett’s Perch Work Dog Tricks (Pivots and Spins) -
    • Podcast Episode 40: Using a Head Halter on a Dog, Why My Approach is so Different -
    • Podcast Episode 16: The Thing Before Your Dog’s Thing -
    • Podcast Episode 11: The Power of Permission in Dog Training -
    • Recallers -
    • Podcast Episode 73: Why Your Dog Is Still Pulling on Leash and How To Fix It -
    • Podcast Episode 53: Stop Your Dog Pulling on Leash and Start Walking Together -
    • Podcast Episode 29: Understanding and Preventing Reactivity and Aggression in Your Dog -
    • Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -

  • Visit us at

    The topic of this episode comes from a listener suggestion, and it is about “alpha” and “beta” dogs. It’s a bit of a spicy subject, and the words “alpha” and “beta” go back to disproven “dominance theory”. Even if you are not sure what “dominance theory” is, you might have heard the term “pack leader”. It was common around 30 or so years ago for pet dog training classes to be based on “dominancy theory”, but not so much these days. Each of us has a filter we see the world through, and that filter is going to have an impact on our dog training choices and beliefs.

    In the episode you'll hear:

    • What influenced the filters through which I see the world.
    • How my filter has an impact on my dog training.
    • What I ask if something goes wrong with my dogs.
    • The commonalities and digressions I’ve noticed in training beliefs.
    • What I googled about dominance theory.
    • My quick diversion on humping.
    • How what we see in our dogs can be interrupted in different ways.
    • The ways our filters relate to our dog training decisions and how changing our filters is possible for everyone.
    • That behavior is behavior, for humans and for dogs, and how choice and communication are powerful for any relationship.
    • How my puppy This! shredded a bed and my reaction.
    • The three things you can do when faced with a challenge with your dog.
    • Why it’s time to get curious when you are furious.
    • What can go into a plan for you to get what you want with your dog.
    • That none of us is perfect.


    • Quick video of This! shredding her bed (on Facebook) -
    • Podcast Episode 43: Can a Dog be Happy and Well Trained? -
    • Podcast Episode 6: The Art of Manipulation -
    • Podcast Episode 16: The Thing Before Your Dog’s Thing -
    • Podcast Episode 42: Behavior Chains: Are You Teaching Your Dog to be Bad to be Good? -
    • Home School the Dog -
    • Recallers -
    • Podcast Episode 44: Using Coincidences and Positive Associations in Dog Training -