あなたの願いを簡単に叶える「引寄せ」の最大のポイントは、 自分の本当の望みを知り、日々「Happy」でいること、「ご機嫌」でいることです。 たったこれだけで、不思議なくらい願いは簡単に叶っていきます。 この番組では、苦しい考え方をより楽で気持ちの良い考え方に変えて あなたが「Happy」で「ご機嫌」でいるための秘訣をお話ししていきます。 あなたも「ティータイム」に好きな茶を飲みながら、リラックスして聴いて頂けたら嬉しいです。 毎回、私のお気に入り「Happy」アイテムもご紹介していきますので、お楽しみに〜♪ LINE公式: Facebook: Web: 曲名:口笛を吹いてゆこう 作曲:角田 響子
気づきは自分を進化させる! 気づきが有ると世界の見え方が変わってくる! この番組はLaw of Attractionカウンセラーの広田縁が、自分の人生の経験や、カードや手相のリーディングカウンセリングを通して気づかされた宇宙の仕組みや法則、日常の出来事の中に散りばめられているメッセージなどについて、わかりやす〜くお話します。 人生を豊かにハッピーに生きるために、願いを実現するために役立つお話をします。 私も日々学びながら進化の途中、ご一緒に進化しませんか! <プロフィール> 20代の時に会社員から個人事業主へ転身し現在進行形。 メッセンジャーとしての使命を果たすべく、カウンセラーとして活動中。 オーダーメイドのメッセージをお届けしています♪ <ツール> 引き寄せのタロットカード/オラクル、セラピーカード/魂の目的、手相、易占/ペンジュラム/プロック解除/チャクラクリアリング/レイキヒーリング/誘導瞑想 LINE公式アカウント: ブログ:
My name is Will Matsumoto and I am a former Buddhist Monk. The knowledge acquired over my voyage of self-discovery truly changed my perception and turned me into who I am today. Upon returning home, I have made a mission to dedicate my life to growing, empowering, healing and helping others do the same. I am a Spiritual Mentor, Self Healing & Self Development Coach. My goal is to help you find your true potential and to become the best version of yourself. Tap into the will of your soul and everything becomes possible.
New episodes on Monday. Please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it!
If you would like to work with me, check out -
В подкаста "Будна България" се стремим да помогнем на нашите слушатели да станат по-осъзнати и да разширят кръгозора си. Нашата мисия е да построим общност от будни българи, която да се подкрепя и да твори заедно.
The Astral Projecting Podcast
We talk with real people about real Astral Projection, OBE (out-of-body experience), and NDE (near-death experience)
Curious about Astral Projection?
Hear from real people about their Astral Projection experiences (both good and bad), how they started Astral Projection, what there journey/s have been like, and any tips they can share with you. -
著作累計18万部、YouTube3.7万人の開運研究家、兼パワーストーン研究家である、とよぴーが、長年の研究を通じてわかった、「運を引き寄せる体質になる方法」や「誰もが自分らしく輝ける生き方を発見する方法」について詳しく解説します。 キーワードは「周波数と主体性」。 「人からもスピリチュアルな世界からも応援される生き方をしたい!」と思っていただける全ての方に、明日からの行動が整い、人生が自然と上向いていくヒントが見つかる番組になれば嬉しいです。
令和15年、3月3日、お寺を作る!を目標にしている「道開きチャクラリーディングの開祖」開運師小林桃晃がスピリチュアルをぶった斬ってみたり誰でも気がついたら起きる開運方法について毎回、わかりやすくお話しします。 聞き終わったら、なんとなく心の奥が軽くなる 今の自分に自信が持てる不思議な時間をお楽しみください LINE公式 インスタグラム
Honest, soul-to-soul conversations about the challenges of the human experience and the lessons in love we learn along the way. Explore spiritual healing through ACIM, non-duality, relationships, emotions, creativity, nature, and more. -
Advanced Mahayana Buddhist practice in plain language from the Threefold Lotus Kwoon. Scholarship from Shakyamuni through to Nichiren and today. This is Quantum Life Buddhism!
みなさん、キャッチザウェーブへようこそ。 これは神様から学び、より大きな将来へ進むために励ましを受け取るチャンネルです。
Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to be a man. Let's dive into the life and teachings of Jesus to learn the principles of manhood.
Join Fr. Gale as he invites his friends to talk, laugh, and teach about trending topics, popular culture, and - of course - the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic Faith. Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt serves as the chaplain at St. Isidore's Catholic Student Center at K-State and the Director of Communication and Evangelization for the Diocese of Salina in Kansas.
"Discover the journey of a Muslim woman navigating life in the 21st century while deepening her connection with Allah. Join 'The Not So Ideal Muslima' for insightful reflections on faith, practical guidance, and a community that embraces the beauty of Islam in today's world."
Do you want to experience more of God’s presence? How often do you feel stuck, stressed, empty, frustrated, unmotivated, alone but sense you have a greater purpose? What’s the passion that ignites your soul and makes your life vibrant?
God’s greatest gift to you is His presence. God is love. God is light. God is a consuming fire. The Bonfire is a place for gathering, celebrating, and refining. The Bonfire is a place for community. The Bonfire is a place to experience Jesus and learn to abide with Him. God will meet you right where you are. He brings embers together and builds a bonfire. -
I envision a world where we treat each other with respect, where we feel seen and heard, where our strengths are valued, and where people are assets, not commodities.
This podcast and its conversations serve this purpose.
My guests include the founder and CEO of organizations like Kristin Engvig, Christina Limbird and Chineme Ugbor, international thought leaders like Helen Eriksen and Nilima Bhat and world-renowned coaches like Sherry Bakhtian, Blanca Vergara, Maxine Nwaneri, Laura Gates, Betty-Ann Heggie and many more.
Wenn ich die Augen schließe, sehe ich eine Welt vor mir, in der wir einander mit Respekt begegnen, uns gesehen und gehört fühlen, unsere Stärken geschätzt werden und Menschen, im Einklang mit der Natur, einen essenziellen Platz in unserer Gesellschaft behalten – auch in Zeiten von KI.
Dieser Podcast dient dieser Vision.
Zu Anjas Gästen gehören Gründer und CEOs von Organisationen wie Kristin Engvig, Christina Limbird und Chineme Ugbor, internationale Vordenkerinnen wie Helen Eriksen und Nilima Bhat und weltbekannte Coaches wie Sherry Bakhtian, Blanca Vergara, Maxine Nwaneri, Laura Gates, Betty-Ann Heggie und viele mehr.
Music from Jason Shaw ( -
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On Birthful, working doula and former journalist Adriana Lozada talks pregnancy, birth and postpartum with top experts and new parents. Every episode distills the overload of pregnancy information down to the most relevant and useful stuff. Adriana Lozada is a mom, author, speaker, birth doula, postpartum educator, and healthy-sleep consultant. Visit Please note: Adriana has years of experience but she's not a doctor, and does not expect anyone to treat the show like medical advice. Please always consult with your care provider. This show does not dispense medical advice.