主播張瓊方和張懷慈,兩個個性截然不同的好友,唯一的共同點是有著隱藏版的搞笑性格和想法,但行動力超低,有趣的想法都只愛講講亂聊;經歷了人生許多大小事之後,兩人決定這次不再只是講講,而是要把親身經歷拿出來大家分享交流,包括職場、愛情、婚姻、育兒,不同的人生過程碰撞出獨特火花,給聽眾不一樣的女性觀點!瓊方懷慈如果喜歡我們節目也拜託大家多多給我們鼓勵與支持唷!!贊助網址: provided by SoundOn
Named one of the 10 Best Cooking Podcasts by Popsugar! Recipe of the Day is a short daily podcast where cookbook author and food writer Christine Pittman explains how to make a delicious recipe, from start to finish. She chooses the daily recipe based on the day of the week, time of the year, upcoming holidays, and more, so that it's perfectly chosen to fit into your life. Each episode is about a single recipe, but it's also peppered with tips that will make you a better cook along the way!
For over 10 years, Christine Pittman has been bringing her easy homecooked recipes and household time management advice to her readers at and Over 2 million visitors come to her recipe websites each month, and now, she's here to help you in a bite-sized way with this mini daily podcast that solves your dinner dilemma every single day. Listen now - It's time for RECIPE OF THE DAY! -
#逢星期四更新輕輕鬆鬆九分鐘,為你尋找生活滿足📪9樓噏噏,生活秘笈!--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Подкаст о том, какие недетские вопросы ставят перед нами детские мультфильмы. Предназначение, дружба, эмоциональный интеллект, умение постоять за себя, внутренняя опора и даже утрата близкого человека.
Как Эльза из Холодного сердца учит нас доверять людям, а слоненок Дамбо помогает справляться со школьной травлей? Какой в реальности была индейская принцесса Покахонтас? Как ворчун Карл из фильма Вверх показывает нам старость? Слушайте и обсуждайте с детьми или просто для себя раскрывайте тайны мультиков! Ведущая Мария Григорян - психотерапевт, автор блога по воспитанию детей и мама двух мальчиков.
Этот подкаст делает студия «Богема» совместно с сервисом «Строки».Мария в соцсетях:
Другая соцсеть @maria.promam
Студия подкастов «Богема»: -
獨居在香港的台灣女子,與她腦子裡的小宇宙。many random things here!
find me: [email protected] -
如果想聽返晒以前嘅集數,歡迎嚟呢度: 請我哋飲返杯Piccolo (多謝你先!!不過係一人一杯呀J框唔鐘意share)
YT: -
Join Heidi Hamilton, creator of the Dogmanship Training Academy, for dog training tips that will help you improve your dogs behaviour and training every week.
Why? Because a trained dog means less frustration for the owner and more joy and freedom for the dog!
Join Greg James, sports presenter Betty Glover, F1 broadcaster – and lifelong fanatic – Christian Hewgill and a rolling cast of drivers and characters from across the grid to take you inside the fascinating world of Formula 1.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
香港最多集數重溫網上動漫電台節目 Podcast版
A writer, a producer, a writer, a composer, a lawyer, and a software developer get together and drink, eat pizza, and play a tabletop RPG.
We play a tabletop RPG called Taitansgrave, similar to Dungeons and Dragons, but very different at the same time. Titansgrave is set in Valkana. Valkana is a world where science and magic are both powerful forces. You can see hover cars and dragons race through the sky, and cyborgs and golems battle in the streets. -
A D&D 5th edition podcast featuring rotating DMs, homebrewed campaigns, and some rather unlucky players. New episodes released weekly!
All about family travel, slow travel, gap year travel and living abroad with kids. Epic Education Radio is interviews, stories and strategies for people who travel with kids— and for those who plan to. Tune in each week to hear inspired family travelers discuss specific destinations and describe how they handle issues like education, money, accommodation, parenting, technology and more. We talk about the gear, websites, apps and other resources we use, and answer questions from those who have yet to hit the road. If family travel or living abroad is important to you, then this podcast is designed to make your journey better, cheaper and more meaningful.
On this podcast your Host Gage will be beyblading with his Dad and deciding which Beyblade is the best in his opinion
Meet Nikki Maxwell! She’s starting eight grade in a new school—and her very first diary. In 15 fully dramatized episodes, an animated cast of characters hilariously present Nikki’s Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life. Adapted from Rachel Renée Russell’s bestselling series, the Dork Diaries podcast offers family entertainment for longtime fans and those meeting Nikki for the first time.
Produced in partnership with Simon & Schuster Audio, this fiction podcast for kids stars longtime Dork Diaries audiobook narrator and award-winning actress Jenni Barber. New episodes land Monday and Friday. Learn more: -
Sydney Sloth's slow Bible storytelling is perfect for bedtime. Calm anxiety and pray a bible story. Stories coincide with the readings from the Revised Common Lectionary, so they can be used to prepare for Sunday or to reflect on what you heard in church the previous week. Close your eyes and settle in. Use your imagination to enter into the story and make it prayer. Don't be afraid to fall asleep while you pray the story. There is no better way to fall asleep than while talking with God.
If you’d like to support the podcast you can buy me a coffee at -
Science, life, and girl power! Exploring the most important topics in STEM and girl empowerment. Making this world a more equal and opportune place one girl at a time.
Created to share some of my favorite bedtime stories read in Spanish by my mom. At the end of each episode we leave you with new words to add to your Spanish vocabulary.
The Andy Jaye Podcast is a 'podcasted' version of the weekly radio show, The Andy Jaye Show on talkRADIO. Each episode of the podcast is uploaded weekly, every Tuesday and often includes previously unheard bonus content not played on the radio.
The Andy Jaye Podcast is created in partnership with Paramex Digital.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Relationship advice from your everyday housewife!