⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is how engineers turn their skills into independent businesses!
📽️ Video episodes available on YouTube -
Building Innovative Leaders
StartupBuzz is a podcast that covers all the latest news and trends in the startup industry. Tune in every week to stay up-to-date on the fast-paced world of startups and stay ahead of the curve.
This podcast is a Mint production, brought to you by HT Smartcast. -
Daniel, David, and Jon interview investors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders to find the best ways to invest while living abroad.
Legendary Sports Executive David Meltzer dives deep into the stories behind some of the world’s most well-known athletes, entertainers, artists, and cultural icons. The Playbook discovers the spirit of excellence which is the common thread that weaves through their successes and setbacks and how they got to where they are today.
Lessons from startup founders, investors and guides to help move founders forward. The Founders Forward podcast is brought to you by the team at Visible.
Update investors, raise capital and track metrics from a single platform — try Visible for free at -
For 58 years, The ACCJ Journal has chronicled the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and supported its advocacy efforts. Now the magazine of the ACCJ is available in audio format so that you can keep up with what’s happening in Japan’s global business community no matter where you are or what you are doing. Listen to narrated version of Journal stories and enjoy podcast-first content as well.
SaaSスタートアップに特化して投資と支援をする「ALL STAR SAAS FUND」のマネージングパートナー
"I tune into Visionary Life to get my hit of Entrepreneurial Dopamine!". In each episode we sit down with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick & mortar shop owners, brand builders & people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires. Each guest also shares what's working right now to grow their business (& what's NOT working!). Subscribe to this Top Marketing and Business Podcast so that you never miss your dose!
The Pathless Path is hosted by Paul Millerd - a writer, creator, and consultant. He has conversations with freelancers, self-employed entrepreneurs, creators, and vagabonds who share their perspectives on their relationship with work, burnout, bootstrapping, indie hacking, remote work, reinvention, creativity, sabbaticals, leisure, self-employment, unconventional living, and digital nomadism. Past guests include Ali Abdaal, Russ Roberts, Kevin Kelly, Khe Hy, David Senra, Derek Sivers, Joe Hudson, Luke Burgis, Ben Hunt, Dan Vassallo, Steph Smith, Alex Pang, Visakan Veerasamy, Michael Ashcroft, Kyla Scalon, Trung Phan, Justin Welch, and more.
Conversations with creatives, influencers and entrepreneurs about the intersection of life and creativity presented by Tyler Babin
Hey, my name is Ngozi Mary.
This is simply a self documentation on how I'm starting a journey of building a business from scratch, and earning a million dollars, without loan, VC funding, giving up equity or borrowing from friends/family. Join me on this journey as I share my ups and downs, good and bad, lessons, wins and loses, etc. Follow me on HOW TO MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS!
Download my free ebook
Contact: [email protected]
Website: -
株式会社10Xというスタートアップを経営するyamottyの #ゼロトピ です。スタートアップ、小売、歴史、教養、テクノロジー、プロダクト中心の組織づくり、DX、コーポレートガバナンスなどを取り扱ったりします。
* 文字起こしはこちら →
* おたより箱はこちら→
番組の感想やご質問等なんでも構いません。反響があると続けるモチベーションになります。頂いたおたよりは番組内で取り上げさせていただくことがございます。 -
▼このチャンネルについてメルカリでグロースを務めてきたヒカルと株式会社10Xの創業者&代表であるYamottyがビジネスやテクノロジー、スタートアップなどをトピックに話すYouTube/Podcast「FREE AGENDA」の公式アカウントです。▼お便りや感想はこちらからお待ちしています▼X(旧Twitter)FREE AGENDA:▼RSS
東京大学 FoundX は、東京大学卒業生のスタートアップを支援するプログラムと施設を運営しています。 -
CallumConnects Micro-Podcast is your daily dose of wholesome entrepreneurial inspiration.
Hear from many different entrepreneurs in just 5 minutes what hurdles they have faced, how they overcame them and what their key learning is.
Be inspired, subscribe, leave a comment, go and change the world!
Every entrepreneur featured has been recommended by one of our previous guests. -
知の生態系は政治やビジネスの国境を越え、 言葉の壁を越え、既成の枠を越えていく。世界には、そんないくつもの境界を軽々と越え、その感性で境界を溶かして活躍する人たちがいる。
ナレッジ・エコロジスト 紺野登と、越境する感性の持ち主たちとの“Cross Border Talk”。
毎回、素晴らしい方との 楽しい対話 から、イノベーションの種をみちびきだします。ありきたりのストーリーを越える何かが、21世紀のハッピーエンディングを生み出 す でしょう。
produced by ECOSYX LAB|企画構成:青の時 田中順子|制作協力:ソングエクス・ジャズ 宮野川真