A podcast for curious souls beginning to explore their powerful magick within!
Join Leandra Witchwood and Elyse Welles to discuss magick, food, herbs, tea, rituals, and more. This is where witches come together to talk about our interests and experiences.
Leandra Witchwood is a Modern Witch, Priestess, and Master Herbalist dedicated to wortcunning, magick, healing, and spiritual growth. Based in South-Central PA, she founded The Magick Kitchen Blog in 2011, which has evolved to become one of the top 30 podcasts in the religion and spirituality category. She is the host of The Unbound Priestess Podcast. An author of five books on Witchcraft and shadow work, Leandra offers decades of knowledge and experience to guide the magickal community. Using her knowledge as a Vitalist Herbalist, Leandra also hand-blends loose-leaf teas at The Witchwood Teahouse, where she seamlessly marries whimsy with flavor. Leandra offers courses, certification & training programs in the Gardens of the Mystic Program and Rebel Mystic Academy.
✨Join Leandra for an empowering journey into self-discovery and magick. Learn more about what Leandra offers and how you can work with her at https://www.leandrawitchwood.com/links-page/
Elyse Welles is a Greek-Egyptian and American earth intuitive Priestess. Initiated in the Faery Tradition & holding an MA focusing on spiritual studies, she is a teacher of the lost Earth Priestess Arts of the Mediterranean, where she hails from. She hosts 3 podcasts, & is an author. Her book on connecting with land spirits was released with Llewellyn in 2025 and a paranormal mystery novel in September 2025. She writes for Witchology and Witch Way Magazine and is the Greece correspondent for the Wild Hunt. She has spoken at conferences such as Hekatefest and the Ancestral Magic Summit. She runs Seeking Numina, facilitating rituals at Greece's sacred sites, & teaches the Path of the Sacred Wild, an earth-based spirituality. Learn more: seekingnumina.com + Instagram @seekingnumina. -
Magick Works, provides a sneak peek at subjects in our upcoming Magical Egypt Series, including an exploration of the Magic of Ancient Egypt, and what has come down to us today! By Executive Producer Vanese Mc Neill. What is magic, and what is it not, and how can it help us today. Featuring the worlds leading researchers from around the world, including John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, Ruper Sheldrake, Peter Mark Adams and many more!. Visit http://www.magicalegypt.comArt: Sigil board by Robin Webley https://www.instagram.com/robinwebley_art/Music: Tom, by Vanese Mc Neill
Connect https://t.me/magickworks
https://www.facebook.com/magickworksOwn Magical Egypt http://www.magicalegypt.com
Number 6 podcast on Ancient Egypt! How cool is that!!
https://podcast.feedspot.com/egypt_podcasts/?feedid=5410928&_src=f1_featured_email -
Magick & Alchemy by Tamed Wild is an enchanting podcast for modern-day witches and the earth-spirited. Join hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew each week as they discuss witchcraft, divination, mythology, and all things magick and alchemy.
Amy and her guests discuss how using light-magick can help to cultivate more mindfulness within our daily lives. This podcast is designed for the modern mystic and spiritually curious. A place to learn and discover together.
Become a patron or join free for tons of extra secret stuff: https://www.hermeticpodcast.com
The weekly occult podcast diving into the deep end of mythology, high-strangeness and religion. A show for seekers upon the path and wanderers of the outer abyss. Where others stay surface level, we go deep into the rabbit holes of demonolatry, chaos magick, gnosticism Thelema, Aleister Crowley, fallen angels, the ars goetia, MKULTRA, the black cross of Saturn and of course Ancient Egypt.
Our mission is to provide listeners with interesting, informative, thought-provoking interviews featuring individuals involved in myriad realms of mysticism, spirituality and magical theory and practice: authors, sorcerers, academics, entertainers. We’ll be looking into everything except inter and intra organizational politics as that’s ground very thoroughly tilled by other programs.
(Opinions expressed on this program by interviewees and interviewers are theirs alone and do not necessarily represent those of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O), Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A. (O.T.O.-U.S.A.), or any of their officers or directors.) -
In this popular podcast, Thelemic teacher David Shoemaker gives practical tips for success in the magick and mysticism of Thelema--the spiritual and philosophical system of Aleister Crowley.
The Witchology Podcast is the sister to Witchology Magazine. Created for witches, by witches, Witchology brings high quality, well-researched content for practicing witches. Whether you are a beginner, or more seasoned witch, this is the place to find information and insight to take forward into your practice and journey along the path.
Each week, there will be a book or film review followed by an exciting and exclusive interview with a special guest. -
Welcome to the Temple of Babalon Podcast. Oliver St. John is a founder member of Ordo Astri, an Independent Thelemic magical Order based in the UK. Our audio podcasts are for those with a serious interest in Thelema, Hermetic and magical philosophy, practical magick, mysticism, and the occult.